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Che Courts and the Bar
Until the early thirties the local judiciary consisted of justices of
the peace. The pioneer John Kinzie was recommended for justice
of the peace in June, 1821, when Chicago was a part of Pike county;
also in 1823, when Chicago was in Fulton county, and was recommis-
sioned in July, 1825, after the organization of Peoria county, in
which Chicago was included. Other justices were :
Alexander Wolcott and Jean Baptiste Beaubien. appointed Sep-
tember, 1825.
John L. Bogardus, appointed January, 1826.
John S. C. Hogan, elected (by new law of 1826) July, 1830.
Stephen Forbes, elected November, 1830.
At the organization of Cook county in 183 1 there were four jus-
tices, commissioned, in May, 183 1, one of them being Archibald Cly-
bourne, who lived on a farm now within the city limits. Russell E.
Heacock became a justice in September, 1831, Isaac Harmon was
elected in June, 1832, and in July, 1834, a large majority of the voters
gave the honor of this office to John Dean Caton. Until after the
organization of Cook county the only recorded business before the
justices was marriages.
The territory of Cook county, as formed in 1831, was made a
part of the fifth judicial circuit, which then comprised all the coun-
„ ties of northern Illinois, fifteen in number (since di-
^ vided into more than twice that number). Richard
Court. . '
M. Young, one of the earliest lawyers and judges of
Illinois, was appointed judge of this district. The records of his
court in Cook county, if there were any, have been destroyed, and it
is on traditional authority stated that he held court in Fort Dearborn
in 1 83 1 and 1832. The late Thomas Hoyne, who did not become
Vol. II— 1
a resident of Chicago till the fall of 1837, stated that Judge Young
held court in September, 1833, and in May, 1834. It is probable
that the first case of record was tried at the latter date.
By act of January 17, 1835, Cook county became part of the
newly created sixth circuit (embracing nine counties, or about a third
of the state). Thomas Ford, who had been state's attorney in the
fifth circuit, was appointed judge of the district. The terms in Cook
county in 1835 were held by Sidney Breese and Stephen T. Logan
respectively, Judge Ford presiding here at the two sessions of 1836.
The First Presbyterian church (north of the present Sherman House,
and fronting on Clark street) was the court house during these two
years, and in that pioneer religious edifice several hundred cases were
tried, including the second murder trial in Chicago and the famous
Beaubien land case.
The seventh judicial circuit was created by act of February 4,
1837, embracing the counties of Cook, Will, McHenry, Kane, La-
Salle and Iroquois. The judge of this circuit, until November 20,
1840, was John Pearson, who has been described as "a poor lawyer
and an industrious office-seeker." His selection was very distasteful
to most of the Chicago attorneys, and it was only by great forbear-
ance on their part that an open rupture was prevented. At least one
effort was made to impeach this judge, and in several instances the
unpleasant relations between judge and bar were brought to the at-
tention of the supreme court. A man of strong prejudices, obstinate,
sometimes petty in his ways, and differing in politics with the major-
ity of the lawyers practicing before him, he never succeeded in im-
pressing the bar with his uprightness as a judge and the complete
integrity of his purpose.
Within the term of Judge Pearson belongs the history of the first
municipal court. This was a court of concurrent jurisdiction with
the circuit court within the limits of the city, and it did much to
relieve the overcrowded docket of the latter court. The provisions
for the establishment of this court are contained in the first city char-
ter, and Thomas Ford, who had recently resigned as judge of the
sixth circuit, was appointed by the legislature as its first judge. Its
sessions, fixed to begin every other month, were practically contin-
uous during the existence of the court. The court's principal activity
was in the trial of debtor cases growing out of the business depres-
sion following 1837, and it was largely due to the convenience of
the court as a medium of justice between debtor and creditor and its
ready despatch of judicial business that an opposition to the court
arose, which resulted in the legislature abolishing the court, February
15, 1839. Its records were transferred to the circuit court.
The next judge of the seventh circuit, who began the spring term
at Chicago in April, 1841, was Judge T. W. Smith, who found over
a thousand cases awaiting trial. By an act of the legislature in Feb-
ruary, 1 84 1, the nine circuit judges of the state had been legislated
out of office, and the supreme court increased to nine members, who
in addition to their duties as judges of the supreme court, held the
respective circuit courts, the supreme court Jiaving two terms each
year. This arrangement continued until the adoption of the con-
stitution of 1848. Judge Smith was popular with the Chicago bar,
and much esteemed for his high order of talent and legal attainments.
He resigned December 26, 1842. At the spring term of the latter
year a severe illness prevented him from presiding in Cook county,
and in his stead Stephen A. Douglas was assigned to this court for
a special term beginning July 18, 1842, this being the only time Mr.
Douglas served Chicago as judge.
Judge Smith's successor in the seventh circuit was Richard M.
Young, who had been commissioned a justice of the supreme court,
January 14, 1843. This pioneer judge continued to hold court perio-
dically in Cook county until his resignation in January, 1847, '^vhen
he was succeeded by Jesse B. Thomas, Jr., who was judge until the
new order of things instituted by the constitution of 1848.
In the meantime the judicial business of this county had been
steadily increasing, and the court was unable in three sessions of the
circuit court each year, as provided by act of 1843, to properly dispose
of the cases ready for hearing. Therefore, in February, 1845, the
legislature established "a Cook County Court" of
„ record, with jurisdiction concurrent with the circuit
courts, to hold four terms each year. Hugh T.
Dickey, who was the first judge of this court and held the
first term of this court in May, 1845, 1^^*^ h^ow a member of
the Chicago bar since 1838, and by his ability as a lawyer and his
dignified, impartial conduct on the bench at once brought this court
into favor with the bar and the public.
By the constitution of 1S48 the circuit courts were re-established.
Nine circuits were created, each of which elected a judge for six
years. According to power conferred by the constitution, the general
assembly increased the number of circuits until, before the constitu-
tion of 1848 was replaced by that of 1870, there were thirty circuits.
By the new constitution the supreme court consisted of three judges,
each elected for a term of nine years.
The new constitution provided that the jurisdiction of the county
court should extend "to all probate and such other jurisdiction as the
general assembly may confer in civil cases, and such criminal cases as
may be prescribed by law." punishable by fine not exceeding one hun-
dred dollars. It was also provided that the county judge, who was to
be elected for four years, with such justices of the peace as were
designated by law, should hold court for the transaction of county
business, thus replacing the county commissioners court and judge
of probate of the previous constitution.
The schedule of the constitution continued the existence of the
Cook county court as already established. Hugh T. Dickey resigned
as judge, and was elected judge for the newly created seventh judicial
circuit. His successor in the county court was Giles Spring. In
order to distinguish the original Cook county court, established in
1845, from the new county court (whose duties were largely admin-
istrative and probate), the legislature (act of November 5, 1849)
changed the title to "Cook County Court of Common Pleas," and
it was given equal jurisdiction with the Cook county circuit court.
Already the dockets of the two courts were crowded beyond the
capacity of the two judges.
The superior court of Cook county, which now has twelve judges,
originated in the old Cook County Court of 1845, which later took
the additional name "of Common Pleas." In Feb-
P ruary, 1859, the legislature amended the original act
so that the court known as the Cook County Court
of Common Pleas was continued with all its powers, jurisdiction and
authority, and with the additional jurisdiction conferred by the act.
It was to be composed of three justices, and thereafter known as the
"Superior Court of Chicago." John M. Wilson, judge at the time of
the passage of this act, was continued a member of the court, and as
his associates Grant Goodrich and Van Hollis Higgins were elected
in February, 1859. The superior court of Chicago became, by the
constitution of 1870, the Superior Court of Cook County.
From 1853 until the adoption of the constitution of 1870 the
recorder's court of Chicago was in existence. It was estabhshed by act
of February 12, 1853, ^^ "^^^ inferior court of civil and criminal
jurisdiction" (concurrent within said city with the circuit court in
all criminal cases, except treason and murder, and having jurisdiction
of civil cases where the amount in controversy did not exceed one
hundred dollars). Robert S. Wilson was the first judge, and the
first clerk was Philip A. Hoyne, brother of Thomas Hoyne.
The first circuit judge to hold court in Chicago, following the
organization of Cook county in 183 1. was Richard M. Young, who
had been commissioned judge of the fifth circuit,
^ * comprising all the state north of the Illinois river, in
January, 1829. From his residence at Quincy he
had to ride over all northern Illinois, as far as Chicago, to attend the
different courts. It is said that he held a court session in Fort Dear-
born in 1 83 1 and the following year in the house of James Kinzie.
though there is no record of the proceedings. In 1835 his circuit
was limited so as to place Cook county in the sixth circuit, but as an
associate justice of the supreme court (1843-1847) he frequently
held court in Chicago. He was United States senator from Illinois
1837 to 1843. The close of his life was disastrously clouded by in-
The court sessions held by Judge Young in the first years of Chi-
cago's history were events of great importance not only to those
especially interested in the proceedings of the court, but to the citi-
zens in general. "When circuit court was in session," said Thomas
Hoyne in speaking of the "Lawyer as a Pioneer," "probably every
member of the bar was in attendance. There were no district tele-
graphs nor telephones, and during the term time the lawyers kept
no oflice hours. Besides, the entire number was only twenty-seven
From 1855 until his death in May, 1863, the judge of the seventh
judicial circuit, comprising Cook and Lake counties, was George
Manierre. As a historic figure in the public life of
,, the city and state during the middle period of the
Manierre. , ^ , , , , ,
last century he has been honored as a statesman.
journalist, lawyer and jurist. Originally a Democrat, he was chair-
man of the committee on resolutions in the famous Aurora conven-
tion of September, 1854, presented the party platform and suggested
the name "Republican" for the new party. In Chicago affairs, he
is to be remembered for the part he took in the establishment of
Lincoln Park, as a member of the first board of regents of the old
Chicago University in 1859, one of the creators of the Law Institute
and Library, a founder of the Chicago Historical Society, and a de-
voted friend of public education, in token of which a school on the
north side bears his name. At one time he was editor of the Chicago
Democrat. He was born in Connecticut, began studying law in
New York City, came to Chicago in 1835, was admitted to the bar in
1839, and from that time until his death was constantly in some
'official service. As city attorney during the early forties, he prepared
a digest of the original charter and municipal ordinances which was
the standard of authority until 1853.
At the time of the adoption of the constitution of 1870 the state
courts of record in Chicago were ( i ) the circuit court, over which
one judge presided, that judge being, in 1870, Erastus S. Williams;
(2) the superior court of Chicago, over which three judges presided,
each of the judges usually holding a branch of the court; (3) the
recorder's court; and (4) the county court of Cook county, which
then had probate jurisdiction. Judge Williams sat in Lake county as
the judge of the circuit court until after 1870, the counties of Lake and
Cook constituting the judicial circuit for which he was judge, prior
to the adoption of the constitution of 1870. In addition there were
the federal courts.
In 1870 Cook county was constituted one judicial circuit, and the
Cook county circuit court was given five judges, one of whom was
the judge of the recorder's court. Judge Williams, who presided over
the court before the change, William K. McAllister, former judge of
the recorder's court, and William W. Farwell, Henry Booth and
John G. Rogers, elected as additional , judges, were the first set of
judges of the circuit court as constituted in 1870.
The recorder's court was continued under a new name, the "crim-
inal court of Cook county," one of the judges from the circuit or
superior courts being assigned to it.
From five judges in 1870 the circuit court now has fourteen
judges, the increase having been authorized by the legislature in ac-
cordance with the increase of population in the county.
The constitution having authorized the establishment of appellate
courts, the legislature in 1877 created four such courts for as many
districts in the state. Cook county was made- one district. The
judges of such court were to be three circuit judges, assigned by the
supreme court for the term of three years. The judges first assigned
to the appellate court in Cook county, for the September term of
1877, were W. W. Heaton, George W. Pleasants and Theodore D.
Murphy. The volume of business coming within the jurisdiction of
the appellate court increased until a branch court was established in
Cook county.
One of the strongest political figures in Illinois during the middle
period of the last century was Ebenezer Peck. A natural leader of
men, and at the same time an able and industrious
p lawyer, it is natural that his name should as it does
often appear in the history of his times. To the legal
profession of the present day lie is probably most widely known as
the reporter of the supreme court who first gave to these the name
"Illinois Reports," and who edited the volumes from eleven to thirty.
From 1863 to 1875 ^^ was one of the judges of the court of claims at
Washington. He came to Chicago in 1835, having been born in
Maine and having risen to prominence in law and politics in Mon-
treal. He and J. D. Caton have always been regarded as the principal
authors of the first charter of the city of Chicago. For some years
he was in politics a Democrat, but was one of the founders of the
Republican party in Illinois and one of its most influential leaders,
as well as a close friend and admirer of Lincoln.
It is noticeable that the early lawyers of Chicago, with very few
exceptions, came from New York and the New England states. The
_. ^ state of Kentucky, however, produced Buckner S.
BUCKNER S. ,,. . r -1 11- e
^ Morns, a conspicuous figure in the early history of
the bar. He was somewhat peculiar in character, an
impetuous, kind-hearted, upright man, who believed in the justice of
slavery. Largely on the ground of his outspoken sympathy with those
struggling to maintain the existence of the conditions amid which
he was reared, he was arrested during the war and tried by
a court martial for plotting to free rebel prisoners. He was
acquitted, there being no evidence of his having done anything
but speak intemperately and hastily of the war to maintain the
Union. Thereafter he retired from active practice and died in 1879.
He was connected with pubHc affairs in various capacities. He began
practice at Chicago in 1835, and in 1838 was elected mayor of the
city. Some of his partners in practice were J. Y. Scammon, Grant
Goodrich, and John J. Brown. In 1853 he succeeded Hugh T. Dickey
as judge of the circuit court of Cook county, serving out an unexpired
term. As a jurist no man was more ready to acknowledge a misap-
prehension of the law or misunderstanding of the facts.
Peace! troubled soul,
The waves that rose so high
And shook the solid earth
Are BOW at rest,
While they who rode upon the stormy sea
Clasp hands on fields 0 'er which they fought.
The first lawyer that came to Chicago to reside, though not to
engage in regular practice, was Charles Jouett, who was sent here as
Indian agent in 1805. (This is on the authority of the late Judge
Elliott Anthony.) He was born in Virginia in 1772, studied law at
Charlottesville, Virginia, and was appointed by Thomas Jefferson -
Indian agent at Detroit in 1802. In 1805 he was appointed Indian
agent at Chicago, and on October 26, 1805, assumed charge, by direc-
tion of the government, of the Sacs, Foxes and Pottawattomies. He
was again appointed Indian agent at Chicago by President Madison
in 181 5, and moved here with his family in that year.
It is said that Giles Spring was the first lawyer to make a living
by his profession in Chicago. He arrived in the village in 1833 a few
days before John Dean Caton, and from that time
^^ until his death in May, 1851, was one of the best
known members of the bar. He was judge of the
Cook county court of common pleas at the time of his death. Of
him Judge Goodrich said : "Spring was a phenomenon, a natural
born lawyer. His education was quite limited, and he paid little re-
spect to rule of grammar, yet could present cases to court and jury
with clearness and force seldom equaled. He seemed sometimes to
have an intuitive knowledge of the law and mastery of its profound-
est and most subtle principles. His brain worked with the rapidity of
lightning and the force of an engine." Giles Spring was born in
Massachusetts in 1807, when a young man moved to the "Western
Reserve," studied law at Ashtabula with the notable men, Ben F.
Wade and Joshua R. Giddings, and was admitted to the Ohio bar.
He and J. D. Caton were usually ranged on opposite sides of the im-
portant cases before the early courts. "The only rivalry between us,"
wrote Judge Caton, "was as to who could most zealously serve his
client, with the greatest courtesy and kindness to each other." A
man of lovable disposition, confirmed in the high regard of the com-
munity both by character and ability, he was unfortunately a victim
of drink, and his premature death was attributed to this influence.
Living near Fort Dearborn in 1828, on the south branch of the
river at a place called "Heacock's Point," was Russell E. Heacock.
Born in Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1780, a carpenter
l-« TTCCTI^T T \~i
■ by trade, he studied law in St. Louis in 1806, and
Heacock. ,., ■ . ,. , , , . . ,
like other pioneers, discovered the need of varied ac-
tivities while a resident of Chicago during the twenties and early thir-
ties. In 183 1 he was licensed to keep a tavern, and in the same year
was made a justice of the peace. In 1835 his law ofiice was in a
building at the corner of Lake and Franklin. Historical testimony
afiirms that he was a man of remarkable independence in thought and
action. For example, he was the only one of the thirteen residents of
Chicago to vote against the incorporation of the village. The late
James B. Bradwell said of him : "As a public speaker pleasing, in-
structive and often eloquent; his outspokenness, his fine conversa-
tional powers, his generosity and frankness of character, and his in-
exhaustible fund of narrative and anecdote made him most compan-
able." He helped organize Cook county and brought the first suits
in its circuit courts. During the canal agitation, he advocated the
"shallow cut" instead of the "deep cut," and when the state became
bankrupt the canal was constructed according to his original ideas,
though they had been the object of much ridicule and he was called
"Shallow Cut" Heacock. He died in 1849, having been a paralytic
since 1843. Concerning his log cabin residence. Judge Anthony says
it was situated "about three quarters of a mile southeast of the lock
at Bridgeport and about one mile south of Hardscrabble."
"The judicial annals of our state," declares Judge Anthony, in
estimating the achievements of John Dean Caton, "are his monu-
ment." Judge Caton survived all his earliest Chi-
-' " cago contemporaries, and though he had long before
retired from active practice, he was at the time of
his death in 1895 regarded as the ablest and most revered representa-
tive of the old Cook county bar. Of Irish stock and a colonial Vir-
ginia family that settled in New York after the Revolution, he was
born in Orange county. New York, March 19, 181 2. As a boy he
was a support to his widowed mother, and the hardships of his youth-
ful experiences on a farm caused him shuddering recollections all his
life. He learned harness making, but the trade was distasteful, and
he then became a wagoner and peddler. At the age of seventeen he
began attendance at an academy, studying law also, and supported
himself by teaching and farming. He had learned the rudiments of
the law when he came west in 1833, and in the fall of that year, when
he took the admission examination before Judge Lockwood, the latter
concluded the test by saying, "Young man, I shall give you a license;
but you have a great deal to learn to make you a good lawyer. If
you work hard you will attain it" — which he did by becoming asso-
ciate justice of the state supreme court within nine years. He lived
on a farm for several years, and soon after resuming practice in 1842
was appointed to the supreme court as successor of Governor-elect
Ford. He was one of the first judges under the new system by which
each of the nine supreme justices presided over one of the Illinois
circuits. By the constitution of 1848 it was provided that the su-
preme court should consist of three judges elected by the people, with-
out circuit duties. Judge Caton was re-elected to its bench,
and honored that high office until his resignation in 1864, having
been chief justice of that court during the last seven years. He was
active in constructing and largely responsible for the successful com-
pletion of the telegraph lines comprised under the old Illinois and
Mississippi Telegraph Company, and which were afterward leased
to the Western Union. Judge Caton was a student of many branches
of learning, and during his later years traveled extensively.
"He was a man who had great strength of character, and was
characterized by sound judgment and most excellent common sense.
He was not what would be called a skilled pleader and an adroit prac-
titioner, but his plain and rugged manner of presenting every ques-
tion to a jury was something which was highly commended by the
old pioneers and commanded their admiration. He was honest and
fair, and despised anything that smacked of trickery." Judge Caton,
it is claimed, brought the first suit in the circuit court at Chicago,
and tried the first jury cases in Cook, Will and Kane counties. His
was the first law office in Chicago, and Giles 'Spring, his forensic op-
ponent, had desk room in the same office. The office was a back room
and attic in Dr. Temple's building on Lake street. It fell to the lot
of Judge Caton, shortly after his elevation to the supreme bench, to
preside at the historic trial of the People vs. Lovejoy in Bureau
county, and in instructing the jury he voiced emphatically the princi-
ple that "if a man voluntarily brings his slave into a free state the
slave becomes free."
In the celebrated Lovejoy case in which Judge Caton was presid-
ing judge, mentioned above, Lovejoy's lawyer was James H. Collins.
who had been a practicing lawyer in New York be-
•^„ ' fore coming to Illinois, and in whose office young
Caton had studied while gaining the rudiments. On
moving west in 1833 he had farmed for a while in Kendall county,
and in 1834 became Caton's partner in Chicago and was later asso-
ciated with Justin Butterfield. Collins, according to the testimony of
one of his contemporaries, "was indefatigable, dogmatic, never giv-
ing up, and if the court decided one point against him he was ready
with another, and if that was overmled, still others." He became
noted for his skill as a special pleader and for the great care which
he bestowed upon the preparation of all cases. It is said that he was
at much at home on the chancery side as on the common-law side of
the court. Possessed of an iron will, he became a strong and ad-
vancing force as one of the earliest and most determined of the aboli-
tionists, and was well fitted to play the part he did in the Lovejoy
case. He died at Ottawa in 1854.
Mr. Collins originated the famous litigation against the Illinois
Central Railroad for its absorption of the lake front. The "made
land" south of the government pier had been purchased by the rail-
road company, and to utilize this its tracks had been constructed along
the edge of the lake, back of Mr. ColHns' dwelHng. Before Judge
Skinner, March 28, 1853, Mr. ColHns presented an application for
an injunction to prohibit the use of these tracks, claiming that his
frontage upon the lake gave him an ownership to the middle of the
lake. The railroad finally settled his claim by a cash payment, and
also disposed of similar claims of several other owners of land upon
the lake front.
Associated with James H. Collins from 1835 to 1843 was Justin
Butterfield, a lawyer of national reputation, whose connection not
only with the bar but the civic interests of Chicago
-r^ ^ was of enduring importance. He was one of the
trustees of Rush Medical College at its incorpora-
tion in 1837; drew up the canal bill of 1842, as a result of which suffi-
cient money was advanced by the bondholders to complete the canal ;
as a Whig he was appointed by President Taylor commissioner of
the general land office as against Abraham Lincoln, who was his
competitor for the place and who had the endorsement of the Illinois
delegation. Butterfield obtained the office through the superior in-
fluence of Daniel Webster. Webster was the ideal and model for
Butterfield, and the latter carried his admiration so far as to imitate
the great statesman in dress and methods of practice. Mr. Butter-
field had a sharp, decisive and incisive way of presenting a case that
never failed to arrest attention. He "was strong, logical, full of
vigor and resources," is Isaac N. Arnold's tribute; "wielding the
weapons of sarcasm and irony with crushing power, and was espe-
cially effective in invective. Great as he was before the supreme court
and everywhere on questions of law, he lacked the tact and skill to be
equally successful before a jury." His logic and resourceful knowl-
edge of law were such that he never resorted to superficial ridicule
and abuse to gain his points, and yet many anecdotes are told of a
certain grim humor that often adorned his argument. '
It is said that Mr. Butterfield came west when too old to conform
readily to the ways of the new country, and did not mix so well with
western people as some of the younger lawyers. He was college bred
and a New Englander, born at Keene, New Hampshire, in 1790.
Largely by his own efforts he obtained an education, entering Wil-
liams College in 1807, and in 18 12 was admitted to the bar. He prac-
ticed for some time in western New York, and for twelve years was
one of the leaders of the bar at New Orleans. He died in Octo-
ber, 1855.
The first clerk of the city of Chicago was Isaac N. Arnold, who
at the time of his election, in March, 1837, was a young lawyer who
had arrived in Chicago the previous fall and had
. * earned his first fees by drawing up real estate and
general contracts. He soon resigned the cit}^ clerk-
ship, and, associated with Mahlon D. Ogden, rapidly acquired a fore-
most position among the Chicago bar. 'Tn that persuasive style of
address which tells most effectually on the average juror he had no
superior." He was connected with many important cases, being the
principal attorney in the case carried to the United States supreme
court in 1843, when that court, by Chief Justice Taney, held unconsti-
tutional the statute of Illinois providing that unless the prop-
erty of a judgment debtor should realize two thirds of its
appraised value it should not be sold under execution. Per-
haps the greatest service he rendered in the public affairs of
his state was his persistent defense of the public credit dur-
ing a time when many men favored the repudiation of debts
incurred by the state under the sanction of a reckless legisla-
ture. Mr. Arnold had a long and active public career, both in state
and national affairs. He was elected to Congress in i860 and served
till near the close of the war. His active hostility to slavery had
brought him into prominence in connection with many movements
before the war. A friend and admirer of Lincoln, and a close stu-
dent of his life and work, he devoted himself, immediately on his re-
tirement from Congress, to the task of writing a life of Lincoln,
which work is one of the authoritative histories of the war president.
Mr. Arnold, with the exception of a brief season after the fire, when
he was compelled to resume active practice, during the closing years
of his life devoted himself to literary labors, enjoying the esteem and
respect of all classes until his death, April 24, 1884. He was born
November 30, 181 3, in Otsego county. New York, supported himself
by teaching and other work while gaining an education, was admitted
to the bar in his native county in 1835, and died at Chicago April 24,
1884. At all times in all places he was a gentleman.
The judge of the Cook county court of common pleas from 1851
to 1853, as successor of Giles Spring, was Mark Skinner, a jurist of
first rank, closely identified with the interests of Chi-
cago in many ways. He was one of those early en-
Skinner. *,.,,;. . , . , ,
trusted with the financial management of the educa-
tional affairs of the city, and his work in connection with education
was so important that the name of Mark Skinner has a permanent
place in the history of Chicago. He was a leader in public as well
as philanthropic movements of many kinds. A native of Vermont,
the son of a lawyer, he obtained an excellent education, completing
his legal training in the Yale Law School. He came to Chicago in
July, 1836, and thenceforth until his death in 1887 was pre-eminently
a man of affairs. He was at one time the law partner of Thomas
Hoyne. In the later years of his career he devoted his time largely
to management as a representative of invested capital and financial
The successor of Mark Skinner as judge of the Cook county court
of common pleas, in 1853, was John M. Wilson, who has been char-
acterized as "one of the most remarkable jurists, in
•^ ■ some respects, that ever held a judicial position in
the courts of this county." "All the evolutions of
his mind appeared to run in regular and systematic sequence, so
that it would not be a difficult task to take any of his published or
manuscript opinions and put it into a series of formal syllogisms by.
merely supplying suppressed premises." Six of his published opinions
were adopted by the supreme court of the state. He later became
impoverished by unfortunate investments, and died in 1884 uni-
versally esteemed.
Nathaniel Pope, who held the office of federal district judge from
the time the federal district court was established in Illinois in 1819
until his death in 1850, was the first judge to hold
„ a federal court in Chicago, which was in 1837, over
Meeker's store, on Lake street, between Clark and
Dearborn. The federal courts have been held at various locations
since then; at one time in what was known as the Saloon building,
southeast corner of Clark and Lake streets ; after the fire, in Congress
Hall, corner of Michigan and Congress, then in the Republic Life
building, and finally in the government building on Dearborn and
Monroe streets.
Thomas Drummond succeeded Nathaniel Pope in 1850 as federal
district judge, and continued in the office until his appointment as
federal circuit judge in 1869. For a long period the
_ district iudq-e acted as circuit judge of the federal
Drummond. ;:.,., . , o , tt ^ •
court. Ihe judge of the beventh U. S. circuit, of
which Chicago and Cook county were a part, from 1837 until his
death in 1861 was John McLean, associate justice of the United
States supreme court and one of the eminent American jurists. David
Davis was the next justice of the supreme court to hold circuit court
in Chicago (in July, 1863). In 1869 Congress changed the system
of circuit courts and instead of a member of the supreme court being
assigned to each circuit, a separate judge was provided for each of
the nine circuits. Thomas Drummond, who had been identified with
the practice of law in Illinois since 1835, ^'^^ had been a resident of
Chicago since 1854, and who was United States district judge, was
appointed judge of the seventh circuit in 1869, and held the office
until his resignation in July, 1884. He died in 1890, at Wheaton,
aged eighty years. Judge Drummond has been characterized as one
of the most industrious, painstaking and laborious judges who ever
sat on the bench. He was a federal judge for over thirty years.
During his entire service the bar and the public had the utmost confi-
dence in his perfect integrity. The only elective political office he
ever held was as a member of the state legislature for one term. The
successor of Drummond as circuit judge was Walter Q. Gresham.
On the elevation of Judge Drummond to the circuit bench, Henry
W. Blodgett was appointed his successor in the district court. Though
a resident of Waukegan, Judge Blodgett was so
-n ' closely identified with Chicago and Cook county that
Blodgett. ,.,. ,, ,•• , ,•
his history belongs to this city as much as to his
home town. He began studying law in Chicago in 1842. He was a
member of the state legislature during the fifties, and later became an
active promoter of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad lines along
the lake shore, and a prominent railroad attorney. At the organiza-
tion of the United States circuit court of appeals for the seventh cir-
cuit, in June, 1891, he was chosen as the third judge of the court.
In 1892 he resigned to serve as one of the government's counsel be-
fore the Behring Sea tribunal of arbitration.
Peter S. Grosscup succeeded Judge Blodgett as judge of the
Northern Illinois district, and served until 1899, when he became
judge of the circuit court of appeals for the seventh circuit. In 1905
he was elevated to the office of judge of the United States circuit
court for the seventh circuit, the office he still holds. C. C. Kohlsaat
was judge of the United States court for the Northern Illinois dis-
trict from 1899 to March, 1905, and since then has also been a mem-
ber of the federal circuit court for the seventh circuit. The judges
of the federal district court since March, 1905, have been Solomon
H. Bethea and Kenesaw M. Landis.
From June, 1879, until his death on Christmas day, 1905, Mur-
ray Floyd Tuley was a judge of the Cook county circuit court. He
was one of the venerated members of the bench and
„ ■ ■ bar, and the length of his public services, his prestige
as a judge, and his thoroughly lovable character,
connect his name with the best traditions of the Chicago judiciary.
His fame is not based on celebrated cases, but grew out of the long
judicial service in which his character and methods became positive
features of Chicago courts. His judicial work was principally in
Chancery, a branch of the law for which he was eminently fitted and
in which he acquired a national reputation.
It is said that Judge Tuley never permitted a good cause to be
lost because it was inadequately represented. His reply to the law-
yers who objected when he assisted a poorly equipped adversary de-
serves quotation : "You fellows seem to think that it is a judge's duty
to sit to determine which of the lawyers trying a case is the better
lawyer; I can decide that in most cases without hearing from you. I
sit to get at the rights of the parties, not to determine which has the
better lawyer." He insisted, however, that he had trained himself in
this regard, so that the fact of his being compelled, in order to see
justice done, to come to the aid of incompetent counsel did not affect
his judicial impartiality in arriving at his conclusion.
In a sense, Judge Tuley continued the legal career of one of the
first lawyers Chicago had. Born at Louisville, Kentucky, March 4,
1827, at five years of age he lost his father, and his mother subse-
quently married Richard J. Hamilton. The latter, a Kentnckian by
birth, had come to Chicago in 1831, having been appointed, in that
year, by the legislature, the first probate judge of Cook county. Mr.
Hamilton was present at the organization of the county in March,
183 1, was afterwards clerk of the circuit court of Cook county, and
is said to have held more offices with less personal gain than any
other citizen of his time. In 1856 he was candidate for the office of
lieutenant governor, the only office, it is said, for which he was de-
The marriage of Mrs. Tuley and Colonel Hamilton took place in
1843, when Murray F. Tuley was sixteen years old. He had at-
tended the Louisville public schools, and on moving to Chicago read
law in his step-father's office, and was admitted to the bar in Chi-
cago in 1847. He was at that time thought to have a tendency to-
ward the dreaded scourge, consumption, and, instead of engaging
in practice as a lawyer, enlisted for service in the war with Mexico,
and became First Lieutenant of a company of an Illinois regiment.
Arriving at Santa Fe after hostilities were over, he opened a law
office there, and was one of the first, if not the first person, born in
the United States, to practice law in the territory. While he had con-
siderable difficulty in applying his knowledge of the common law to
the Mexican Code, and even more trouble in obtaining a paying pat-
ronage, as an attorney in a murder trial, he acquired a reputation
which brought his services into demand. His health was improved
by the climate of the Rio Grande valley, and when he left New Mex-
ico he had won the victory over disease which enabled him to con-
tinue a life of great labor and usefulness until he was nearly eighty
years of age. He served as attorney general of New Mexico for a
time, and in 1854 returned to Chicago. Thereafter among his part-
ners in practice were Joseph E. Gary, Israel N. Stiles and Joseph
Judge Tuley was corporation counsel of Chicago from 1869 to
1873. His services in this connection were of great importance, hav-
ing as he did, to deal with many new questions that arose after the
great fire of 1871. He drew the act constituting the new charter
of the city, which continued in force until the recent amendment to
the constitution.
Judge Tuley had the temperament of a philosopher, the courage
of a soldier, the fidelity of friendship, perfect integrity and great in-
Vol. II— 2
tellectual ability. No greater lawyer has ever held court and admin-
istered justice in the state of Illinois.
Judge Joseph E. Gary was born in Potsdam, New York, in 1821,
read law in St. Louis, and being there, in 1844, admitted to the bar,
began practice at Springfield, Missouri, in the spring
-p; „ of that year. Springfield was then the principal town
in southeastern Missouri, and because of this and the
location of the United States land office there, presented a field as
promising to a young lawyer as any in the state. The termination of
the war with Mexico and the discovery of gold in California turned
the attention of many to the newly acquired territories, and our em-
bryonic jurist, having gathered together his few earthly possessions,
by the long important and .ever romantic Santa Fe trail, went to per-
haps the oldest of tilled American lands, which we call New Mexico.
There he met Murray F. Tuley, and they, destined to become promi-
nent figures and distinguished jurists in the great city of the lakes,
practiced law in the land of the herder, the trader, the teamster, the
ranchman and the bolero.
Judge Gary used to tell how before a territorial court he defended
a Mexican accused of murder. There had been a killing, the evi-
dence against his client was strong and he was convicted. Our
future jurist at once prayed an appeal to the supreme court of the dis-
trict and asked for time in which to present a bill of exception. These
requests were promptly granted, which done, the judge quietly re-
marked, "Mr. Gary, the supreme court sits in October; there will be
no stay of proceedings, and your client will be hung in September."
All of which took place as the judge said it would. Law business was
not very brisk and a good opportunity to earn subsistence happening,
our hardy and vigorous son of New York assisted in driving a herd
of sheep to the Pacific coast. Arrived at San Diego, he waited until
a north-bound steamer came along, and on this sailed to San Fran-
cisco. What a place was San Francisco in the later forties and the
early fifties of the past century! Glittering bars, music halls and
gambling hells lined the streets, along which, beneath huge som-
breros, strode miners, unshaven and unshorn, seeking to stretch to
the utmost the leash which had so long held them in sunken pits, out
of which they dug the yellow gold. Revelry — No ! develry is a more
descriptive word — ran rampant. But what has this to do with a
biographical notice of Judge Gary? Nothing — save that he was the
manner of man who saw, studied and kept away, finding occupation
and entertainment in the study and practice of law. For a time he
practiced law in the Emporium of the Pacific; but ever in the rest
of eve there came to his soul a glimpse of the vale in which he was
born, a sound of the water that fell at the mill and sight of fields laden
with corn, of maidens that in boyhood he knew, and old folk that
might be passing away, and he longed to look on that which had
been, and see if he could be a boy again.
So this San Francisco lawyer returned to Potsdam, to Chicago,
and went to Berlin, Wisconsin, whither fate led him to his marriage
with Miss Elizabeth Swetting on the 28th day of November, 1855.
Mr. Gary was elected judge of the Superior Court of Cook Coun-
ty in 1863, and thereafter continued under successive elections a
judge of said court until his death in November, 1906, having under
force of many elections by the people, held the office of judge of a
court of superior and general jurisdiction for a longer period than
any other person so chosen in the United States, if not in the world.
He had a vigorous mind that seemed never to need rest or to be
dull. His memory was phenomenal. He knew, not dimly or hazily,
but with substantial accuracy, what the supreme and appellate courts
had held upon every question presented to them; and he knew also
where to find the decision he wished to call attention to. In his
judicial ofiice he was utterly indifferent to the applause of the multi-
tude, the blandishments of power, as well as the bitterness of those
who took offence at his conduct. He was devoted to his family,
loved his friends and hated no one. He brought sunshine into every
room he entered and carried good cheer wherever he went. He was
a delightful working companion; fought fairly and good naturedly
for his view and helped those who differed with him to find authori-
ties for the conclusions they held. He recognized that the funda-
mental distinction between free government and despotism is that
the former is a government by law and the latter by men ; that in a
free government all, high and low, poor and rich, are not only equal
before the law, but it is to be equally and impartially administered to
all, and that the downfall of liberty begins with a denial of the pro-
tection of the law to a despised or feeble few. For more than forty
years he sat as a judge, ever endeavoring, not to win favor, fame.
applause or renown, but, to apply the law to the facts presented to
him. The judgments he rendered were not of his choosing; they
were such as in his view the law pronounced. As a judge he en-
deavored, not to make, but to declare and apply the law. He under-
stood that in free governments, the function of executive and judicial
departments is to act under, be servient to, apply and obey the law;
that in this blessed land, law reigns and rules over all. He had an
infinite fund of humor and told a joke upon himself or his best friends
with equal zest.
Death came to him not with the rude alarm of a hostile foe. He
sank to rest, dropped into the infinite as the tired infant falls asleep
in its mother's arms. For him the shades of eve had come. His
work here done, his earthly day ended, the uplifting arms of the
Eternal bore him away.
Alas for London and Paris, Berlin and Vienna, which, having
been great cities so long that the memory of man runneth not to the
contrary, cannot remember the simple ways of
^ their village ancestors. Fortunate Chicag-o, that,
Court. . , ^ , , . , & ' -
m the years the psalmist accords to man. has
outgrown its judicial clothing half a dozen times and congratulates
itself upon the advance that has been made in the machinery for
the administration of justice. No court was held in Chicago save
by justices of the peace until 1833 or May, 1834. John Kinzie was
recommended by the commissioners' court of Pike county for justice
of the peace in 1821, and again recommended in 1823 by the commis-
sioners' court of Fulton county. Austin Crocker and another were in
1825 confirmed as justices of the peace for Peoria county, in which
Chicago then was. Then came an advance ; the people were permitted
to rule, came into their own, and by a law of December 30, 1826,
justices of the peace were thereafter elected by the people for the
term of four years. The constitution of 1848 provided that there
should be elected, in each county and such districts as the general
assembly might direct by the qualified electors, a competent number
of justices of the peace. Chicago thereunder elected justices of the
peace for more than twenty years. The constitution of 1870, hailed
throughout the United States as an advance in governmental meth-
ods, provided that all justices of the peace in the city of Chicago
should be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and con-
sent of the senate (but only upon the recommendation of a majority
of the judges of the circuit, superior and county courts) and for such
districts as might be provided by law! By act of the legislature, in
force March 29, 1871, the judges of the circuit, superior and county
courts of Cook county were directed to, before the first day of April,
1875, and every four years thereafter, recommend to the governor
seven persons for justices of the peace in South Chicago, seven for
West Chicago and five for North Chicago.
By act in force July i, 1872, it was provided that in each of the
towns in which is contained any part of the city of Chicago, there
should be elected one constable for every ten thousand inhabitants.
The change from the election of justices of the peace in a city con-
taining half a million of people, to recommendation by judges of the
courts of record and thereon appointment by the governor by and with
the consent of the senate, proved favorable to the administration of
justice and during the thirty years in which this system was in ex-
istence there was little general complaint of the conduct of the justices
in the discharge of the duties of their office. The judges adopted the
practice of not recommending any person for justice of the peace
unless he had been by the supreme court of the state admitted to
practice law before it and other state courts.
For a great city, the system by which the justices and constables
received compensation was bad. None of the justices or constables
was paid a salary. The earnings of each depended upon the judicial
or executive work he did. A justice before whom many mere and
undisputed collection cases were brought, might make in a day a
handsome sum. Justices, favored by the police, and before whom
persons arrested were taken, often obtained a good deal by the mere
examination of sureties and approval of bonds offered by parties giv-
ing bail. The police in taking parties whom they knew or believed
to be professional criminals, or guilty of some great crime, often,
being uncertain just what the evidence will show, preferred several
charges; the justice might require bail to be given upon each offence
charged, and would, if the same were given, be entitled to a fee upon
each bond. Nevertheless, it is but just to the persons who served as
justices of the peace during this thirty years, to say that there was
little general complaint of their conduct as judicial officers. Neither
a defeated lawyer or litigant is filled with a sense of the learning and
judgment of a tribunal that decides against him; the supreme court
of the United States is rebuked and reproached as are all judicial
tribunals. The system under which justices and constables received
no compensation save through fees and personally paid room rent and
all other expenses of their offices was bad, the method unsuited to a
great city and the law under which the justices acted inadequate to
the needs of the community or adapted to the conditions presented in
Chicago. The municipal court act greatly enlarged the powers for-
merly possessed by the justices and is incomparably better fitted to
the needs of Chicago than was the statute under which the justices
acted. The justices could not provide for uniform rules of procedure,
as there was no way of enforcing conformance thereto if they had
been made. The municipal court act provides for uniform rules and
adherence thereto. The judges are under no suspicion of shaping
their action with a view to obtaining business or revenue. The courts
are held at well known places, easily reached and found. The court
surroundings are such as to elicit respect and inspire confidence. The
humblest, the most wretched and the poorest are likely to be' im-
pressed by the surroundings with the feeling that their grievances,
troubles and offenses, if such there are, will be seriously considered
and judged in accordance with a rule, which, however much they may
disapprove of, they feel is applied to all, and one to which they may
at any time appeal. In the administration of justice it is not only
necessary to be firm, patient and considerate, but to appear to be so.
The subject of the proper attitude of the state toward "neglected
and delinquent children," is one to which the increased attention given
in recent years resulted in this state in a statute
-* which went into force July i, 1899, under a title
popularly known as the Juvenile Court Law. The
leading features of the original law may be stated to be as follows :
It contains a comprehensive definition of neglected, dependent and
delinquent children; confers on the circuit and county courts original
jurisdiction concerning such children; provides that in counties hav-
ing over 500,000 population the judges of the circuit court shall
designate one of their number to hear cases coming under the law;
provides that children's cases coming before a justice of the peace
or police magistrate shall be immediately transferred to the judge so
designated; provides for a simple mode of procedure by petition and
otherwise; and provides for the care of neglected, dependent and de-
linquent children while their cases are pending in court and after-
ward. It prohibits the commitment of children under twelve years
of age to a common jail or police station; recognizes all approved
child-saving societies and institutions, and gives validity to their con-
tracts in reference to surrendering and adopting children ; and pro-
vides for a system of supervision by the state board of charities over
children placed in homes throughout the state. The last section reads
as follows : "This act shall be liberally construed, to the end that
its purpose may be carried out, to-wit: That the care, custody and
discipline of a child shall approximate as nearly as may be that which
should be given by its parents, and in all cases where it can properly
be done the child be placed in an approved family home and become
a member of the family by legal adoption or otherwise."
The founding of the juvenile court as one of the beneficent insti-
tutions of Chicago has beein regarded with general satisfaction by
members of the bar and people interested in the welfare of children.
The juvenile court, practically, had its origin as a distinctive institu-
tion in Chicago, and its founders deserve recognition among those
who strive to help, to give opportunity to each, to let none fall by the
wayside for lack of guidance.
The separation of children from adults in court had made some
progress in other states before the comprehensive law just consid-
ered was passed by Illinois. Massachusetts, in 1863, enacted a law
separating the child in court charged with an offense from an adult.
New York, in 1877, moved by the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children in New York City, passed the .first concise law
to effect this object, and followed this up by progressive laws that
finally involved almost a complete separation of children from the
environment and procedure that characterized the trial and commit-
ment of adults. In other states the movement had made progress,
but Illinois was especially backward in this matter, and it was not
until 1898 when the charitable people of the city and state were
aroused to action. The practical origin of the movement was in the
State Board of Charities, where several members, notably Tvlr. Eph-
raim Banning, frequently conferred on the subject of the care of
delinquent children. Finally Mr. Banning was requested to present
the matter to the Chicago Bar Association, through whose agency
some effective and definite scheme might be set in operation. In
answer to the resolutions presented to the bar association at its an-
nual meeting of October 22, 1898, a committee was appointed to
investigate the conditions complained of and to recommend legisla-
tion for the cure of existing evils. This committee consisted of five
notable men in the history of Chicago's charitable and civic progress
— Ephraim Banning, Harvey B. Hurd (deceased), Edwin Burritt
Smith (deceased), John W. Ela (deceased), and Merritt Starr.
This was the first concisive action taken by any person or association
inaugurating the movement which resulted in the juvenile court. The
committee appointed by the bar association held several meetings
and the members, especially Mr. Banning and Judge Hurd, gave
unremitting attention to the drawing up of a bill which might be
presented to the legislature providing for a court procedure for chil-
dren. In the meantime the agitation was continued in other chan-
nels and the State Conference of Charities, at Kankakee, held No-
vember, 1898, took up the question as a part of its program and
several bills were made for a system of laws that would entirely sepa-
rate the children from the adults. One of the meetings which were
held during the preliminary work of promoting this legislation, was
in Judge Hurd's office on December 10, 1898. At this meeting there
were present some of the men and women whose names are especially
worthy of recognition in this movement — Harvey B. Hurd, Lucy A.
Flower, Julia C. Lathrop, all of the State Board of Charities; Presi-
dent T. D. Hurley, of the Visitation and Aid Society; Hastings H.
Hart, president of the State Home and Aid Society; State Repre-
sentative John C. Newcomer; Superintendent A. G. Lane, of the
public schools ; County Jailer John L. Whitman, and Frank G. Soule.
It was from the suggestions offered at this and similar meetings
calling for a discussion of the subject that Judge Hurd was enabled
to make the first draft of a bill. This bill was then submitted to the
members of the societies and the individuals who were interested in
the movement and when the bill was finally completed it contained a
total of twenty-one sections. It was decided to announce it as a bar
association measure, the opinion being held that under such auspices
the legislature would be more likely to regard it favorably than if it
appeared as a bill prepared by some charitable organization. After
the bill had been chosen it was presented in the house of representa-
\ v\t.
, aR . \
£^0T^ '
tives February 7th, 1899. by John C. Newcomer and was introduced
in the senate by Senator Case February 15th. Both bills were re-
ferred to the committee on judiciary. In the house the bill, after
being amended in some minor particulars, passed by yea and nay
vote of 121 to o on April 14th, and the bill passed the senate the
same day. The Juvenile Court Law became effective on July i, 1899,
and the first judge assigned to the new court and who for a long time
continued to preside over the bench was Richard S. Tuthill.
Honorable Richard S. Tuthill, for more than twenty years one
of the judges of the circuit court of Cook county, was born November
^ ^ 10, 1841, at Tuthill's Prairie, Jackson county, Illi-
RiCHARD S. . TT- T-. •. . • 1 1.T
™ nois. His Puritan ancestors emigrated to New
lUTHILL. _ , , . , ^ ^
England prior to the year 1640. In 1829 his
father moved from Vermont to southern Illinois, where he estab-
lished a school of high reputation. By virtue of the law of inher-
itance. Judge Tuthill became a soldier, a lawyer and a jurist. His
fathers did valiant service in the war of the Revolution and that of
/1812. His great uncle, Major General Samuel Strong, commanded
the twenty-five hundred Vermont volunteers who participated on Sep-
tember 9, 18 14, in the memorable battle of Plattsburg, a contest on
lake and land which, in its effect, was the most decisive victory of
the war, putting to an end, as it did, all hope of a successful invasion
of the states from Canada.
Our future jurist had no sooner received, in 1863, from Middle-
bury College, his degree of A. B. than he was on his way to Vicks-
burg, where his brother, Lieut. John L. Tuthill, was then command-
ing the war vessel known as the "Queen of the West," and where
his father's friend for many years, General John A. Logan, was com-
manding a division. The general gave him a position as a volunteer
citizen scout in a company attached to his headquarters, a place full
of adventure, excitement and danger, and shortly afterwards secured
for him a commission in Company H, of the First Michigan Light
Artillery (known also as De Golyer's Battery), a company then
and thereafter known as one of the most efficient batteries in the
western army, and of which General Frank P. Blair, commanding
the Seventeenth Army Corps during the Atlanta campaign, Septem-
ber 4, 1864, in a special report concerning the battle of Lovejoy Sta-
tion, said :
"I desire to call attention particularly to the part taken by H Com-
pany, First "Michigan Artillery, in this action. This battery has been
conspicuous in its efficiency and the gallantry of its officers and men
in every engagement of this campaign in which it has participated."
At the conclusion of the war, Lieutenant Tuthill renewed his study
of the law which he had begun a number of years before, and having
been, in 1866, admitted to the bar, was, in 1867, elected state's attor-
ney of the Nashville (Tennessee) circuit. Early in 1873 he came
to Chicago, where he has since lived. From 1875 ^o 1879 he was city
attorney of Chicago, and in 1884 was appointed by President Arthur
United States district attorney for the northern district of Illinois,
with headquarters at Chicago. In 1887 he was elected judge of the
circuit court of Cook county, which position he has since filled, hav-
ing been five times chosen to that high office.
While a student in college, Judge Tuthill became engaged to
Miss Jane Frances Smith of Vergennes,' Vermont, to whom he was
married in 1868. She died at Nashville, December 22, 1872, leaving
a daughter. He was married a second time January 2, 1877, to Miss
Harriet McKey, daughter of Mr. Edward McKey, a leading dry
goods merchant of Janesville, Wisconsin. His daughter, Eliza
Strong, by his first wife, married Mr. Frank D. Ketcham, now of
New York City. Judge and Mrs. Tuthill have now living five daugh-
ters, Zoe Gertrude, married to J. M. Fiske, Jr., of Milwaukee; Mary
Elizabeth, married to Alfred Borden, of New York City; Lilian Mc-
Key, Genevieve Harmon, Harriet McKey, and one son, Richard
S., Jr. ■
Judge Tuthill, yet in the prime of life, is active in every move-
ment which has for its object the general welfare of the city in which
he lives, and is closely identified with charitable organizations seeking
to promote the moral and mental training of poor and destitute chil-
dren. His religious affiliations are with the Episcopal church. He
is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Military Order
of the Loyal Legion, of which he was commander in 1893, the Grand
Army Hall and Memorial Association, the Church, Union League,
Illinois, Lincoln, Hamilton and other clubs, as well as with the Irv-
ing Literary Society. He is a hard worker, a diligent student and
an able and forceful speaker.
The judicial office is ordinarily not fruitful of events long re-
membered or upon which historians are hkely to dwell. Indeed, it
may be said that, as a rule, the less conspicuous is the work of the
judge and the more transient the comment which his judicial acts
produce, the better it is for the land in which he serves. Judges are
not ordained to make, but to administer the law. Nevertheless, it
is the case that in the discharge of judicial duties imposed by law
upon him, Judge Tuthill has become known and honored not only
throughout the United States, but in the greater part of Europe. In
1899 what is now known as the juvenile court of Illinois was created
by act of the legislature, and by the unanimous vote of his associates
upon the bench. Judge Tuthill was selected to preside over that court.
As afterwards proved, a better choice could not have been made.
Patient, considerate, ready to listen to all that the humblest had
to say, broad minded and sympathetic, he took up the work as a
labor of love. The report of inspectors and policemen, the plaint of
fathers and mothers, the appeal of the poor and the outcast, the
little child and the hardened hoodlum were heard by him with that
tender consideration and intelligent regard to the welfare of com-
munity, parent, friend and child, which only a man of his great
learning, wide experience and profound knowledge of human nature
could give.
The juvenile court was, from the outset, under his administra-
tion a triumphant success, vindicating the faith of its projectors and
realizing the hopes of the humane men and women who had called
it into being. An incident worthy to be remembered in this con-
nection was the raising of $100,000 with which a spacious farm of
nearly a thousand acres was bought and presented to the state as
a site for the St. Charles School for Boys, near St. Charles, in Kane
county. On this site have been erected appropriate and beautiful
buildings. Here the delinquent boys of Illinois are receiving, instead
of punishment too often tending to make criminals, a kindly parental
care which develops character and tends toward the making of good
citizens. This much-needed and admirable institution will serve to
perpetuate the memory of the work done by Richard S. Tuthill for the
youth of our country.
Judge Tuthill became in universal demand as a writer, speaker
and councilor for those who wished to establish a tribunal wherein
could be judicially determined what had best be done for neglected.
dependent and delinquent children ; and to his efforts, his zeal and
experience more than to any other person is due the painstaking, in-
telligent, humane and tender care which juvenile courts now exercise
concerning the multitude of juvenile waifs living, growing and dying'
about us. Of him most truly is it said "J^'^stum virum fortiter in re."
The Cook county probate court dates from 1877, when it was
established under the law granting such a court to counties with
more than 70,000 population. The first judge of the probate court
was Joshua C. Knickerbocker. Thoroughly versed in the primary
duties of his position, he also did much to uphold the power and
scope of the court during the first years when the existence and
rights of the court were in dispute.
In 1878 Judge Knickerbocker received a law student in his ofifice
at Chicago. This aspirant for the legal profession was at that time
and had been since 1874, principal of the high school
^ ■ at Palatine, in Cook county. Previous to that he
Cutting. ,,, . ,. , ^, t^.,
had been assistant editor on the Cedar Rapids
(Iowa) Times, having begun that work shortly after finishing his
education in a high school and at Willamette University in Salem,
Oregon. He continued two years as a student with Judge Knicker-
bocker, whom he regards as one of his ablest advisers and guides of
his early years, and in 1880 was admitted to the bar.
As a lawyer Mr. Cutting soon made a record that fulfilled the
anticipations of his friends, who had regarded his success as high
school principal and newspaper man as a guarantee that he would
achieve something worthy in the law. His early practice was prob-
ably as varied in the civil law as that of any lawyer in the city. He
was retained in many important suits, involving many diverse cases
of law. He represented the town of Cicero in its long course of liti-
gation with the municipality of Chicago. From 1887 to 1890 he was
master of chancery for the Cook county circuit court. In 1890 C. C.
Kohlsaat was elected judge of the probate court for Cook county.
By re-election he held this office until he was elevated to the federal-
bench in 1899. To fill Judge Kohlsaat's unexpired term Mr. Cut-
ting, whose unqualified success as a lawyer and recognized prominence
as a citizen recommended him for the place, was appointed, and at
the regular election in 1902 he was retained in of^ce by a popular
majority. In 1906 his plurality was nearly sixty thousand, the larg-
est of any of the Republican candidates of that year. Judge Cut-
ting's thorough integrity has never been questioned, but all who have
become familiar v^ith his record as probate judge have had occasion to
remark and admire his positive impartiality. His mental poise is
perfect, and though his attitude while on the bench is judicially strict,
approaching almost to sternness, among friends he displays a per-
sonality of rare charm and versatility. In January, 1907, the Union
League Club elected him president, and he is well known for his ac-
tivity in various other organizations. He belongs to the Chicago Bar
Association and the Law Club, and is a prominent Mason ; has
membership in the Hamilton, City, The Oaks (Austin), Twentieth
Century and Westward Ho Golf clubs. During his residence' at Pala-
tine, Cook county, he was a member of the board of education, and
has been a member of the Cook county board of education nine years,
serving as its president at this time and having held the same position
once before.
In all his career of varied activities Judge Cutting has succeeded
along the direct line of his purposes, and has impressed his influence
on numerous positions and endeavors. Of a worthy New England
family, he is a son of Charles A. and Laura E. Cutting, and was born
at Highgate Springs, Vermont, March i, 1854. Most of his boy-
hood was passed in the far west, where he obtained his literary edu-
cation. The degree of LL. D. of the University of Michigan was con-
ferred on Judge Cutting June 20, 1907. Since entering practice in
1880 he has been a member of the following law firms: Tagert and
Cutting; Williamson and Cutting; Cutting and Austin; Cutting, Aus-
tin and Higgins ; Cutting, Austin and Castle ; Cutting and Castle, and
Cutting, Castle and Williams. Judge Cutting married, in 1886, An-
nie E. Lytle. They have one son, Robert M.
Thomas Hoyne. the elder, gave his strength, mind, heart and soul
to the upbuilding of Chicago from the period of his early manhood
until he was so suddenly snatched away in a vigor-
-rr ous old agc. He was one of the fathers of the city,
who assisted in laying its material foundation broad
and deep, and at the same time gave his best efforts toward the es-
tablishment of an honest public administration. His nature was both
practical and ideal, and founded upon a fine enthusiasm based upon
common sense. It was such men as he that Chicago needed in the
early times, and to them, more than to all else, must be credited the
remarkable impetus which the city acquired even in the pioneer per-
iod, and fortunately has never lost.
The parents of Thomas Hoyne were Patrick and Eleanor M.
Hoyne, who were obliged to leave Ireland about 1815 because of
the husband's pronounced political views regarding the British gov-
ernment and his unvarnished presentation of them. The refugees
found an asylum in the city of New York, where their son, Thomas,
was born on the nth of February, 1817. He obtained his early edu-
cation at the Catholic school attached to St. Peter's church, and
while quite young was apprenticed to a manufacturer. This latter
fact proved fortunate, as the boy was left an orphan at an early age
and thrown entirely upon his own resources for a livelihood. Rather
spurred than disheartened by such adversity, the youth not only
faithfully performed his work as an apprentice, but joined the Liter-
ary Association, which included in its membership such men as Hor-
ace Greeley, George Manierre and Charles P. Daly. Illustrative of
his attractive personality, even at this early period of his life, is the
fact that, notwithstanding his firm faith in Catholicism, which was a
tradition of his family as far as it could be traced, his stanchest
friend, adviser and assistant at this time was Rev. Dr. Archibald
Maclay, a Baptist minister, who loved and treated him as a son. It
was amid such surroundings and in such a school that Thomas Hoyne
acquired the rudiments of that art which, combined with his perfect
■ sincerity and manliness, made him in later years one of the most
charming speakers and most telling orators who ever did honor to
Chicago. As an apprentice he also attended two night schools, in one
of which he made a special study of English grammar and elocution,
and in the other gave particular attention to Greek and Latin. When
he was eighteen years of age young Hoyne became a clerk in a large
jobbing house in order to earn money to continue his education, and
in 1836 began the study of the law in the office of Hon. John Brin-
» kerhoff.
The reports of his fellow debater and old friend, George Ma-
nierre, who had been a resident of Chicago for two years, were of
such an encouraging nature that Mr. Hoyne decided to join him in
the raw young city of the sloughs and plains. Late in the year 1837
he started for the west, at Detroit boarding the brig "John H. Kin-
zie" for Chicago. Two weeks of a tempestuous voyage brought him
to the Lake House dock, he crossed the muddy Chicago river by way
of the Dearborn street bridge (raised by chains and a crank), and
soon was in the large upper room of the wooden court house in ear-
nest consultation with Mr. Manierre, who was clerk of the circuit
court, and found a way to have Mr. Hoyne assist him at ten dollars
per week. They both continued active participation in literary mat-
ters, through the local society, and Mr. Hoyne devoted his "spare
hours" to the study of Latin and French. In the autumn of 1838 he
took charge of a public school on West Lake street, when he first
met John Wentworth, as school inspector, but soon afterward en-
tered the law office of J. Young Scammon as a student. Both of
these men, so many years bitter personal enemies, continued during
his lifetime the warm friend of Mr. Hoyne; this faculty he possessed,
in a remarkable degree, of cementing and holding the friendship of
the most diverse characters.
Mr. Hoyne was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1839, and from
that time until his death, except during the two years spent at Ga-
lena, he practiced his profession in Chicago, making a. brilliant record
at the Cook county bar and often appearing before the supreme court
of Illinois and the United States supreme court. He early associated
himself with Benjamin F. Ayer, and in January, 1864, Oliver H.
Horton entered the partnership, of which Thomas M. Hoyne, the
son, became a member in 1867, the style of the firm being thus
changed to Hoyne, Horton and Hoyne. The firm remained un-
changed until the death of its senior member.
Soon after coming to Chicago, Thomas Hoyne became acquaint-
ed with Dr. John T. Temple, an early practitioner and an enterpris-
ing and public-spirited man. At that time he was well known as the
proprietor of the Temple building, but in later years as the father-
in-law of Mr. Hoyne, whose daughter. Miss Leonora M. Temple,
became Mrs. Hoyne. The marriage occurred September 17, 1840,
and soon afterward, on account of the stringency of the times in
Chicago, Mr. Hoyne took his young bride to Galena, Illinois, as busi-
ness in the lead-mine district was still flourishing. While there, his
son, Thomas M. Hoyne was born, but after two years in that re-
gion the family returned to Chicago and made the city thereafter
their permanent home.
After his return from Galena, Mr. Hoyne was elected probate
justice of the peace, and held that office until it was abolished in 1848
and succeeded by the county judgeship. Although a firm Democrat,
he became a Free Soiler. In 1848 he was a presidential elector, and
stumped the northern half of Illinois in support of Van Buren and
Adams. In 1853 he received from President Pierce the appointment
of United States district attorney for Illinois, which greatly benefited,
him professionally. He supported Judge Douglas on the Kansas-
Nebraska bill, and as a Democratic orator of established reputation
actively participated in the presidential campaign of 1856. In April,
1859, he entered upon his duties as United States marshal, and in
i860 superintended the census for the northern district of Illinois.
No man in the west was more patriotic and broadly useful during the
Civil war, than Thomas Hoyne. He was a very active member of the
Union Defense Committee, and with tongue and pen, to the utmost
limit of his powers, assisted in the preservation of the cause. He
was nominated by acclamation for Congress in the Chicago district
in 1870, but declined to run. Two years later he was a presidential
elector on the ticket which had put forward Horace Greeley, the
friend of his youth, to lead the Liberal Democracy.
In the early seventies Mr. Ployne commenced a vigorous agitation
to further the purification of local politics, and in the spring of 1876
led the reform movement as a candidate for mayor on the Citizens
ticket. He was elected by a majority of thirty-three thousand, the
largest at that time ever given a municipal chief magistrate in Chi-
cago. Mayor Colvin contested the election, and the circuit court
sustained the regular Democratic candidate. Although it was be-
lieved that he might have appealed to the supreme court with every
prospect of success, Mr. Hoyne considered the outcome so unjust that
he never after would consent to be considered a candidate for office.
As a private citizen, however, he was Chicago's devoted friend, and
his support was always proffered for any measure which he believed
to be for her advancement.
In 1859 Mr. Hoyne assisted to found a chair of international and
constitutional law in the University of Chicago, of which he was for
years the friend and adviser, and which, in 1862, conferred upon him
the degree of LL. D. He also secured the great Lalande telescope and
was the chief promoter and first secretary of the Chicago Astronomi-
f 1
^J? CH^ JK^ , aCi^
cal Society. He was a life member of the Mechanics' Institute, the
Academy of Sciences and the Chicago Historical Society, and by con-
tributions and other active work, furthered their best interests. In
June, 1873, when the University of Chicago and the Northwestern
University formed the Union College of Law, Mr. Hoyne was chair-
man of the board of trustees in behalf of the Chicago University for
1873-74, and in 1877 was chosen president of the joint board of
management, holding that position at the time of his death.
He was also one of the most active in founding and fostering
the free public library, of which he wrote a most interesting historical
sketch in 1877. Of his other writings, of particular interest to pio-
neers of Chicago, may be mentioned "The Lawyer as a Pioneer,"
covering the period of the Illinois and Chicago bar from 1837 to
1840, which were the years of his introduction to the community in
which he afterward became so commanding a figure.
In the midst of many and absorbing activities, Mr. Hoyne was
still a vigorous man of his sixty-six years. But in the summer of
1883, he decided to take an eastern tour of rest and recreation, plan-
ning to descend the St. Lawrence and pass on to the refreshing beau-
ties of the White Mountains. But on the evening of July 27th, three
days after he left Chicago, he was killed in a railway collision at
Charlton, Orleans county, New York, and his body was brought
back for burial in the mourning city of his adoption. His funeral
services at St. Mary's church were attended by the lowly who loved
him, by his professional brethren of the bench and bar, by city and
county officials, and by representatives of civic and educational organi-
zations. One of the founders of a great city had passed away, and
the city did him the honor which was his due.
In the person of Thomas M. Hoyne, who has practiced so long
and so ably at the Chicago bar, is linked the Chicago of the past and
the present. Although born in Galena, Illinois,
while his pioneer father, Thomas Hoyne, was tem-
HOYNE. .,.,.., . . -^ . , ,
porarily residrig m the mmmg town to avoid the
nard times then so prevalent in Chicago, Thomas M. was brought
back to this city while still an iiifant, and thereafter both father and
son were parts of its progressive life.
In these later years Thomas M. Hoyne has continued the sub-
stantial work begun by his father in the conduct of a leading law
Vol. II— 3
firm, which, although engaged in professional business of a general
nature, has been led by the logic of events which follow in the wake
of a rapidly-developing city to give much of its attention to commer-
cial and real estate transactions; and there is no agency which is
more powerful to conserve the substantial growth of such a city than
such an ably-conducted firm as that of Hoyne, O'Connor and Irwin,
of which Thomas M. Hoyne is now the senior member. After the
death of Thomas Hoyne, in 1883, the firm became Horton and Hoyne
and so continued untly 1887, when Oliver H. Horton was elevated
to the bench. The firm of Hoyne, Follansbee and O'Connor then
came into existence, and in 1899 Thomas M. Hoyne, Maclay Hoyne
(his son), John O'Connor and Harry D. Irwin organized the co-
partnership of Hoyne, O'Connor and Hoyne, which continued until
January i, 1907, when Maclay Hoyne withdrew. Since that date
the style of the firm has been Hoyne, O'Connor and Irwin.
Thomas M. Hoyne obtained his early education in the public
schools of Chicago and at a German school on the north side. As
he was born July 17, 1843, he was nineteen years of age when he
graduated from the old Chicago high school. He made his first
practical start in life as a draughtsman for a New York concern en-
gaged in the manufacture of engines and machinery, at a salary of
$2.50 per week; but within a year he returned to Chicago and grad-
uated from the law school of the old University of Chicago in 1866.
In the following year he commenced his long legal career in Chicago.
For forty years he had his office at No. 88 LaSalle street, removing
in 1907 to the Stock Exchange building.
Under the act of 1901 Mr. Hoyne became a candidate for one of
the three additional circuit judges of Cook county, but although he
received a large plurality vote, the supreme court declared the law
unconstitutional. In 1904 he was again nominated for judge of the
superior court, but was defeated. These were Mr. Hoyne's sole
movements toward public preferment, but while he has never been
prominent in politics he has always taken the interest of a typical
American in public affairs. He was one of the founders of the old
Chicago Democratic club, which in 1881 was succeed by the Iroquois
club. Of the latter he was president in 1897, and still retains in it
an active membership. He has long been an honored member of the
Illinois State and the Chicago Bar associations, the Chicago Law
Institute and the Law Club, having also served as president of the
last-named organization. He was twice president of the Northwest-
ern Law School Alumni Association, and outside of his success as
a practitioner, is recognized as a large figure in the fraternal and
educational circles of the profession.
In 1871, Thomas M. Hoyne was married to Jeanie T. Maclay,
daughter of Moses B. Maclay, a well-known New York lawyer, and
the warm relations of friendship inaugurated with the family when
the elder Hoyne was a youth were thus cemented into a closer union
by this happy matrimonial alliance of the son. The son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas M. Hoyne, Maclay Hoyne, also tends further to per-
petuate the gratitude which the elder Lloyne warmly cherished
throughout life for the many kindnesses which he had received from
the Maclay family.
Judge Arba N. Waterman, author of the Historical Review of
Chicago and general editor of th'ese volumes, has been a resident
of Chicago since 1866. Born at Greensboro, Ver-
,,, ' " mont, February t;, 18^6, a son of Loring F. and
Waterman. ^, .^^ \ \ht ^ 1 • j 1 ■ 1
Mary ( Stevens ) Waterman, he received his educa-
tion in the schools of his native state. The degree of A. B. was
granted him by Norwich University, and the University of Vermont
has given him the degree of LL. D. He studied law in the Albany
Law School, which at the time occupied a pre-eminent position among
the law schools of America. In the Civil war he was lieutenant
colonel of the One Hundredth Illinois Volunteers ; at the battle
of Chickamauga, his horse was killed under him, and he was
afterward wounded. After the war he began practice in Chi-
cago. The Chicago bar at that time was distinguished for the versatile
ability and brilliant character of its members. Judge Manierre, Cory-
don Beckwith, Samuel Fuller, Alfred W. Arrington, Joseph E. Gary,
John M. Wilson, Francis H. Kales, Erastus S. Williams, Thomas
Hoyne, B. T. Ayer, and many others, long since gone, were then
leaders in affairs as well as in the courts and bar.
In 1887 Mr. Waterman was elected a judge of the circuit court of
Cook County, and was later assigned as judge of the appellate court
of the first district. After sixteen years' service on the bench, Judge
Waterman resumed practice in 1903, and is now a member of the
firm of Waterman, Thurman and Ross. Judge Waterman is active
in Grand Army affairs, is a member of Grant Post No. 28, of the
Loyal Legion, and was president of the Grand Army Hall and
Memorial Association 1901-02. He is a member of the board of
trustees of the Chicago PubHc Library. His club connections are
with the Hamilton, Chicago Literary and Irving. Judge Waterman
was married in Chicago, December 16, 1862, to Aliss Eloise Hall.
The death of Ezra Butler McCagg in the summer of 1908 served
to remind the present generation, for a second time in this year, of
the passing from life of men who were intimately
,^ „ ■ identified with the affairs of the older Chicasro.
McCagg. ^^ . , . ,,,,,,
• None of the promment names of the bar before the
war now represent living and active men. Mr. McCagg, who was
in his eighty-third year -when he died, had associations with all the
famous men of the city and state. Born and educated for his pro-
fession in New York, he came west in 1846 and joined J. Young
Scammon, with whom he had a partnership for a number of years.
His public services had a wide scope, though he was never to a con-
siderable extent identified with practical politics. During the war he
was president of the Northwestern Sanitary Commission. The crea-
tion of Lincoln Park was due in part to him, as he was the first
president of the park board of trustees. At different times he was
connected, as trustee, with the Illinois Eastern Hospital for the In-
sane, with the University of Chicago, with the Chicago Academy of
Sciences and the Chicago Astronomical Society. The Chicago His-
torical Society recalls his services as an active member and contrib-
utor to its early growth. Outside of his profession, his interests were
literary, he had a splendid private library, though many of his most
valued possessions were destroyed in the fire of 1871, and he was a
writer in the field of general literature and political economy.
Judge James B. Bradwell was one of the venerable and truly ven-
erated fathers of the Chicago bar and of the city itself. Judge Brad-
well was a practical man of affairs, skillful, far-
j! ' seeing and reformatory. He was an originator of
Bradwell. ^. . ^, -^ . . , , ,
actualities as well as an originator of good and
new movements.
Born April 16, 1828, James B. Bradwell was a native of Lough-,
borough, England, his parents being Thomas and Elizabeth (Gut-
ridge) Bradwell. Sixteen months after his birth the family crossed
the ocean to America and first located in Utica, New York, where
they remained until 1833, when they came west by wagon and boat
to Jacksonville, Illinois. There they remained until May, 1834, when
they boarded a prairie schooner drawn by a span of horses and a yoke
of oxen and covered the two hundred and fifty miles to Wheeling,
that state, in twenty-one days. ' Arriving at their destination, they
located upon a farm and here the boy mowed the rank prairie grass,
cradled grain, split rails, broke the tough sod, and pluckily did the
other stern duties required of a sturdy pioneer's son. His life de-
veloped a muscular body and a strong, practical mind, and a stern
realization of the fact that progress even in the land of broad oppor-
tunities, meant hard work and unceasing vigilance in the perception
and seizing of the chances for personal advancement.
Neither was the boy slow to perceive that a good education se-
cured a continuous advantage in favor of those who not only pos-
sessed it but used it. His first instruction was received in a small coun-
try log house near Wheeling, now in Cook county, and later he at-
tended Wilson's academy, Chicago, in which Judge Lorenzo Sawyer
was an instructor. Still later he attended Knox College, Galesburg,
Illinois, while pursuing his course there sustaining himself by work-
ing in a wagon and plow shop, sawing wood and welcoming any
other manual labor which would assist him in the realization of his
ambition to "work himself through college." Eventually he accom-
plished his purpose, and, among the greatest of his drawbacks was
not the lack of work, but the fact that he was obliged to take much of
his pay in store orders, many of which he was forced to discount
heavily for cash. This experience made so strong an impression on
him that he has ever since maintained with remarkable vigor that the
laborer is not only worthy of his hire, but should receive one hundred
cents on the dollar for his services.
After finishing his education the judge began the study of law,
and during this preparatory period of his life his ingenuity and de-
termination were again put to a severe and triumphant test. While
plowing through his law books he worked at various trades as a jour-
neyman, displaying much skill and exhibiting a high degree of invent-
ive genius. So apt was he in all branches of mechanics, it is stated,
that, if necessary, he could earn his living in any one of seventeen
trades. Much of his work was conducted in Chicago, and it is said
that he invented a half-tone process which produced the first cut of
that kind ever made in the city. He was an expert photographer and
continuously maintained his interest in that mechanical art, his stand-
ing among the representatives of today being recognized by his se-
lection as chairman of the committee of World's Congress Auxiliary
on Congress of Photographers.
In 1852 Judge Bradwell was admitted to the practice of his pro-
fession, and the same year married Miss Myra Colby, famous after-
ward as Myra Bradwell, the founder of the Chicago Legal News, the
first paper of its kind in the west and the first to be edited by a woman
in the world. Her career, both as editor and lawyer, was not to be
inaugurated until many years after their marriage. After their union
they removed to Memphis, Tennessee, where the two conducted the
largest select school in that city for about two years. They then re-
turned to Chicago, where Mr. Bradwell commenced the permanent
practice of the law, and the development of a judicial and public ca-
reer of broad usefulness. From 1854 until the first year of the Civil
war he steadily advanced in his profession, and became prominent in
local politics because of his eloquence as a speaker and his high social
and conversational powers.
In 1 86 1 Judge Bradwell entered the field of politics in earnest
and was elected county judge by a large majority, his term being for
four years. He was re-elected in 1865, and effected several important
reforms in court procedure. As a judge of this court he so distin-
guished himself by the fairness of his opinions, the courtesy of his
manner and the improvements in procedure, which facilitated the dis-
patch of business, that his services are yet recalled with pleasure and
admiration by the older members of the bar. In 1873 he was sent to
the lower house of the legislature and was re-elected in 1875, distin-
guishing himself as a speaker and an advocate of much-needed laws
and reform.s. Among other measures he introduced and secured the
passage of the bill making women eligible to school offices, and
throughout his long public life was a champion of granting rights
to women equal to those possessed by men.
Judge Bradwell presided at the American Women Suffrage Asso-
ciation at its organization in Cleveland and was chairman of the arms
and trophy department of the Northwestern Sanitary Commission
and Soldiers' Home Fair, held in Chicago in 1865. He was president
of the Chicago Rifle Club, for four years holding the best record for
rifle shooting in Chicago. He served as president of both the Chicago
Bar Association and the Illinois State Bar Association, being for
many years historian of the latter. In its earlier years he was also
president of the Chicago Press Club — in fact, it mattered not with what
organization or movement he was identified, his popularity and power
of initiative brought him into the class of leaders. He was one of
the founders of the Union League Club and the first president of its
board of directors. In Masonry he took all the degrees and occupied
many high positions in that ancient and honorable order. Judge
Bradwell, at the time of his death, was president and director of the
Chicago Soldiers' Home and secretary and director of the Chicago
Legal News Company, which controls the publication which his wife
founded and of which she was so long the head.
Judge Bradwell died in 1908, being among the last of what rhay
properly be called our early settlers. For seventy-three years he was
one of Chicago's most useful, and for a great part of the time one
of its most prominent citizens.
Mrs. Bradwell died in February, 1894, the mother of four chil-
dren : James and Myra, both deceased ; Thomas, a justice of the
peace since 1887 and Bessie, wife of Frank A. Helmer, a well-known
practicing lawyer of Chicago.
The late Myra C. Bradwell, who passed away in Chicago, Feb-
ruary 14, 1894, when she had just entered the sixty-third year of her
noble and inspiring life, was for years recognized
^ ■ as one of the most remarkable women of the coun-
Bradwell. , . , , , , . , ^
try, and one of her most remarkable traits was that.
through all her public conflicts and triumphs she retained her char-
ity, her tenderness and womanliness. Bishop Samuel Fallows, him-
self a soldier militant, yet overflowing with human sympathy and the
spirit of forgiveness, and a natural friend to a kindred soul, had this
to say of her : "The ideal creation of the poet or the artist's imagi-
nation in the presentation of perfect womanhood has rarely been ac-
tualized in flesh and blood as in the character of this honored woman.
The beauty of holiness, which is the beauty of wholeness, you will
remember, was the conspicuous beauty of her character. It was the
blending of strength and winsomeness, of gentleness and firmness, of
tact and persistency, of the low, sweet voice so much loved in woman,
with the ringing words for truth and justice and the enfranchisement
of her sex, which are to reverberate through the ages forever, of the
faithful performance of every home duty with the larger service to
her country and her race."
Considered more strictly from the standpoint of her public char-
acter, the American Law Reviezv, among hundreds of other tender
and enthusiastic reviews of Mrs. Bradwell's life work, describes her
"as a worthy pioneer in the great movement to give to woman equal
rights before the law and equal opportunities to labor in all voca-
tions ; as one of the most remarkable women of her generation, dem-
onstrating by her life work what women can do in activities hereto-
fore monopolized by men ; as exemplifying great sagacity, enterprise
and masterful business ability in building up one of the most flourish-
ing printing and publishing houses in the west ; as a woman of learn-
ing, genius, industry and high character; as a gentle and noiseless
woman whose tenderness and refinement made the firmness of her
character all the more effective ; as one of those who live their creed
instead of preaching it, and as a noble refutation of the oft-times ex-
pressed belief that the entrance of woman into public life tends to
lessen her distinctive character."
The late Charles C. Bobbey, an eminent lawyer and man of liberal
and generous mind, pronounced the high encomium upon her that,
all things considered, she was at the time of her death the foremost
woman of her time in the department of civil law and jurisprudence;
and added : "She was the first to demonstrate the capacity of women
to master the science of law, and while few women have become,
or are likely to become, practicing lawyers, the influence of her ex-
ample on the great body of intelligent women has been of inestimable
value in the formation of an enlightened public opinion that all intel-
ligent women should have some knowledge of the civil laws which
affect their interests, in order that they may know when their rights
are in danger and may be prompted to seek such aid and protection as
the occasion may require. Although Myra Bradwell seemed to be
only in the prime of life when she died, her career was so public and
so useful that it seems a long one, measured by the events in which
she took a conspicuous part. Throughout it all she commanded to
a wonderful extent the respect of eminent lawyers, judges and states-
The facts of the life which presents such a bright and inspiring
record to women and men alike are that Myra Colby was born in
Manchester, Vermont, February 12, 1831, her father, Eben Colby,
being the son of a Baptist minister of New Hampshire. The family
records show that Anthony Colby, the first of the name to settle in
America, came to Boston from England in 1630. Her paternal grand-
mother was a lineal descendant of Aquilla Chase, who founded a fam-
ily in the United States which produced such men as Bishop Philan-
der Chase, of the Episcopal church, and Salmon P. Chase, chief
justice of the United States supreme court. On her mother's side
she was a descendant of Isaac Willey, who settled in Boston in 1640,
and two members of the family are known to have fought in the
ranks of the patriots at Bunker Hill. From both families flowed to
her the blood of distinguished men and strong women, and nurtured
a character which blossomed into a beautiful and hardy plant in the
great west of America.
In her infancy Myra Colby was taken to Portage, New York,
where she remained until her twelfth year, when she came west with
the other members of the family. Her relatives were all staunch
abolitionists and personal friends of the Love joys, so that a hatred
of slavery, inequality and injustice in all their forms was implanted
early and deeply in her breast. When a mere girl she evinced the
student in her mental composition, balanced by a keen, logical and
practical mind, and mellowed by the imagination of a poet for those
higher things not of the earth. She studied the advanced branches
at Kenosha, Wisconsin, and at a seminary in Elgin, Illinois, after-
ward making a successful record as a teacher.
On May 18, 1852, Myra Colby was united in marriage to James
B. Bradwell, who had just been admitted to practice, and the union
proved ideal not only domestically, but as a means of strengthening
her hands for the accomplishment of her individual aims. Until her
death parted them, Judge Bradwell was her fellow worker in the
great issue of the Civil war, with its measures of national relief, and
when afterward she took up the study of the profession in which she
became eminent her husband encouraged not only her individual ef-
forts, but stood by her side as a champion of her sex for equal rights
with men. Both large characters in the public eye, the idea never oc-
curred to their countless friends and admirers of either overshadow-
ing the other. Standing both in the sunshine of marital love, such
comparisons would have been odious and impossible.
Both Judge Bradwell and Mrs. Bradwell were moving spirits in
the Soldiers' Fair of 1863, the Northwestern Sanitary Fair of 1865
and the second Soldiers' Fair of 1867, organized for the benefit of
soldiers and their families. The Sanitary Fair, held in Bryan Hall,
was an especially prominent event in the work of relief, Judge Brad-
well being president of the committee on arms, trophies and curiosi-
ties, and his wife secretary and really the active organizer of the
feature which proved the great financial success of the enterprise.
When the war was over she assisted in providing the home for the
maimed and dependent veterans, of which her husband was presi-
dent. During this period she was also very active in philanthropic
work among the poor of the city, helping to establish a sewing ex-
change where the needy were given an opportunity to earn a liveli-
Becoming deeply interested in her husband's profession, Mrs.
Bradwell commenced the study of law under his instruction, at first
with no thought of putting it to any practical use. But with her prog-
ress as a student, she became ambitious to use her knowledge, which
resulted in the establishment of the Chicago Legal Nezus in 1868.
This was the first weekly law periodical published in the west, the
first paper of its kind edited by one of her sex in the world, and it
stands today as the best monument to her memory. Practical news-
paper men and lawyers predicted its failure, but her masterly move in
obtaining from the Illinois legislature special acts making all the
state laws and opinions of the supreme court printed in her paper
evidence in the courts, made the Nezvs of such practical authority
and gave it such a standing before the bench and bar alike, as in
itself to be an assurance of success. But this was but one of her saga-
cious acts which eventuated in making her publication a standard
legal authority throughout the country. In 1869 she commenced to
publish the Illinois session laws, and as she always succeeded in get-
ting out her edition ahead of all others, she thereby gained both pres-
tige and patronage. In the midst of her total loss and indescribable
confusion occasioned by the Chicago fire, she lost neither heart nor
time, but hastened to Milwaukee and issued the News on the regular
day of publication. Possessed in unusual measure of far-sightedness,
bravery and enterprise, for twenty-five years she carried her project
to a successful conclusion, whether considered from the professional
or the financial standpoint.
In the meantime Mrs. Bradwell was fighting her way toward
recognition as a practitioner. In 1869 she passed a most creditable
examination for the bar, but was denied admission by the supreme
court of Illinois upon the ground that she was a married woman.
Later, through Chief Justice Lawrence, the court was forced to ad-
mit, by her firm but courteous legal insistence that the refusal was
solely on the ground that she was a woman. Thereupon, suing out
a writ for error against the state of Illinois in the supreme court of
the United States, Mrs. Bradwell secured the services of the bril-
liant Senator Matt Carpenter, of Wisconsin, who argued her case be-
fore that tribunal in 1871. Although in May, 1873, ^^e judgment of
the lower court was affirmed. Chief Justice Chase dissented.
Mrs. Bradwell was afterward the chief instrument in securing the
passage of an Illinois law granting to all persons, irrespective of sex,
freedom in the selection of an occupation, profession or employment,
and although she never again applied for admission to the bar, the
judges of the supreme court of the state, of their own accord, issued
to her a license to practice law, and March 28, 1892, upon petition of
Attorney-General Miller, she was admitted to practice before the
supreme court of the United States. Thus vindicated personally, she
also opened the way to the profession for the benefit of her sex.
More than this. She drafted the bill giving a married woman the
right to her own earnings, and through her efforts it was passed. She
also secured the passage of the law giving a widow her award in all
cases, and was the enthusiastic supporter of the bill granting to a
husband the same interest in a wife's estate that the wife had in her
husband's. While her husband was in the legislature she induced him
to introduce a bill making women eligible to the office of notary pub-
lic, and heartily supported Judge Bradwell's bill permitting women
to act as school officers. Both measures became laws.
By her individual efforts, in 1869, Mrs. Bradwell obtained the
signatures of all the judges in Cook county and many of the lawyers
and ministers of the city to the call for the first great woman's suf-
frage convention held in Chicago, was prominent in the Springfield
convention of the same year, and took part in the gathering at Cleve-
land, which resulted in the formation of the American Woman's
Suffrage Association. After rendering valuable services at Wash-
ington and elsewhere in obtaining the location of the World's Colum-
bian Exposition at Chicago, she served on its board of lady mana-
gers and was chairman of the committee on law reform of its auxil-
iary congress.
Mrs. Bradwell was the first woman to become a member of the
Illinois State Bar Association and the Illinois Press Association ; was
a charter member of the Soldiers' Home Board, the Illinois Industrial
School for Girls, the Washingtonian Home and the first Masonic
chapter organized for women in Ihinois; was a member of the Chi-
cago Woman's Club, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the
Grand Army Relief Corps, the National Press League and the Wom-
an's Press Association. To the last her activities were broad and un-
tiring— the manifestations of her helpful, sympathetic spirit. Hand
in hand with the bestowal of her services upon the public she bound
together an ideal home, leaving, at her death, two of her four chil-
dren, Thomas and Bessie, both lawyers, the latter the wife of Frank
A. Helmer, also a member of the Chicago bar.
With the passing away of William M. Booth on September 7,
1904, the legal fraternity of Chicago suffered a real bereavement in
the severance of another fast and fond tie which,
William M. ^|^j. j^ fj^^j^^r and son, had bound them to the
cause of legal education and courteous practice in
a community which not infrequently forgets them both. The late
Judge Henry Booth, founder of the Union College of Law and for-
merly judge of the circuit court, was looked upon as the professional
father of hundreds of bright and noted practitioners, some of whom
remained at the home of their studies, under his wise guidance, and
others of whom had gone forth to carry to other communities the
benefits of his training and his spirit of thoroughness and honor. It
was to his son, however, that he passed in fine measure his spirit and
his methods, and it was fondly believed that in the long years to come
he would strengthen and perpetuate the noble memory of his vener-
able father. But, although William M. Booth died at middle age,
there still cling to his name the inspiration of a trained mind, a sturdy
character and an unfailing kindliness and cheerfulness which ever
covered his solid traits with a softened light which often broke into
At the time of his death Mr. Booth was one of the masters of
chancery of the United States circuit court, which he had ably and
faithfully held for ten years. He was born in Poug-hkeepsie, New
York, September 26, 1856, and about three years later was brought
by his parents to Chicago. As a sturdy Chicago boy he passed with
credit through the public schools, graduated from the old city high
school and advanced into the Northwestern University, with which
his father had become so closely and prominently identified. As Mr.
Booth combined those rare qualities of persistency, application and
quick perception, his advancement was rapid, and what he acquired
he retained. So that, while many college honors seemed to gravitate
to him naturally, they were really earned at the expenditure of honest
strength of mind and body.
In 1878 Mr. Booth graduated from the Northwestern University
with the degree of A. B., which was followed three years later with
his Master's degree. Entering as a student at the Union College of
Law, at the same time he received the benefit of study under the tu-
telage of Melville W. Fuller, and before his admission to the bar in
1880 he had been appointed chief clerk in Mr. Fuller's office. Until
Mr. Fullers elevation to the chief justiceship of the United States
supreme court, Mr. Booth continued in his position of responsibility
and enjoyed the most confidential relations with his distinguished su-
perior. In September, 1888, he became a member of the firm of
Gregory, Booth and Harlan, which succeeded to the practice of the
chief justice, and although since dissolved by mutual consent, the
members of the partnership always retained a firmly cemented friend-
ship for each other. On June 9, 1894, Mr. Booth was appointed by
Justice Harlan of the supreme court and the circuit judges of his
district to the position of master in chancery of the United States
circuit court, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John I. Ben-
nett. The succeeding ten years proved in a marked manner the emi-
nently judicial quahties of his mind, as he had previously demon-
strated his ability as a practicing- lawyer and a broad-minded and safe
In 1886 William M. Booth was united in marriage to Miss Ada
Fenton Sheldon, of Chicago, who, with two sons, survives him. He
was a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, and the Illinois.
Douglas, University and Calumet Golf Clubs. In politics he was a
Republican, but as has been well said "he belonged to the democracy
of right-minded, clean-hearted, good fellowship."
Thomas Dent, senior member of the law firm of Dent and Jack-
son, and who has practiced his profession actively and ably here for
a period of more than half a century, is a native
Thomas ^^ Illinois, born in Putnam county, on the 14th of
November, 1831. His parents, George and Com-
fort (I jams) Dent, were among the pioneers of that county, having
settled there in the year named upon their removal from Muskingum
county, Ohio, where the father was chiefly reared. Traced back for
several earlier generations, Mr. Dent's ancestors are found to be
sturdy pioneers of Maryland and Virginia, pursuing most creditable
careers and holding positions of public honor and trust.
While residing in Putnam county, George Dent, the father, held
such offices as clerk of the court of county commissioners, county
recorder, clerk of the county court, master in chancery, county judge
and member of the state assembly, and later in life, upon his re-
moval to Woodford county, was there officially honored. He was
evidently a man of broad information and varied practical abilities,
traits inherited and strengthened by the son, who enjoyed the bene-
fits of a thorough and systematic legal education.
Thomas Dent obtained his early education in the district schools
near his home, his boyhood life, outside of the school room being
largely spent on the paternal farm, which was operated in connection
with the almost continuous official duties which fell to him as a result
of public confidence in his abilities and honor. In his thirteenth year
Thomas Dent obtained his first practical experience in legal proceed-
ings by an irregular attendance at the clerk's and recorder's offices,
and when his father assumed these offices himself, the youth (then
sixteen) became more continuously connected with the work. While
thus engaged he commenced his professional studies, and as he was
assisted by having the benefit of assistance from able members of
the bar with whom he daily came in contact when he was finally ad-
mitted to the Illinois bar, in 1854, he was far better qualified to prac-
tice than most young men of his age. Soon after his entrance into
the profession he was entrusted with the management of a variety
of important causes at home and elsewhere in the state. In addi-
tion to his regular practice, at this period, he became a legal expert
in the compiling of indices to the land records.
In 1856, after practicing in Hennepin for two years, Thomas
Dent came to Chicago, and has since practiced continuously in this
city. Soon after becoming a resident of Chicago he formed a part-
nership with Hon. Martin R. M. Wallace, whom he had known at
Ottawa, Illinois, and who afterward became prominent as a general
of the Civil war and as a member of the bench. After a short ab-
sence in Peoria, Illinois, during which he opened an office there, he
returned to Chicago, and in i860 formed a partnership with Hon.
Alfred W. Arrington and, under the name of Arrington and Dent,
a profitable and noteworthy professional business was conducted until
the death of the senior partner in December, 1867. A few months
later he associated himself with Captain William P. Black, the firm
of Dent and Black continuing to strengthen the reputations of its
members during the eighteen years of its existence. Since that time
Mr. Dent has been, successively, a member of the firms of Dent,
Black and Cratty Brothers; Dent and Smith (Edwin Burritt) ; Dent,
and Whitman (Russell) ; Dent, Whitman and Eaton, and Dent and
Personally Mr. Dent has had a broad and varied experience in
many legal lines, involving the trial of causes in various courts of
the northwest, as well as in the supreme court of the United States.
He has served as president of the Chicago Law Institute, the Chi-
cago Bar Association and the Illinois State Bar Association. At the
age of twenty-one he was a nominee for county judge of Putnam
county, and in 1879 the Republicans made him their nominee for the
judgeship of the state supreme court, seventh district of Illinois. Mr.
Dent's practice has always been marked by earnest preparation, keen
analysis of testimony and forcible promulgation of principles, evinc-
ing an extensive knowledge of legal principles and their wise and
ready application.
In 1857 Mr. Dent was united in marriage with Miss Susan
Strawn, and they have had one child, Mary, who died in 1882. The
family residence is at 1823 Prairie avenue. Besides having a leading
identification with the professional organizations mentioned Mr.
Dent belongs to the Union League, Chicago Literary and Twentieth
Century clubs. In view of his pioneer citizenship he has always been
deeply interested in the successful efforts being made by the Chicago
Historical Society to preserve interesting and valuable documents and
memorials connected with the great events of the city and the north-
west. Of that organization he is now vice president, and has con-
tributed valuable papers to the literature which it encourages and
John Rush Newcomer, a judge of the municipal court and well
known as father of the Juvenile Court Law of Chicago, and for his
connection with the state's attorney's office, is a na-
,,-^ " tive of the Keystone state, born on the nth of
Newcomer. ^ r.^ • ^ r^ -
August, 1863, m the town of Qumcy. His parents
were Dr. John and Catherine Newcomer, his mother being also a
native of that place, where she was married to Dr. Newcomer in
1855. During their residence there they were both prominent in
the work of caring for wounded soldiers, as they were located in the
fighting zone of the Civil war. Soon after its close, when John R.
was about two years of age, they located at Mount Morris, Illinois,
where the boy was raised upon a farm and attended the country'
school. The husband died in 1872, leaving the widow and four
small children. Those of the latter who survive are Dr. J. S. New-
comer, of Geddes, South Dakota, and Judge John R. Newcomer.
The sister. Bertha, died in Chicago in 1896 and the other brother,
Harvey L., was killed by the cars in 1884 at Leaf River, Illinois:
Mrs. Catherine Newcomer, the mother, who spent the last days of
her life with the Judge in Chicago, died in May, 1907, at the age of
sixty-eight years, the remains being taken to Leaf River for burial.
After finishing a high school course. Judge Newcomer entered
the Teachers' Training School at Oregon, Illinois, and then taught
for a number of years, returning to the prosecution of his higher
studies at Jennings Seminary, Aurora, Illinois, from which he gradu-
ated in 1887. He received his professional education at the Univer-
sity of Michigan, graduating from its law department in 1891 and
dating his practice from December of that year. Shortly afterward
he formed a partnership with William H. Dellenback, under the firm
name of Newcomer and Dellenback, which continued until 1900. He
had already served one term in the legislature, being elected in 1898,
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and while there he introduced, championed and finally succeeded in
having passed, on the last night of the last day of the session, the
Juvenile Court Bill, the first measure of the kind to become a law in
the United States. This was the culmination of a long period of
tireless, able and disinterested work commenced long before his elec-
tion, and as Judge Newcomer's sole object in becoming a member of
the legislature was to endeavor to pass such a law he may be par-
doned a mingled feeling of pride and deep satisfaction at what has
been accomplished by it in this city. At the present time about twenty
states have incorporated legislation into their laws which is largely
based upon the bill which owes its existence in great measure to the
persistency and wisdom of Judge Newcomer.
In December, 1899, Governor Deneen appointed Judge New-
comer assistant state's attorney, and five years later John J. Healy,
the head of the department, named him for the same position. He
was in court as one of the trial lawyers of that office constantly for
more than seven years. Many important and difficult cases were
successfully handled by him, and his record there materially assisted
him in his election to the municipal judgeship
Joseph Holton Defrees, senior member of the law firm of Defrees,
Brace and Ritter, of Chicago, was born in Goshen, Indiana. April 10,
iSt^S. His ancestors were French Huo;uenots who
Joseph H. , „ • ^ • . ^1 ^ o •
•^„ came to this country prior to the Avar of 181 2, in
Defrees. .
which conflict the family was represented. His
parents were James McKinney and Victoria (Holton) Defrees. They
died during the childhood of their son Joseph, who was, accordingly,
reared by his grandfather, Joseph H. Defrees, a prominent citizen of
Indiana and member of Congress from the slate during the recon-
struction period. His brother, John D. Defrees, was the founder of
the Indianapolis Journal and was public printer under Presidents
Lincoln, Grant and Hayes.
Having laid his educational foundation in the public schools of his
native state, Mr. Defrees continued his studies in Earlham College, at
Richmond, Indiana, and later in Northwestern University, at Evans-
ton. At the age of eighteen becoming a law student in the office of
Baker and Mitchell, at Goshen. Indiana, — for many years the most
prominent law firm in northern Indiana. — upon the election of Mr.
Vol. II— 4
Mitchell to the state supreme bench, Mr. Defrees became a partner of
Mr. Baker, under the firm name of Baker and Defrees, while later
the firm became Baker, Defrees and Baker.
In 1888 Mr. Defrees came to Chicago, where he has made a speci-
alty of corporation and real estate law and gained a large clientele in
these lines. He was a member of the firm of Shuman and Defrees,
later with Aldrich, Payne and Defrees and now senior member of
Defrees, Brace and Ritter. Mr. Defrees has been a practicing lawyer
since he was twenty- two years old, and industry and ability have given
him high professional rank.
Mr. Defrees married, October 4, 1882, Miss Harriet McNaughton,
of Buffalo, New York. Donald Defrees, their one child, born in 1885,
attended Princeton- Yale school at Chicago, the St. Paul school at
Concord, New Hampshire, and after graduating from Yale University
in the class of 1905, entered Harvard Law School.
Mr. Defrees is a member of the Union League, Hamilton, City,
Law and Chicago Clubs, Midlothian Country Club, and the Chicago
Bar Association. He is an earnest Republican, but not active for
political honors.
Kenesaw M. Landis, United States judge for the Northern Dis-
trict of Illinois, was born in Millville, Ohio, November 20, 1866, and
is, therefore, one of the youngest members of the
Kenesaw M. ^^^^^^i bench. His boyhood, youth and early man-
Landis. ,, .;.,. ,., ,
hood were spent m Indiana to whicn state the
family removed in 1876. Judge Landis completed his law studies at
the Union College of Law, Chicago, from which he graduated and was
admitted to the bar in 1891. Two years later he received the ap-
pointment of private secretary 'to Judge Walter Q. Gresham, who had
been named by President Cleveland as his secretary of state, and held
that position until 1895. Mr. Landis then returned to Chicago and
resumed the practice of his profession, which he continued until his
elevation to the bench of the United States district court in March,
1905. The most famous cases which have come before him for
adjudication are those which the government brought against the
Standard Oil Company. Judge Landis imposed fines aggregating
$29,240,000. His action was reversed by the higher court, and the
appeal of the government from such reversal is now (October, 1908)
about to be ruled upon by the court of appeals.
It has always been a disputed question, how far temperament goes
in the determination of personal destiny ; but it is an accepted fact
that where education, training and experience run
,. * " parallel with individual inclination, the combination
is irresistible in its impetus. Neither does it require
keen observation to recognize intellectual temperament, when the
general personality is large and strong. For years before Christian
C. Kohlsaat commenced his ascent from bench to bench, it was gen-
erally admitted both by his fellow practitioners and the judges before
whom he conducted his cases, that although successful as an advo-
cate he was even more eminent as a counselor — that he possessed in
a marked degree the judicial temperament.
The present occupant of the United States circuit bench is a na-
tive of the state which he has honored, being born near Albion, Ed-
wards county, Illinois, January 8, 1844. He laid the groundwork
of his literary and professional education in the public schools and
academy at Galena, that state, and subsequently became a student in
the University of Chicago. His degree of LL. D. he received from
the Illinois College. While engaged in his legal studies he became a
law reporter for the Chicago Evening Journal, and after his admis-
sion to the bar acted as minute clerk of the county court. Judge
Kohlsaat was admitted to practice in 1867, and at once assumed a
good standing among his fellow attorneys. In 1880 he was appointed
a member of the board of west park commissioners, serving thus for
six years, or until January, 1890, when he was selected by Governor
Fifer as probate judge of Cook county to fill out the unexpired term
of Judge Knickerbocker. In the same year he was elected to that
bench, and re-elected in 1894 and 1898. In 1899 he resigned the pro-
bate judgeship, only to accept his appointment to the United States
district bench for the northern district of Illinois, which he filled with
ability, impartiality and dignity from February 28, 1899, until March,
1905. At the latter date he assumed his present duties as judge of
the United States circuit court, and in the prompt and wise perform-
ance of them he has demonstrated that he is equal to the responsi-
bilities of any judicial elevation which may come to him.
Aside from his judicial functions. Judge Kohlsaat has an active
identification with important charitable and educational institutions.
He is a trustee of the Y. M. C. A. and president of the boards of trus-
tees of both the Lewis Institute and the Mary Thompson Hospital
for Women and Children. His social membership embraces the Un-
ion League Club (of which he was president in 1896), and the Chi-
cago, Athletic and Illinois clubs. Married in June, 1871, to Miss
Frances S. Smith, he has become the father of four children, and his
domestic life is in keeping with his upright and kindly character.
Not a few lawyers of foreign birth have attained very high stand-
ing in Chicago, both as attorneys and jurists, and among them none
have obtained greater eminence than Axel
Chytraus, present judge of the superior court, who
has been an incumbent of that bench since his first
election in November, 1898. He was born in the province of Werm-
land, Sweden, son of Gustav E. and Maria (Johnson) Chytraus, on
the 15th of September, 1859. On the paternal side the ancestral line
is traced to the fourteenth century, beginning in Germany and em-
bracing several noted theologians. Later, it was established in Swe-
den, the family numbering not a few well-known civil engineers.
Judge Chytraus came to Chicago with his parents when he was
ten years of age, and had, therefore, received some schooling in Swe-
den. He finished his education preliminary to his professional train-
ing in the public schools of this city, and as he has never enjoyed a
collegiate education, his rapid progress in his calling is all the more
remarkable. At the age of thirteen he entered the office of Howe and
Russell as an all-around boy, and there he remained engaged in work
and subsequent study until about a year before his admission to the
bar. After the death of F. S. Howe he remained for some time with
the surviving partner, E. W. Russell, and in 1880 left his employ and
became connected with the office of Francis Lackner. Upon his ad-
mission to the bar November 7, 1881, he formed a partnership with
Mr. Lackner's brother-in-law, George F. Blanke, under the firm name
of Blanke and Chytraus, this connection continuing for a number of
years prior to the admission of Charles S. Deneen into the business.
The firm of Blanke, Chytraus and Deneen was dissolved upon the
election of Mr. Blanke to the bench of the superior court in 1893, and
the partnership of Chytraus and Deneen until the elevation of the
former to the superior judgeship in November, 1898. In the mean-
time Mr. Deneen had been elected state's attorney, and since, gov-
ernor of the state. Judge Chytraus's record was so unimpeachable
from every standpoint of professional conduct and absolute justice,
his decisions and general dispatch of business was so prompt and yet
courteous, that he was re-elected in 1904 for another six-years' term.
Although his voting politics is Republican no one has ever intimated
that his judicial proceedings are in any way affected by his party
Judge Chytraus was married June 22, 1892, to Laura Haugan,
daughter of H. A. Haugan, president of the State Bank of Chicago.
They have no children living. The Judge has been for many years
a member of the Union League Club, and is also identified with the
Marquette Club. He is well advanced in Masonry, having reached
the thirty-second degree.
George Albert Carpenter is a native of Chicago, and the son and
grandson of ancestors who have had a large part in its pioneer his-
tory. He was born October 20, 1867, the son of
„ ■ George B. and Elizabeth (Greene) Carpenter. His
C A'RP'FN'TF'R \ / j.
father is a native of Conneaut, Ohio, where he was
born March 12, 1834, becoming a resident of Chicago in 1850,
while his mother, a New Hampshire lady, died in June, 1905, at the
age of sixty years. The grandfather, Benjamin Carpenter, was es-
pecially connected with the civic history of the city. He was a man
of energetic and positive nature, and at one time served as a mem-
ber from the old ninth ward, in the city council. When the depart-
ment of public works was created in 1852, he was appointed its first
commissioner and accomplished much in the early improvement of
the streets, water works, etc.
Judge Carpenter received his early education at the old Ogden
public school and the Higher School for Boys, conducted by Cecil
Barnes. At the latter institution he prepared for college, and became
a student at Harvard University in 1884, graduating four years there-
after with the degree of A. B. Upon this firm literary foundation
he entered the law school of Harvard University, and in 1891 ob-
tained from it his professional degree of LL. B. In October of the
previous year he had been admitted to the Illinois bar, and in June,
1 89 1, commenced the practice of his profession in Chicago. At first
he was informally associated with Abram M. Pence, and in January,
1892, entered into partnership with him under the firm style of Pence
and Carpenter. This connection continued until September, 1905,
when Mr. Pence died; but the firm remained the same in name until
June, 1906, when Mr. Carpenter was elected to the circuit bench. He
was elected as a Republican, that political faith, with its predecessor,
the Whig, being almost a family inheritance.
Judge Carpenter has a wide connection with the clubs and socie-
ties of Chicago, having membership in the Law, Chicago, Univer-
sity, Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia, Fellowship and Lake Geneva
Country clubs.
George A. Carpenter was united in marriage May 10, 1894, to
Miss Harriet Isham, a daughter of Dr. R. N. Isham, one of the lead-
ing surgeons of the country, who died in March, 1904. Her mother,
formerly Katherine Snow, was born in the city of Chicago in 1833,
being a daughter of G. W. Snow, himself one of the early pioneers
of the city. The children born to Judge and Mrs. Carpenter are
Katherine Snow and George Benjamin Carpenter.
Merritt Starr is one of the sons of the Empire State who have
achieved eminence in the great commonwealth of Illinois. A native
of Ellington, Chautauqua county, New York, he
Merritt . . . .
<-, is a descendant in the ninth generation of Dr. Com-
fort Starr, of Ashford, Kent, England, who, in
1635, crossed the Atlantic in the sailing vessel Hercules and took up
his residence in Boston, and whose second son. Comfort Starr, A. M.,
of Emmanuel's College, Cambridge University, was one of the -
founders and a member of the charter board of Fellows of Harvard
College. On the maternal side Mr. Starr is descended from John
Williams, who was a member of the Rhode Island senate during the
Revolutionary war, and a grandson of Roger Williams, the founder
of the colony of Rhode Island. Both of the families were repre-
sented in the American army during the struggle for independence.
In his early boyhood Mr. Starr's parents removed to Rock Island,
Illinois, where he attended school preparatory to entering Griswold
College at Davenport, Iowa. Later he was a student in Oberlin
College, from which he received the degree of A. B. in 1875. The
degree of Master of Arts was subsequently conferred upon him by
Oberlin College. Having become imbued with the desire to enter
the legal profession, he read law for three years in the office of the
attorneys for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company,
and in 1878 entered the college and law departments of Harvard
/^ f f^hJC/L^ t^ t-t-^^^'-if
y^c ^ -z^' <Suy-^\A
S ASTQR, lEm%^^-^
University, at which he was graduated in 1881, and received the
degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws.
Upon graduating at Harvard Mr. Starr came at once to Chicago,
was admitted to the bar and entered upon a successful professional
career. His first professional work was the preparation of briefs for
some of the prominent attorneys of Chicago. While he was thus
engaged he prepared and published some valuable contributions to
legal literature. Among these are "Starr's Reference Digest of Wis-
consin Reports" (1882), the practice chapters in the treatise known
as "Gould on the Law of Waters" (1883), and, in connection with
the late R. H. Curtis, "Starr and Curtis's Annotated Statutes of Illi-
nois" (1885, 1887, 1892 and 1896). He was the first editor of the
decisions of the supreme court of Illinois for the Northeastern Re-
porter, holding the position in 1885-88, at the end of which time
he was forced by the demands of a growing private business to re-
sign it. He has been a frequent contributor to legal publications, is
an orator of recognized ability, and is listened to often and with
pleasure by local clubs, law societies and popular audiences. On the
suspension of the Indiana banks in 1883, he conducted the litigation
carried on in Chicago on behalf of their creditors and established in
the supreme court of Illinois the then novel doctrine, that banks must
hold the entire funds of the garnished depositor for the benefit of
all the creditors who may thereafter perfect claims under the statute.
In these important and warmly contested cases he met the late W. C.
Goudy, John W. Jewett, and other leaders of the Chicago bar. Mr.
Starr was honored with the friendship of the late Corydon Beck-
with, ex-judge of the supreme court of Illinois, and assisted him in
important matters.
In 1890 Mr. Starr formed a partnership with Hon. John S. Mil-
ler, ex-corporation counsel of Chicago, and ex-Senator Henry W.
Leman, under the firm name of Miller, Starr and Leman. Two years
later the junior member of the firm retired, but Messrs. Miller and
Starr continued their business relations, and in the autumn of 1893
became associated with Colonel George R. Peck, then general solici-
tor of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, and
since 1895 general counsel for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Company. The firm of Peck, Miller and Starr has for
years occupied a prominent position at the Chicago bar.
Mr. Starr possesses marked individuality and originality. His
opinions are neither inherited nor acquired from others, but are the
result of his own carefiil and conscientious investigation and delib-
eration. As a lawyer he is distinguished for clearness of perception,
tireless industry and keen discrimination. In an important case his
brief gives indubitable evidence of exhaustive research, legal acumen,
forcible statement and faultless logic. But he is not content with be-
ing a lawyer. He is a man of wide and generous culture. An om-
nivorous reader, he is familiar with the best books, classic and mod-
ern, arid being blessed with a memory loyal to its trust, he can, when
occasion demands, bring forth from the rich storehouse of the
world's wisdom, treasures new and old. Not unfamiliar with art
science and philosophy, his greatest delight is in the domain of litera-
ture, wherein he finds rest from professional toil. He is a true and
steadfast friend, a genial companion, prizing all the amenities and
courtesies that make life pleasant and friendship valuable.
Recognizing his obligations as a citizen, Mr. Starr has taken an
active part in every effort to improve municipal government. He in-
fluentially participated in the organization of the Civil Service
League, drafting the city civil service law and assisting in its passage,
as well as fathering the bills and instituting the merit system in the
state and county institutions. He was a leader in the promulgation
of the Greater Chicago charter, in 1904, and no important move-
ment can be named which has had for its object the betterment of
the public service in which he has not taken the part of a conscien-
tious, leading citizen.
Mr. Starr adheres to the principles of the Republican party, be-
lieving that they best conserve the public good. He is connected
with various societies and organizations for the promotion of social,
literary and philanthropic aims and purposes, and is a member of the
Union League, the Chicago Literary, the University, the Harvard
(Chicago), the Skokie Country and the Kenilworth clubs. His pro-
fessional connections are with the Chicago, the American and the
Illinois State Bar associations, and the Chicago Law Institute, hav-
ing served as president of the last-named for two terms and for
many years as director. He has always been deeply interested and
proved a wise leader in progressive public education, and has served
for some time as a member of the township board of education. He
is a trustee of Oberlin College, and a leading member of the Congre-
gational Club.
Mr. Starr was married September 8, 1885, to Miss Leila Wheel-
ock, of Cleveland, who was a fellow-student at Oberlin College.
Their children are : Winifred Ursula, Philip Comfort, Merritt Paul,
and Leila Beatrice. Mrs. Starr is a member of the Chicago Woman's
Club and takes an active part in literary and philanthropic work.
John Marshall Clark, secretary of Grey, Clark & Engle, large
and well-known leather manufacturers, is an honored business man
of the pioneer period of Chicago's history. He is
-' ■ also one of those rugged historic characters, who,
having accomplished their good work in the build-
ing of the west, located in its representative city to participate in its
unparalleled growth in material and civic affairs.
Mr. Clark was born in White Pigeon, St. Joseph county, Michi-
gan, on the I St of August, 1836, and is a son of Robert aTtid Mary E.
(Fitch) Clark. Early in life he evinced a preference for engineering
work, and 'finally entered the noted Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
at Troy, New York, graduating therefrom in 1856 with the degree
of C. E. In the meantime his family had removed to Chicago, where
he had passed the years of his boyhood and youth from 1847 to 1852.
Upon his graduation from the Polytechnic Institute Mr. Clark re-
turned to this city, and from 1856 to 1859 was connected with the
engineering corps of the Illinois Central Railroad. In the latter year
he started for the western plains and their promises (amply fulfilled)
of wonderful development, participating in the laying out of the
original site of Denver, in which he also had a proprietary interest.
He was here engaged, professionally, for three years, and in 1862
went to Santa Fe as a surveyor of the government lands in New
Mexico. While thus employed the Confederates made their raid into
the territory, and Mr. Clark rendered the federal cause valuable serv-
ice by conveying important documents connected with the government
land office to Fort Union. Later he served as an aide-de-camp on
the staffs of Generals Donaldson and Stough, being with the latter
at the battle of Apache Canyon.
After the war Mr. Clark returned to Chicago, in order to enter
the more promising field of business, in which he has since remained.
He at once bought an interest in the leather manufacturing firm ot
Grey, Marshall & Company, which had been established in 1857 by
William L. Grey and James G. Marshall. Later the style of the firm
became Grey, Clark & Company, and in 1880, by the admission of
Augustus Engle to a participation in its affairs, was formed the present
Grey, Clark & Engle. At one. time Mr. Clark was president of the
Chicago Telephone Company, in which he is still a director.
John M. Clark has enjoyed a long, intimate and important con-
nection with the public affairs of Chicago, and for many years was
recognized as among its ablest and most popular Republican leaders.
He served as a member of the common council in 1869-71, and in
1 88 1 was put forward by his party as a candidate against Carter H.
Harrison, Sr. Later, he was a member of the Chicago board of
education, and in 1890 was appointed by the national, administration
as collector of the port, serving in that office for the succeeding four
years. He was also honored with the presidency of the first board of
civil service commissioners in 1895-97. Mr. Clark has been widely
and influentially connected with various city organizations, having
held the presidency of the Chicago Club and been a leading member
of the Union League, University, Literary, Calumet and Commercial
William K. Ackerman, chairman of the board of examiners of
the first Civil Service Commission, was long held to be one of the
most honorable and clear-headed citizens of Chi-
WlLLIAM K. -TT^ r 1 1 1
. cago. He was a man of remarkable organiz-
ing and systematizing powers, and accomplished
much for the practical good of the commission in its formative
and experimental period. For a quarter of a century he had
ably filled various executive offices with the Illinois Central, be-
ing also one of the strongest forces in the development of that great
system. Born in the city of New York on the 29th of January, 1832,
Mr. Ackerman was of old Knickerbocker stock, his grandfather,
Abram Ackerman, serving as captain of a company in the regiment
known as Jersey Blues, and being with General Anthony Wayne at
the storming of Stony Point. Lawrence Ackerman, his father, was
also born in New York City; resided there for eighty-five successive
years, and served in the War of 181 2 as a lieutenant of artillery, hav-
ing at one time command of the troops stationed on Bedloe's Island.
W. K. Ackerman received his education in the eastern metropolis.
and after engaging there in business for several years entered the
service of the Ilhnois Central Railroad Company in May, 1852, as
a clerk in the financial department of that corporation in New York.
The land grant had just been obtained from the Illinois legislature to
assist in the building of the road, and within the succeeding eight
years the trunk line, with various branches, was completed to Mem-
phis and New Orleans through central Illinois. This period of Mr.
Ackerman's career was spent in New York at the financial headquar-
ters of the road, of which he had already advanced to the secretary-
With the main line of the Illinois Central in working order, Mr.
Ackerman was dispatched to the immediate territory of its operations
which centered in Chicago. He took up his residence in this city on
the loth of September, i860, and at once assumed the duties of the
local treasurership, becoming treasurer of the entire corporation in
April, 1870. In 1872 he was elected a director of the company; was
appointed general auditor in 1875, in which position he introduced
an entirely new system of accounts; became vice president in 1876
and was elected to the presidency in October, 1877. He filled that
office until August, 1883, when he returned to the vice presidency
which he retained until his retirement from the road, January i, 1884.
During his thirty-two years of connection with the company, as much
as any other man, he brought its affairs into admirable system and
smooth working order, and it was also largely owing to him that the
admirable suburban system of the road was introduced. He afterward
became connected with the western management of the Baltimore &
Ohio road; made a fine record as comptroller of the vast and intricate
finances of the World's Columbian Exposition ; afterward contributed
of his wide experience and practical wisdom in the organization of
the Civil Service Commission of Chicago, and at his death, Febru-
ary 7, 1905, was generally estimated as a faithful worker in a vigor-
ous community, who, without posing as one of its strong characters,
had in reality accomplished much of supreme importance.
Within the present generation there has not arisen in the west
a greater or more brilliant lawyer or a finer citizen than George Rec-
ord Peck, general counsel of the great Chicago,
p " Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway system since Sep-
tember 15, 1895. For the previous fourteen years
he had served as general sohcitor of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa
Fe Railroad Company, and there is, therefore, no lawyer in the coun-
try who has taken more important part in the railway litigation of
the west than Mr. Peck. He was long at the head of the state bar
and the Republican party of Kansas, was offered the United States
senatorship, and was for years one of the leading public men m that
section of the country. Besides noteworthy powers of both a pro-
fessional and public nature, Mr. Peck is a deep scholar and has been
honored with various degrees from leading colleges, while as a pol-
ished and eloquent orator on national and general subjects he has
few equals.
Mr. Peck's birthplace was near Cameron, Steuben county, New
York, and the day of his nativity May 15, 1843. He is the son of
Joel M. and Amanda (Purdy) Peck, and when he was six years of
age his parents brought him to the new family farm in Wisconsin.
He spent the earlier period of his life in a western clearing, which
he himself helped to make, and at the age of sixteen, with only a
common-school education, he abandoned farm work to become a
school teacher that he might assist his father in the difficult task of
lifting a mortgage from the old homestead. At the age of nineteen
he enlisted for service in the Union army, joining the First Heavy
Artillery of Wisconsin and being subsequently transferred to the
Thirty-first Wisconsin Infantry, with the latter command participat-
ing in Sherman's historic march to the sea and his later operations
northward. During- the three years of his service his faithfulness,
intelligence and bravery had advanced him from the ranks to the
grade of captain, in which position he was honorably mustered out
of the service at the age of twenty-two.
Captain Peck immediately returned to Wisconsin to prepare for
the profession which he had chosen, and spent six years in Janes-
ville as law student, circuit court clerk and general practitioner. De-
siring to test the country further west as a professional field, he re-
moved to Independence, Kansas, where, from 1871 to 1874, he prac-
ticed with signal success. In the latter year he was appointed by
President Grant to the office of United States district attorney of
Kansas, and with the assumption of his duties, removed to Topeka,
the state capital. There, for nineteen years, he won ever-increasing
distinction as a lawyer, man of letters, influential citizen and public
character. It was during- this period (1887) that the University of
Kansas, in recognition of his great abihty, conferred upon him the
degree of LL. D. Within a month after his appointment as United
States attorney he was directed by the attorney-general of the United
States to bring suit involving a title to nine hundred and sixty thous-
and acres of land. The promptness and ability with which he brought
this suit and other cases to a successful issue soon marked him as
one of the leaders of the western bar, bringing him such inducements
to resume private practice that, in 1879, ^^^ resigned his government
position. After two years of lucrative independent practice, the At-
chison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company elected him its gen-
eral solicitor, and from that time until 1895 that large and constant-
ly-growing system of railroads was developed under his legal coun-
sel and direction.
Mr. Peck's wide and strong influence in Kansas politics was early
recognized, and during the last ten years of his residence in Topeka
his leadership of the Republican party was unquestioned. Upon the
death of Senator Plumb, in 1892, Governor Humphrey offered the
vacant seat in the United States senate to Mr. Peck, who, on account
of the magnitude and pressing nature of his railroad duties, declined
the high honor. In the early months of 1893, when the political
imbroglio of the Lewelling administration had assumed such an
alarming aspect, it was George R. Peck, according to the verdict of
both parties, who, by force of his wisdom and will and the inexplic-
able influences of a fine character, averted the threatened anarchy and
In Kansas, as well as in Illinois, he might have attained eminence
in politics and statesmanship, but there, as here, he has always de-
clined those public honors which were not in line with his profession;
and it is as a great railroad lawyer that his name is most prominently
associated. Further notice of his triumphs in his chosen field is,
therefore, here taken. In 1891, when the Atchison, Topeka & Santa
Fe Railroad secured control of the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail-
road, one of the stockholders of the latter sought to enjoin the sale
on the ground that the two roads were parallel and competing. The
case was bitterly contested in the circuit and supreme courts of the
United States, and Mr. Peck's successful management of this litiga-
tion in which an important extension of the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Fe System was involved, gave him a place among the first
railroad lawyers of the country. When in December, 1893, the
Atchison system went into the hands of a receiver and the problem of
its reorganization was pressing upon the holders of its almost worth-
less securities, the direction of the momentous legal proceedings de-
volved upon Mr. Peck. Within two years the mortgages had been
foreclosed, the property sold, a working plan of reorganization ef-
fected and the great railroad system preserved unbroken. Such a
feat of both rapid and efficient reorganization of so large a railroad
property is unparalleled, but it was not until its accomplishment that
Mr. Peck resigned the of^ce which had involved so many anxieties
and heavy responsibilities.
In September, 1895, Mr. Peck resigned as general solicitor of the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe system to become general counsel of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company, but the judge
of the United States circuit court at Topeka asked that he still give
the Atchison reorganization committee the benefit of his counsel until
the reorganization should be completed in all its details. Since his
removal to Chicago he has not only borne the weighty responsibilities
of his railroad connections, but has been privately associated with
John S. Miller and Merritt Starr, in the law firm of Peck, Miller and
Starr, chiefly engaged in the practice of corporation law.
Mr. Peck has a national reputation as a polished, scholarly and
eloquent orator, and upon numerous public occasions has delivered
addresses which have attracted wide-spread notice. Since coming to
Chicago various institutions of learning have conferred upon him
honorary degrees in recognition of his standing as a lawyer and man
of letters, including LL. D. from Union College, New York (1896),
LL. D., Bethany College and A. M., Milton College (1902). Among
the many notable addresses which have brought him high standing
as an orator may be mentioned : That on General George H. Thomas
before the Loyal Legion of the United States, at Indianapolis; re-
sponse on Abraham Lincoln at the banquet of the Marquette Club,
Chicago; address on the Puritans before the Ethical Society of Mil-
waukee ; oration on the Worth of a Sentiment, before the Wasliington
and Jefiferson Societies of the University of Virginia; The Ethical
Basis of American Patriotism, before the graduating class of Union
College, New York; oration at the unveiling of the Logan statue on
the lake front, Chicago, and that on Washington before the students
of the University of Chicago. A mere mention of such titles as the
above indicates in some measure the scope of Mr. Peck's mentality.
Companionable, warm-hearted and generous, admiration of his mas-
terful abilities is often forgotten in the warmer admiration of the
Mr. Peck's married life covered a harmonious and happy period
of thirty years. His wife, to whom he was united in 1866, was for-
merly Miss Arabella Burdick, his marriage occurring during the
commencement of his legal career in Janesville, Wisconsin. Four
children were born to them — Mary E., Isabelle, Charles B. and Ethel.
Mrs. Peck's death occurred March 5, 1896.
Alexander Hamilton Revell is a typical Chicago man, born here
on the 6th of January, 1858, prominent in business as a young man,
and of more recent years a leader in movements
^ ■ beneficial to the material and moral uplifting of the
community. As far as his education is concerned,
he is also a product of the public schools. Starting his business
chiefly as a furniture store quite removed from the retail district of
the city, by untiring energy and remarkable initiative he developed a
trade which enabled him to erect a magnificent structure on Wabash
avenue in which he installed a complete line of house furnishings,
and placed himself with the foremost merchants of the northwest.
Alexander H. Revell & Company was incorporated, and since
that time Mr. Revell has remained its president. At the time of the
inception and progress of the World's Columbian Exposition his ex-
ecutive ability, sound counsel and persuasive powers were greatly
relied on — first, to locate the fair in Chicago, and, secondly, to assist
in pushing the great movement along to its triumphant conclusion.
He has also served for years as director in the National Business
League. Manufacturers' Bank and Central Trust Company of Illinois.
The scope of his activities and variety of his mental traits is indi-
cated, furthermore, in his identification as director with the LaFay-
ette Memorial Commission and Chicago Musical College, and as
trustee with the Northwestern University and the McKinley National
Monument Association. In the many social and political clubs in
which he has membership he has played a leading part, having served
as president of the Union League and Marquette clubs and the Chi-
cago Athletic Association, and as vice president of the Merchants'
and Hamilton clubs. Both as to substantial support and brains, Mr.
Revell is one of the mainstays of the Republican party of Illinois and
the northwest,, and has always warmly accorded to Chicago the same
stanch support which its people have given him as an honorable
and successful merchant and an eminently useful citizen.
One of the most forceful citizens of Chicago, John Maynard Har-
lan, has always used his fine legal talents in the furtherance of what
he has conceived to be for the best interests of the
i-, ' city, merging the two characters of citizen and law-
Harlan. ^ . T . ,
yer nito a high personal combmation which, de-
spite differences of intellectual opinion, has been generally recognized
as an example well worthy of emulation. In whatever movement Mr.
Harlan has participated he has stimulated discussion and often bit-
ter opposition, which, besides being a proof of his forceful personal-
ity has, like the raging of an electric storm, resulted in the clarifica-
tion of the atmosphere and redounded to the general good.
Mr. Harlan is a native of Frankfort, Kentucky, son of John Mar-
shall and Malvina F. (Shankline) Harlan, and was born on the 21st
of December, 1864. For years his father has stood as one of the
most eminent attorneys and jurists of the country, having been an
associate justice of the United States supreme court since 1877. J^^^"
tice Harlan was born in Boyle county, Kentucky, June i, 1833; grad-
uated from the law department of the Transylvania University m
1853, ^^<^ '^bly served as attorney-general of Kentucky from 1863 to
1867. This period covered the most troublous times of the Civil war,
during which critical period in Unionism the elder Harlan proved his
stanch loyalty to the Federal cause.
John Maynard Harlan obtained his early education in the public
schools of Louisville, Kentucky, later attending various private estab-
lishments of that city, and, after his father ascended the supreme bench
cornpleting his ante-collegiate training in Washington, District of
Columbia. In 1880 he entered Princeton University, from which he
graduated four years later with the degree of A. B. Returning to
Washington 1ie pursued a thorough professional course in the Colum-
bian University Law School, obtaining his LL. B. with ihe class of
Immediately after graduating in law Mr. Harlan located in Chi-
cago and entered the office of Smith and Pence, forming a partner-
ship with the senior member (G. W. Smith) in 1890. This connec-
tion continued for two years, and from 1892 to 1898 he practiced
alone. The five years from 1898 to 1903 were spent in active and
prominent practice in association with Henry M. Bates, as senior
member of the firm of Harlan and Bates, the partnership being then
dissolved by the election of Mr. Bates to a chair in the law school of
the University of Michigan. In 1904 Mr. Harlan joined his brother,
James S. Harlan, in the formation of the firm of Harlan and Harlan,
a partnership which has since been dissolved.
During Mr. Harlan's active and honorable professional career of
nearly twenty years, politics and public affairs have occupied a large
share of his attention, although his official service has been confined to
1896-98, when he was alderman from the old Twenty-second ward.
He was the Republican candidate for mayor in 1897 and 1905, but
was too outspoken in his words and too independent in his actions to
secure the necessary majorities. In fact, his friends and admirers
have always insisted that he is too much of a man to make a success-
ful politician.
At Yonkers, New York, on the 21st of October, 1890, Mr, Har-
lan was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth P. Flagg, and the chil-
dren born to them have been as follows : Elizabeth P., John Mar-
shall and Janet. In religious views Mr. Harlan is a Presbyterian.
He is sociable and popular, being identified with the University, Chi-
cago, Chicago Athletic, Marquette, Hamilton, Saddle and Cycle and
Chicago Golf clubs.
Hon. Solomon Hicks Bethea, judge of the United States district
court, and widely known in public affairs, both of a legal and civic
nature, is a native of Lee county, Illinois. He is
T-, ■ a son of William T. and Emily (Green) Bethea,
Bethea. , , • , , • , , - tn- m-
and obtamed his early education at Dixon, Illinois,
to which place his parents removed in his childhood. After passing
through the public schools of that city, he entered the high school at
Ann Arbor, Michigan, preparatory to pursuing a literary course in
the University of Michigan.
After being a student in the literary department of the Michigan
state university for some time. Judge Bethea commenced his legal
studies in the office of Eustace, Barge and Dixon, at Dixon, Illinois.
Vol. II— 5
and after his admission to the IlHnois bar, became a partner of Hon.
John V. Eustace, the senior member of the firm with whom he re-
ceived his tutelage. Subsequently he attained high rank as a conserv-
ative Republican leader, was elected mayor of Dixon for one term
and creditably served as a member of the Illinois legislature in 1882-
83. Progressing with equal certitude in the field of his profession,
in 1899 he was appointed United States district attorney for the
northern district of Illinois, and held the office with the ability pre-
saged from his past record for a period of six years. In March,
1905, he was honored by -his elevation to the bench of the district
which he had served so well as attorney.
Hon^ Edward F. Dunne, former judge of the circuit court of
Cook county and mayor of the city of Chicago, one of the most prom-
inent Democrats in the state, is a native of Water-
„ ■ ville, Connecticut, born on the 12th of October,
1853. He is a son of P. W. and Delia M. (Law-
ler) Dunne, being of Irish parentage and, after graduating from the
Peoria (Illinois) high school in 1870, pursued a three-years' course
in Trinity College, Dublin University. Because of his father's fail-
ure in business, he was obliged to leave college before graduation,
and, coming to Chicago, eventually entered the Union College of
Law, from which he obtained his professional degree in 1877, with
a later honorary degree of LL. D. from St. Ignatius College.
Upon his admission to the bar in 1877 he engaged in practice m
Chicago and successfully covered the general field of professional
work until he was elevated to the bench of the Circuit court in De-
cember, 1892. He was twice re-elected, and made such a record for
substantial and conservative ability, as well as for executive force,
that the Democrats nominated him for mayor in the spring cam-
paign of 1905. - He was elected by a decisive majority over John M.
Harlan, the Republican candidate, resigning his judicial office to ac-
cept the mayoralty. He had previously (1900) been honored by se-
lection as a presidential elector on his party ticket, had been twice
president of the Iroquois, the leading Democratic club in Chicago,
and was in every way esteemed a strong factor in the best standing
and progress of Democracy. His administration of municipal affairs
met with expected criticism from political opponents, but he left the
office with a character strengthened in the estimation of the general
public because of the obvious honesty of his intentions and the patient
wisdom with which he met many trying situations.
On August 16, 1 88 1, Mr. Dunne married Miss Ehzabeth J. Kelly,
and their children are as follows: Edward P. (deceased). Gerald
(deceased), Charles S. (deceased), and Edward F., Jr., Richard.
Eileen, Mona, Maurice, Dorothy, Jerome, Geraldine, Jeannette and
Eugene. The pleasant family residence is at 3127 Beacon street, and
the domestic life which centers in the home is ideal. As a public char-
acter he is necessarily somewhat identified with general social life,
having been twice president of the Monticello Club, as well as of the
Iroquois; is a member of the Iroquois, Jefferson, Illinois Athletic,
Westward Ho Golf and Ravenswood clubs. Even before his eleva-
tion to the mayoralty, he was considered a leading authority on mu-
nicipal matters, having served for some time as vice president of the
National Civic Federation.
The professional intimates of the late William C. Goudy unhesi-
tatingly place him among the most able general practitioners who
ever graced the Chicago bar, as he was perfectly at
„ ■ home in every department, whether civil or crimi-
GOUDY. , , , ,
nal, common law or chancery, real estate or cor-
poration law. Because of this breadth of eminence he earned a firm
place as one of the great lawyers of the state, who, in many respects,
had no superior. Throughout his life he was an associate of great
lawyers and great statesmen, and barely missed the distinction of be-
ing classed with the latter. He was one of the ideal gentlemen in
public life — a man of remarkable strength, and of unassuming
courtesy and tenderness.
Mr. Goudy was of composite British stock, having English, Scotch
and Irish blood in his physical and mental constitution. He was born
in Indiana on the 15th of May. 1824. his mother, Jane Ainsworth, be-
ing a Pennsylvanian of English descent. His father, who sprang,
from old hardy Scotch-Irish ancestry, was born in Ireland. Others
of the family resided in Scotland, where they were known as Goudies.
Mr. Goudy's father was bred to the trade of a carpenter, but aspiring
to something more intellectual engaged in the printing and IxH)k-
binding business, and in 1833 removed to Jacksonville, Illinois, where
he began the publication of Goudy's Farmers' Almanac, the first
magazine of the kind to be published in the northwest. It was founded
on the plan of Greeley's famous almanac, and achieved similar popu-
larity among the western farmers. In 1834, in company with Samuel
S. Brooks, he undertook the publication of a Democratic paper at
Jacksonville, their journal having the honor of bringing before the
public the genius of Stephen A. Douglas.
Endowed with an active and strong mentality, and brought up
amid such surroundings, it would have seemed natural for William
C. Goudy to have adopted journalism as a profession; but, despite
the undoubted allurements of such a career, the uncertainties were
too great to be ignored and he therefore commenced his preparation
for the more exact, sharply defined and altogether more promising
profession of the law. Upon his graduation from Illinois College, at
Jacksonville, Illinois, in 1845, ^^ received the regular degree of
Bachelor of Arts, that institution subsequently conferring upon him
the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Arts. He then taught
school at Decatur, Illinois, at the same time commencing his studies
in the law, his more advanced studies being pursued in the office of
Judge Stephen T. Logan, for many years a partner of Abraham Lin-
coln. Having removed to Lewiston, Mr. Goudy was admitted to the
bar in 1847, ^^id in partnership with Hon. Hezekiah M. Wead at once
entered into lucrative practice and professional prominence. He also
became a leader in the Democratic party, and in 1853 was elected
state's attorney of the Tenth judicial circuit. This position he re-
signed in two years, and in 1856 was elected state senator for the
district comprising Fulton and McDonough counties, during the lat-
ter period of his public service occurring the memorable debates be-
tween Lincoln and Douglas. The young legislator was himself a
stirring and leading participant in that historic campaign, as well as
in all the political contests of the years which preceded the final rup-
ture between the north and the south, being associated with such
patriots as Judge Gillespie, Norman B. Judd, Samuel W. Fuller and
Governor Palmer. Still, amid the fierce contentions of politics which
absorbed the strongest and best men of the country, Mr. Goudy faith-
fully performed the arduous duties of his regular profession, press-
ing his varied suits with ardor, ability and success in many of the
county courts and the supreme court of the state.
Mr. Goudy removed to Chicago in 1859, at first giving special
attention to real estate law, in which he was recognized as one of the
highest authorities in the country. There were few fields, however,
in which he did not estabHsh a high reputation. In the early nineties
he became prominent in the litigation which grew out of the enforce-
ment of the various prohibition laws of the state of Iowa. He also
arg-ued the famous Munn case, by which was established the power
of the states to fix the maximum rates to be charged by warehouses,
railways, persons or corporations engaged in any pursuit which effects
the public interests. Another instance in which Mr. Goudy did effec-
tive service was in the railroad cases of Minnesota, which resulted in
the annulment of the Minnesota statute authorizing the fixing of rail-
road rates by the state commission. It is impossible to go further into
details as to special cases; but some idea of the magnitude of the
work accomplished by Mr. Goudy may be obtained by a cursory ex-
amination of the reports of the supreme court of Illinois, in every
volume of which for the thirty-five years preceding his death appear
cases argued by him. He continually appeared in the higher courts
of nearly every state throughout the west, and in the supreme court
of the United States was the leading counsel in many important cases.
During the last years of his life he was general counsel for the Chi-
cago & North- Western Railway Company, and their legal affairs
were never conducted with greater judicial wisdom or more practical
success than when entrusted to him.
Commencing with the casting of his first vote for Lewis Cass in
1848. Mr. Goudy was a firm supporter of Democracy throughout his
Hfe. A striking evidence of the honor which his services and charac-
ter had inspired was furnished at the death of his great friend and
co-worker, Stephen A. Douglas, as a large and influential portion of
the Democracy of Illinois supported him then for the United States
senatorship. Although the honor was finally awarded to another,
the fact is illustrative of the height of his standing as a public man.
Married to Miss Helen Judd, in 1849, Mr. Goudy led with her an
extremely happy life, their family of a daughter and a son adding to
their long domestic felicity. They survived him at his death in 1893,
and, while taking an alleviating pride in his great strength and use-
fulness as an eminent professional and public character, could not but
feel a poignant grief for so thoughtful and tender a husband and
On the loth of June, 1906, after a brief illness, Judge George W.
Brown, former judge of the circuit court of Du Page county, Illinois,
departed an eminently useful and warm-hearted life
-p * at the Briggs House, his temporary residence in the
. ' city of Chicago. At the time of his death he had
been for two years a member of the law firm of Knight and Brown,
of that city, and his long residence at Wheaton, with his not infre-
quent judicial sittings in Chicago, had already bi^ought him so close
to the bench and bar of the metropolis that the fraternity had consid-
ered him one of their valued and beloved members for many years.
The news of his death, therefore, in the very prime of his fiftieth,
year, and in the mature stalwartness of his_vigorous mind and great
heart, came to them as a most sudden and deep shock, and, from the
human standpoint, a deplorable act of providence.
George W. Brown was born in Du Page. county, Illinois, on the
17th of May, 1857, the precise locality of his birth being known as
Big Woods. He was the son of James and Rosanna Brown, and at
the age of four years his parents removed to Wheaton, his native
county, which remained his home until the time of his death. He
there received a good common school education, but not satisfied with
this entered Wheaton College and subsequently Northwestern Col-
lege at Naperville, Illinois. After leaving college he taught school
for a while, but however ennobling that profession he was too eager
to find a career which brought him among men and their activities
to be long content as a teacher. He found that vocation in the law,
and commenced his studies in the office of Hoyne, Horton and Hoyne,
Chicago, completing them, prior to entering practice, at the Union
College of Law, from which he graduated in 1883. Speaking to the
letter. Judge Brown's law studies were never completed, for even as
a member of the bench he was still a student.
Immediately upon graduation from Union College of Law Judge
Brown entered practice at Wheaton, and commenced his career under
very favorable auspices, since the bar of that city then numbered some
of the keenest and most able lawyers to be found in the state. The
Du Page county bar was at that time an exceptionally strong one,
with Elbert H. Gary as its acknowledged leader, "It was this stern
school of experience," says the memorial committee in its address to
the Du Page circuit bench, "that the young advocate won his spurs.
and in the keen thrust and parry of master minds acquired that skill
and adroitness which so strongly marked him in later life. Judge
Brown never forgot that it was to Du Page county he owed his large
opportunity to rise in the profession, and his loyalty and appreciation
never ceased to go out to the home of his youth and manhood. * * *
Among the profession he was perhaps best known as a great trial
lawyer. His hard-headed common sense, his keen insight into human
nature and his personal charm and magnetism seemed to bring him
into immediate and close touch with a jury, so that every man in the
panel felt that here was a man without mysticism or obscurity, who
was trying to work out with them the problem in hand and who
wanted to put its technical and abstruse phrases into terms which the
ordinary man could understand and decide upon intelligently. His
unfailing fund of humor and his ready wit were of the utmost value
to him in this aspect of his work. He could put a terrified witness,
or an awkward and embarrassed juror, at his ease immediately, and
relieve a strained situation by creating a gale of laughter, which would
sweep away suspicion and prejudice from the minds of judge and
jury and unconsciously predispose them toward giving him a fair and
kindly hearing. * * * He was absolutely at home in the court
room and familiar with its every detail. He had at his fingers' tips
every intricacy of practice and was never at a loss what to do. While
open and above board himself, he knew how to meet trickery, and his
faculty of anticipating and forestalling a move of his opponent was
little short of marvelous. He was a master of cross-examination,
holding his case well in hand at all times and driving his points home
with telling force."
After seven years of active and lucrative practice, which earned
him a firm position among the leaders of the Du Page county bar,
Judge Brown's ability was recognized in another field. In 1890 he
was elected county judge and re-elected to the position in 1S94. His
incumbency covered the hard times and the business and financial
panics of 1893-4, and he was called upon to assist the Cook county
judiciary in the handling of the abnormal amount of insolvency busi-
ness which poured into its courts. During this period of uncertainty
and confusion Judge Brown held his court in Chicago, and his mas-
terful, straightforward and yet considerate adjudication of the im-
portant and delicate business matters which came before him stamped
him as one of the foremost and most popular judges in the state. It
also introduced him in a most favorable light to the bar of Chicago.
In 1897 he was advanced to the bench of the sixteenth circuit, in
which capacity he held court regularly in Du Page, Kane, De Kalb
and Kendall counties — which comprised his jurisdiction — frequently
in Cook county, and occasionally in other circuits of the state. In
1 90 1 he was assigned to the appellate court for the second district,
sitting at Ottawa for four terms and going thence, in April, 1903, to
the third district appellate court at Springfield. He served as presid-
ing justice of both courts, and at his resignation in February, 1904,
and his re-entrance into private practice, had obtained a unique and
prominent reputation for broad common sense, and profound but un-
affected knowledge and application of the law. While on the appellate
bench he wrote ninety-three opinions, covering practically the whole
.field of the court's jurisdiction, which opinions bear unmistakable
evidence that they were prepared by a careful, studious and thought-
ful mind. His habitual and intense love of the practical and unpre-
tentious, and his hatred of all hypocrisy and striving after effect, are
strongly exemplified in these opinions. They are clear-cut, direct
and to the point, and free from all useless verbiage and pedantic show
of learning. He had no desire to attempt to show forth the volumi-
nous extent of his reading and learning upon the case in hand. It
was sufiicient for him to state the law as he conceived it to be, in
simple rugged English, referring to such, authorities as seemed neces-
sary to support his position, and having done that to go no further.
The distinctive character of the deceased both as judge and man,
his broad, rugged, warmly human traits, and the secret of the unfail-
ing and strong attachment which he inspired in all those who came
within his influence, are so clearly set forth in the address previously
noted that we again quote : "It would perhaps be thought that one
who was such a success as a trial lawyer would not possess in such
marked degree the qualities of mental and moral steadiness and
stamina which go to make a good judge. But such was not the case.
His success on the bench was no less marked than his success at the
bar. He seemed to have an intuitive knowledge of the common law
and was one of its most intense admirers. He admired it because it
was practical, the embodiment of centuries of experience of hard-
headed Englishmen and not some fine spun theory from a philoso-
pher's brain. The quality perhaps most dominant in him recognized
the same qiiahty which pervades the common law and drew him to it,
the royal quality of common sense. When to this rare gift is added
an ever ready humor and a kindly consideration for litigants, lawyers,
jurors and court officials, the reason for his success on the bench is
not difficult to see. Because of his bluff and off-hand manner of
speaking the opinion was somewhat current that Judge Brown was
not a deep and careful student. No opinion was ever further from
the truth. Beneath this somewhat off-hand and careless exterior was
the alert, careful and even plodding mind of the student. He was a
hard worker and it was an invariable habit of his to go to the bottom
of whatever he turned his mind to. He had the most profound re-
spect for learning of all kinds and was intensely interested in the
methods and results used and attained in our modern system of col-
legiate and professional training.
" * * * g^^|. -^1^2.1 of the man? It would be impossible, in
this short memorial, to give a catalogue of his virtues, even if it were
so desired. He surely would not wish it, for no man ever lived who
disliked more to have his good deeds or qualities catalogued and held
up to the public gaze. In whatever of good or kindly service he did,
his motto seemed to be, 'Let not thy right hand know what thy left
hand doeth.' Still every man wishes to stand for something, to leave
some strong characteristic impression behind him when he is gone,
and this desire was surely strong in his mind and heart. What does
the life of George W. Brown stand for today? If the Recording
Angel were to write but one word after the name of George W. Brown
it seems to us that, blotting out everything else of virtue or fault, he
would write this one word, 'Optimism !' Honesty and morality are
worthy of all praise, but humanity needs the helping hand, the cheery
smile, the sympathizing word, even more than stern, uncompromising
virtue. Thank God for that sane hopefulness that looks the world
in the face with a smile, or better still a laugh, that believes things are
getting better, and, if they are not, is willing to go down into its
pocket or into its strength and make them better. Such Optimism
was exemplified by Judge Brown in the highest degree. If a man
was down he was willing to help him up, and to do it in such a cheery,
hearty way that he had new life put into him."
In the nature of things, a man endowed with so bright and rich a
personality as Judge Brown would be a leader in politics, and in him
Du Page county acknowledged an exemplar of the highest kind of
Republicanism — the leadership of honor, of loyalty to the integrity
of the community, the state and nation, and of sturdy, aggressive
American manhood. He led the people because they had confidence
in him. They had tried him and knew him to be safe, fearless and
ever alert and zealous for their interests. At the time of his death
Judge Brown had large real estate interests in Du Page county and
was vice-president of the Gary-Wheaton Bank, of Wheaton, Illinois,
but such facts as these seem almiost immaterial in consideration of the
legacy of goodly deeds and soul-worth which he bequeathed to the
Occasionally there comes into the world a modest but intensely
earnest man who wrests from his every-day and often depression
surroundings the victory of a noble achievement.
^A ' ~ Few institutions can be conceived more grim, for-
Whitman. ...
bidding and devoid of all inspiration for anythmg
ideal or elevating than the jail of a great city. It is true that tender
women and philanthropists have periodically brought their sunshine,
kind words and good deeds to bear upon the often hardened lives of
its inmates; but for the keeper of such criminals to burden himself
with the moral responsibility of the criminals turned over to him, and
to endeavor to send them to the penitentiary, or return them to so-
ciety, as human beings with softened natures and good ambitions —
this was an unheard of revelation in moral reform and municipal life
until the coming of John L. Whitman as keeper of the Cook county
jail. In him the old ideas of the grim,' unresponsive, cold hearted and
cold blooded jailer are revolutionized; for, although he has always
been a strict disciplinarian, he has from the first treated his charges
as men and women never beyond the pale of g^ood influences, and
there is no one in Chicago who has so won the unshaken confidence
and affection of the so-called criminal classes as John L. Whitman.
His splendid wife also shares with him the honor of making the John
L. Whitman Moral Improvement Association of the Cook county
jail a unique and far-reaching influence for good, and whose pur-
poses are destined to be put in operation by similar organizations else-
Mr. Whitman is an Illinois man, his birthplace being Sterling,
and his birthday July 23, 1862. He was the second child and the
first son in the family, and was born and reared in the restful and
strengthening shadow of a country church. From early boyhood he
was vigorous, healthy but markedly sympathetic, industrious and
eager for self-improvement. The family circumstances were such that
his schooling was rather desultory, and at the age of fifteen he com-
menced to walk an independent path in life. At that age he left his
native town and made his way to Tampico, some fifteen miles away,
and after working for a time at various employments saved enough
money to embark in business as a contractor. The venture prospered,
comparatively speaking, he married at the age of eighteen, and there-
after his wife became a vital, sympathetic and ever-supporting ele-
ment in whatever phase of life he entered. Although willing, even
eager, to assume every responsibility which manifest duty placed upon
him, by the death of his father, which threw upon him the support of
grandparents, mother, wife and three younger brothers — and all when
he was but twenty years of age — a greater burden was cast upon him
than his young shoulders could bear, and his health becoming seri-
ously impaired it became necessary for him to seek a change of climate
and surroundings.
Mr. Whitman's introduction to Chicago, with those depending
upon him, was as -a street railway conductor; and he was a wide-
awake, polite and model employe. Holding this position from April
15 to December i, 1890, the active, out-of-door work rapidly rebuilt
his shattered health. On the latter day he received the appointment
of guard at the Cook county jail, and carried his manliness and his
kindfiness to his new post. His considerate treatment of prisoners
and fellow guards was a revelation to both. At first they were in-
clined to make sport of it, but the straightforwardness and bravery
of Guard Whitman soon won respect, and when it was demonstrated
that he had a stronger influence upon his charges than those who had
followed the old-time methods of invariable sternness and surliness,
the jailer himself marked him for promotion and appointed him as his
office assistant in the management of the entire institution. There his
inborn nature of quiet, kind authority continued to assert itself, and
the jailer himself before long came to realize that any trouble or in-
subordination among the prisoners could not be more promptly or
permanently quieted than by an appeal to his assistant.
John L. Whitman was placed at the head of the affairs of the
great Cook county jail on the ist of May, 1895, He at once im-
pressed upon the guards the necessity of implanting the idea in the
minds of prisoners that the keepers were not their natural enemies,
but rather their friends called upon officially to perform certain neces-
sary duties. He personally devised entertainments for the inmates,
making the national holidays occasions for special effort in this direc-
tion. But the culmination of his good work was the formation, by
his suggestion, of the John 'L. Whitman Moral Improvement Asso-
ciation. It is an organization of the prisoners themselves, each tier
in the jail electing a special representative. The association was
formed in the spring of 1901, its proceedings being at all times sub-
ject to the approval of Mr. Whitman. The means by which the
organization aims to accomplish the moral improvement of its mem-
bers are books (of which there are already some six hundred vol-
umes), music, lectures, readings, recitations and debates. Entertain-
ments are given on Tuesday and Friday evenings. The talent usually
comes from the prisoners, but now and then is volunteer. Numerous
instances might be given showing the improved moral condition of
the inmates as a result of such influences. The work of the associa-
tion also practically manifests itself in the frustration of at least one
attempted jail delivery through the warning of a sympathetic mem-
ber of the organization to Mr. Whitman. Thus, as intimated at the
outset of this article, has been placed in effective working order an
agency for moral improvement, whose effects are practical and whose
influences are immeasurable; and the work has been accomplished by
an earnest man and woman virtually unknown beyond an ever grate-
ful and widening circle of characters whose lives might have been
far more creditable to themselves and society had they come in con-
tact with more sympathetic and charitable Christians like Mr. and
Mrs. Whitman.
After a continuous service of over sixteen years as jailer of Cook
county, Mr. Whitman was appointed by Mayor Busse, June i, 1907,
as superintendent of -the House of Correction of the City of Chicago,
to succeed Andrew M. Lynch. This appointment was a worthy recog-
nition of the eminent fitness of Mr. Whitman for the position, ana it
may be safely assumed that his record in the Cook county jail was
the basis for the promotion. As superintendent, Mr. Whitman now
exercises direct supervision over the House of Correction and the
John Worthy School for Boys. The majority of citizens are Httle
more than aware that these institutions exist, and yet among the
institutions, whose object is to restrain and soften the evil of human
nature before it can expend its violence on society, none have more
far-reaching effects when properly administered than the two that are
now under the superintendence of Mr. Whitman. The House of
Correction is one of the largest institutions of the kind in the coun-
try, its average number of inmates being 1,800, the average number
of women being 160. The grounds of the institution comprise sixty
acres, and the appropriations for expenses during the year 1906 were
over three hundred thousand dollars. In the John Worthy school
from two hundred to four hundred delinquent boys are constantly
inmates, the average period of detention for 1906 being 267 days.
This school supplements the juvenile court and other organizations
in the great work of reclaiming Chicago boys to honesty, industry
and wholesome living, and with such a humanitarian as Mr. Whitman
in charge some very important results may be expected from the
school during the next few years.
Only a mind of unusual strength, persistent grasp and broad
sweep of abilities can earn signal success in a special field already
crowded with keen competitors, and at the same time
T^ retain fresh and balanced faculties for the considera-
Banning. . , , . ,,.,.,
tion and advancement ot great public and social
problems. The character of the late Ephraim Banning was there-
fore cast in no ordinary mold, for he not only stood among the lead-
ing lawyers of the country in the construction and application of pat-
ent law — a legal domain surcharged with countless details and of
such vast importance to the ingenious, practical American — but dur-
ing the later years of his life he achieved a national reputation as a
clear and broad exponent of many of the most vital questions of in-
dustrial and social reforms which agitate thoughtful citizens.
Mr. Banning was a native of McDonough county, Illinois, born
on the 2ist of July, 1849, ^^^^ ^^ Ephraim and Louisa Caroline
(Walker) Banning. When the boy was six years of age the family
removed to Kansas. As the father was a stanch Whig and arrived
upon the soil of Kansas at the height of the Pro-slavery agitation, he
at once became active in the politics of the day, and it is said to be
well authenticated that the committee of the convention which gave
the state to the Free-soilers held its meeting at the house of the Ban-
nings near Topeka. When Ephraim was about ten years of age the
family again made a change of homestead to Missouri, and two years
later when his brothers joined the Union army as soldiers of the
Civil war he was left as his father's chief assistant on the home farm.
His education in the common schools progressed satisfactorily with
his agricultural training until he was sixteen years of age, when he
obtained higher educational advantages in the academy of Brookfield,
Missouri. Subsequently he taught school for a time and then as-
sumed the study of law with Hon. Samuel P. Huston, of the town
mentioned. He remained thus faithfully and profitably employed
until 1 87 1, when he located in Chicago as a student and clerk in the
office of Rosenthal and Pence, then among the leading firms of the
city. In June, 1872, he was admitted to practice at the bar of the
supreme court of Illinois, and in October following opened an office
and entered upon his career of professional advancement and public
Mr. Banning's first five years in Chicago were devoted to general
practice, commercial, real estate, corporation and criminal law all
finding him a ready and successful exponent. Incidentally, he handled
several cases involving questions of patent law, and he speedily ac-
quired a decided preference for the intricate and scientific points of
this special branch of jurisprudence. It was in 1877 that he made
his first argument in a patent case, and in the same year formed a
partnership with his brother, Thomas A. Banning, who had been ad-
mitted to the bar two years before. From the first the resulting firm
of Banning and Banning confined itself almost exclusively to patent
law, with trade marks as a division, and in the prosecution and de-
velopment of their extensive professional business Mr. Banning, the
senior member, argued many important cases in the United States
supreme court and in the federal courts of Chicago, New York, Bos-
ton, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Kansas City, St. Paul and
Des Moines. In 1888 he made an extensive tour to Europe, and by
observation and special investigation greatly extended his already
thorough knowledge in his chosen field of study and practice.
Throughout his life Mr. Banning was one of the most active and
honored members of the American, State and Chicago Bar associations,
and through the local organization has accomplished much good not
directly connected with his profession, as well as many reforms of
great benefit to bench and bar. He was a member of the committee
appointed by the Chicago Bar Association by which the city secured
several additional United States judges, and by virtue of his promi-
nence in his special field of practice was a leading figure in the great
work of the World's Columbian Exposition. He served as chairman
of the committee on organization of the Patent and Trade-mark Con-
gress, and at the close of its session was appointed one of a committee
to present to Congress various matters connected with industrial
property, particularly in its international aspects. In 1896 his broad
usefulness and prominence as a Republican was signally acknowledged
by his selection as a McKinley presidential elector, and a like honor
was bestowed upon him in 1900, when he again represented his state
in national convention. From 1897-1901 Mr. Banning ably and con-
scientiously served as a member of the State Board of Charities, and
while holding this office accomplished one of the greatest works of
his life for the present and future good of Chicago. Through his
work on the state board he became interested in the sad condition of
delinquent and defective children and their crying need of segregation
from hardened criminals, both in the investigation of their cases and
the punishment of their offenses. After many conferences with Timothy
D. Hurley (then of the Visitation and Aid Society, now chief proba-
tion officer of the Cook County Juvenile court) and with the late
Judge Harvey B. Hurd, as well as with legislative leaders in Spring-
field, Mr. Banning presented the matter to the Chicago Bar Associa-
tion in October, 1898. He was appointed one of a committee of five
to investigate the entire subject, was chosen its chairman, and after
Judge Hurd had drawn up what became known as the Juvenile Court
Bill, represented the State Board of Charities in the appeal of promi-
nent Chicago citizens for its passage by the legislature. The bill
was approved by the governor April 21, 1899, and went into force on
the 1st of the following July, no one reform of recent years having
met with more earnest commendation or more unanimous support.
To have been one of its chief founders, as was Ephraim Banning,
is proof positive of a humane and high nature, as well as of a clear
insight into the needs of a great progressive community. The dis-
tinction between the radical work accomplished by Mr. Hurd and
Mr. Banning in this splendid reform is thus well delineated by the
Chicago Legal News: "In the sense of authorship the late Harvey
B. Hurd has been justly called the Father of our Juvenile Court Law;
but in the sense of practical, constructive work, as distinguished from
authorship, the title belongs to Ephraim Banning. This is clearly
recognized in the official programme of the dedication of our new
Juvenile Court building, which took place August 7, 1907." More in
detail, Mr. Hurley brought out these points in his address at the dedi-
catory exercises, and the News condenses as follows : "After detail-
ing these early steps, Mr. Hurley gives an interesting account of pro-
ceedings at Springfield — how the bill was introduced in both houses
of the legislature, considered in committee, amended in various par-
ticulars and finally passed. In all of this Mr. Banning is shown to
have taken an active and leading, part: As author. Judge Hurd
brought into its provisions . the result of profound study and large
experience in legal and philanthropic work. As organizer of the
movement which resulted in its passage Mr. Banning brought into
action powerful constructive forces, and this in a practical way — the
influence of the Chicago Bar Association, governor of the state and
speaker of the house of representatives. Judge Hurd and Mr. Ban-
ning are therefore each entitled to credit ; in his own way each was the
Father of our Juvenile Law."
Mr. Banning's last public honor was the appointment as a member
of the Deep Water Way Convention held at Memphis. For many
years he had been an enthusiast on the subject, holding to the position
that the improvement of navigable rivers throughout the country so
as to develop their full carrying capacity was the most important
business question before the American people. To his mind the work
was not second in importance to the building of the Pacific railways
and the Atlantic cable of half a century ago, or the present completion
of the Panama canal. His selection, therefore, as a delegate to the
Memphis convention was but a just tribute to his consistent attitude
on this subject.
Mr. Banning was twice married — first, on the 22d of October,
1878, to Miss Lucretia T. Lindsley, who died February 8, 1887, leav-
ing three sons, Pierson W., Walker and Ephraim, Jr. On September
5, 1889, he chose for his second wife Miss Emilie B. Jenne, daughter
of the late O. B. Jenne, of Elgin, Illinois. Both the deceased and his
family were long attendants of the Presbyterian church, of which Mr.
Banning was an elder at the time of his death, December 2, 1907. The
cause of his decease was a fall, causing concussion of the brain. He
is survived by his widow and children, his second son being a member
of the firm Banning and Banning.
Timothy David Hurley is a substantial and honorable practitioner
at the Chicago bar, and was for many years one of the best known
™ ^ justices of the peace on the south side. In the field
Timothy D. , ^. , ^ . ,
Hurley practical moral reforms, as relates to the miprove-
ment of juvenile lives and conditions, he has a wide
reputation throughout the state and the west for unflagging earnest-
ness and effective work. Born, in Maysville, Mason county, Ken-
tucky, on the 31st of August, 1863, he is a son of Timothy and Ellen
(McNamara) Hurley. He was educated in the Catholic parish school
of his native town of Maysville, and in that place also learned the
printer's trade.
Mr. Hurley came to Chicago in 1882, when nineteen years of
age, and after working in various job printing offices saved sufficient
money to warrant him in enrolling himself at the Union College of
Law, graduating in 1887 with the degree of LL. B. In the same
year he was admitted to the bar and commenced practice alone, later
forming a partnership with Victor K. Koerner, which continued
until his election as justice of the peace in 1891. He remained thus
engaged until the establishment of the new municipal court system,
in 1907, when he resumed a general civil practice.
Mr. Hurley has devoted special attention to children's legislation
and has been recognized for fourteen years as the representative of
the Chicago Charity Institution at Springfield in matters relating to
children's law. He prepared the first Juvenile Court Law in 1891, but
the bill was defeated in the legislature on the ground that the measure
was advanced legislation. He assisted in preparing the Ju\-enile
Court Bill and other juvenile laws. In addition to this other work
he finds time to edit and publish the Jurenile Court Record, a monthly
juvenile publication devoted solely to juvenile court news and circu-
lated throughout the world. It has a circulation of 25,000 and is
recognized as authority on juvenile court practice. He is president
of the Visitation and Aid Society, and ex-president of the Illinois
State Council of the Catholic Benevolent Legion and Illinois Confer-
^■(>I. II— G
ence of Charities. He served as the first chief probation officer of the
Juvenile Court of Chicago, in 1 900-1, and is at the present time presi-
dent of the St. Charles School for Delinquent Boys, as well as a di-
rector of the Chicago Industrial School for Girls. He is vice-president
of the Chicago Charity Directory, a director of the Bureau of Chari-
ties, secretary of the Cook County Child-Saving Legislative League,
and secretary of the Cook County Child-Saving Conference, as well as
a member of the executive committee of the National Conference of
Charities and Corrections, and a member of the executive committee
of the Juvenile Court Committee. Mr. Hurley is a leading Repub-
lican and Roman Catholic. His office is in the Unity building.
Few are left of the old-time lawyers who gave Chicago a stand-
ing at the national bar. They were men of strong, sometimes stern
characters, and were not specialists even in the sense
of confining themselves to their professions: for,
HORTON. , , . , . , ,
whatever their regular vocations, the greedy, grow-
ing city would have the services of its best men. As a municipality it
had not been brought into any sort of clear order, so that each capable
citizen, who loved it and took a pride in its achievements, was ordered
to report to various assigned duties connected with its public, social,
educational, religious and other activities. Judge Oliver Harvey
Horton is a soldier of the Old Guard and has never been a closet
lawyer or judge, for although his profession for more than forty years
has felt the beneficial influence of his acts and service, he has been
liberal in the donations of his energy, ability and wise counsel to the
uplifting forces of education and religion. He has shown his faith in
the city both by the enthusiasm and firmness of his spirit and by
the multitude of his good works.
Oliver H. Horton was born in Cattaraugus county. New York,
on the 20th of October, 1835, and is a son of Rev. Harvey W. and
Mary H. Horton, the father a native of Vermont and the mother of
Connecticut. The elder Horton was a Baptist minister. After re-
ceiving a good education in the public schools of Rochester, New
York, and Kingsville, Ohio, the youth of nineteen placed the east be-
hind him and came to the typical city of the west. His first experi-
ence with Chicago business was in connection with a lumber-yard,
and although he was in poor health he continued to be employed in
this line and at other active work for some five years. In 1859 ^^
went south for a change of chmate and after a few months returned
to Chicago so much improved that he decided to carry out his long-
cherished desire to enter the law. In i860 he became a student in
the office of Hoyne, Miller and Lewis, remaining associated with that
firm both as student and clerk until the dissolution of the co-partner-
ship in January, 1864. In the meantime Mr. Horton had gradu-
ated from the Union College of Law and been admitted to the bar
(in 1863). In 1864 he was admitted as a partner to the business of
Hoyne and Ayer, the firm of Hoyne, Ayer and Horton being dis-
solved in 1865 by the retirement of Mr. Ayer. The resulting firm of
Hoyne and Horton was changed to that of Hoyne, Horton and Hoyne,
in January, 1867, by the admission of the son of the senior partner,
Thomas M. Hoyne. That connection was continued until the death
of the elder Hoyne by a railway accident in 1883, when the name of
Horton and Hoyne was adopted. Four years later the partnership
was broken by the elevation of Mr. Horton to the bench of the circuit
Under the administration of Mayor Roche, Judge Horton had
acted about a year as corporation counsel, although the appointment
was made in the face of his declination and absence from the city.
But it was unanimously confirmed by the city council and, under pres-
sure, he assumed the duties of the office. It was while in the per-
formances of these responsibilities, in 1887, that he was elected to the
circuit bench. Conscientiously believing in the non-partisanship of
the judiciary, his acceptance of the nomination had been obtained only
upon the condition that his name should appear upon the tickets of
both of the leading parties. It was upon this basis of non-partisan
support that he ascended the bench as the result of three elections,
serving until 1903 and during that period (1898-1901) presiding over
the appellate court of the first district. A man of unimpeachable
character, of unusual intellectual endowments, with a thorough knowl-
edge of the law, and possessing' patience, industry and urbanity in
its application. Judge Horton took to the bench the necessary quali-
fications for a discharge of its functions which brought him honor
and well merited popularity. Of the many important cases which
came before him for adjudication was the Garfield Park Race Track
matter, and by dissolving the injunction which prevented the city
authorities from interfering with book-making he dealt a hard blow
to gambling. He was associated with Judges Tuley, Tuthill and
Burroughs in rendering the decision which made possible the location
of the Fine Arts Institute on the lake front.
Judge Horton's opinions have ever been regarded by the pro-
fession as models of judicial soundness, and at the same time he
evinced the keenest consideration for the equity of the case and even
extended to the guilty every encouragement and aid not in violation
of the principles of justice. His experience in the trial of divorce
suits led him to take an advanced stand in favor of a complete remodel-
ing of the law as it relates to the marital relations. Looking to this
end he introduced a bill into the state legislature in 1889 giving the
court power to fix periods within which the parties to the divorce shall
not marry, a violation of its decree subjecting either to the penalties
of bigamy.
Judge Horton has ever been a patron and supporter of education
and esthetic culture. For over a quarter of a century he has been a
member of the Chicago Literary Club; is one of the five members
composing the board of trustees of Lewis Institute ; is president of the
board of trustees of Garrett Biblical Institute and first vice-president
of the board of trustees of Northwestern University; is an honorary
life member of the Union College of Law (having served as its presi-
dent) and is a trustee of Wesley Hospital. From a mere perusal of the
above list it would be inferred that Judge Horton is prominent in the
educational and charitable affairs of the Methodist church; he is, in
fact, one of its most distinguished laymen. In 1880 and 1890 he
served as a delegate to its general conference, was a lay delegate to
the Ecumenical Methodist Conference at London in 1881, and has
served as president of the Laymen's Association of Rock River Con-
ference. For nearly twenty years he was a member of Grace Episcopal
church, in which he held every position to which a layman is eligible.
For twelve years he was superintendent of its Sunday-school, during
which period it had a larger membership than any other home school
west of the AUeghanies. The great fire of 1871 left all but sixteen
of the twelve hundred scholars homeless, and all the members of the
congregation except two. Notwithstanding this dispersal of members
young and old, Judge Horton labored hard to reunite them and soon
had the satisfaction of seeing the Sunday-school in as flourishing a
condition as ever. The Judg-e is now a faithful attendant upon the
services of the Trinity Methodist church.
Judge Horton's connection with the fraternal and co-operative
organizations of his profession embraces membership in the Chicago
Bar Association and the Medico-Legal Society, of which he is a char-
ter member and served as president in 1892; his influential identifica-
tion with the Chicago Law Institute and the Union College of Law
has already been mentioned. He is also a member of the Glen View
Golf Club, Quebec Golf Club, Forty Club, Hamilton Club and Mid-
Day Club, while he has been a factor in the activities of the Union
League since its organization. It should also be stated that for many
years he was actively connected with the Young Men's Christian As-
sociation as a director, held the office of vice-president for some time
and was chairman of the lecture committee.
Judge Horton's wife was formerly Miss Frances B. Gould, who
came from New York to Chicago in early childhood and has ever since
resided here. They were married in this city on the 27th of December,
1857, the great grief of nearly half a century of their harmonious
married life being the death of their two children. In private life,
as in public office, Judge Horton is always the same reliable, honor-
able man — affable, yet firm in maintaining what he regards as right.
His pledge is never secured except upon the most carefully examined
grounds, but once obtained is immovable. His charity is broad and
warm, and it is the universal verdict that he never weighed an act of
his life in the scale of sinister policy.
Jesse Holdom, one of the judges of the appellate court of the first
Illinois district, is a worthy representative of the dignity and great-
ness of the state in the domain of the law which
Jesse Holdom. he has honored for thirty-five years. He possesses
the substantial traits of his race who furnished
America with the basis of her legal procedures, whether of the bench
or bar, being born in London, England, on the -23d of August, 185 1,
a son of William and Eliza Holdom. His European ancestors were
refugees from the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and in 1572 they
settled in that part of the world's metropolis known as Spitalfields.
From that time until the birth of Jesse, a period of nearly three hun-
dred years, the Holdoms were ail born in the same parish and within
half a mile of the place where their ancestors originally settled.
In the city of his nativity Judge Holdom acquired an academic
education and in 1868, when seventeen- years of age, came to the
United States, making Chicago his home in July of that year. He
soon began the study of law, and after two years entered the office
of Joshua C. Knickerbocker, with whom he continued until 1876,
when he accepted the position of chief clerk with Tenneys, Flower and
Abercrombie. On September 13, 1873, he had been admitted to the
Illinois bar, and in 1878 became associated with the brother of Judge
Knickerbocker under the firm name of Knickerbocker and Holdom, a
relationship which was maintained until 1889. He then practiced
alone until his elevation to the superior bench of Cook county in 1898,
continuing thus until his election to the appellate court of the state.
At the bar and as a trial lawyer Judge Holdom was always courte-
ous, but forceful, logical, convincing and never a quibbler over non-
essential points. He prepared his cases with patience, faithfulness
and ability, and seldom was involved by his opponents in a phase of
the litigation which he had not carefully considered. As counselor
he was astute but conservative. Perhaps his greatest reputation at
the bar has been achieved in chancery and probate cases, and in liti-
gated questions involving contests of wills and titles to real estate.
Upon the death of Judge Knickerbocker he was publicly mentioned
for the vacant probate judgeship, and without personal solicitation
was afterward appointed by Governor Fifer as public guardian, be-
ing elected judge of' the superior court in November, 1898. In his
court decisions, both as a superior and appellate judge, he has ex-
hibited the same traits as marked his career at the bar, always thor-
oughly examining the pending matter and basing his clearly expressed
conclusions on the fundamental principles of the law. Those who
know Judge Holdom personally, or have had professional dealings
with him in his judicial capacity, need not be told that his decisions
from the bench are quite devoid of political -considerations or indi-
vidual leanings. He still retains an active membership in the Amer-
ican, Illinois and Chicago Bar associations, Chicago Law Club and
the Chicago Law Institute. He served as a delegate to the national
convention at Saratoga in 1896; was president of the Illinois State
Bar Association 1901-2.
That Judge Holdom is a literary and cultured gentleman is evident
not only from his conversation and bearing but by his large library
Ari-fj ,i7 k lilA.V AWr*
of rare and old books, in the midst of which he finds rest, recreation
and mental strenglh. His law library is also extensive and well se-
lected, as would be naturally expected. In his political relations the
Judge is a Republican, and is a member of such social, literary and
political organizations as the Union League, Hamilton (president in
1897), Midlothian, Homewood and Quadrangle clubs. He is also a
member of the Bibliophile Society of Boston and the Caxton Club of
Chicago. In the Union League he was a member of the committee on
political action for the years 1898, 1899 and 1900 and is first vice
president at the present time and his official connection with the Ham-
ilton Club as its president 1897-8 has had a strong influence on its
developments into a strong factor in the public and civic movements
of the city. The metropolitan character of his activities is further
indicated by his identification v, ith the Art Institute and the Field Co-
lumbian Museum. He is also a member of the National Geographical
Society and the American Forestry Association.. In his religious
views, the Judge is an Episcopalian, and has held official rank both in
the Trinity Episcopal and St. Paul's Episcopal churches, at the present
time serving as senior warden of the latter. Judge Holdom has been
twice married, his first wife being Edith I. Foster, to whom he was
united in 1877 and who died in 1891. His second marriage was with
Mabel Brady in 1893. There have been four children in the family —
Edith I.; Jesse; Martha, the wife of Roy McMillan Wheeler, and
Courtland Holdom. The Judge is one of those whole-souled men,
never too busy to forget his courtesy, and with all his notable suc-
cesses as lawyer and judge is always ready to receive well meant
counsel from the humblest of his associates. It is this genial spirit
of absorption from whatever source which brings such men as he
both popularity and strength.
Hon. Frederick A. Smith, elected to the circuit bench of Cook
county for the term ending June, 1909, is an able and virile product
of the state and county which he has so honored as
Frederick A. , . . , • •^- -vxn 1 ^
^ lawyer, jurist and progressive citizen. When but a
youth he cheerfully offered himself in defense of his
country's integrity, and during the forty years that he has been identi-
fied with the legal i)rofession he has evinced an earnest devotion to
the cause of good and patriotic citizenship. He has tnisted nothing
to chance and owes nothing to fortuitous circumstances, but ceaseless
toil and endeavor, based upon a splendid endowment of mental and
physical strength, have brought to him an honorable leadership in the
fields of law, jurisprudence, education and civics.
Frederick Augustus Smith was born in Norwood Park, Cook
county, Illinois, on the nth of February, 1844, and is a son of Israel
G. and Susan P. (Pennoyer) Smith, both of whom were born in 18 16,
the former in the Empire state and the latter in Connecticut. In 1835
the father came from New York to Cook county and pre-empted from
the government a tract of land which he transformed into a family
homestead, upon which Frederick A. was born, and which proved the
residence of the parents for the remainder of their lives. Israel G.
Smith died on the old Norwood Park homestead, his wife having
passed away in 1894.
Judge Smith obtained his early education in the public schools of
Chicago, and in i860 entered the preparatory department of the old
Chicago University. In 1862 he became a regular student in the col-
legiate department, but at the close of his freshman year left his studies
to enlist in Company G, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Infantry,
participating in the campaigns of Kentucky and Missouri until the
regiment was mustered out in 1864. He then resumed his studies in
the university, from which he was graduated in 1866 with the degree
of A. M. He at once became a student in the Union College of Law,
now the law department of the Northwestern University, and after
his graduation therefrom in 1867 was admitted to the bar, having
since been a leading figure both of the bench and bar.
During the first six years of his professional life Judge Smith was
senior member of the firm of Smith and Kohlsaat, after which he
practiced alone until 1885, in which year he associated himself with
S. M. Millard under the firm name of Millard and Smith. The part-
nership continued until 1889, and the following year he became the
senior in the firm of Smith, Helmer and Moulton. In 1895 H. W.
Price was admitted to the firm, which remained intact until 1902.
In the meantime Judge Smith had come into prominence as a Re-
publican, being the nominee of that party for superior court judge in
1898, his candidacy upon this occasion being unsuccessful. The
strong, balanced and substantial traits which he exhibited as a lawyer,
however, finally convinced the profession that he was admirably
adapted to assume judicial functions, and in June, 1903, as stated, he
was elected for the six years' term to the circuit bench. In December.
1904, the supreme court assigned him to the appellate bench, and at
the June term of 1906 he was re-assigned to that division for three
years. Judge Smith's previous high standing at the bar is indicated
by such facts as that in 1887 he was chosen president of the Chicago
Law Club and in 1890 president of the Chicago Bar Association. His
fine reputation as a lawyer has been fully sustained by his honorable
and substantial record as a judge.
Successful as have been tlic professional labors of Judge Smith,
they have not absorbed his energies to the exclusion of the general
interests of the community. Being, a man of scholarly attainments
and broad culture, he has been especially interested in higher educa-
tion. He has been a member of the board of trustees of the new Uni-
versity of Chicago since its organization, and holds the same position
in the management of Rush Medical College. He is also a valued
member of the three leading political organizations of Chicago, the
Union League, Hamilton and Marquette clubs.
In 1 87 1 Judge Smith was united in marriage to Miss Frances
B. Morey, daughter of Rev. Reuben and Abby (demons) Morey, of
Merton, Wisconsin. In the cultured home thus founded he evinces
those pleasing personal traits which add a rare attraction to his sterling
character as a man.
David Quigg, who, by a legal career extending over half a cen-
tury, is one of the oldest lawyers of Chicago and the state of Illinois,
was born in Litchfield, New Hampshire, December
David Quigg. 17, 1834, a son of Abel G. and Lydia (Bixby)
Quigg. He attended public schools, the Gilmantown
(New Hampshire) Academy, and entering Dartmouth College in
1 85 1 was graduated in 1855. From his native state he moved west
to Bloomington, Illinois. He was a student in the office of the law
firm of Swett and Orme, well known lawyers of that city, and in
1857 was admitted to the bar.
It is fifty years since Mr. Quigg became a licensed member of the
profession, but his early practice was interrupted by nearly four years'
service in the Civil war. After serving as second lieutenant of the
Fourth Illinois Cavalry until the summer of 1862. in February, 1863.
he was mustered in as major of the Fourteenth Illinois Cavalry, be-
ing promoted lieutenant colonel of the same regiment in May, 1865.
Most of his service was in the Mississippi valley, with the Army of
the Tennessee. In the Stoneman raid of August, 1864, he was cap-
tured and was confined in the prisons at Charleston and Columbia,
South Carolina, until exchanged in March, 1865.
Immediately after his discharge from the army in July, 1865, he
returned to the north, and after a year with the firm of Higgins and
Swett, of Chicago, he became third member of the firm. On the with-
drawal of Judge Higgins and the dissolution of the partnership in
1873, Mr. Quigg became a partner of Cyrus Bentley, Sr. In 1879
he formed a partnership with Judge Richard S. Tuthill, with whom
he remained until 1887, and from that date until May, 1898, was
associated with the junior Cyrus Bentley, since which time Mr. Quigg
has practiced alone.
He is a Republican, but has never taken part in practical politics.
He is a member of George H. Thomas Post No. 5, G. A. R. He mar-
ried at Bloomington, Illinois, April 7, 1865, Francena Pike, who died
in 1894, leaving a daughter Ethel, now Mrs. John L. Porter.
Judge Thomas Guilford Windes has been a member of the Chi-
cago bar for more than thirty years and an honored occupant of the
circuit bench of Cook county for nearly half of that
period. Whatever he has found to do he has done
Windes. ^ ,,..,, . , ,,.,..,,.
to the hmit 01 his strength and abilities, both 01
which have been of the highest order, whether serving as a cavalry-
man under the intrepid Forrest of the Confederacy, or serving the
people of Chicago on one of the most trying benches of the higher
courts. No one has ever had cause to doubt Judge Windes' mental
strength, or straight- forward manliness, in whatever field of activity
he has elected to enter. As a judge his decisions have ever indicated
a strong mentality,- careful analysis, a thorough knowledge of the law,
and although as an individual a man of positive views, the discovery
is yet to be made that, as a judge, he has ever been swayed by his per-
sonal leanings. When he ascends the bench he has that self-control,
so requisite to the true judicial temperament, of putting aside all per-
sonal feelings and prejudices in order that he may righteously dis-
pense justice.
Thomas G. Windes is a native of Alabama, born in Morgan
county, on the 19th of January, 1848. He is of Scotch-Irish descent,
the original American ancestors of the family having 'come to the
new world prior to the outbreak of the Revokitionary war. His
father, Rev. Enoch Windes. was a minister of the Baptist church and
wedded Miss Ann Ryan, a lady of Irish lineage, whose people were
among the pioneers of Kentucky.
Judge Windes was placed in school at the age of five years and
during the succeeding decade patronized the Morgan county institu-
tions. About the middle of the Civil war period when the Confed-
eracy was calling into its military service the mere boys of the land, if
they were made of the right material, Thomas joined the cavalry
service under General Forrest, and remained at the front until the
close of hostilities. Returning to Huntsville, he soon afterward re-
sumed his interrupted studies at the academy located at that point,
and continued there for about two years. About this time he also
commenced to read law under the direction of the firm of Beirne and
Gordon, in 1867-8 was a law student in the University of Virginia,
and then engaged in teaching school until his admission to the bar
at Jasper, Tennessee, in 1870. Through the succeeding two years
he was occupied in mercantile and agricultural pursuits, but meeting
with an accident, he resolved to come to Chicago, and has since been
identified with the interests of this city.
After engaging in various employments, Judge Windes secured
a situation as a law clerk in September, 1873, ^"^ '" ^^"'^ summer of
1875 was admitted to practice before the Illinois bar. For some
years he was associated in practice with Alexander Sullivan, and the
firm conducted much important litigation. In November, 1880, the
Judge began his connection with the circuit bench by accepting his
appointment as master in chancery of that court, serving in that
capacity for twelve years with such satisfactory results to both practi-
tioners and litigants that he was elected to the judiciary itself. In 1892
he commenced his first term as judge of the circuit court, and in June.
1897, was appointed to the appellate bench, and has long since demon-
strated his right to be classed among the ablest jurists of the state.
His last re-election was in June. 1903. when he was returned for the
term ending June, 1909.
On the 3d of December, 1868. Judge Windes was united in mar-
riage to Miss Sallie C. Humphrey, daughter of Boyle P. Humphrey,
a prominent planter of Madison county. Alabama. They have four
children — Frank A.. Zel F.. Susan A. and Thomas Guy. The pleasant
family home is at Winnetka. The Judge was a Baptist in his rehgious
views for forty years, but is now a member of the Christian Science
Church, and a Democrat in pohtics. Naturally he is a member of the
Iroquois Club.
Among the men elected to the new municipal court bench in
November, 1906, one whose previous record, general qualifications
for ability and character give every ground for his
William N. . , ■ .u- / ^^r-u- at
^ successful career m this new court was William N.
Gemmill. ^ .„ - _- , ■ , 1
Gemmill, for nfteen years a lawyer with a large
practice in Chicago, and a member of the well known firm of Gemmill
and Foell. While engaged as an advocate he directed several impor-
tant cases to successful issue, and established points that have since
been referred to as authorities. Judge Gemmill has the reputation
of being an indefatigable worker, combining scholarship with an
active energy and forceful personality. These qualities have been
much esteemed in his new position, where, at the outset, the citizens
of Chicago hoped to place men who would lend thorough integrity
and practical efficiency to the administration, that hitherto had been
remarkably tardy.
Judge Gemmill had such a training for his career as is familiar in
the case of many successful self-made men. Born on a farm at Shan-
non, Illinois, December 29, i860, a son of WiUiam and Susan (Bren-
ner) Gemmill, Pennsylvanians who came out to Illinois some years
before the war, he spent his early school days in a district school and
the Shannon high school, and later graduated from Cornell College
(Iowa) in 1886 and took up the pursuit of teaching. He was super-
intendent of the city schools of Rockford, Iowa, and later in Marion,
Iowa. After five years in this work he came to Chicago and began
the study of law at Northwestern University. He was graduated and
admitted to the bar in 1892. Judge Gemmill has had practice in all
of the courts and experience in divers and many important cases.
His familiarity with contract and commercial law and damage suits
gives him especial advantage in the municipal court, these branches of
civil procedure being particularly defined in the jurisdiction and pow-
ers of the court. The popularity of Judge Gemmill among his asso-
ciates upon the municipal bench was demonstrated Avhen he was
unanimously elected chief justice of the municipal court by the other
rODuo lUK
-=-■ Uc)iVlnK
judges of the court in July, 1907, to act during the absence of Chief
Justice Olson.
Judge Gemmill is a resident of the Seventh ward, and has taken an
active part in the political affairs of the city and state. He served
as the Republican central committeeman of his ward from 1902 to
1907. He is a strong campaign speaker, and began political speaking
a number of years ago, stumping the states of Illinois and Iowa
during the campaign of 1896, and since then has always taken a most
active part in every campaign.
Judge Gemmill married, in 1892, Miss Edna Billings, of Rock-
ford, Iowa, and has two children, Jennette and William B. He is a
popular member of the Hamilton Club and the Law Institute. In
1907 he was elected and became a life member of the Chicago Press
'*A gentleman of the old school, and most emphatically of the
nrw," might designate the polished and eloquent Luther Laflin Mills,
lawyer, orator, reformer and Christian citizen. He
Luther L
has all the suavity, dignity and fire of the fathers of
the republic, with the broad and practical wisdom of
the twentieth century attorney and patriot. His fame as an orator
does not belong to Chicago or to Illinois, but is national in its scope,
while as a criminal lawyer he stands in the front rank of practitioners
in the United States.
Luther Laflin Mills was born in North Adams, Massachusetts,
September 3, 1848, son of Walter N. and Caroline J. (Smith) Alills.
and was brought by his parents to Chicago when an infant of one
year. He was thus introduced to the stirring life of Chicago and
the west at such an early age that, for all practical purposes, he is a
native of the city and the section. Having acquired his preliminary
education in the public schools, he obtained a higher mental training
in the University of Michigan, and in 1868 began the study of law
in the office of Homer N. Hibbard, remaining under his instruction
for about three years.
Mr. Mills was admitted to the bar in 1871, just as the city was
about to enter into a new and grander era of its development, as a
result of the remarkable stimulus caused by the Great Fire, believed
at the time by those who did not know Chicago to be a crushing
misfortune. Young, talented and enthusiastic, he was of the right
material to soon become an integral part of the new Chicago, and
during the four years of individual practice became a leading and
an indispensable factor in its professional and civic progress. In
1875 he entered into partnership with George C. Ingham and Edward
P. Weber, under the firm name of Mills, Weber and Ingham, and in
the following year was elected state's attorney of Cook county.
During the period of his service in this capacity (1876-84) Mr. Mills
established his reputation as one of the foremost criminah lawyers of
the country. He was thoroughly feared by the criminal elem.ent, and
accomplished much in correcting an outside impression that as a city
Chicago was unstable and unsafe. Among a multitude of cases he
secured the conviction of John Lamb for the murder of Officer Race,
of Peter Stevens for the murder of his wife and of Theresa Sturlata
for the murder of Charles Stiles. He also conducted for the state
the prosecution of several of the county board "boodlers," and in all
his official work gained so high a reputation that even after the expi-
ration of his last term of service as state's attorney he was frequently
called in to assist in important cases by the regular prosecutor of the
county. One of these cases was the trial of James Dacey for the
murder of Alderman Gaynor. The defendant took a change of venue
to McHenry county, and Mr. Mills was commissioned to assist in
the prosecution there, in which he was completely successful, although
opposed by the eminent advocate, T. D. Murphy. While in jail Dacey
feigned insanity, and a trial on that issue was ordered by the supreme
court, Mr. Mills again appearing for the state. Dacey was adjudged
sane and ultimately executed by hanging.
An enthusiastic Republican, Mr. Mills' professional reputation
has always overshadowed all political considerations. A striking illus-
tration of this fact was offered in 1888, when the Democracy of Ohio
called upon him to assist that eminent statesman and lawyer of the
party, Allen G. Thurman, in the prosecution of the tally-sheet forgers.
This cause was a step in the gubernatorial contest, was tried at Colum-
bus and came into national prominence because of the masterly way in
which it was conducted. Mr. Mills was also one of the prosecutors
in the trial of the murderers of Dr. Cronin. No case in the history of
Illinois criminal jurisprudence has attracted more widespread atten-
tion, and Mr. Mills spent seven months in the preparation and trial
thereof. The result is a matter of history, for the punishment of the
conspirators was a direct blow at the anarchistic tendencies which
brought about the fearful deed. He was also engaged in much civil
litigation of importance. His treatment of all cases, of whatever
character, is marked by careful study and patient preparation, so that
the brilliancy and eloquence of his addresses to court and jurv are
based upon the substance of facts and accurate knowledge.
Whene\'er a public occasion in Chicago demands a speaker, not
only of brilliancy but of good judgment — one who shall say the right
thing, at the right time and in the right way — the management have
always turned instinctively to Luther Laflin Mills, and if his services
are secured he Jias never disappointed the highest expectations. On
Lincoln day of 1890 he responded to a toast on the martyred president
at a banquet given by the Republican Leagues at Columbus, Ohio. At
a banquet in the Sherman House, Chicago, in December of the same
year, he delivered a stirring address on American Citizenship, and
among the noteworthy events in the history of western educational
institutions was his speech before the law school of the University of
Wisconsin, in July, 1891, on "Law and Progress." There is probably
no lawyer at the Chicago bar who is today more popular with the
newspaper men than Luther Laflin Mills, and addresses long to be
remembered by them and the public at large were those delivered
at the memorial services for Herman Raster, the German journalist,
in August, 1 89 1, and over the bodies of the three young reporters
killed in the railroad accident in October of the same year.
On the 15th of November, 1876, Mr. Mills was married to Miss
Ella J. Boies, of Saugerties, New York, a daughter of Joseph M. and
Electa B. (Laflin) Boies. They have five children — Matthew, Electa
Boies, Mari Brainerd (Mrs. Frank T. Crawford), Caroline Bigelow
and Agnes Sheffield. Since his admission tcj the bar in October 1903,
the son has been associated with his father under the firm name of
Luther Laflin Mills and Matthew Mills. For the past twelve years
the practice of Mr. Mills has been confined to civil practice, including
important arbitration. His son, Matthew Mills, is a member of the
Forty- Fifth General Assembly of Illinois, elected in 1906.
Mr. Mills and his family occupy a prominent position in social
circles, and their home is a cultured center where intellectual enjoy-
ments predominate. Personally, Mr. Mills enjoys the popularity that
a generous nature, refined manner, unusually scholastic attainments
and great individual magnetism naturally win. As a humanitarian
he has a logical identification with the social, civic and religious move-
ments which have brought fame to Chicago. For many years he has
been a member of the Illinois Humane Society, and is president of the
Chicago Tract Society and Chicago Boys' Club. In his special relig-
ious faith he is a Presbyterian, but in a broader sense his Christianity
includes the world and all struggling humanity.
Lambert Tree is a citizen who has not only added to the distinction
of Chicago, in both material and intellectual fields, but through his
high and able character has carried its good name
^ into national and international councils. He was
born in Washington, District of Columbia, on the
29th of November, 1832, and from both sides of his family comes of
prominent Revolutionary stock. Two of his great-grandfathers were
officers in the American army, and one of them was killed at the
battle of Trenton while in command of an artillery company.
The parents of Lambert Tree were Lambert and Laura M. (Bur-
rows) Tree, who thoroughly believed in an education as the best asset
of manhood. Their son therefore received a good classical education
before he commenced to read law in the office of James Mandeville
Carlisle, who was then the leader of the Washington bar. Having
completed his professional studies at the University of Virginia, he
was admitted to the bar at the national capital in October, 1855, and
before the end of the year had settled in Chicago for practice.
Almost from the first. Judge Tree was a recognized leader at the
bar, both because of his manifest knowledge and the tact and polish
of his address; for, notwithstanding the rawness of this rising young
city of the west, even in the fifties it held a bright collection of broad
and cultured men in all walks of life. Neither did it require a long
testing period for the people of Chicago to discover that behind a
courteous bearing and professional ability were the sterling traits of
a man. In 1864 he was elected president of the Chicago Law Insti-
tute, and in 1870 one of the circuit judges of Cook county to fill the
unexpired term of the late William K. McAllister, who had been ele-
vated to the state supreme court. His succeeding record and personal
popularity earned him an election for the full term, without opposition,
and during his incumbency a score or more of aldermen were brought
before him, having been indicted by the grand jury upon his initiative.
and punished for various malfeasances in office. Judge Tree resigned
in 1875, then passed several years in European travel, and in 1878
returned to Chicago and occupied himself with law, literature and the
management of his private affairs.
In 1878 and 1882, notwithstanding his district (the fourth had
always been a Republican stronghold), Judge Tree allowed his name
to be used by the Democracy, and, although he failed of an election,
he received a very jflattering vote. In 1884 he served as a delegate
at large from Illinois to the national convention which nominated
Grover Cleveland for the presidency, and at the 1884-5 session of
the general state assembly, after the withdrawal of Colonel William
R. Morrison (failed only by one vote of being elected United States
senator in opposition to General John A. Logan. In July, 1885,
President Cleveland appointed him United States minister to Belgium,
Judge Tree representing his country in several important interna-
tional conferences held in Brussels. He also represented the govern-
ment at the international congress for the reform of commercial and
maritime law, held in that city in 1888. During his residence in
Brussels Judge Tree showed that Chicago was still deep in his mind
and affections by commissioning Count de Lalaing, an eminent Bel-
gian sculptor, to execute the noble bronze statue of LaSalle, which,
through his generosity, has stood in Lincoln Park these many years.
In September, 1888, he was promoted to be minister to Russia, which
office he resigned in March of the following year, and returned to
Chicago with the intention of giving his attention to pressing private
In January, 1891, Judge Tree was appointed by the President
as one of the three members representing the United States at the
International Monetary Commission held in Washington, designed
to further the plans of the late James G. Blaine in the unification
of the interests of the Americas by providing a monetary medium of
common circulation. Although not a member of the conference,
he took a warm interest in the Brussels congress of 1889 for the
suppression of the African slave trade.
Judge Tree has always warmly sustained by contributions and
substantial support all historical movements connected with his city
and state. In 1893-7 he served as president of the Illinois State
Historical Library, for many years has been vice president of the
Vol. n— 7
Chicago Historical Society and is a life trustee of the Newberry
Library. He is also either an active, or honorary corresponding mem-
ber of several other societies, of a geogra.phical, historical or scientific
nature identified with those fields of research in France, and is a
leading member of the Historical Society of the District of Columbia.
During the World's Columbian Exposition he was appointed by the
king of Belgium as an honorary councilor of his government, and
while Mr. Tree did not serve as a director of the World's Fair, in
many ways he was in close touch with its management. Flis foreign
honors include not only a rank as grand officer of the Order of Leo-
pold of Belgium, but an officer of many years' standing in the famed
Legion of Honor of France. In the United States Judge Tree is also
honored as one of the organizers and a serving vice president of the
Illinois branch of the National American Red Cross Society, incor-
porated by act of Congress. He is an influential member of its central
committee, with headquarters in Washington, and has always been
•an ardent supporter of the organization and its humanitarian princi-
ples and practices. Locally, besides enjoying membership in the Chi-
cago organizations already mentioned, he is a director in the Mer-
chants' Loan & Trust Company and the Chicago Edison Company,
and has large and valuable real estate interests in many sections of the
In 1859 Mr. Tree was united in marriage with a daughter of
H. H. Magie, a Chicago pioneer, and they have one son, Artliur
Magie Tree, and one grandson, Ronald Lambert Tree. The family
residence is one of the finest homes on the north side, at No. 94 Cass
street. Judge Tree's genealogy has brought him membership in the
Illinois Sons of the American Revolution. He is widely known so-
■^dally, and enjoys identification with such clubs as the Chicago and
Iroquois of Chicago, the Union of New York, and the Metropolitan
of Washington.
The life record of Graeme Stewart in all its varied phases was one
which reflected honor and dignity upon the city that esteemed him.
- He was a life-long resident of Chicago, and the his-
o tory of no citizen has been more fearless in conduct,
Stewart. -^ . . . • , •
more constant m service and more stamless m repu-
lation. He felt a love for the city that was manifest in almost count-
less ways for the municipal development and welfare, and in return no
A 6o>^^-T-t^^,^
one was more uniformly loved by his fellow townsmen than Graeme
William Stewart, the father, became a resident of Chicago in
1850, and when the city was just emerging from its embryonic condi-
tion and taking on the evidences of progressive villagehood, with
possibilities of future development and upbuilding. Three years
after his arrival there came to the Stewart home, on the 30th of
August, 1853, a little son, who was given the name of Graeme — a
name dear because of its associations with his Scotch ancestry. Some-
thing of the marvelous growth of Chicago during the life of Mr. Stew-
art is indicated by the fact that his birthplace was a little one-story
frame dwelling which stood at the corner of Franklin and Monroe
streets, now the heart of the wholesale district. As boy and youth
he roamed over the prairies that are now covered by more sightly and
palatial residences, while a feature of his winter sports were the races
upon the ice on the main branch of the Chicago river. From boyhood
pleasures Mr. Stewart turned his attention to the duties assigned in
the acquirement of an education in the Skinner school, one of the first
important educational institutions to be opened here. Later he at-
tended the University of Chicago and eventually became a student
in the Dyrenfurth Hande Schule, a business college which stood at
the corner of Randolph street and Fifth avenue. He made his initial
step in the business world, as have countless other Chicago boys, by
selling the Chicago Sunday papers ; but that which differentiates his
career from so many of his fellow townsmen is that his ambition led
him into larger undertakings with wider outlook and greater oppor-
tunities, while his indomitable energy enabled him to accomplish what-
ever he undertook. While still but a young lad he secured a position
as errand boy in the house of G. W. Flanders & Company, where his
ready adaptability, his faithfulness and his enterprise soon won him
promotion to the position of shipping clerk. A few years later, de-
spite the protests of his employers, Mr. Stewart, believihg that he had
a better opportunity for advancement, connected himself with Stewart,
Aldrich & Company, becoming a salesman for that firm. At that
epochal period in the city's histoiy when its business district was de-
stroyed by fire, in October, 1871, Mr. Stewart, knowing what it would
mean to the company to save its books, appropriated the first horse
which he saw that was not otherwise used, drove to the house and
dashed before the flames across Rush street bridge, being the last per-
;ofi to cross in safety ; but the books of the company were saved, and,
be it said to Mr. Stewart's credit that after two days he found the
owner of the horse and received his thanks for returning it in good
order. The next decisive step which marked the prominence of Mr.
Stewart's business career was his identification with the W. M. Hoyt
Company in 1880, in which firm he became partner and director.
At the time of his death he was at the head of the extensive mer-
cantile establishment conducted under the name of the W. M, Hoyt
Company on the site of Fort Dearborn. There were certain elements
which marked the business career of Mr. Stewart. The methods
which he pursued were such as gained him an unassailable reputation
for commercial integrity. He had the ability to co-ordinate forces, to
control and shape into unity seemingly diverse elements. In addition,
he tried to make all his acts and commercial moves the result of
genuine consideration and sound judgment. There were never any
great ventures or risks. On the contrary, he practiced honest, con-
servative business methods, while energy and good system constituted
the basis of his success. He was a merchant in the true sense of the
It is impossible to determine the extent of Graeme Stewart's influ-
ence in political life and municipal interests of the city, for such things
cannot be measured by any known standard. It is, however, a uni-
versally accepted fact that few men have been so potent in molding
the public policy and shaping the destiny of the city along lines of
progressive development in keeping with those higher ideals toward
which the loyal, public-spirited and patriotic citizen is always striving.
Whether through political lines or in other methods, his labors were
always exerted with the interests of the city at heart. His real politi-
cal career began when he was but ten years of age as a member of the
Republican drum corps. From that time forward he never wavered in
his support of Republican principles, although at times he took a most
decided stand in opposition to the methods of various machine leaders
and bosses of the party, who would sacrifice the advancement of the
party to personal aggrandizement, and the city's welfare to their own
good. The ambition of Mr. Stewart, however, was not centered in
lines of personal political attainment. In 1882 he was appointed by
the senior Mayor Harrison as a member of the board of education,
and during his succeeding eight years' service, a part of the time as
president, he did most effective work for the system of puhhc instruc-
tion in Chicago. His able and effective labors received public recog-
nition and appreciation w^hen, in 1907, the finest grammar school
building in the city was named in his honor. Although he was fre-
quently mentioned for the mayoralty candidacy for several years, Mr.
Stewart would not accept the nomination when it was tendered him
in 1899 because of opposition from a certain Republican leader. In
1903 he was made the standard bearer of his party and met defeat
after a vigorous campaign, because of the disloyalty of certain Repub-
lican workers who feared the straightforward methods of Mr. Stew-
art. There is no doubt that had he entered into the methods of many
politicians he could have obtained almost any office he might desire,
but with him principle was above party, and purity in municipal affairs
above personal interests. For many years he was known for his
sterling qualities, his fearless loyalty to his honest convictions, his
sturdy opposition to misrule in municipal affairs, and his clearhead-
edness, discretion and tact as manager and leader. He was a delegate
to the Republican National Convention in 1896. In 1900 he became
a member of the National Executive committee of the Republican
party, in which capacity he evinced such pronounced ability and sound
judgment as to bring him into national prominence and make him the
valued co-worker as well as personal friend of such men as William
McKinley, Marcus A. Hanna, Henry C. Payne, R. C. Kerens, Harry
C. New, George B. Cortelyou, Shelby M. Cullom, Charles G. Dawes,
Edward J. Brundage, Theodore Roosevelt and many others of the
leading Republicans of the country. In 1901 President Roosevelt
tendered him the office of assistant postmaster general, and the same
year he was urged to accept the position as a member of the Presi-
dent's cabinet in the new seat as secretary of commerce and labor.
On both occasions, however, he declined the honor, preferring to main-
tain an uninterrupted residence in Chicago. While he always had
the deepest interest in national affairs, he was pre-eminently a Chi-
cagoan, and the city was dearer to him than any other place on earth.
While he refused office he remained active in molding public thought
and opinion. It was characteristic of him that while others criticised
men and measures, he set to work to right that which was wrong, and
was as tireless in his labor for municipal virtue and honor as he was
for business success.
Too young for service in the Civil war, there nevertheless stands
to the credit of Mr. Stewart a military chapter in his life history, for
in 1874 he was active in promoting and organizing the First Illinois
Regiment and was elected captain of Company A. The first call to
active service was in 1875, when trouble was feared from the local
socialists. He remained always a champion of the interests of the
National Guard, and for a number of years continued in active con-
nection therewith. He took a firm stand in support of the erection of
the new County building and was tireless in "his labors toward the
accomplishment of this purpose.
To Mr. Stewart more than to any other man is Chicago indebted
for the fact that the Illmois Naval Training School was established at
Lake Bluff. He was mainly instrumental in raising the $228,000
necessary for the purchase of the site, completing the task only three
days prior to his final illness, when, with Mrs. Stewart, he signed the
realty deed conveying the land to the United States government.
Since that time the national authorities have appropriated several
million dollars for the construction of buildings. There was perhaps
no movement of vital importance to the city with which he was not
concerned as an active factor in his support of or opposition to, as the
case might be — for he was as strong in his denouncement of a measure
which he believed to be detrimental as he was firm in his allegiance
when he believed that the interests of the city would be promoted
While his success in business and his labors in political and munici-
pal lines made Graeme Stewart a great man, he possessed, moreover,
those traits of personal character that made him a lovable man. He
was genial, courteous and kindly, and there was no more welcome
visitor at the rooms of the Chicago, Union League, Hamilton and
Marquette clubs, in all of which he held membership, than Mr. Stew-
art. It was felt that no important gathering of those clubs was com-
plete unless he was numbered among those present, and usually was
called upon to voice his sentiments in regard to every question that
came up for consideration. He was likewise one of the organizers
of the ]\Ierchants' Club, and at the time of his death was vice presi-
dent of the Illinois Manufacturers' Association. He was also one
of the charter members of the Mid-day CUib and was a prominent
Mason, who attained to the thirty-second degree of the Scottish rite,
to the Knight Templar degree in the coniniandery, and also was a
member of the Mystic Shrine. A patron of art and literature, he be-
came a charter member and director of the Chicago Art Club. He
had a great appreciation for beauty in any of its forms, especially as
manifest in different phases of nature, and he delighted in the scenic
attractions both of the old world and the new.
In 1879 Mr. Stewart was united in marriage with Miss Nellie
A. Pullman, of Chicago, a daughter of Albert B. and Emily A. (Ben-
nett) Pullman, the former vice president of the Pullman Car Com-
pany. They became parents of two daughters: Helen Pullman, now
the wife of Dr. Philip Schuyler Doane; and Mercedes Graeme Stew-
art, who, with her mother, resides at the family home at No. 181 Lin-
coln Park Boulevard, while their summer residence is at Winnetka.
Mrs. Stewart has long been an active member of the St. Paul's Uni-
versalist church and has always been prominent in charitable and ben-
evolent work. For the past twenty years -she has served as a director
of the Chicago Orphan Asylum, succeeding her mother as a partici-
pant in the management and the advancement of that charity. She
has likewise been identified with the Illinois Industrial Training
School for Girls, and was closely associated with her husband in their
labors for furthering useful, helpful and elevating institutions. Mr.
Stewart was pre-eminently a man of domestic tastes who, though a
most active factor in the political, social and business life of the city,
ever found that his strongest interests centered in his home and de-
rived his greatest happiness in promoting the welfare of his wife and
children. Death came to him with comparative suddenness. He was
stricken when attending a banquet of the Banker's Club in the Audi-
torium Hotel and about a month later (June 27, 1905) passed away.
The funeral services were among the most imposing of this character
ever held in Chicago, and to no other has there been accorded the
honor of allowing the funeral, cortege to pass through Lincoln park.
Every society and organization with which he was connected passed
resolutions of respect and sympathy and was represented at the fun-
eral services held in the Fourth Presbyterian church. Perhaps no
better estimate of the life and character of Mr. Stewart can be given
than in the expression of the resolutions passed in a meeting of the
9J jG293B
Republican County Central committee and introduced by Mayor
Busse. It read : "Graeme Stewart has been called from our midst
by the hand of death. In the full flush of his manhood he died hon-
ored and beloved by the people of Chicago. He had a strong hold
upon the hearts of its citizens. He was admired for his manly quali-
ties and gentlemanly conduct, for his political sagacity, for his knowl-
edge of public affairs, for his fidelity to every trust imposed upon him.
Gifted in a rare degree with kindliness of manner and a dignity of
personal presence without austerity, he made lasting friendships with
all classes. He believed in the majesty of the common people. He
had full faith in the outcome of American citizenship. He was full of
pride for his city, for the state and for the nation. He sounded their
praises everywhere. He believed that the indomitable spirit of Chi-
cago could overcome internal disorder, as well as outrival any opposi-
tion. He did not frown upon her because of her admitted faults, but
he gloried in her achievements. Where others faltered, he led. Where
others were weak he was strong. He was resolute and independent.
Opposition but renewed his vigor. His confidence in the future of
Chicago was sublime; whether as private citizen, merchant, member
of the board of education or national committeeman of his party for
the state of Illinois, he was devoted to the welfare of the public. He
brought ripened judgment, physical strength, mental vigor, a large
heart and unfailing kindness to the solution of every problem which
confronted him. In private life he was irreproachable. He represent-
ed Chicago with hospitality, grace and tact in all his public acts. His
life has passed away, but his memory will remain so long as Chicago
has a history. His body will be laid away with devoted tenderness,
but his face and memory will remain freshly engraved in the hearts
of a loving people."
In his funeral sermon Dr. Curtis said, in part : "Mr. Stewart
was not alone a citizen of Chicago ; he was more. He was at once a
fine product and a worthy representative of the best forces that have
made our city what it is. Born of good, sturdy Scotch Presbyterian
stock nearly fifty-two years ago, in what is now the business center of
our metropolis, inheriting a splendid physique, a clear, strong mind,
and a moral and religious training that made for righteousness, he
grew up to manhood's estate under conditions which helped to make
him a typical western man — energetic, eager, earnest, enthusiastic,
warm hearted, broad minded, ready to attempt to do large things in a
large way. There was nothing small about the man either physically
or morally. He was cast in a large and generous mold. Like many
of our foremost citizens he made his way to an assured business suc-
cess by untiring diligence, patient industry, sterling integrity, and
steadfast, unswerving purpose. His business methods were above re-
proach. Thrown into the midst of the intense competition of the
western commercial world, Graeme Stewart never stooped to mean-
ness, unfairness, trickery or deceit. He had high ideals of business
honor and held to those ideals. He scorned the touch of tainted
money, and there was nothing in him in which graft of any kind could
make appeal. The strong, high-minded business men of this city
have been quick to admire his work, and to admit him into the noble
brotherhood of those who put conscience above gain, honor above
oelf. But Mr. Stewart was not a man to be content with the attain-
ment of success in the commercial life of this city. The walls of his
counting house did not and could not mark the boundaries of his
visions, his interests, his affections, his purpose. The old saying of
the Latins was true to him — 'Nothing human was alien to his thought.'
He could not degenerate into a mere business machine. Llome,
friends, the public weal, good government, the larger interests of
humanity, education, charity, morality, religion — all these found gen-
erous welcome in his heart and life. Mr. Stewart was by nature a
friendly man, a man who made friends, who held them, was loyal to
them at whatever cost. His was a genial personality, whole souled,
generous to a fault. His friendships were marked by no boundaries
of party or of creed. He honored manhood, fidelity, courage, high
principle, and when he found men to his liking he gave them his
confidence, his love, his steadfast loyalty. Mr. Stewart was a man
of public spirit devoted to the public good. The familiar saying of
the great apostle, 'None of us liveth to himself,' was the working
creed of his life. Freely, gladly, without stint, without money and
without price, he gave himself to matters of public moment, whether
they affected the interests of city, state or nation. He loved Chicago
as a son loves the mother who bore him. Born and brought up in
this city, receiving his early training in the public schools, he was
deeply interested in promoting the efficiency of our admirable public-
school system, and while yet a young man served si.x years as a mem-
ber of the board of education. He believed it to be the duty of the
business man to labor and to sacrifice for the cause of good govern-
ment and, therefore, he entered the field of politics, sparing himself no
effort, working day and night for the triumph of the party and the
policy to which he had sworn allegiance. He believed it possible to
have a clean, honest business administration of the affairs of a great
city, and few even among those who opposed him at the polls doubt
but that, had he been elevated to the mayoralty of Chicago, he would
have discharged the duties of that high office with credit to himself
and honor to the city that gave him birth. It is to the credit of this
man who has now gone from us that even in the heat of a sharp and
bitter political contest nothing was said that reflected on his capacity,
his honesty, his honor. He loved politics and no doubt had his politi-
cal ambitions, but only as a means to an end, and that end the promo-
tion of the public weal. Many of you doubtless remember his last
public service in securing for our vicinity the location of the naval
training school. The energy, the enthusiasm, the steadfast persistence
he threw into that strenuous eft'ort were characteristic of the man. He
was determined to succeed, and he did succeed. It was the multiplicity
of these outside activities which doubtless caused the shortening of his
life. He burned the candle at both ends. In matters of charity and
philanthrophy he had an open heart and an open purse. Many there
are among the poor and lowly who share the sor!row of this hour as
they remember his kindly sympathy and help. He did not, he could
not, forget the words of his own Scotch poet, 'A man's a man for a'
that, for a' that.' In him there was nothing of snobbery, nothing of
that foolish pride that is too often born of worldly success. To those
who knew him best it was evident that he was a man of high moral
standard, a man who lived and loved a clean life. His sympathy, his
support, he gave to everything that makes for righteousness. Reared
in the old faith of his fathers, that faith which makes so much of the
sovereignty of God and the supremacy of duty, he never lost its sub-
stance although he did not outwardly profess its form. He was broad-
ly Christian in the spirit and purpose of his life."
No man in public life perhaps has had so few enemies. Even those
who opposed him politically entertained for him the warmest personal
regard and admiration. It was said that he never forgot a friend —
the playmates of his boyhood, the associates of his early manhood,
those with whom he labored in municipal circles, in commercial life,
or with whom he was connected in shaping national politics, were
alike remembered through all the years, with their added responsibili-
ties and honors. His life record finds embodiment in the words of
Pope :
"Statesman, yet friend to truth ; of soul sincere
In action faithful and in honor clear;
Who broke no promise, served no private end,
Who gained no title and who lost no friend."
Thomas A. Moran was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, of Irish
parents, on October y, 1839, and died November 18, 1904.
' In 1846, at the age of seven years, with his par-
ents, he came west to Kenosha county, Wisconsin,
Moran. , ., , . ,-",,.
where until he was nmeteen years of age, he lived
with them, worked on the farm, attended school in the winter, sub-
sequently teaching a country school. At the age of twenty he became
a student of law at Kenosha and was admitted to the practice of law
in'1865, after being graduated from the Albany Law School, of Al-
bany, New York.
In November, 1865, he came to Chicago and founded the firm of
Schiff and Moran. Later he became a member of the firm of Moran
and English, subsequently, Moran, English and Wolff. In 1879 ^e
was elected judge of the Circuit Court of Cook county, being the first
Irish- American ever elected to the Cook county bench. In 1885 he
was re-elected to the Circuit bench, and in 1891 he was again re-elect-
ed. In 1886 he was assigned to the Appellate Court for the First Dis-
trict of Illinois, from which position he resigned in 1892 to take up
the practice of law as a member of the firm of Moran, Kraus, Mayer
and Stein, later Moran, Mayer and Meyer. He was dean of the Chi-
cago College of Law for several years, and gave lectures there on
the practice of the law.
Many of his opinions while on the Appellate bench, were adopted
verbatim by the Illinois Supreme Court. On one occasion he refused
to follow an opinion of Justice Harlan, of the United States Supreme
Court, and was sustained in his rulings. This was in a dispute over
the Insolvent Debtors"* act. He argued for the constitutionality of the
Illinois Inheritance Tax before the United States Supreme Court in
1898, and was sustained.
Very early in life he took an active part in politics, campaigning
for Stephen A. Douglas in Wisconsin, in i860. In 1896, the Demo-
cratic party having declared for free silver, he became a delegate to
the Gold Democratic conference in Indianapolis. His activity in
politics was, however, confined to the discussion from the rostrum
of the broad principles around which are centered the great political
parties, and even from this, while on the bench, he held scrupulously
The above are but meager data of the life and career of Thomas
A. Mo ran. The hopes, the struggles, the sorrows, the triumphs that
accompanied him, as with eyes fixed and mind set upon the goal of
life, he unfalteringly strove, from height to height, along life's stern
and rugged road, to reach it, are close-locked in the heart that is now
forever stilled. Of these we may not know, save as they were re-
vealed by the impress made by them upon the character of the man.
But if from his character we may judge, then hope was always strong
and bright within him, and always fixed beyond the things that were,
upon better things to come; and he had his struggles, yes, many of
them, for only through struggle could the rugged, stout-heartedness
that was his, have been acquired; he must needs have been acquainted
with sorrow, too, for he was gentle and kind; and his triumphs were
those of a great and good man, who has beheld the fruition of his
labors in the honor and admiration, and the respect and love of his
As a lawyer. Judge Moran had in him that rare combination of
qualities that approached quite the ideal in that profession, and insures
success. He had a keen, alert and vigorous mind, broad and com-
prehensive in its grasp, yet masterful and careful of detail ; and with
sure precision, he went straight to the heart of the proposition sub-
mitted to him, and seldom did he err in his judgment.
He was always a close student and a tireless worker. He kept
pace with the rapidly moving and ever-widening current of the law,
and not a little aided in the true development, and proper application
of the eternal legal principles, to the changed and changing conditions
of society with its concomitant, manifold complexities and perplexi-
ties. His own clear ideas, accurate judgment, and logical deduc-
tions, were in argument highly supplemented and enforced by a voice
rich and eloquent in cadence, a manner graceful, pleasing and courte-
ous, and an evident earnestness and honesty of purpose, that carried
conviction to his hearers, and usually brought victory to his side of the
cause. He never advised a client until he was sure of his ground, and
then his judgment was given impartially in accordance with his view
of the law applicable to the matter. The so-called "tricks" of the law-
yer were unknown to him, or of him. But once his services were en-
listed in behalf of a client, his great powers of mind, coupled with his
wide knowledge of the law, and experience in its practice, and his
strong personality, were applied to his client's cause with all the vigor
and earnestness, diligence and devotion, in his power.
His ability as a lawyer was confirmed while he was on the bench,
and to that ability the published reports of the Appellate and Supreme
Courts of the State of Illinois will bear lasting witness. As a judge
he was singularly careful of the proprieties, patient and painstaking,
and courteous and kind to all appearing before him, particularly to
the young attorney. He knew neither friends, enemies nor strangers,
the one dominant idea in his mind being the proper application of the
law to the case in hand. He was fearless, yet cautious; gentle but
firm; and in the proper case his warm Irish heart turned the scales
of justice toward the side where Mercy sat. His compensation as a
judge being comparatively small, he left the bench the better to pro-
vide for the present and future of his large family, leaving a record
for administration of the law that is creditable alike to his memory
and to the state he served.
But however brilliant the lawyer, or the jurist, and however much
these terms tend to obscure the man, it is, after all, the character of
the man that gives color to the brilliance of either. The lofty, noble
character of Judge Moran made possible the able lawyer and jurist;
yet it is not the lawyer or jurists whose memory we revere, but the
Men of strong character often make enemies; Judge Moran was
one of the rare exceptions. If he had any enemies, the writer, during
the many years of his acquaintance with him. never heard of them.
His was one of the most lovable characters I ever knew. Strong,
gentle; brave, cautious; relying, yet supporting; wise and conservative
in counsel, but quick in action when he believed he was right, the "ele-
ments" were, indeed, well "mixed in him." Kind-hearted and charita-
ble towards all, and loyal to his friends, yet enshrined in his heart as
his dearest love and object of his greatest devotion and care, were his
wife and family. To them the efforts of his life were consecrated;
from them he drew the inspiration that fortified his stout heart in
many a bitter trial ; in them he saw the hope of reward and compensa-
tion for his well spent hfe.
He was withal "a gentle, kindly, manly man."
"We shall not look upon his like again."
(By Adolf Kraus.)
John Nelson Jewett was for many years one of the leaders of the
Chicago bar. He was a member of it for nearly fifty years, and al-
most from the time when he first entered upon prac-
T " tice here, occupied a leading and commanding: posi-
tion in his profession. He was born October 8,
1827, at Palmyra, Maine, spending the earlier years of his life on his
father's farm near that place. He early resolved to secure an educa-
tion; and to that end studied assiduously during the leisure afforded
by the intervals in farm work. When he was eighteen his father came
west, establishing his home near Madison, Wisconsin. A year later
the son, having spent part of that time in teaching in a private school
at Madison, entered Bowdoin as a sophomore.
In 1850 he graduated, taking his degree as Bachelor of Arts, and
was immediately employed as one of the principals of North Yar-
mouth Academy. This was then a well known school in Maine. At
the same time he pursued his legal studies ; and after two years thus
employed returned to Wisconsin and entered the office of Collins and
Smith at Madison. These gentlemen were then two of the leading
lawyers of the state. Judge Collins was for some time on the bench.
Mr. Smith was for one term attorney-general of the state, and elo-
quent advocate and a Democrat high in the councils of his party in
the state and the nation. They have both been dead many years.
Mr. Jewett was admitted to the Wisconsin bar early in 1853,^ and
to the bar of Illinois July 23rd of that year, when he removed to
Galena and began practice there.
He soon afterwards formed a partnership with Wellington Weig-
ley, which continued during most of the time he lived in Galena.
In 1856, at the age of twenty-nine, apparently conscious of iiis ma-
turing- powers and seeking a wider field for their exercise, he decided
to come to Chicago; and this city then became his home and the scene
of his varied and extended professional labors.
He was first associated with Hon. Van H. Higgins. for many
years one of the leading lawyers of our bar and for some time a mem-
ber of our local bench.
In 1857 he became a meml^er of the firm of Scates, Mc.Mlister,
Jewett and Peabody, probably then the leading firm in this city.
Judge Scates and Judge McAllister were both on the Supreme bench
of the state and the latter afterwards a judge of our Circuit Court,
where he made a most enviable reputation as a learned, fearless and
able judge. Mr. Peabody is the sole survivor of this firm of remark-
able lawyers, one of our honored citizens, but not now in active prac-
tice. The firm became afterwards, by various changes, McAllister,
Jewett and Jackson ; and Jewett, Jackson and Small. At a later period
Mr. Jewett was associated with Mr. Charles T. Adams under the
firm name of Jewett and Adams. Senator William E. Mason was
also with him for a time.
Mr. Jewett married Miss Ellen Rountree, daughter of the late
Hon. John H. Rountree of Platteville, Wisconsin, a pioneer of that
region, for many years a member of the \\'isconsin senate and always
prominent in the public affairs of that state. Mrs. Jewett is a most
accomplished woman of extensive attainments and wide culture ; and
the beautiful home over which she so long presided has always been
recognized as one of the most important and attractive centers of
social activity and higher culture in our community.
Mr. Jewett had two sons, Edward Rountree and Samuel Rountree,
both of whom became lawyers and his partners. The former married
Miss Frances Campbell. He died in Maine, in October, 1899.
Mr. Samuel R. Jewett, the younger son, married Miss Lucy Mc-
Cormick, a daughter of William S. McCormick, and has always, re-
sided in this city. He is not now actively engaged in the practice of
his profession.
Mr. Jewett died of organic heart disease, Thursday night. Janu-
ary 14, 1904, at his home in Chicago, No. 412 Dearborn avenue.
He was thus for nearly fifty years a member of the bar in this city.
He saw it grow from a small community of less than 100,000 people
to one of the world's greatest cities with a population of nearly 2,000-
During all this period he steadily maintained his position and lead-
ership in the very front rank of an able and accomplished bar.
At an early period of his professional career he was fortunate
in securing the confidence and esteem of those engaged in large affairs ;
and this he always retained. No interests were so important that
those concerned with their management hesitated to commit them to
him, when the occasion arose, either for counsel or the assertion or
defense of their rights in the courts.
So it may be safely said that no one of his professional contempo-
raries was concerned in such a number and variety of great cases in-
volving large property interests and interesting and important legal
In the conduct of such hard-fought and sometimes desperate for-
ensic battles Mr. Jewett's methods were such as to be especially com-
mended to the consideration of the profession. He was a hard, pos-
sibly some might say sometimes, a bitter, fighter. But his methods
were honorable, fair and open. No suspicion of sinister or devious
efforts to secure secret or undue advantage was ever harbored by his
opponents. He realized to the full extent the standard suggested by
Cockburn's dictum:
"The arms which an advocate wields, he ought to use as a war-
rior and not as an assassin,"
Indeed his entire professional life was dominated by a fixed and
stern integrity which was one of the most admirable, as it was the
most commanding, trait in his character.
Mr. Jewett had a mind that was severely logical. He approached
a legal question as a mathematician would approach a problem in
mathematics. To him it was something to be reasoned out in ac-
cordance with the principles of the law. He was not, therefore, a
"case lawyer," to borrow a phrase somewhat colloquial.
He was a man of singular independence of mind and entirely fear-
less in the assertion of his convictions. And when it became his duty
to criticise judicial decisions, he did not in the least abate these quali-
ties. He vigorously and courageously attacked ignorance, sophistry
and error, whether promulgated from the bench or from some quarter
less calculated to secure tacit assent, if not to command respect. In
this he rendered a service invaluable to the bench and bar alike; and
his courage and professional independence should be recorded as
among- his conspicuous virtues.
He was, within the limitations already indicated, which no self-
respecting lawyer can legitimately disregard, absolutely devoted to
his client's cause and indifferent in this regard to all merely personal
His standards and professional conduct in this respect were en-
tirely beyond any just criticism; and indeed, during his long and
active career at the bar in all these particulars he illustrated the best
traditions of the profession.
Mr. Jewett never participated to any extent in criminal practice,
and for many years tried but few cases before a jury.
It was in his arguments to a court, and especially a court of last
resort, that Mr. Jewett particularly excelled. Of commanding pres-
ence, dignified yet courteous, with an attractive voice, a fine and dis-
criminating literary faculty, and never appearing without thorough
study and preparation, his arguments were always impressive and
were invariably received with great consideration. His industry was
unremitting and should be noted as one of his marked characteristics.
His efforts in the domain of constitutional law were especially
noteworthy. Were I to select any, I think, perhaps, I should name
Munn V. Illinois, 94 U. S. 113; Illinois Central R. R. Co. v. State.
146 U. S. 387; Counselman v. Hitchcock, 142 U. S. 547, as among
the most striking and important cases in which he was concerned. The
first involved the right of the state of Illinois to regulate the charges
of elevator proprietors, and was a pioneer case in this department of
the law; the second was the familiar Lake Front case; the third was a
case where Mr. Jewett successfully invoked the protection of the Fifth
Amendment to the Federal Constitution for a client whom the authori-
ties sought to compel to give evidence against himself. They are all
instructive and leading cases in American constitutional law. antl will
long be studied by the profession in the consideration of the great
questions to which they relate.
In all of these cases Mr. Jewett bore a responsible and conspicuous
part, and his arguments were entirely worthy, not only of the great
court to which they were addressed, but of the important questions
Vol. II— 8
Mr. Jewett was not a politician nor an office seeker. He served
one term in the state senate many years ago, beginning in January,
1 87 1. He belonged to that rapidly diminishing class of men who be-
lieve that the office should seek the man and not the man the office,
that the convention should select the candidate, not the candidate se-
lect the members of the convention.
It is one of the misfortunes of modern politics and American gov-
ernment that, with occasional exceptions, sufficiently numerous to
prove but not to overthrow the rule, men of the first order of ability
do not get into the public service. The leaders of the bar are not al-
ways found upon the bench. Our great lawyers, merchants, financiers
and manufacturers, are infrequently found in public office; and it
seems as if the national, state and municipal governments were all,
by the operation of some mysterious law of politics, commonly de-
prived of the services of the ablest men; men who in their personal
affairs display the most varied and conspicuous talents.
Mr. Jewett would have adorned almost any station in public life.
On several occasions, but not upon his own motion, his name was
suggested by those high in official position for important and national
place. But the strange law to which I have referred seemed in every
instance to operate to his exclusion from public life. Possibly it is
true that his interests were more strictly professional than public and
general. It is certain that in all matters touching the honor and dig-
nity of the profession his interest was keen and active ; and that to the
diligent pursuit of that profession he devoted all his energies and tal-
ents with a fidelity that was undeviating.
He was one of the founders of the Chicago Bar Association. A
number of the lawyers of this city met at the rooms of the Chicago
Law College in November, 1873, ^^^ signed a paper agreeing to unite
in forming such an association. Mr. Jewett's name was first in the list
of signers, a fact which speaks much for the regard and esteem in
which he was held by his professional brethren at that time; for this
sentiment induced the promoters of this important enterprise to regard
his name as one of all others to head such a movement. He was the
fourth president of the association, serving one term in 1877.
Mr. Jewett was in a high degree conservative. He stood "fast
upon the ancient ways" and deprecated hasty and ill-considered
changes in the law or its administration. Possibly he felt a little too
much impatience with that spirit of social restlessness which seems to
be more keenly alive to existing evils, than fertile in the suggestion
of practicable remedies for their correction.
He was interested in legal education, and at the time of his death
was, as he had been from its foundation, the dean of the John Mar-
shall Law School of this city. He was also and for some time had
been president of the Chicago Historical Society.
To those of us who knew him well, what has thus been written
seems to portray but faintly the great lawyer who for so long has been
such a familiar figm'e- in our professional life. The writer feels how
true it is that the name and fame of such are so quickly forgot. How
impossible it is, even in the profession, to keep alive the memory of
those whose professional labors have adorned the bar and often pro-
moted and advanced, in no small degree, the interests of the state.
Within the last twenty years a striking change has taken place
in the Chicago bar. Scarce one, of those then its recognized leaders, re-
mains to us. The last to leave us, by no means the least conspicuous,
indeed, perhaps the most familiar, was Mr. Jewett. His place will
never be filled; for today is not as yesterday. Chicago has passed
from its pioneer stage, and those who were its pioneers at the bar
are nearly all gone.
However well those who come after them meet their duties and
responsibilities, they can never occupy the same relation to the profes-
sion and the community which these, our predecessors, sustained.
Mr. Jewett led an active, busy and useful life, intimately concerned
with the growth and development of our city when it was emerging
from the condition of a small, almost rural community, into that of a
mighty metropolis.
His professional associates will always remember him not only as
a great lawyer, but as a high type of all those qualities which have
contributed to the traditional glories of a learned and noble pro-
(By S. S. Gregory.)
John H. Hamline died February 14, 1904, at his home in the city
of Chicago. To portray what manner of citizen he was, how impor-
tant his services to the city and the state and how
OHN . ^i^j^^ ^^^j honorably he followed the profession of the
law, needs no friendly hand. They are matters of
public knowledge. Singularly free from self-seeking, desiring public
recognition only as a lawyer, shaping his conduct by conscience re-
gardless of public favor, he so impressed himself upon the community
as to be recognized not only as a worthy leader of public opinion, but
as one who sought the city's welfare with such unselfish zeal, intelli-
gent tenacity and grim determination, as to give him a peculiar and
almost unique distinction. The convincing proof of such recognition
followed immediately upon the announcement of his death. In the
expressions concerning him in public addresses, in private conversa-
tions, and on editorial pages, there was no conventional tribute, but
rather a general avowal of sorrow in the passing of a strong man, who
gave his exceptional strength ungrudgingly, bravely and effectively to
the service of his city.
It is inevitable that the thoughts of one undertaking a memorial
of John Hamline should incline first to him in his capacity as a citizen.
Though he was an able and successful lawyer, it was as a citizen that
he attained his pre-eminent place in the life of the community; and
it is chiefly because he was a rare example of what a citizen of a
republic should be that his memory deserves public record. Indeed,
he consciously subordinated Hamline the lawyer to Hamline the citi-
zen, and paid every debt which he conceived he owed to the state at
whatever cost to his success in his profession.
If he had no other claim to be remembered than as a lawyer, his
career would have been a notable one. He not only practiced law suc-
cessfully, and in accordance with the best traditions of the profession,
but he bore a conspicuous part in maintaining the highest standards of
the bar and in improving the methods and personnel of the courts.
Had he not been a great citizen — for such he was — nor able law-
yer, nor having any title to public reputation, he would have been held
in loving memory by those who knew him well, for his rare qualities
as friend and companion. He met and satisfied all the demands of
the intimate and familiar relations of life. And those who knew him
best held him in a respect which bordered on reverence.
It is therefore to John H. Hamline in his relations as citizen, law-
yer and friend that this brief article will be devoted.
His life was a very full, but not an exceptionally eventful one.
Mr. Hamline was born in Hillsdale, New York, the 23rd of March,
1856. In his early infancy his parents removed to Mt. Pleasant,
Iowa. His father was Leonidas P. Hamline, a physician, and his
grandfather was L. L. HaniHnc, a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal
Church. In 1865 Dr. HamHne removed with his family to Evanston,
Illinois, where John H. Hamline spent his youth, attending the public
schools and the Northwestern University, from which he was grad-
uated in the year 1875, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In col-
lege he displayed the same (|ualities of leadership which distinguished
him in after life. After two years of study at Columbia Law School,
New York, from which he was graduated in the year 1877, he took his
examinations for the bar in Illinois, was admitted September 14,
1877, '^^"^^ immediately entered upon the practice of law at Chicago,
and pursued it in this city until his death. His home was still in
Evanston, of which village he was elected corporation counsel in 1880,
an office w^hich he held until 1884. Thus early in his practice his at-
tention was closely and practically drawn to municipal and constitu-
tional law, and he acquired an extensive and thorough grounding in
those branches of which he made effective use in later years. He
prepared for the village a complete municipal code, which was pub-
lished in 1882. About 1885, he removed to 1621 Prairie avenue,
which continued to be his home for the remainder of his life. In
October, 1886, he entered into partnership with Frank H. Scott, a
friend from infancy, under the firm name of Hamline & Scott. Sub-
sequently Frank E. Lord became a member of the firm, and in 1889
the name was changed to Hamline, Scott & Lord, and continued so
until Mr. Hamline's death, Redmond D. Stephens becoming a mem-
ber of it in 1902. Mr. Hamline was elected in 1887, and served one
term as a member of the Common Council of the City of Chicago,
and by his vigorous and courageous discharge of the duties of that
office, challenged the attention of the community. The principle of
enforcing compensation for municipal franchises was advocated in
the city council by him for the first time. Thenceforth, though taking
an active part in public affairs, he never held, nor was a candidate for
any political office. He was a member of the American Bar Associa-
tion, the Chicago Bar Association, to the presidency of which he was
elected in 1891, the Illinois State Bar Association, of which he was
president in 1896-7, and of many clubs and societies. In 1895 he was
chosen president of the Union League Club, and he also served a term
as president of the Chicago Law Club.
Mr. Hamline was married to Josephine Mead, who survives him,
Of this marriage five children were born, of whom three died in child-
hood. There survived him his daughter, Josephine Hamline, aged
fifteen years, and his son, John H. Hamline, Jr., six years of age.
John H. Hamline's zeal in the cause of good government was
manifested at his entrance upon manhood, and continued without in-
termission until his death. To understand his title to the distinction
of a great citizen it is necessary to know, not so much what he did,
and what he undertook to do, a? the motives which actuated him, and
the completeness with which they controlled his conduct. In his con-
ception of the duty of the citizen to the state, and in his rare fidelity
in the discharge of that duty, his right to that title is to be found. He
was a firm believer in democracy — in popular self-government in its
broadest sense. His faith in it was the faith of the fathers touched
by an almost religious fervor. It was not a profession, an abstract
theory, held lightly in so far as involving obligation, but as vital as
the beating of his heart. It shaped the course and conduct of his life.
The key to his entire career of public activity is to be found in his
recognition of the necessity that each citizen must perform his part in
governing, in order that there shall be true popular government — and
his unqualified acceptance of the duties which that necessity imposed
on him individually. In this sense of obligation alone is the explana-
tion of the large part which John Hamline took in the affairs of the
city and state for nearly twenty-five years. He had no political ambi-
tions, but very great ambitions in his profession; and he fully under-
stood that his activity in public affairs was an impediment to his reali-
zation of these latter. Yet his own interests did not enter into his
public activities, except as things to be denied. Frequently his stand
on public questions cost him valued clients. For this there was no
compensation in the prominence given him as a reformer, for such a
role had no attractions for him whatever. He was at times misunder-
stood and subjected to bitter criticism. Though in the midst of con-
troversy he preserved a grim exterior, yet in fact he was keenly sensi-
tive and suffered much under such attacks. But neither loss of clients,
alienation of friends nor stinging criticism could turn him aside from
the performance of that which he saw as his duty to the community.
Nor did he ever, under any provocation, allow himself to swerve from
the pursuit of the object he had in view, to make a personal defense.
He did not bare his wounds lo the pubh'c. nor suppose that injustice
done him was a matter of any concern to it ; nor would he permit a
battle for a measure to become a contest of personalities between men.
But once, and that in the last days of his life, did he by any public
expression show how much he suffered under criticism. In the lines
imprinted on the first page of his pamphlet on the "Mueller Bill" he
gave the key to his life :
"Oh Neptune, you may save me if you will; you may sink me if
you will, but whatever happens, 1 shall keep my rudder true."
Mr. Hamline's title to be called a great citizen rests not alone on
his recognition and acceptance of the duties of citizenship at whatever
cost to himself, but as well on the practical efficiency with which he
discharged them. Taking into account not merely disposition toward
public affairs, nor ability nor energy, nor years of unselfish public
service, nor results achieved, but all of these combined, it may safely
be asserted that in the past twenty years Chicago has had no better
citizen. For himself he claimed nothing, freely giving credit to others
for the fruits of his own efforts. He was concerned only in effecting
results, and not at all as to where credit should be bestowed.
In order to correctly measure his qualities and efficiency as a
citizen, it is also necessary to understand and to take into account the
fact that the determined efforts which he put forth from time to time
as a speaker and leader in the cause of good government, and which
were known to the public, were but the occasional expressions of an
unflagging devotion to his civic duties, which manifested itself in his
daily life, in as conscientious performance of them as he gave to his
obligations to his clients. His was that every day patriotism which
concerns itself consistently and continuously with, and discharges faith-
fully, the duty nearest at hand, whether great or small.
His efforts in behalf of reforms in government were marked by
dogged persistence, intensely practical methods and the exhibition of
a keen knowledge of human nature. Possibly no better example can
be cited than his connection with the movement for a reform of the
civil service, for in this his earliest as well as his latest public activities
were engaged, and through the intervening years his efforts in its
behalf were constant. The first formal attempt to secure specific legis-
lation for Chicago, in this direction, was an ordinance introduced by
him in the city council in the year 1887. Though in those days civil
service reform was sneered at by politicians, and its necessity was not
yet understood by the great body of well-meaning citizens, the pro-
posed ordinance barely failed of enactment by a corrupt, spoils-seeking
council. The incident is significant in that it was an early illustration
of Hamline's effectiveness — manifested often afterward — in dealing
in the public interest with men whose points of view were wholly an-
tagonistic to his own. There was a simple, direct, virile, human
quality in him that took hold on those with whom he came in contact.
He did not respect caste, nor condition, but approached men of every
shade of character on the basis of common manhood, and the men
whose practices he fought, believed in and respected him. And this
fact made it possible for him to render signal service to the public, on
many occasions of which the public does not know.
In the )^ear 1894 the mayor of Chicago appointed a board of
three members, of whom Mr. Hamline was one, to introduce the
merit system in the administration of the police department. There
were advocates of the system who expressed the belief that the ap-
pointment was a political trick, and deprecated its acceptance. None
who heard it will forget Hamline's reply to such critics, delivered at
a dinner of the National Municipal Reform Association, at which the
mayor was present : "When I want to go anywhere, I do not wait to
hitch my wagon to a star. I take anything that is going my way."
The incident was significant of the practical sense that marked his
efforts, and which contributed largely to the success of the various
movements with which he was identified. Together with his asso-
ciates, Messrs. Ela and Rubens, he administered the duties of the office
with a vigor and decision, and in so doing gave the citizens a wider
familiarity with the principle of the merit system, and assisted ma-
terially to pave the way for the passage by the legislature of the Civil
Service Act of 1895.
To John H. Hamline, more than to any other one man, is the
city indebted for the framing, passage by the legislature and adoption
by the voters, of that law. As president of the Union League Club,
in 1895 he called a meeting of delegates from more than fifty clubs
and societies, and united them in the effort to secure such legislation.
The law was in the main drawn in his office; he was the organizing
force which sent committee after committee to Springfield to appeal
to the legislature for its passage, and he chiefly directed the remark-
able noon-day campaign in factories and stores which resuhed in its
adoption. His connection with it cannot lie measured by what was
done by him witliin tlic knowledge of tlic pnblic. By letter and per-
sonal visits he spurred i)r()inincnt cilizens into activity, induced them
to journey to the capital, carried on a large correspondence with
members of the legislature, secured the co-operation of luke-warm or
hostile politicians by convincing them that to help was good politics
for them individually, and went about among the police and other
place-holders, persuading them that their personal interests would be
served by the introduction of a system under which their tenure would
not depend on political favor. After the passage of the law. his inter-
est and activity in its behalf did not cease. His time and professional
knowledge and skill were at the service of the commissioners and
were availed of by them in putting it in operation and defending it
from attack. It was a fixed rule with him, observed in this, as on all
other like matters, to accept no compensation for professional services
in connection with or in any way arising out of reform movements
in which he had participated.
As has been said, almost his latest as well as his earliest efforts
for the public welfare were directed toward civil service reform. He
worked vigorously to procure the passage by the last assembly of a
law applying to the state. In accepting an appointment by the present
governor to act with two others in framing such a law, he was guided
by the same considerations which dictated his acceptance of a place on
the mayor's police commission. The law was framed and submitted
to the assembly by the governor in a message recommending its pas-
sage, but notwithstanding vigorous efforts, in which Mr. Hamline
participated with his accustomed energy, it failed of passage.
Mr. Hamline's labors in jjehalf of civil service reform h;ive been
selected for this extended reference because they were begun in his
early manhood and continued until his death. But they serve only
as an illustration of his activities as a citizen, and not as their measure.
In many other matters of public concern, notably the Humphrey and
Allen bills, the preservation oi the city's rights in the lake front, the
granting of franchises to public service corporations, the consolidation
of the supreme court, he displayed the same ([ualities of leadcrshii?
and expended his time, energies, abilities and money with the sam.-
self-sacrificing generosity which marked his efforts in behalf of that
His advocacy of, or opposition to, men or measures, as a speaker
on public platforms, was characterized by a peculiar directness, the
choice of apt language, without any effort at rhetorical display, in-
tense earnestness coupled with complete self-control, and unflinching
courage. He was blunt and unsparing in his denunciation of candi-
dates for office whom he deemed unfit, yet malice or venom had no
place in his nature. He understood and made allowance for human
weakness and was charitable and generous in his judgments of his
fellow-men. In his arraignment of aspirants for office, at times bitter
in the extreme, he was wholly impersonal ; it was never the individual
as such, but always the candidate, at whom he directed his blows. A
love of conflict he no doubt had, as all good fighters have, but it was
the compelling sense of his duty as a citizen that for so many years
made him a prominent figure in the communitj^'s affairs, and during
the last ten years of his life it was that sense of duty alone. In in-
vective and denunciation he had no pleasure, and when he indulged
in it, as at times he did, it was in the stern, grim fashion of one in
deadly earnest. Indeed, back of and inspiring his public activity in
all its phases, was his serious and wholly unselfish conception of the
obligations which citizenship laid upon him.
Mr. Hamline was fortunate in the choice of his profession. Its
employments were congenial to him, and he followed them with un-
flagging interest and zest. To him the work of the law was not
drudgery, but a source of keen intellectual pleasure, and its contro-
versies afforded frequent opportunities to gratify his love of conflict.
It was his rare good fortune to be a worker in love with his work,
and to find in it adequate and satisfying occupation for ail his facul-
ties. He pursued it with entire devotion, not as a trade, but as a
profession, and never ventured out of its paths to occupy his abilities
elsewhere for gain. Its pecuniary rewards, though they came to him
in satisfactory measure, were the least of its attractions, and his labor
in any given case was not proportioned to the amount, but to the
questions involved therein. Nature equipped him generously for the
profession and he supplemented her gifts by the conduct of his life.
He possessed a broad, clear and vigorous mind, orderly and logical
in its processes, with a singular capacity for recognizing and siezing
upon the vital and essential. His body was a faithful ally of his
mind — robust, virile and nervously sound, enabling him to work hard
and tirelessly. And, added to this equipment oi brain and body,
there was flawless integrity. All who knew liim intimately recog-
nized in. him a rare and exceptional honesty. It has been said by one
that the word honesty took on a new meaning when applied to John
H. Hamline. It was not alone that he was incapable of an act which
he knew to be wrong, but that his perception of right was singularly
clear and true. A retrospect of many years of intimate association
fails to reveal an act of his nroperly subject to the smallest criticism
judged by the highest standards of honor.
Possessing these qualities it followed as of course that his career
at the bar was successful.- Recognition as a lawyer of solid attain-
ments came to him early after his admission, his clientage steadily
grew, and his professional life became one of constant and laborious
employment. The time that he gave generously and freely to serve
the community was the valuable possession of a busy man, but he did
not by reason of his participation in public affairs, fail of diligent and
faithful care for the interests of his clients. Once having accepted a
case his client's cause became his own. His preparation of cases was
marked by the most painstaking attention to detail and exhaustive
examination of authorities. From his youth he was an interested
student of history and of the development of government and of law.
and, although keeping himself acquainted with and using skillfully
current decisions, it was the habit of his mind to refer ?fnd test all
questions by reference to principles. In trials he was fair and candid
with the court, presenting no theories or propositions which he did
not believe to be sound, but supporting his contentions with force,
courage and tenacity.
Mr. Hamline was connected willi much important litigation, in-
volving questions affecting the interests of the community as well as
of his individual clients. Of this character were the suits affecting the
franchises of the Union Loop, and certain street railway companies.
and the numerous controversies concerning the lake front. His ac-
quaintance with the history of the lake front was comprehensive, as
was also his knowledge of thci law affecting the questions involved,
acquired by years of careful study and investigation.
During the latter years or' his life his hearing became impaired.
causing his friends apprehension that the scope of his professional Hfe
might be seriously narrowed. He never expressed to his near friends
any anxiety on account of this growing infirmity. That he realized
what the future might have in store for him cannot be doubted. That
he did not permit the contemplation of such a future to interfere with
the serene conduct of his life or to impair the best use of his abilities,
was a demonstration of the high courage which always distinguished
Mr. Hamline was given to very direct and blunt speaking, and
deserved the reputation which he bore as a grim, hard fighter. But
in his career there was new proof that the world loves a good fighter,
and the very qualities that earned him that reputation attracted and
preserved to him the respect and personal regard of his brother
Some weeks after his death, at a great public meeting -in his mem-
ory, one who was of the inner circfe of Mr. Hamline's friends — him-
self a man of .calm judgment and exact expression — said of him :
"If I were to choose a man from among the men I have known to
stand as a symbol of the sovereign attributes of friendship, I would
choose John Hamline. Other friends there may be more S3m-ipa-
thetic, others more sweet in expression, others more lavish in show
of service, but none have I known more constant and true, and none
so complete." What finer eulogium could be framed and how noble
must have been the nature of him of whom it could be deservedly
spoken ! Let it be recorded that in that judgment each one concurs,
of those whose relations to John Hamline were of closest intimacy.
This memorial can have no more fitting conclusion than the fol-
lowing extract from the same address :
"How shall I speak of his tenderness? So dehberately did he
shield from display this element of his character beneath the direct
ness and brusqueness of his daily demeanor, that T sometimes hold
it half a sin' to make public revelation of it here. Yet we who were
favored with a place among his intimacies so often saw and felt its
manifestation that surely it were a greater sin to pass it by unnoticed.
The serious, the severe and the lofty duties and privileges of friend-
ship he welcomed in the open; its sweeter and sadder claims he met
and satisfied in secret, with the conscience of a Christian and the
heart and sympathy of a woman.
"The gentleness of his conception of the ties of home and family
touched the limit of masculine understanding. His devotion to the
friends he loved was far finer than his grim expression would let them
believe. He had that supreme attribute of woman, to love a man in
silence. Of this the solemn secrets that death has revealed give touch-
ing testimony.
"The pain he gave his friends when duty UKjvcd him to disagree-
ment gave birth to greater suffering in himself. The sternness of liis
attitude was often but a mask to his emotions, and his affection for
his friends outlived all differences with them.
"He was ever giving of liimself to liclj) his friends. His contri-
butions— nay, his sacrifices — of time, of interest and of effort, not to
speak of more sordid things, in behalf of the interested ambition of
others, are theblissful and lasting heritage of many of us."
(By Frank H. Scott.)
If it be true, as it should be. that the most fitting memorial that
can be written of a lawyer is a simple and truthful record of a life-
time of useful hard work, that has brought witli it
Kirk Hawes. honor in an honored profession, then, indeed, it is
an easy task to present such a memorial to Judge
Kirk Hawes, who from 1865 to 1904. nearly forty years, was a strik-
ing figure at the bar. upon the bench and in the affairs of Chicago
during those eventful years of its history.
Kirk Hawes was born in Brookfield. Worcester county. Massa-
chusetts, January 5, 1839. His parents were Preston and Fanny Oles
Hawes. His father was a farmer of keen intellect iuu\ a leader in
the community where he lived. Mrs. Mary Jane I h»lnies. well known
in literature, was a sister of Judge Hawes. and the intimate and aft'ec-
tionate relations through all the years between this brother and sister
and the remainder of the family was a feature of their lives.
At the age of fourteen years young Hawes wearied of farm life
and went to sea, sailing on his first voyage from the port of Boston
to Hong Kong. That was the era of the .American Clipper Shi]) and
in these swift coursers he visited all the principal seaports of the world.
After three years of seafaring life he relumed to I'.rookfield. and
after preparation entered Williams College. 1 Ic was in his junior year
when the war of the rebellion broke out. Me raised a company, was
elected first lieutenant, but finding enlistments too slow relinquished
his commission and went to Boston, where he enlisted as a private
in the Forty-second Massachusetts Infantry. He served under Gen-
eral Banks in the Red River campaign and until the fall of Vicksburg
in 1863, when he was honorably discharged and returned to Williams
College, where he graduated in 1864, with the degree of A. B. At
this time the leading law firm in Worcester was that of Baker and
Aldrich, whose office he entered as a law student, remaining there one
In 1865 he came to Chicago, entering the law office of Waite.
Towne & Clark, and in 1866 he was admitted to the bar. The same
year the law firm of Hawes & Helm was formed, which continued
until early in 1871. Gifted with strong physique, a trained mind and
with the natural bent of a student, Mr. Hawes entered upon the prac-
tice of the law with the same vigor, individuality, assurance and suc-
cess that attended his undertakings through his eventful career. In
1 87 1 he formed a second law partnership with an old classmate and
former law student of Worcester, under the firm name of Hawes &
Lawrence, which partnership continued until Mr. Hawes was elected
judge of the superior court of Cook county, in the year 1880. The
morning after the great fire of 1871 the law firm of Hawes & Law-
rence is said to have had the only law library in Chicago — about
1,000 volumes, which were saved from the flames by the large fire-
proof vault of their Clark street offices.
In the presidential campaign of 1880 Judges Hawes, who was a
Republican in politics, was associated with Robert G. Ingersoll, Leon-
ard Swett, Emery A. Storrs and other prominent Illinois Repub-
licans, in an organized opposition to the nomination of President
Grant for a third term, resulting in the seating of the contesting Illi-
nois delegates, and thus assuring the final result in the national con-
vention. On this account, in his subsequent judicial campaign,
Wilbur F. Storey, editor of the Chicago Times, a strong Democratic
organ, endorsed Judge Hawes' candidacy and he was elected with the
largest majority given any of the judicial candidates, running largel}'
ahead of his ticket. He served two terms, from 1880 to 1892, was
renominated, and defeated in the Democratic "land-slide" of the latter
It was as judge of the superior court that the strong individuality
of Judge Hawes and his exceptional abilities as a lawyer and student
reached their greatest usefulness, as the records of the many impor-
tant cases he was called upon to try during these twelve years niDst
conclusively show. In the performance of the exacting judicial duties
of that high office, at a time when there were fewer judges than we
have now. he was, as he ever had been, a hard worker. Business in
his court was always dispatched with promptness and yet with that
care that made for justice, as clearly appears from the decisions of
the courts of last resort in Illinois when his decisions as a trial judge
were presented for review. Abrupt in manner he was, no doubt, as
that was one of his natural characteristics, but he was ever an atten-
tive listener to both sides of a controversy, and would without the
slightest hesitation brush aside the mere technicalities of the law, for
which he had much less respect than for the substantial merits. He
had strong convictions of what was right and wrong and was entirely
fearless of criticism and public opinion when he believed he was right.
These characteristics were frequently the subject of comment, both
at the bar and in the public prints, from one of which the following
is quoted. "A few more men like Judge Kirk Hawes, with intelligent
opinions and backbone enougli to enforce them, are needed on the
bench when matters of public import like the election fraud cases
come to trial." It is a matter of local histofy that his prompt and
thorough in\'estigation of a jury-bribing plot in his court that affected
several men in high places not only won for him the thanks and re-
spect of the public, but effectually put a stop to such corruption in
Chicago for some twenty years.
Notwithstanding these forceful characteristics, he displayed as ex-
officio judge of the criminal court, in the home circle and among his
personal friends a tenderness, interest, deep love and sympathy for
humanity that was always more than noticeable.
The limits within which these lines must be confined forbids but
passing reference to the many activities of Judge Hawes, other than
those at the bar and upon the bench. In 1888 he was prominently
mentioned as an available Republican candidate for governor of Illi-
nois; he took a lively interest in the affairs of the Grand Army of the
Republic, securing for the federal soldiers and Chicago, after years
of hard work and special legislation at Washington and Springheld.
the present public library site and the Soldiers' McuKM-ial Hall on
what was formerly Dearborn Park, a fitting and lasting monument,
both to the soldiers and to Judge Hawes' public spirit. His early-
travels around the world gave him a deep interest in foreign lands,
and so in later life he became an authority and ready writer and lec-
turer on the ancient history of Egypt and the Holy Land. Though
inclined to liberality in religious views, he was a leading member of
the Second Presbyterian church of Chicago. Not a club man, as
that term is generally used, he was, however, active in the organiza-
tion of the Union League, Marquette and Twentieth Century clubs
of Chicago, and president of the Les Cheneaux Club near Mackinac,
Michigan, his summer home, and a charter member of the Chicago
Bar Association. ~
He was married in the year 1871, to Miss Helen E. Dunham, a
daughter of John H. Dunham, former president of the Merchants'
Loan and Trust Company. His wife survives him; his son, John
Dunham Hawes, and his three daughters, Florence, wife of Arthur
J. Chivers, of London, England; Levanche D. and Fanny V. also
survive him.
After retiring from the bench. Judge Hawes, though still in active
practice, devoted much of his time to his own property and affairs,
spending several months each year at his summer home on Marquette
Island, in Lake Huron.
The first real activities of this life began with the buoyant expec-
tancy of youth, amid the waves and the tides of the ocean, and his life
went out on September 8, 1904. a few moments after admiring the
autumnal foliage on the shores and looking out on the waters of the
inland seas, whose waves, we may believe, chanted a sweet lullaby of
hopefulness for his final voyage.
(By Frank R. Grover.)
Henry Martyn Shepard, judge of the superior court, assigned to
service in the branch appellate court of the first district, died in this
city October 16, 1904.
Henry M. -.^^^ Shepard came from a sturdy New Eng-
Shepard. , , , ^ r 1 • . jr ^1
land ancestry. Two of his great-grandfathers were
officers in the war of the Revolution ; another ancestor, Joseph Wads-
worth, extinguished the lights in the chamber of the legislative assem-
bly of Connecticut and hid the colonial charter in the hollow of the
famous Charter Oak when an attempt was made by servants of the
king of England to seize it.
For two years he studied at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mas-
sachusetts. From thence he went to Heidelberg, Germany, and be-
came a student in the celebrated university of that place. Returning
to America, he read law at Elmira, New York. In 1861 he came to
Chicago and was admitted to the bar of the state of Illinois on the
23d of April of that year. For two years he was in the law office
of Waite & Towne, then leading attorneys of Chicago. In 1864 he
united in the formation of the firm of Fuller. Ham & Shepard. the
senior member of which has for many years been chief justice of the
supreme court of the United States. In 1883 he was elected to the
bench of the superior court, and remained a judge of that court to
the time of his death, having been three times elected without oppo-
sition. At the time of his death, as for a number of years previous
he had been, he was assigned to the appellate court of the first district.
His manner was calm, dignified and simple. As lawyer and judge
he was learned, industrious, painstaking and conscientious. As hus-
band, father and friend, none knew him but to love him.
(By A. N. Waterman.)
The year 1908 is the golden anniversary of the admission to the
Illinois bar of the venerable and revered Judge Simeon P. Shope,
senior member of the firm of Shope, Zane, Busby and
Weber, and for seventeen years an honored figure
Shope. , , , ....
on the benches of the cnxuit and state supreme
courts. The judge is a native of Ohio, although he has spent the
greater portion of his life in Illinois. He was born in Akron on the
3d of December, 1837, son of Simeon P. and Lucinda (Richmond)
Shope, and at the age of two years was brought by his parents to
Illinois, the family locating in Marseilles in September, 1839. In
the spring of the following year Ottawa became the home town, and
in its public schools Simeon P. obtained his first mental discipline,
afterward continuing his education in the public schools of \\'oodford
county and at an academy. In parallel lines with his schooling ran
his healthful training on the jiome farm, so that his development was
substantial and natural, and far removed from the hothouse expan-
sion of many city boys. He entered upon an independent business
Vol. II— 9
career as an assistant to an engineer, and afterwards taught school
for four years, in the meantime pursuing his legal studies under the
direction of such good masters as Judges Elihu Powell and Norman
H. Purple of Peoria.
At the attainment of his majority, in 1858, Judge Shope was ad-
mitted to practice at the bar of Illinois, and this became an all-impor-
tant year because of the added fact that it marked the commencement
of a happy married life extending over nearly a quarter of a century.
He began his practice at Metamora, Woodford county, but soon
afterward removed to Lewiston, Fulton county, Illinois, and formed
a partnership with Lewis W. Ross, a pioneer lawyer and an able
public man of that section of the state. The court records indicate
that with the passing years Judge Shope's practice grew both in vol-
ume and importance, and he was soon known as one of the leaders
of the county bar. He continued in active practice at Tewiston until
1877, when he was elected judge of the tenth judicial circuit. On
the bench his legal talents and strength were given free scope, and
showed to the best advantage; his ability to grasp a multitude of
details and show their general bearing on the points at issue, and a
patient and courteous attitude toward all who came before him, with
a broad knowledge of the law and promptness of decision when both
sides to a controversy had been heard — these were traits which made
him a popular, honored and wise member of the judiciary. His term
as circuit judge extended from 1877 to 1885, and in the latter year
he was elected a representative of the supreme bench of Illinois, fill-
ing the position for the full term of nine years. Declining a re-elec-
tion, he removed with his family to Chicago in 1894, and resumed
private practice.
Since becoming a member of the Chicago bar, Judge Shope has
been the senior in the firm of Shope, Mathis and Barrett; Shope,
Mathis, Zane and Weber, and Shope, Zane, Busby and Weber, both
his name and his professional work having added strength and honor
to the co-partnerships. He has long been classed with the ablest cor-
poration lawyers of the state, being general counsel for companies
having large enterprises and handling with facility the intricate prob-
lems which come up for consideration. In the wise disposal of such
broad-gauge practice his years of judicial experience have been of
immeasurable advantage to him. His high standing at both bench
and bar is firmly assured in the declining years of his life, and as a
conscientious and profound adviser his services are still eagerly uti-
lized. Until elected to the Illinois bench. Judge Shope was quite
active as a Democrat (being elected to the state legislature in 1862),
but since that period he has h>dd aloof with a delicate and an iionor-
able dignity.
In 1858 Simeon P. Shope was united in marriage with Miss Sarah
M. Jones, who died in Florida, January 4, 1883. They became the
parents of four children: Clara A.. Charles E. (deceased). Clarence
W. and Mabel Ray Shope. The judge is a member of the Knights
of Pythias and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and for
a third of a century has been identified with the Masonic fraternity.
When without the circle of his professional duties, he is the genial
gentleman, as ever approachable and courteous.
John Maxcy Zane, of the law firm of Shope, Zane, Busby and
Weber, has, since locating in Chicago in 1899, gained a reputation as
one of the most forceful lawyers of the local bar,
John M. . , • 1 , 1 r .1 1 1
•^ „ and as a trial lawyer has few peers throughout the
state. His keen analytical mind affords him un-
usual facility in working out the details of a case, and it is said that
before going into the courtroom he must know that he is thoroughly
prepared for every development that may arise during the trial. His
contemporaries are quick to acknowledge his special abilities and his
high position among the lawyers of the state.
I'he son of one of the oldest and most honored lawyers of Illinois,
Mr. Zane was born in Springfield, this state. ]\Iarch 26. 1863, and
acquired his education in the public schools of his native city and in
the University of Michigan, from which he was graduated in 1884
with the degree of A. B. He then joined his father in Utah and
took up the study of law with the latter until his admission to the bar
in 1888. The following four years he was assistant United States
attorney for the territory of Utah and reporter of the supreme court,
during which time he edited five -volumes of the Utah reports. From
1893 to 1899 he was engaged in general practice in Salt Lake City;
since then he has been a resident of Chicago. For seven years he
was a member of the well known law firm of Shope, Mathis. Zane
and Weber, the personnel of which has since been changed as indi-
cated above.
Mr. Zane is author of "Zane on Banks and Banking," published
in 1900. He is a lecturer in ihe law departments of the University
of Chicago and Northwestern University, and a member of the Illi-
nois and Chicago Bar associations. Politically he is a Republican.
Mr. Zane's position on the great public questions of the day is indi-
vidual and forceful, suggesting the character of the man, and his
opinions are entitled to respect from all sides. In a recent public dis-
cussion he vigorously opposed, without denying its constitutionality,
the policy of giving the interstate commerce commission the power to
regulate and fix railroad rates, declaring that it was a physical impos-
sibility for any such body of men satisfactorily to perform such a
task. "The people who are making the greatest outcry," said Mr.
Zane, "are the people who are the most heavily interested in the rail-
roads, if they only knew it. More than $1,500,000,000 of railroad
capitalization represents the investment of the funds of insurance com-
panies, endowment funds of educational institutions and savings banks.
When the small investor realizes the situation there will be a wonder-
ful change in public sentiment."
Mr. Zane is a member of the Union League, University, Quad-
rangle, Literary and Exmoor Country clubs. He married, in Phila-
delphia, April 25, 1894, Miss Sara R. Zane. Their home is in
The name Zane has been honored in the Illinois bench and bar
nearly fifty years. For many years Charles S. Zane, father of the
Chicago lawyer named above, was an attorney and judge in this
state, and for sixteen years was chief justice of the territory and
state of Utah. Born in Gloucester county. New Jersey, in 1832, he
came west and located in Sangamon county, Illinois, in 1850. Two
years later he entered McKendree College, and by teaching, attend-
ing college and studying law, he obtained admission to the bar in
1857. In i860 he became a member of the law firm of Lincoln and
Herndon at Springfield, which was dissolved on account of Mr. Lin-
coln's election as president of the United States, and in January, 1861,
the firm of Herndon and Zane was formed. Mr. Zane later became
a member of the firm of Cullom, Zane and Marcy, the senior member
of which has for years been one of Illinois's representatives in the
United States senate. Continuing in regular practice until 1872,
from that year until 1884 Mr. Zane was circuit judge of the San-
ganion district. In 1884, l-»y appointment from President Arthur, he
became chief justice of the territory of Utah, and save for brief
intervals held that office until 1896, when he became chief justice
under the state government after the admission of Utah to the Union,
and so continued until 1900. As a lawyer he was regarded as one
of the leading members of the Illinois bar, and his judicial career
both in this state and in Utah was marked by a fearlessness, impar-
tiality and thorough knowledge and application of the law that makes
his position a permanent one in the judicial history of the west. The
wife of Judge Zane was Margaret D. Maxcy, daughter of John Cook
Maxcy and member of a family well known at Springfield since 1819,
when they moved to this state froip Kentucky. Judge and Mrs. Zane
still reside in Salt Lake City.
The reputation of the eminent corporation lawyers of the country
is not made in a day, unusual ability in this broad field demanding not
only natural abilities, but the most thorouirh prepara-
Levy . , , . J • ,-
,^ tion and strenuous, contmuous and mtense applica-
Mayer. . , . , , ^^
tion and mdustry. Broad education and extensive
knowledge of business, commercial and industrial principles and con-
ditions, are requisites for success.
Commencing practice a little more than twenty-five years ago in
Chicago, Levy Mayer has steadily advanced to the front in reputation
and the legitimate rewards of such a standing.
Born in Richmond, Virginia, on the 23rd of October, 1858, as the
son of Henry D. and Clara (Goldsmith) Mayer, 'Mv. flayer is a
product of Chicago. He received his foundation education in the
old Jones and Chicago high schools. From 1874 to 1876 he took
some special studies at and attended the law department of Yale Uni-
versity, and during the following five years was assistant librarian
of the Chicago Law Institute. While so engaged, he prepared the
first catalogue of the Institute's library and edited and revised Judge
David Rorer's works on Interstate or Private International Law and
on Judicial Sales. Since 1881 he has pursued his profession stead-
fastly and successfully. Pie is a prodigious worker and his large
practice has been principally in the fields of corporation, interstate
commerce and constitutional law-. He numbers among his clients
some of the leading corporations and trusts of the country. He has
represented one side or the other of many of the great cases that
have come before the courts of Ihinois during the last twenty years.
He has never held nor sought office of any kind. He is a member
of the American Bar Association and of the American Economical
Association, and of the Union League, Iroquois, South Shore Coun-
try, Mid-Day, Germania, Automobile, Lawyers' and Old Colony clubs,
the last two named being organizations of New York and Massachu-
setts, respectively. In the latter state he maintains an attractive coun-
try residence on the shores of Cape Cod Bay.
Few leaders in the field of commercial and corporation law have
advanced more steadily to eminence than the late Adolph Moses, the
prime secret of his uniform success being the union
of a remarkable business judgment and a keen legal
insight into the most involved transactions. He
never relied upon eloquence alone to carry a position, but always ap-
pealed to court and jury as if he were laying the matter before a
business man in his counting house. He realized to the full that
the chief requisite in such cases, some of them involving millions of
dollars, was to have the salient facts well in hand, and to state them
clearly, succinctly and forcibly. Direct, earnest appeal in such legal
procedure was usually found to be far more effective than eloquence,
although, when the proper occasion arose, Mr. Moses was never found
amiss even in well considered flights of oratory; but his genius as a
lawyer was founded on his powers of analysis and classification, and
so marked was his judicial temperament that his name was often men-
tioned for the federal bench. His devotion to the cause of civic bet-
terment is, aside from his success as a lawyer, the most interesting
feature of his career to the general public regard. The Civic Federa-
tion and similar organizations were strengthened by his support.
Adolph Moses was born at Speyer, capital of the' Palatinate, Ger-
many, on the 27th of February, 1837, being a son of Joseph and
Rebecca (Adler) Moses. From early boyhood his own inclinations
and his parents' wishes coincided in the choice of the legal profession,
but, after passing through the public and Latin schools of his native
place, he found such a prevailing prejudice against his race in Ger-
many that he decided to come to America. Arriving at New Orleans
on the twenty-second of December, 1852, the youth at once became a
student at the Louisiana University, and had the benefit of receiving
his first professional instruction from such lawyers as Randall Hunt,
Christian Roselius, Alfred Hennan and Jud^c Thomas AI. AlcCaleb.
Graduating in March, 1861, he was admitted to the Louisiana bar
and commenced practice in New Orleans, but his career was inter-
rupted by the Civil war, since his nine years' residence in the south
naturally drew him to espouse the cause of the Confederacy ; and es-
pousal with him was ever another word for action. First, think hard,
and then act with equal vigor — this appears to have been one of his
life rules. He therefore joined the Twenty-first Louisiana Regiment
of infantry and, as captain of one of its companies, fought with bravery
and earnestness for two years.
At the expiration of that period Mr. Moses came north and located
at Quincy, Illinois, where he remained in practice until his removal to
Chicago in 1869. The vigor, independence, breadth and openness of
its people, with the prevailing civic spirit of cheerful confidence, fully
accorded with the character of the young attorney; and he remained,
for the balance of his life, one with Chicago in letter and spirit. His
knowledge of the law, both broad and accurate, brought him at once
into the front rank of practitioners, and. with the growth of Chicago
as a commercial and business center, his legal practice increased pro-
portionately. The extent and variety of it can be seen by reference to
reports of the Supreme and Appellate courts, in whose archives are
many briefs and arguments which are the product of his active brain.
As a legal adviser, he attained a wide reputation, and was employed
by many large corporations in this capacity, being especially desig-
nated at the bar as the senior member of the firm of Moses, Rosenthal
and Kennedy.
•Mr. Moses was also a writer of force and merit, his "Rambles
Through the Illinois Reports," illustrating the judicial, political and
social history of the state and its people, through the medium of the
Breese Reports. In iSgo he founded the National Corporation Re-
porter, a legal journal devoted to the interests of corporations, and
of which he was sole editor for several years. Later, he established
the United States Corporation Bureau, of which he was president at
the time of his death. He had also served as president of the State
Bar Association in 1897, and had always done his full share to make
its proceedings interesting and instructive. In 1895 he read a paper
before that body on the subject "Abolition cf the Variance," which
was widelv circulated and much discussed. At the opening of the con-
solidated Supreme court in October, 1897, Mr. Moses was selected
by the bar of Illinois to deliver the address of welcome to the court,
which is published in the annual report of the State Association of
1898. and in the official reports of the proceedings of that court.
A firm Democrat in politics, Mr. Moses was never a politician. In
1879 he was an unsuccessful candidate of his party for the office of
judge of the Superior court, but otherwise refused the use of his name
as an aspirant for political honors. His deep interest in matters of
public education, however, induced him to act as one of the directors
of the Chicago Public Library for a term of six years, and as chair-
man of the library committee, he accomplished much for the advance-
ment of that institution. He was the originator of the John Marshall
centennial of February 4, 1901, and his membership in the Chicago
Historical Society indicated a decided trend of his thought and literary
In 1869 Mr. Moses married Miss Matilda Wolf, a native of Man-
heim, Germany, and the following children have been born to them:
Joseph W., Julius, Hamilton, Paul A. ; Virginia, now Mrs. Moritz
Rosenthal; and Irma, wife of J. W. Moses, of New Orleans. Two of
the sons were members of the firm of which he was the senior mem-
ber at his decease, Moritz Rosenthal, the second member, being his
son-in-law. Mr. Moses was a member of various social, benevolent
and political organizations, including the Masonic fraternity, the
Standard and Iroquois clubs, and the Independent Order of B'nai
B'rith, acting as the first president of the national convention of the
last named fraternity in 1869. For many years he had been a member
of Sinai Congregation, and his death, November 6, 1905, at Ashe-
ville, North Carolina, removed from that body one of its most faithful
and influential members.
When it is realized that John Sumner Runnells has been general
counsel of the Pullm.an Company for a period of more than twenty
years the student of large affairs at once places him
John S. • .1 r > r • 1 1 t •
■D m the first professional ranks. It is true that
Runnells. _ iv^r T-i it 1 1 • •
George M. Pullman began devising practical sleep-
ing cars half a century ago, that the Pullman Palace Car Company
was organized forty years ago, and that since the days of the
"Pioneer" sleeping coach man}^ resourceful and able men have co-
operated with the great founder of the enterprise to make it an in-
(Instrial power of national scope. But. although Mr. Runnells is not
a pioneer in the work of the l^ullman Company, he has remained at
the liead of its complicated legal department during the period of its
greatest development and, with his strong hand at the helm, lias
guided it through many complications. His connection with the com-
pany commenced a few years after the founding of the town of Pull-
man, which may he said to have inaugurated the modern expansion
of the great industry which has set the standard for the construction
of railway cars throughout the world. Tie has been general counsel
of the company since 1887 and vice president since Alay. 1905. the
appointment to the latter position being a signal recognition of the
strength and breadth of his influence upon the general progress of
the company.
Born at Effingham, New Hampshire, on the 30th of July, 1844.
son of John and Huldah S. Runnells, John Sumner Runnells received
the benefits of a sturdy New England rearing which developed the
strongest elements of his character. After passing through the pub-
lic schools of Tamworth, New York, and the New Hampshire Acad-
emy in his native state, at Ihe age of sixteen he entered Amherst
College. On his graduation in 1865 he had taken the highest honors
in Greek and in extemporaneous speaking. This latter talent has
proved one of his marked and strong traits. As a ready speaker and
orator, Mr. Runnells has made a high reputation apart from his sub-
stantial professional career, being well known as a finished orator on
patriotic and public occasions; and his ability in this direction doubt-
less influenced his political progress during his earlier years.
From his collegiate successes at Amherst, Mr. Runnells went to
the old town of Dover, New Hampshire, and began studying law.
The Civil war had just closed and, despite the draining of the coun-
try's resources, the middle west was entering upon an unprecedented
era of material development, and the prophets of progress already
saw the great plains of the farther west spanned by iron ways and
sprinkled with villages and cities. This new world required strong
and wise men from the east to cast their fortunes with virile west:
and Mr. Runnells proved of this accession. In 1867 he left Dover
and came to Iowa, where he became private secretary to the governor
of the state. His energy, versatile ability ami attractive personality
brought him rapid promotion. In 1869 President Grant appointed
him to the consular service and he spent two years in England, which
gave him a new experience and could not but broaden his life.
On his return to the United States, in 1871, Mr. Runnells was
admitted to the Iowa bar and began practice at Des Moines. In
1875 he was elected reporter of the state supreme court, and eighteen
volumes of its records bear testimony that his position was no sine-
cure. His high standing as a practitioner was strengthened by his
appointment as United States district attorney by President Arthur,
his services in that position extending from 1881 to 1885. This was
also the period of his greatest activity and prominence in Republican
politics, being chairman of the Iowa state committee from 1879 to
1880, Iowa member of the national committee in 1880-4, a-^d a dele-
gate to the national Republican convention in 1880. Though his Iowa
practice was mainly of a general nature, Mr. Runnells became noted
in the specialty of railway and telegraph law. In view of his promi-
nence he could not but become involved in the complication growing
from the enforcement of the state prohibitory laws, and materially
added to his reputation as principal attorney in a case which involved
the constitutionality of certain of their sections. He conducted this
case not only through the state courts, but carried it to the supreme
court of the United States, where his main contentions were sustained.
As stated, Mr. Runnells' private practice concluded with the year
1887, when he came to Chicago to enter the services of the Pullman
Company as its general counsel. In that capacity his greatest repu-
tation has been made. He has also acted as special counsel for the
Burlington, the Wabash and other railroad systems, as well as for
the Western Union Telegraph and American Express companies. For
a number of years past he has been senior member of the firm of
Runnells and Burry, whose large practice has extended to all branches
of civil law. After a mere enumeration of such activities, it may be
deemed unnecessary to allude to Mr. Runnells' executive force as one
of the causes of his continuous advancement, as well as his ability to
manage varied and complicated interests successfully, without friction
and confusion.
While a resident of Des JMoines, Iowa, Mr. Runnells was mar-
ried, March 31, 1869, to Miss Helen R. Baker, by whom he has
become the father of the following : Mabel, now Mrs. Robert I.
Jenks; Lucy, Mrs. A. W. Jackson; Clive and Alice Rutherford. Mr.
Runnells is president of the Chicago Club and of the Saddle and
Cycle Club, and has membership with the Chicago Literary, Univer-
sity and Onwentsia clubs of Chicago, and with the University Club
of New York. In his domestic life and outside the pale of his pro-
fession, he is affectionate, unassuming and companionable, and alto-
gether may be designated a fine product of metropolitan life.
In the long and uniformly progressive career of William H.
Barnum- several personal traits are quite noticeable, among which is
versatility of talents combined with thoroughness
William H. , . ii.iriii 11 a
P of preparation and deptli 01 legal knowledge. A
man of broad education and experience, of high per-
sonal character, courteous and able, he is one of Chicago's strong
characters. Mr. Barnum is a native of Onondaga county, New York,
born February 15, 1840, son of Charles and Harriet (Rogers)
Barnum. When he was two years of age his parents became resi-
dents of Belleville, Illinois, where he received his preparatory educa-
tion in various private schools. At the age of sixteen he became a
student in the State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Michigan, his two
and a half years' course there being occasionally interrupted by teach-
ing in Belleville schools. In the fall of 1858 he entered the Univer-
sity of Michigan as a sophomore and, although obliged to relinquish
his course in the junior year, his Alma Mater long since enrolled him
among her Alumni and bestowed upon him an honorary degree. On
leaving Michigan University he resumed teaching at Belleville, con-
tinuing his classical, literary and historical studies under competent
private instructors. In i860 he became a student in the law office ot
Hon. George Trumbull, of that place, whose bar, then especially, in-
cluded some of the most distinguished lawyers of the state. Ad-
mitted to the bar in 1862, Mr. Barnum began practice in Chester.
Randolph county, Illinois, and for the ensuing five years remained in
the circuit which comprised fiv-e counties of the state. Quite a num-
ber of interesting and most important cases tried by him in those years
went to the supreme court, some of them ranking as leading cases.
During three of his five years' residence in Chester Mr. Barnum
served as master in chancery and, although his clientage rapidly in-
creased, in the fall of 1867 he removed to Chicago, in pursuance of
his original intention to ultimately establish himself in some metro-
politan city.
Mr. Barnum became a resident of Chicago on the invitation of
Lawrence J. J. Nissen to join him in a partnership. The firm thus
formed continued for a period of eleven years. During this time Mr.
Barnum attended almost exclusively to the court practice of the firm
and acquired distinction as a trial lawyer, as well as for his legal
arguments and briefs in the supreme court. In 1876-8 George F.
Harding was identified with the firm under the style of Harding,
Nissen and Barnum, and upon its dissolution Judge Barnum was for
two years associated in practice with Cornelius Van Schaack until
elevated to the bench of the circuit court (in the summer of 1879).
Mr. Barnum served as circuit judge of Cook county from the time
mentioned until December i, 1884, when he resigned to re-enter pri-
vate practice.
As a jurist Judge Barnum evinced a broad knowledge of law and
equity, a conscientious regard for the rights of all classes of litigants
and fine executive ability in the dispatch of business. By arrange-
ment with his colleagues he occupied the chancery bench for three
years, and with facility and thoroughness cleared from the dockets a
large number of cases and motions which had been in arrears for sev-
eral 5^ears. By means of general calls and speedy decisions his chan-
cery calendar was reduced to comparatively small and quite manage-
able proportions, when in September, 1882, it was turned over to his
successor. Pursuant to the arrangements mentioned. Judge Barnum
then took up a common-law docket, not from any preference for it,
but from a desire to keep abreast with the bar and with the progress
of legal questions through the courts. He also held terms of the
criminal court, and his judicial duties, wherever performed, were dis-
charged with absolute fearlessness and impartiality. His resignation
occurred near the close of his six years' term and he declined to accept
another nomination, when it would have been equivalent to an election,
his decided preference being for the greater activities of private
Mr. Barnum again became a member of the Chicago bar as senior
member of the firm of Barnum, Rubens and Ames. This connection
was continued for three and a half years. He then associated with
him his son, Albert W. Barnum, who had just returned from Yale
College and been admitted to the bar. This congenial relationship
lasted until the death of the latter in 1903. From first to last, it
would be difficult to find a lawyer in the state who has tried more
causes, written more briefs, made more arg-uments and carried more
of his litigation to a successful conclusion, than William H. Barnum.
An active Democrat, he was the nominee of his party for the circuit
judgeship in 1903, but otherwise has never been a candidate for office,
the professional responsibilities which he has borne forbidding par-
ticipation in general politics. In i860 Mr. Barnum was united in
marriage to Miss Clara Hyde, of Belleville, Illinois. They have had
five children : Belle, now Mrs. M. D. L. Simpson, of Riverside. Illi-
nois; Albert, now deceased; Gertrude; Edna, the wife of Justin K.
Toles, residing in California ; and Harry H. Barnum. The last named
is a successful Chicago lawyer in active practice.
The late Frederick Hampden Winston was a fine type of the
courteous, dignified southern gentleman, united to the energetic, suc-
^ cessful, practical man of the North. In him met the
„r * best traits of the Cavalier and the Puritan, and nro-
WlNSTON. , , , , , 1 ,. ,. r ,
duced a breadth and solidity of character, wit;', a
smoothness and richness of mental composition, which made him a
most marked character among the many strong and unique men of
Rev. Dennis M. W^inston, brother of Frederick S. W^inston, a
leading merchant of New York City, and himself a talented young-
Presbyterian divine, in the early years of the nineteenth century
sought the milder climate of the South for the benefit of his failing
health. Locating finally in Georgia he married Miss Mary Mcin-
tosh, granddaughter of the distinguished General Mcintosh and a
representative of one of the first families of that state. A portion of
the considerable wealth which fell to this J\lrs. W'inston consisted of
slaves. At their home, known as Sand Hill, Liberty county, Georgia,
was born their son, Frederick Hampden \\'inston, in the year 1830.
on the 20th of November. When he was five years of age his parents
removed to Kentucky, locating in WoodforcJ county, and with a spirit
of self-sacrifice in which they were by no means alone among the
noble families of the South, they freed their bondsmen because of
conscientious scruples. The act deprived them of most of their
wealth, and two years after their arrival in Kentucky Mrs. Winston
passed away. Her husband survived her only until 1842.
At the aee of twelve vears Frederick H. was therefore left with-
out parents or prospects of any special promise, but the legacy of a
splendid character left by his cultured and Christian parents saved
him from despondency and eventually brought him along the high-
road to an honorable success. He was educated in the good private
schools of Kentucky until he v/as sixteen years of age, when he re-
turned to Georgia to engage in that favorite occupation of the ambi-
tious young men of the South, the manufacture of cotton. For the
succeeding two years he was engaged in learning all the details of
the industry, and in 1848, when but eighteen years of age, he. joined
others in the organization of a company which sent him to New York
to superintend the construction of machinery. His task was satisfac-
torily completed by 1850, and he returned to Georgia to open the
works, but as capital had even at that early day become timid in the
South the enterprise was not placed on its feet, and young Winston
determined to adopt a professional life.
Frederick H. Winston's career as a lawyer opens with his entrance
as a student to the office of Hon. William C. Dawson, then United
States senator from his native state, and after six months there he
entered the law school of Harvard College. Prior to his graduation
in 1853 Mr. Winston had the enterprise to go to New York and spend
six months in the office of her most eminent lawyer, and perhaps the
leader of the American bar, Hon. Wihiam M. Evarts. Under his
able guidance he was soon admitted to the New York bar and in 1853
was prepared for practice in whatever line he should be called.
Locating in Chicago in that year, after a few months of inde-
pendent practice he associated himself with Norman B. Judd, one of
the most prominent members of the western bar, thus establishing
the firm of Judd and Winston. During the seven years of their fine
and large practice they reached a high position as corporation lawyers,
and the partnership was terminated only by the appointment of Mr.
Judd as minister to Germany by President Lincoln, in 1861. Latei-.
he was identified in partnership practice with Henry W. Blodgett,
who in 1870 was appointed by President Grant to the bench of the
United States district court at Chicago. Ahhough these national
honors reacted favorably upon Mr. Winston as a lawyer, indicative as
they were of the eminence of those who considered it mutually ad-
vantageous to associate professionahy with him, at the same time
they involved changes and readjustments which threw heavy bur('ens
upon him. As one of the most active and prominent Democrats in
the West high honors had repeatedly been urged upon him by both
party leaders and the administration, but he had persistently refused
them in favor of professional labor and progress, and during the fif-
teen years succeeding Judge Biodgett's elevation to the bench he be-
came known as one of the greatest railroad lawyers in America. F(jr
many years he was chief general counsel for the Lake Shore c\:
Michigan Southern, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the
Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago railways, serving the Pennsylvania
line for two decades and carrying all the roads through some of ihe
most important litigation of their history. After about thirty-two
years of the most eminent service, not only in railwa}' law but in the
highest grade of practice in botli state and federal courts^ Mr. Winston
retired from active practice in 1885.
Mr. Winston's retirement from active professional work was
largely determined by a long -cherished desire to travel, especially in
the countries of the Orient. He had been for twenty years an active
leader in the Democratic party, and was a national fi.gure in its delib-
erations and campaigns, but had refused Congressional nominations
and all public preferment of a permanent character. As early as 1868
he had served as a delegate-at-large to the convention which nomi-
nated Horatio Seymour to the presidency, and represented Illinois in
the national convention which placed Samuel J. Tilden in nomination.
In 1884 he was a district delegate to the convention which named
Grover Cleveland as the standard bearer of the party, and during his
first administration held the closest relations to the president. It was
in recognition of his eminent qualities that, in 1885, the administra-
tion appointed Mr. Winston minister to Persia, and as the scene of
his official duties allowed him a splendid opportunity to come into
close touch with the fascinating life of the East he readily accepted
the proffer. After spending about a year in the discharge of his
duties in connection with the Persian ministrv, in 1886 he resigned
his office and spent a period of travel in Russia, Scandinavia and
other countries. Returning to Chicago he soon embarked in various
enterprises, notably that of the Union Stock Yards Company, of which
he became president. He was also one of the organizers of the Lin-
coin N itional Bank and long served on its directory, and for twelve
years was president of the board of Lincoln Park commissioners.
On the 20th of August, 1855, Mr. Winston was married to Miss
Maria G. Dudley, daughter of the well known Gen. Ambrose Dudley,
of Frankfort, Kentucky. Six children were born to them, and be-
sides Frederick S. (whose biography follows this), the sons were
Dudle} W. and Bertram M., leading brokers of Chicago. Mrs. Win-
ston's decease occurred in 1885 and Mr. Winston died February 19,
Mr. Winston was a fine illustration of the courtly, successful
lawyer. More than that, he was a lover of literature and the arts,
and wa^ an ardent lover of music. He was a member of the Ger.-
mania Maennerchor, the Union Club, the Chicago Club, the Iroquois
Club, and, on account of his connection with the Mcintosh family,
was identified with the Society of the Cincinnati and the Order of
the Colonial Wars.
Frederick S. Winston is the son of the late Frederick H. Winston,
one of the most eminent of American corporation lawyers and for
many years a Democrat of national prominence. A
,,. ■ biography of the elder Winston, including much of
the remarkable family history in both paternal and
maternal lines, will be found preceding this sketch. Frederick S.
Winston is a Kentuckian, born in Franklin county, October 27, 1856,
being the member of an American family which has appeared promi-
nently in the epochs of several generations. His grandfather was
Rev. Dennis M. Winston, a graduate of Hamilton and Princeton col-
leges and a talented clergyman of the Presbyterian church, who lo-
cated in Georgia and there married Miss Mary Mcintosh, a member
of one of the most distinguished families of that state. On account
of their anti-slavery sentimenrs the Winstons moved to Kentucky,
where they evinced the high courage of their convictions by liberat-
ing their slaves despite the blow which the act dealt to their family
fortunes. It was here that Frederick Hampden Winston was married
to Maria G. Dudley, and that Frederick S., their eldest son, was born.
Mr. Winston has lived in Chicago since childhood, obtaining his
early schooling there, and at the age of sixteen entering Yale Col-
lege, from which he graduated in 1877 as Bachelor of Arts. He was
a student in the Columbia Law School, in 1878 was admitted to the
Illinois bar and in that year became associated with his -father as a
member of the firm of F. H. and F. S. Winston. Three years later
he received his first important advance in the profession by his ap-
pointment as assistant corporation counsel, conducting its duties with
such credit that in 1884 he v/as made corporation counsel. As the
head of that important legal department for two years he served the
city with such devotion to its interests and such thorough and adroit
knowledge that his resignation was considered a severe loss to the
municipal administration. Such a course on Mr. Winston's part was
made necessary by his father's retirement from active practice and his
departure for the Orient to assume his duties as minister to Persia.
At that time the younger Winston succeeded to much of his father's
practice, and he has since added so much by his own initiative and
as a result of his own fine abilities, that he has virtually assumed the
high position as a corporation lawyer which Frederick H. Winston
maintained for so many years. In 1886 he became solicitor for the
Michigan Central Railroad, and still retains that connection. He is
also counsel and director of the Union Stock Yards and Transit Com-
pany, general solicitor of the Chicago & Alton Railway Company, a
director of the Chicago Breweries, Limited, counsel and director of
the Chicago Consolidated Brewing and Malting Company, general
counsel of the Chicago Junction Railroad Company, director of the
Standard Trust Company of New York, a director of the Stock Yards
Savings Bank and of the United States Brewing Company. He is also
the legal representative of all the above corporations. Since 1903
he has been the senior partner in the firm of Winston, Payne and
Strawn, whose offices are in the First National Bank building, and
which stands among the most substantial and progressive of combi-
nations of legal talent formed within recent years.
Mr. Winston was married June 26, 1876, at Philadelphia, to Miss
Ada Fountain, and their children are: ■\Iervyn, now Mrs. Dwight
Lawrence; Garrard B. and Hanlpden. Mr. \\'inston is a member of
the Chicago Historical Society and of the Chicago, Union. Mid-Day.
Chicago Athletic, Chicago Golf, Caxton and Saddle and Cycle clubs.
His residence is at 576 North State street, in a finished and beautiful
district near Lincoln Park, and his family is considered among the
really cultured society of the city.
Vol. 11—10
John P. Wilson, one of the western leaders in the promulgation
and development of corporation and real estate law, is one of the mem-
bers of the profession who has always been en-
;,. ■ g-asred in large affairs and yet who persistently con-
revs the impression that his personality is larger
than his performances. His creative identification with the Sanitary
District and the World's Columbian Exposition, two of the most far-
reaching enterprises with which the name of even Chicago is asso-
ciated, has perhaps more than any other phase of his professional
life brought to the realization of the public Mr. Wilson's masterly
knowledge of the law, his deep penetration into their foundation
principles, and the broad and high qualities of his mind abundantly
able to apply them to circumstances and affairs without parallel in
the previous history of municipalities.
John P. Wilson, the senior member of the firm of Wilson, Moore
and Mcllvaine, Chicago, was born on a farm in Whiteside county,
July 3, 1844, the son of a Scotchman, Thomas Wilson, and his wife,
Margaret Laughlin. He began his education in the district schools,
then attended Knox College at Galesburg, where he graduated in
1865,' and after two years divided between the study of law and teach-
ing school was admitted to the bar in 1857. He came to Chicago the
same year, and for forty years has been the f)ermanent member of a
succession of law firms. The firm of Borden, Spafford and McDaid,
which he first entered, was dissolved after a short time, and for two
years he continued practice with John Borden. In 1870 Spafford,
McDaid and Wilson was organized, and after various changes the
■ firm became Wilson, Moore and Mcllvaine, of which, as stated, Mr.
Wilson Js senior partner. In corporation and real estate law the
firm is one of the strongest in the country.
Mr. Wilson's connection with the Sanitary District and canal, an
enterprise which is the strongest assurance of comparative health to
a cosmopolitan community of which history furnishes any example,
commenced long before it was organized or the first shovelful of
dirt had been scooped from the earth. The law establishing the dis-
trict was drafted by him, and that there should be no doubt of the
legality of the action of the board under the law steps were taken to
test its validity before the courts. Judge O. H. Horton sustained the
law in the circuit court, and his decision was affirmed on appeal to
the supreme court. The Sanitary District had heen estabHshed by
vote of the people in November, 1889, and the first board elected a
few weeks later. Throughout the conduct of the case upon which
depended its existence as a legal body the Sanitary District board
was represented by Mr. Wilson, and the final judicial decision was
somewhat in the nature of a triumph for his ability, skill and original
So, also, in 1890, when the World's Columbian Exposition was
in its early formative period, simply a great coming event, casting
its shadow before, Mr. WilSon was elected its general counsel, and
personally supervised the drafting of the constitutional amendment
and the legislation passed by the special assembly session of that year
necessary to bring into being this great international event of educa-
tion and fraternization.
Such broad intellectual powers as are thus illustrated seem all
the more striking in view of Mr. Wilson's retiring and scholarly dis-
position. He has confined himself to the quieter sides of life and
aside from the earnest performance of his professional duties has
seldom crossed the threshold of public affairs. He is a member of
the Chicago, Union League and University clubs.
On April 25, 1871, Mr. Wilson married Miss Margaret C. Mc-
Ilvaine, daughter of J. D. McTlvaine, and their children are Margaret
C, Martha, John P., Jr., and Anna M. The family residence is at
No. 564 Dearborn avenue.
Elijah Bernis Sherman, LL. D.,.who as a lawyer, writer, orator,
critic and citizen fills a conspicuous place in Chicago, is a descendant
of Samuel Sherman, who came from England in
E. B. Sherman. 1637 and settled in Connecticut. General William
Tecumseh Sherman and Hon. John Sherman have
traced their lineage to the same ancestor. Ezra Sherman, grand-
father of Elijah Bernis Sherman, removed from Connecticut to \'er-
mont near the beginning of the nineteenth century. His son, Elias
Huntington Sherman, married a granddaughter of Rev. Peter Wor-
den, a distinguished patriot and pioneer preacher who holds a place
of honor in the early history of western Massachusetts and southern
Vermont. Their son, Elijah Bernis Sherman, was born in Fairfield,
Vermont, June 18, 1832, and inherited his full share of the energy,
courage, self-reliance and ambition which characterized his ancestors.
Until his majority he hved and toiled on a farm, acquired a common
school education, and at nineteen began teaching a district school.
His boyhood comprehended the almost invariable conditions from
which the energy of our large cities is each year recruited. He had
ambition without apparent opportunity, a taste for literature without
access to it, a predisposition to thoughtfulness without the ordinary
scholastic channels in which to employ it. But what he then sup-
posed were limitations upon his life were in reality the highest oppor-
tunities. With nature for a tutor and himself and his environment
for studies he found a school from which the city-bred boy is barred
and whence issue the men who in city and country make events.
Having fitted for college at Brandon and Manchester, Mr. Sher-
man entered Middlebury College in 1856 and was graduated with
honors in i860. Early in 1862 he resigned as principal of Brandon
Seminary and assisted in raising a company of the Ninth Vermont
Infantry; enlisted as a private and was elected second lieutenant upon
the organization of the regiment. In September, 1862, the regiment
was captured at Harper's Ferry, paroled and sent to Camp Douglas,
Chicago, to await exchange. After more than three months had
passed he tired of enforced idleness and in January, 1863, resigned
his commission and entered the law department of the Chicago Uni-
versity, from which he was graduated in 1864. In 1884 he was
invited to deliver the annual address before the associated alumni of
his alma mater and selected the law for his theme. The address was
a masterly presentation of the majesty and beneficence of the law, its
supreme importance as a factor of civilization, and a severe arraign-
ment of the defective administration of the criminal law by the
tribunals of the country. The trustees of the college conferred upon
him the honorary degree of LL. D., a distinction more highly prized
because the college has conferred the degree upon few of its gradu-
ates who have attained eminence. Since 1894 Mr. Sherman has been
one of the trustees of the college and actively interested in its admin-
Family tradition and personal experience made Mr. Sherman a
stanch Republican. His father was an ardent Abolitionist, his home
being a station on the Underground Railroad, where fugitives on
their way to Canada found a refuge, appearing under cover of 'night,
and disappearing as mysteriously as they came. In 1876 Mr. Sher-
man was elected to the Illinois house of representatives, taking at
once a leading position in that body, which numbered among its mem-
bers some of the most prominent men in Illinois. As chairman of the
committee on judicial department he assisted in securing the passage
of the act establishing appellate courts, and his personal and profes-
sional character made him one of the most influential supporters of
General Logan for re-election to the United States senate. In 1878
Mr. Sherman was re-elected to the general assembly and became
chairman of the committee on corporations and a member of the com-
mittee on militia. The act organizing the Illinois National Guard
had been passed in 1877, and at the legislative session of 1879 it was
amended, amplified and largely brought into its present shape. The
important part in this work taken by Mr. Sherman was recognized
by Governor Cullom by his appointment to the position of judge advo-
cate of the first brigade with the rank of lieutenant colonel, in which
ofiice he served until 1884. Aside from his service in the state legis-
lature, he has never held or desired any political ofiice.
Mr. Sherman's duties as master in chancery of the United States
circuit court commenced under appointment of Judges Harlan, Drum-
mond and Blodgett in 1879. ^^ that capacity his penetrating judg-
ment and judicial acumen have had full and continuous exercise and
have established his high character as a chancery judge and won the
general approval of attorneys and those who have brought matters
before him for adjudication. In 1884 Mr. Sherman was appointed
chief supervisor of elections for the northern district of Illinois, and
supervised the congressional elections until the time of the repeal of
the law ten years later. At the November election of 1892 he ap-
pointed fourteen hundred supervisors who registered two hundred
and sixty-seven thousand voters, made inquiry as to their right to
vote, scrutinized the votes cast and made return to the chief super-
visor as to the results. The delicate duties of this- responsible position
were performed' so ably and fairly that the chief supervisor received
unstinted commendation.
Mr. Sherman was one of the founders of the Illinois State Bar
Association, which was organized in 1877, and was its president in
1882. He became a member of the American Bar Association in
1882 and was its vice president from Illinois in 1885 and 1899. He
is a thirty-second degree Mason, a member of the William B. War-
ren Lodge, Chicago Commander}^ and Oriental Consistory. In Odd
Fellowship he has come into special prominence, having been grand
master of the grand lodge of Illinois and grand representative to the
sovereign grand lodge. His patriotic impulses and military service
drew him to membership in the Grand Army of the Republic and the
Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion. He was one of the
founders of the Union League Club and is still one of its most hon-
ored members. He has been for many years a member and an officer
of the American Institute of Civics, a society comprising citizens of
every state of high character and commanding influence. He is also
a member of the National Municipal League.
His fondness for good literature and literaiy companionship
induced him to become a member of the Philosophical Society, the
Saracen, Alliance, Oakland Culture and Twentieth Century clubs.
Of several of these he was made president and contributed greatly to
their usefulness. Mr. Sherman is fond of belles lettres and delights
in the exquisite charm of the masterpieces of literature. He has
written many essays which give proof of excellent literary ability and
taste. His style is unique and vigorous, enriched by a chastened
fancy and glowing with gentle and genial humor.
Proud of the Green Mountain state and cherishing its memories
glowing with the radiance of heroic deeds, Mr. Sherman recalls with
pardonable pride what his ancestors wrought and what a noble heri-
tage has been bequeathed to the sons and daughters of New England.
It naturally follows that he was president of the Illinois Association
of the Sons of Vermont before its merger into the New England
Society of Chicago, and he has served two years as president of the
latter society. In his introductory address he chanted the praise of
New England and of the men and women who have made her annals
glorious and her name resplendent, while human hearts shall beat
responsive to heroic deeds. Touching the objects of the society he
said :
"Let others meet to chant the praises of science. We assemble in
the name of a pure sentiment. The votaries of science may smile at
our supposed weakness; we, in turn, may deride their affected wis-
dom, remembering that science has given us none of the words that
touch the heart and unseal the deep fountains of the soul — friendship
and patriotism, piety and worship, love, hope and immortality. The
sweet solace of the matchless trinity — mother, home and heaven — is
neither the blossoming of reason nor the product of scientific re-
search, but the efflorescence of a divinely implanted sentiment. Sci-
ence, indeed, is the primeval, barren rock ; but sentiment disintegrates
its flinty surface, converts it into fertile soil, gives the joyous sunshine
and the falling rain, brings from afar the winged seed, and lo! the
once sterile surface is clad with pleasing verdure, rich with ripening
grain, fragra^it with budding flowers, and vocal with the hum of
living things.'*
In kindly remembrance of his college life and affiliations and
yielding to the unanimous wish of the annual conventions, he has
been elected honorary president of the national society of the Delta
Upsilon fraternity for thirteen years. In 1894 he delivered a scholarly
address at the convention held in Chicago on "Scholarship and Hero-
ism," a few sentences of which will illustrate this eloquent appeal to
the young men who are to control the destinies of the morrow :
"Scholarship holds in equilibrium the instrumentalities and
agencies of civilization, even as gravitation reaches its invisible arm
into infinite space and bears onward in their harmonious orbits un-
counted worlds, while it cares tenderly for the tiniest grain of sand
on the seashore and softly cradles in its bosom the fleeciest cloud
which floats across the sky. From the serene heights where scholar-
ship sways its benign scepter its message has come to you, at once an
invitation and an imperative summons. You have been bidden to
join the shining cohorts of the world's greatest benefactors. You
liave obeyed the divine mandate. You have taken upon yourself the
tacit vows of heroic living. You are dedicated to the exalted service
of scholarship; its sanctions demand your instant and implicit obedi-
ence. Consecrated to this ennobling service, this priesthood of hu-
manity, let not your footsteps falter, nor your courage fail. Stand
firm, remembering- the words of the Master: 'No man having put
his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.'
If heroic impulse comes to men in humble life, surely it can come no
less to those whom culture and scholarship have broadened and en-
riched and ennobled. If opportunity for heroic endeavor comes to
those whose lives run in narrow channels, much more does it come to
those to whom the world is indebted for its advancement and ini
While declaring that scholarship and heroism are allied powers of
civilization and joined by di\ine edict, Mr. Sherman paid a beautiful
tribute to the humble heroes and heroines who have hved and died
in obscurity :
"While I have thus emphasized the heroism of true scholarship,
and cherishing as I do a feeling of profound reverence and admiration
for the great heroes who through the ages have wrought grandly
for humanity and achieved enduring renown, whose inspired utter-
ances and shining deeds have been graven upon imperishable tablets
and who have bequeathed to us and all coming generations the inesti-
mable legacy of their illustrious example, I must yet confess a- doubt
whether the m^ost magnificent exemplars of heroism have not been
found in the humbler walks of life, among those who in their sim-
plicity of soul and modest grandeur of character never dreamed that
in all the essentials of true manhood and womanhood they held high
rank in heaven's untitled aristocracy. How many heroic souls, ob-
scure and unknown, whose names have perished from remembrance,
were wrought and fashioned in nature's divinest mold and have made
their lives sublime by gracious deeds of beneficence and self-abnega-
tion. As the most delicate and fragrant flowers are often found
nestling modestly among the dead leaves, or peeping timidly forth
from some shady bower, so the most resplendent virtues blossom and
diffuse their sweet aroma beside the lowliest and roughest paths trod-
den by bruised and bleeding feet. The rose may seem to add pride
to peerless beauty; the lily to minimize its delicacy by a tacit demand
for admiration ; but the shy arbutus yields its unrivaled fragrance only
to the earnest wooer who seeks it with loving care in the hidden nook
where it was planted b)'' fairy hands and perfumed by the breath of
dainty dryads. God has vouchsafed to the world no choicer bless-
ing than the unconscious heroes and heroines who give to earth its
greatest charm, and without whose presence heaven would suffer
irreparable loss."
In 1866 Mr. Sherman was married to Miss Hattie G. Lovering,
daughter of S. M. Lovering, of Iowa Falls, Iowa. Mrs. Sherman is
a woman of excellent judgment, self-poised and self-reliant, has read
widely of the best literature, and is held in high esteem by all who
know her. She is a member of the Chicago Woman's Club, of the
Daughters of the American Revolution, one of the founders of the
patriotic society, the Dames of the Loyal Legion, and is now presi-
dent of the national society of that order.
Bernis Wilmarth Sherman, their only son now living, was gradu-
ated from Middlebury College in 1890, from the Northwestern Uni-
versity College of Law in 1892, and is now assistant city attorney,
He is a member of the Loyal Leijion and the Cliicago and Illinois
State Bar associations. He is a man of sterlini; character and has
achieved an excellent reputation as a lawyer, a man and a citizen.
Lockwood Honore, since 1903 judge of the circuit court of Cook-
county, comes of a family which holds a remarkable position in the
material, professional and cultural development of
Lockwood , , , ,^ . , '
HoNORE ^°^^^ ^'''^^^' ^^ ^ ^''^" Henry Hamil-
ton and Eliza ( Carr) Honore, beinj^ of French an-
cestry on the paternal side, and of Enolish on the maternal. Jean
Antoine Honore, the great-grandfather, was a native of Paris. France,
born in 1755, and the descendant of an old and aristocratic family.
This founder of the American branch was educated for the priest-
hood, but as he was an ardent democrat both by temperament and
from intimate contact with Lafayette embarked for the United States
as soon as he had attained his majority, bringing with him a consid-
erable patrimony to Baltimore, Maryland, where he settled in 1781.
Here he obtained prominence and deep respect, and in 1806 removed
to Louisville, Kentucky, whero he took a large part in the develop-
ment of the pioneer commerce of the Ohio and ^Mississippi valleys.
He was proprietor of the first line of steamboats which plied between
Louisville and New Orleans, and for many years was recognized as
an energetic, able and enterprising citizen, marked for both practical
ability and the pleasing, courtly bearing of his race. He died in
Louisville in 1843, among his surviving children being Francis, who
had been born in Baltimore in 1792. The latter spent his life as a
country gentleman on his beautiful plantation near Louisville, and
married Matilda Lockwood, the beautiful and accomplished daughter
of Captain Benjamin Lockwood, of the L'nited States army. A
child of tliis harmonious union is Henry H. Honore, father of the
judge, who was born in Louisville. February 19, 18J4. His early
years were spent in ac(|uiring a thorough education, and in home life
upon his father's plantation, alternated by visits to his energetic
grandfather in Louisville. After his marriage he engaged in the
wholesale hardware business in Louisville, but the tales toKl by his
maternal uncle, Captain Lockwood, who had visited Chicago in the
early days of Fort Dearborn, so attracted him to the growing lake
port that in 1855 he permanently located in this city. Here he has
since remained, his investments in real estate having long since made
him independent, and his continued interest in Chicago's parks and
boulevards having greatly contributed to develop its unrivaled sys-
tem. '
Lockwood Honore was one of six children, and was born in Chi-
cago on the /th of September, 1865. After passing through its pub-
lic schools, he was prepared for college at Phillips Exeter Academy,
and became a student at Harvard University. In 1888 he graduated
from that institution with the degree of A.B., and later pursued a
course at the Harvard Law School, from which he received the LL. B.
in 1 89 1 (also A. M.). Mr. Honore at once engaged in the general
practice of his profession in Chicago, and continued thus until elected
to the circuit judgeship in 1901. His record at the bar and upon the
bench has but added to the substantial credit and popularity of the
family name.
Judge Honore was married August 12, 1902,, to Miss Beatrice
Crosby, and one child, Bertha Honore, has been born to them. The
family residence is at No. 68 Cedar street. Judge Honore is a mem-
ber of the Chicago, University, South Shore Country, Saddle and
Cycle, Chicago Golf and Iroquois clubs. He is the youngest member
of the family which is so interwoven with the business and social
annals of the city. Under the name of Honore Brothers, his three
brothers conduct a large real estate business; his elder sister. Bertha,
is the widely known and honored Mrs. Potter Palmer, while his
younger sister, Ida, is the wife of Brigadier General Frederick D.
Grant, grandson of the great commander and president, and himself
high in military and diplomatic life.
Williston Fish, street raihvay man, lawyer and author, was born
at Berlin Heights, Ohio, January 15, 1858, a son of Job and Annie
Elizabeth (Peabody) Fish. His ancestry is mostly
Williston Fish. English but partly Holland Dutch. The earliest
Fish of the family in this country was Thomas Fisli
who was born at Warwickshire, England, and who came to this coun-,
try in 1637, settling at Portsmouth, Rhode Island, in 1643. At nearly
the same time W. Fish's mother's earliest American ancestors came
from England to Rhode Island. Annie Elizabeth Peabody herself
was born at Newport, Rhode Island, and lived there until she was
twelve years old, when her family moved to Geauga county, Ohio,
lob Fish was born at Hartland, New York., and came at the age of
eight years to Geauga county, where the Fish and Peabody grand-
parents of Wilh"ston Fish were close neighbors for a great many
Job Fish was the principal of the school at Rerlin Heights nmre
than thirty years. He was and is a philosopher and a wonderfully
inspiring and wise teacher. From liim W'illiston Fish received the
greater part of his education. In 1876 he entered Oberlin as a fresh-
man and in the spring of 1877 '1^ won a competitive examination for
West Point, defeating thirty- four competitors. Fie received his ap-
pointment to the United States Military Academy through Charles
Foster, at that time congressman, and later secretary of the treasury.
He was graduated high in the West Point class of 1881, his best
standing being in mathematics, law and language. Fie was commis-
sioned second lieutenant of the Fourth United States Artillerv and
served at Fort Point, California; Fort Trumbull, Connecticut, and
Fort Snelling, Minnesota. While at Fort Trumbull he began the
study of law, and in 1887 he resigned from the army and came to
Chicago. In 1889 he began his street railway work with the South
Chicago City Railway. The road was a small one. and this was
fortunate, for it gave him useful experience with all parts of the busi-
ness. He was admitted to the Illinois bar. In 1899 he went to the
newly organized Chicago Union Traction Company, and did an im-
mense amount of work in connection with the operation and with the
legal and business difficulties of that company, and in connection with
the organization and installation of the Chicago Railways Company.
He is now assistant to the president of the new company.
At the time Mr. Fish was in the army there was but little military
work going forward, and he did a great deal of writing — 800 or 1,000
pieces of prose or verse — the greater part of which appeared in Puck
and other papers of the kind and in Harper's. He wrote short stories
of West Point and the army, called "Short Rations," originally pub-
lished in Puck and republished by Harper's. A prose piece that he
wrote, called "A Last Will," is known all over the country. He
wrote the serious sonnets called "Time." which appeared in Harper's
Magazine. As a writer in certain fields there is no doubt that Willis-
ton Fish is a master.
September 22, 1881, Mr. Fish was married to Gertrude, (.laughter
of Dwight F. Cameron, one of the leading railroad lawyers of the
state. They have three children, Cameron, Gertrude and Josephine.
The family resides at 51 14 Madison avenue. Mr. Fish is a member
of the Calumet Golf Club and of the Chicago Press Club.
As attorney for the Sanitary District of Chicago, a position to'
which he was elected June 10, 1907, as successor of E. C. Lindley,
Mr. John C. Williams has the direction and legal
^,% " charge of matters which concern the people of Chi-
WlLLIAMS. ^ , , , , 1 ,
cago as closely as those 01 any other department of
the public service. The Drainage Canal, begun some fifteen years
ago as a necessary undertaking for safeguarding the city's health
has, since its completion in 1900, assumed a vastly increased import-
ance directly affecting the welfare and contributing to the financial
benefit of every resident of Chicago. As legal adviser for the sani-
tary board Mr. Williams has been given a place of great responsi-
bility, since upon his decisions and aggressive upholding of the rights
of the district depends the value of the canal and its commercial de-
velopment as the rightful property of the people who built it.
Mr. W^illiams was qualified for his present position by thirteen
years of practice in Chicago and by previous experience as assistant
attorney for the Sanitary District. He was born on a farm near
Lime Springs, Iowa, May 8, 1873, ^ son of Owen E. and Ann
(Thomas) Williams, natives of Wales, the father having been born
in 1835 and the mother in 1837. They came to the United States
about 1858, locating in Racine county, Wisconsin, about 1870 remov-
ing to Howard county, Iowa, in which county the father died in 1901,
after spending his active years in farming. John C. Williams was
educated in the public schools of Iowa and South Dakota, graduating
in 1 89 1 from the Aberdeen (S. D.) high school. While pursuing his
high school course there he supplemented his resources and added
to his experience by teaching two terms of country school, being but
sixteen years old at the first term. In 1892, coming to Chicago, he
entered the Chicago College of Law (the law department of Lake
Forest University), from which he graduated in 1894, being ad-
mitted to the Chicago bar in June of the same year. During the fol-
lowing four years he was in the office of Dent and Whitman, and in
1 90 1 began practice alone. In 1904 he formed a partnership with
Emery S. Walker, and they practiced together one year. In March,
TQ06, Mr. Williams received his appointment as assistant attorney
to the Sanitary Board, and a little more than a year later was elected
by the board to his present position. Mr. Williams is a Republican,
and served as a member of the Forty-fourth general assembly,
1905-06. He married in 1896 Miss Lillian F. Whipple, of Evanston,
where they reside with their two children — Gladys, born in 1898, and
Helen, born in 1900. Mr. Williams affiliates with Evanston Com-
mandery. No. 58, K. T., and is a member of the Evanston Club and
the Hamilton Club of Chicago.
Like many other leading and honored citizens of CliicagD. Judge
Judson Freeman Going, of the municijial court, is a native of the
state of Illinois. His birthplace was a farm near Ga-
J. F. Going, lena, in Jo Daviess county, in a district distinguished
in history as tlie home of the great silent soldier.
President General Grant, and that dean of diplomats, Elihu B. Wash-
burn. On November 29, 1857, our future jurist first saw the light.
His father, Adoniram Judson Going, was descendant from and closely
related to families of celebrated educators and philanthropists, and
his mother, Mary A. Clendening, also of cultivated and superior de-
scent, was a woman of fine spirit, strong character and unusual quali-
ties of mind and heart. His father dying in 1869, left the care and
training of the lad to tlie miiternal parent, and thoroughly and well
were these duties and obligations discharged.
In the decade following the war the country educational institu-
tion was the "district school'" and the only available avenue open to
the rural youth of that era for the larger education that the ambitious
sought. To this the boy was sent for the rudiments, and h.cre he
mastered them. When in 1873 the family removed to Chicago, and
the doors of the city schools invited the young students to enter, he
availed himself of their advantages and thus and therein fitted him-
self to teach in the country schools in the neighborhood of the metro-
polis of the lakes. But thirst for knowledge such as his could ni>t be
quenched except at large fountains, and later we discover him a stu-
dent entering the State University of his native Illinois. This splen-
did public institution of liberal learning had then licgun to give evi-
dence of its great possibilities under tlie magnificent regency of Dr.
Gregory, one of the foremost educators of his generation, who
strengthened its already capable faculty, enlarged its equipment and
laid foundations broad and deep on which are built the present ample
state establishment at Champaign. The alumni of the State Uni-
versity bear abundant testimony by their achievements in state and
nation, in the learned professions and in financial and commercial
life, of the character of the training with which they were there
endowed. In those days the acquisition of a university course
meant vastly more of labor and sacrifice than it suggests in
these times of universal college opportunities. Thus the young stu-
dent, under the inspiration of his devoted mother and by his own
efforts, won his education and at once put into service what he had
acquired. After his graduation in 1883 he took up the study of the
law. His systematic course was obtained in the Union College of
LaM^, from which, in 1885, he was graduated with the degree of
LL. B. and within a month thereafter he was admitted to practice in
the supreme court of Illinois. Since that time he has with character-
istic industry and intelligence applied himself to the successful prac-
tice of his profession. Not long after his admission to the bar he was
appointed by Governor Richard J. Oglesby a justice of the peace, and
was reappointed at the expiration of his term, resigning, with a splen-
did record, to accept the appointment of trial lawyer in the office of
the late Judge Joel M. Longenecker, then state's attorney of Cook
county. Until December, 1892, he filled, with high credit, this im-
portant position, when he became associated with Hon. Charles G.
Neely, who was afterwards for eight years circuit court judge of Cook
count)^ For upwards of three years following 1894 he acted as gen-
eral counsel for the Calumet Electric Street Railway Company and
from December, 1904, until his election to a full term of six years
to the' municipal court judgeship, he was assistant state's attorney
under Hon. John J. Healy, having charge specifically of the indict-
ment department.
Judge Going has always been deeply interested in local govern-
mental affairs. He has particularly given of his thought and time
to a study of all matters pertaining to the welfare, representation and
public service of his home ward and division. In politics he has ever
been an active and consistent Republican, and for many 3^ears he has
been among the leading managers and workers in the former Twen-
tieth (the present Twenty-fourth) ward. He is a member of a num-
ber of prominent bodies, clubs and societies', among them being the
Chicago Bar Association, Ihinois Athletic Club, Marquette Club,
TH :
Royal League, National Union, Columbian Knights and the Masons.
His sympathies have always been strongly enlisted in behalf of every
movement in aid of juvenile dependents, delinquents and defectives,
and he is a director of the Chicago Boys' Club.
Judge Going's home life has been ideal. On July 16, 1885. he
v^as married to Miss Gertrude Avery, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and
three children, Grace, May and Judson Freeman Going, Jr., have
come to them. The judge for a number of years has been the leader
of a class in the North Division which bears his name. He has also
been and is a prominent member and officer of the Fullerton Avenue
Presbyterian church.
John P. McGoorty, of Chicago, is an able member of the bar. a
leader of the state Democracy, and a citizen who has impressed the
^ force and straightforwardness of his character upon
T,r r^ ' the legislation and institutions of Illinois. He was
McGooRTY. , . . , , , ^, . . ,
born m Ashtabula county, Ohio, m the year 1866,
and when he was four years of age his parents, Peter and Mary Mc-
Goorty, moved with their two children to Berlin, Wisconsin. There
the boy attended the public schools until his seventeenth year, when
he went to work in his father's grocery store. In 1884 h^ went to
Colorado for his health, but returned to Berlin the following year,
and entered the employ of Stillman, Wright and Company as book-
keeper and later as traveling salesman.
In 1886 Mr. McGoorty became a Chicago resident, and four years
later resigned his position with the Wisconsin firm, but continued to
sell flour on commission in order to meet the expenses of his legal
education, which he had commenced at the Chicago College of Law.
In 1892 he graduated from that institution as president of his class.
The following year he took the post-graduate course and was given
the regular degree of LL. B. On November 30th of the same year
he married ]\Iiss Alary E. Wiggins; so that it is a doubly significant
year of his life. Since his graduation Mr. McGoorty has been en-
gaged in active practice, interspersed with his activities in politics
and reformatory work in connection with both the municipality and
the state. Tie is now the senior member of the well known law firm
of McGoorty and Pollock, and one of the faculty of the Lincoln Law
School, where he lectures on "Negotiable Instruments."
Mr. McGoorty's prominent connection with politics and public
life commenced in 1895, when he became the Democratic candidate
for alderman of the old Thirty- fourth ward. In 1896 he was elected
to the state legislature from the Hyde Park district, and was re-
elected in 1898, 1904 and 1906. During his first term in 1897 he
became conspicuous by his fight against the Humphrey and Allen bills
and as the Democratic minority leader he successfully urged the repeal
of the Allen law. At the same session he secured a solid party vote
against the Berry bill, whose effect would have been (had it become
law) to make Illinois a state promoter of trusts. In 1899 and 1905
Mr. McGoorty came to the front as a strong champion of various
bills authorizing the municipal ownership and regulation of gas and
electric lighting plants. Although these measures were defeated as a..
whole, their agitation resulted in legislation by which Chicago is au-
thorized once in five years to fix a maximum price for light, and
which at once was the means of reducing the price of gas from one
dollar to eighty-five cents per thousand feet. In the session of 1905
Mr. McGoorty was also a leader in the movement which placed the
charitable institutions of the state under civil service rules, and dur-
ing the sessions both of 1905 and 1907 earnestly and effectively op-
posed the machine leaders in favor of the present direct primary
law. It should also be recorded that he has been a supporter of recip-
rocal demurrage bill, the fellow servant bill, the coal miners' bill and
other measures of a kindred nature which do not directly affect his
municipal constituents. He has always stood for an efficient but
economical and honest administration of all the state institutions and
departments, being one of the most faithful and useful members of
the legislative com.mittee which investigated the condition of the state
charitable institutions in the early part of 1908. Mr. McGoorty was
the author of the Chicago Charter Convention bill, and an active
member of the Chicago Charter Convention. His record as a legis-
lator and a man has earned him the repeated endorsement of the Legis-
lative Voters' League, and in August, 1908, he was a candidate for
the Democratic nomination for governor of Illinois, and the only
candidate of his party indorsed by the Illinois Federation of Labor
and the Cnited Mine Workers of America.
Mr. McGoorty is a member of the American, State and Cook
County Bar associations, and is identified with the Iroquois, Jefferson,
City and Chicago Athletic clubs. He is also connected with the
■■i'lt«mi__]M ■
Royal League, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Order of Foresters,
and Ancient Order of Hibernians. He resides at 6204 Kimbark ave-
nue, his domestic circle consisting of his wife and four children.
Charles Solon Thornton, senior member of the firm of Thornton
and Chancellor, and acknowledged to have been one of the most
efficient corporation counsels who ever served the
„ ■ city, is a native of Massachusetts, born in Boston,
Thornton. .> tt- r^ , , ^ , ,-
1 85 1. His parents were Solon and Cordelia A.
(Tilden) Thornton, born respectively in New Hampshire and the Old
Bay state. He therefore had the natal benefit of sturdy and cultured
New England ancestry, and his physical characteristics and mental
organization indicate as much. When the boy had mastered the ele-
mentary branches in the public schools of Boston he entered the
famous Boston Latin School, which has guided the youthful mental
training- of so many national characters, and after faithfully pursu-
ing a six years' course therein became a student of Harvard Uni-
Graduating from Harvard College with the degree A. B., Mr.
Thornton decided to make the city of Chicago his future home, rea-
soning, as did many other far-seeing men, that there lay before it a
brilliant period of reconstruction, which presented to those who could
see the oppartunities for personal development not found elsewhere
in the country. While in college he commenced the study of the
law and took a two years' course in the Roman and in the English
law. Upon graduation he entered the Boston Law School and con-
tinued there until March, 1873, when he came to Chicago, and, con-
tinuing his studies in the office of Isham and Lincoln, passed his ex-
amination for admission to the bar before the supreme court in Sep-
tember, 1873. Immediately th.ereafter he opened an office in Cliicago
and entered into practice alone. At a later date he entered into part-
nership with Justus Chancellor, which connection still continues, and
the firm of Thornton and Chancellor has become one of the most
prosperous and professionally substantial in the city. The firm has
made a specialty of corporation and real estate law, although Mr.
Thornton also made for himself a high reputation in the trial of sev-
eral important criminal cases. Perhaps the most notable case of this
character in which he has licen engaged was the Rand McNally-
Williams' embezzlement and forgery matter. Appearing for the de-
voi. 11—11
fendant, he delivered a speech to the jury of two days' duration at
the conclusion of a trial which lasted six weeks, and his earnestness,
zeal and eloquence won the case and added to his already high repu-
tation as a jury advocate. The bulk of the cases which he has con-
ducted, however, have involved large property or corporate interests,
and he is recognized by the bar and real estate men as an authority
on all matters connected with that class of litigation. Care and pre-
cision mark the preparation of all his cases of whatever nature, his
thoroughness of preparation insuring a convincing and clear presen-
tation of whatever subject comes before him for adjustment.
In 1888, previous to the annexation of the Town of Lake, which
at that time contained one hundred thousand inhabitants, Mr. Thorn-
ton was selected for the office of corporation counsel of Lake, and
most efficiently served in that capacity. In 1897 he became corpora-
tion counsel of Chicago, and in the performance of his duties his pro-
fessional courtesy and marked ability gained him general esteem, ir-
respective of political affiliations. In the administration of that office
he made many changes. He refused to accept for himself and his
assistants passes issued and presented by the railroad companies. He
reorganized the Special Assessment Department and rigidly enforced
a rule permitting no reduction whatever for political or personal fa-
vorites in the amount of any special assessments, excepting as ordered
by the court after a hearing upon the merits. During his term 3,039
cases in courts of record other than the supreme court were tried, and
but sixty were lost. Of 2,355 special assessment cases twenty-nine
were lost. In the Illinois supreme court eighty-seven cases were tried,
of which seventeen were lost. Of 3,553 legal opinions rendered to
the council and several departments of the city government but three
were ever successfully attacked.
The corporation counsel passes upon the validity of all claims
against the city, and in this line of duty Mr. Thornton was of especial
service to Chicago. He rejected claims aggregating over $15,000,-
000 which he thought unjust. Many and powerful interests, both
political, business and personal, were often opposed to Mr. Thornton
in these matters and were often bitter in defeat. As one instance,
a claim of $700,000 was presented by a contracting firm. After
months of endeavor the claimants obtained the consent of the finance
committee to a settlement of $400,000. Mr. Thornton, whose en-
dorsement was requested, declined to give it, but when threatened
stated to a committee that he would go into court as a private prop-
erty owner and enjoin the payment, if such settlement were made.
The supreme court sustained his position when it later passed upon
the merits of this claim. Many other amounts were saved after simi-
lar contests. The bitterness of many of these claimants can hardly
be realized, but Mr. Thornton performed his work with an eye only
to the welfare of the city and the validity of these claims. Upon
retiring from this position Mr. Thornton received from the mayor
a letter containing the following unsolicited endorsement :
"In accepting your resignation I desire to congratulate you upon
the splendid service that you have given to the city in the past two
years. I think it is generally understood among lawyers that the
work of the department has never been in as good shape or so thor-
oughly cleaned up as it is at the present time, and this condition is
unquestionably due to the discipline you have installed in the depart-
ment, as well as your own personal ability and industry.
"Please accept my thanks, ^md as far as I am able to give them,
the thanks of the city of Chicago, for the splendid service you have
rendered as corporation counsel."
Before 1897, in matters connected with the educational adminis-
tration and progress of the county and state, Mr. Thornton had al-
ready gained much prominence. In 1889 he was elected president
of the board of education of Auburn Park, his place of residence,
and later was elected both a member of the Cook county and Chicago
boards of education. The governor also honored him with member-
ship on the state board. Among other educational reforms and en-
terprises placed to the credit of Mr. Thornton are the college prepar-
ator}^ course of study and the suggestion of the system of truant
schools. His investigation of the Cook County Normal School, with
subsequent published observations, led to many needed reforms in
that institution, gained wide attention and further strengthened his
standing as an able advocate and promoter of educational reform and
progress. In 1895 he also framed the teachers' pension bill, and
through his influence it became a law, probably the first of its kind
in this country. Both practical and scholarly, j\Ir. Thornton is ad
mirably equipped to take the leading part he has assumed in all mat-
ters connected with the administration and legislation of the public
school systems of city, county and state.
On September lo, 1883, Mr. Thornton was married to Miss Jes
si'e F, Benton, of Chicago, daughter of Francis Benton, a native of
Vermont, and Esther Kimball Benton, a native of Indiana. Mr. and
Mrs. Thornton have four children, whose names are Mabel J., Pearl
Esther, Hattie May and Chancellor B. Mr. Thornton is a Knight
Templar and a thirty-second degree Mason an an Odd Fellow, and
both in fraternal and social circles is welcomed as a genial, courteous
and cultured gentleman, whose acquaintanceship soon ripens into
enduring friendship.
Elbridge Hanecy, ex-judge of the circuit and superior courts, is
among the best known Repubhcans of Chicago, and as a jurist has
always stood in the front rank. He is a Wisconsin
man, born on the i sth of March, i8S2, a son of
Hanecy .
William and Mary (Wales) Hanecy. His parents
were both natives of Massachusetts, from which state they removed
to Wisconsin about two years before Judge Hanecy's birth. The
father served in the Mexican war as a non-commissioned officer and-
was engaged in mercantile pursuits in Springfield, Massachusetts,
prior to his removal to the west. On his arrival in the Badger state
he purchased a tract of land in Dodge county, upon which he con-
ducted agricultural pursuits until his death in 1852. The mother
afterward married Albert Littell, who served in the war of the Re-
bellion and died on his way home after the close of hostilities.
Judge Hanecy acquired his primary education in the public schools
of his native county of Dodge, which was supplemented by a course
at the College of Milwaukee.' He was early attracted by the typical
energy and enterprise of the Chicago spirit, and in 1869 came to the
city to accept a position with Field, Leiter and Company, his life
lines at that time seeming to be drawn along the path of commerce
and trade, as were those of his father in his active years. Elbridge
remained with the above named firm until the great fire of 1871,
subsequently, for a short time, being with John V. Farwell and Com-
pany. Finding, however, that his tendencies and strong tastes were
toward intellectual rather than purely commercial pursuits, he turned
confidently to the law as the most promising field to cultivate.
As a law student the judge first appeared in the office of Hervey,
Anthony and Gait, of whom the last named (A. T. Gait) is still alive
and in practice with his son. Elhridge Hanecy remained with that
firm until he was prepared for practice, his admission to the bar oc-
curring September ii, 1874. He immediately entered upon active
professional work, and practiced alone until 1889, when he formed a
partnership with George P. Merrick, who had also been a student
under the preceptorship of Hervey, Anthony and Gait. The firm
of Hanecy and Merrick thus formed conducted a successful business
and remained intact until the election of the senior member to the
circuit bench of Cook county in November, 1893.
After an able and most satisfactory service of nearly two years
Judge Hanecy was assigned as chancellor of the circuit court, in Jul v.
1895. He was re-elected to the circuit Ijench in June, 1897, for a
term of six years. His judicial decisions were marked by clearness,
force and thoroughness, and, while positive, his manner was alwavs
dignified. That the general public had the utmost confidence in him
both as a judge and a man is evident from various circumstances
which occurred without the pale of his court; since three times dur-
ing his occupancy of the circuit bench he was selected as umpire of
the board of arbitration — the second and third years unanimously —
for the adjustment of differences between the bricklayers' and stone-
masons' associations and their employers. When it came to entering
the domain of "practical politics," however, it may be that Judge
Hanecy was too outspoken ; at all events in his race for the mayor-
alty, as a Republican candidate in 1901, he was defeated. Since that
time he has served an unexpired term on the superior bench, from
January to December, 1904, and is again engaged in private practice.
As a lawyer he has ever been a master of details and of fundamental
principles, incisive and logical in his arguments, effective in his deliv-
ery and straightforward in his methods and manner.
On the ist of March, 1876, Judge Hanecy was married to Miss
Sarah Barton, a daughter of \Villiam A. Barton, and they have six
children: Olive, now Mrs. R. H. Neumeister; Edith, Ruth, Myra,
Hazel and Harriette. Their only son is deceased. The judge is
prominently identified with a number of social and political clubs,
including the Union League, Hamilton, Chicago Athletic, Marquette.
Mid-Day and Washington Park clubs. Those who know Judge
Hanecv need not be told that he is a broad-minded citizen of sterling
worth, steadfastly interested in all public measures which promise to
be of practical good, and those who are not acquainted with him may
have the full assurance of his legion of friends to that effect.
One of the youngest and most efficient members of the bench in
the state, Lewis Rinaker comes naturally by his ability and sturdiness
of character. The county judge of Cook county was
Lewis ^^^.^^ ^^ Carlinville, Illinois, in the year 1868, and is
the youngest of four sons comprising the family of
General John I. and Clarissa (Keplinger) Rinaker. His father, who
for many years has been an eminent lawyer and public man, as well
as an honored veteran of the Civil war, is a native of Baltimore, Mary-
land, where he was born in 1830. By the death of his parents he was
thrown upon his resources at a very early age, coming to Illinois
when six years of age and living with John T. Alden, in Sangamon,
until 1840. Subsequently he was employed on a farm near Franklin,
Morgan county, where in the wmter he attended the district school.
For a time he was a student at McKendree College, Lebanon, Illi-
nois, from which he was graduated in 185 1. In the winter of 1852
he became a law student in the office of John M. Pahiier. then a prac-
titioner of Carhnville, and was admitted to the bar in 1854, continu-
ing in professional work until the outbreak of the Civil war.
Although in the midst of a lucrative and growing practice, Gen-
eral Rinaker soon demonstrated that his patriotism took precedence
of all business considerations, and before he went to the front he was
recognized as one of the most ardent supporters of the Union cause.
In 1862 he raised a regiment which in August of that year, at Camp
Palmer, Carlinville, was mustered in as the One Hundred and Twenty-
second Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was elected and
commissioned colonel, was mustered into the service September 4th.
and continued honorably and bravely at the head of his troops until
the conclusion of hostilities. He was wounded at the battle of
Parker's Cross Roads, December 31, 1862, and was appointed brig-
adier-general by brevet for gallant and meritorious service in the
field, to take rank from March 13, 1865.
After the close of the war General Rinaker resumed the practice
of his profession at Carlinville. He early rose to prominence in his
calling, and he has ever maintained a foremost standing as an effective
speaker before court and jury. In po.litics he was a Democrat until
1858, when he united with the Republican party, for which he has
rendered splendid service in many local and state campaigns. The
general has both received and declined various offices of trust and re-
sponsibility which have been tendered him by his constituents, among
the latter being the United States district attorneyship for the south-
ern district of Illinois. In 1872 he served as presidential elector for
his district; was elector at large in 1876; was defeated for Congress
in 1874, in opposition to William R. Morrison, although he ran sev-
eral hundred votes ahead of his ticket in Macoupin county; was de-
feated for the gubernatorial nomination in 1880; served as railroad
and warehouse commissioner from 1885 to 1889, and in 1894 was
elected from the sixteenth district as a representative to the Fifty-
fourth Congress. This record both of successes and defeats is a tell-
ing demonstration of General Rinaker's substantial standing as a
public man, and add to this his career as a gallant general and a
practicing lawyer.
Lewis Rinaker, the son, is upholding stanchly the bright and hon-
orable name of his father. He was educated at the public schools and
at Blackburn University, Carlinville, Illinois, from which latter insti-
tution he received the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Master of
Science. As a student at the University of Illinois and a teacher he
then passed two years. He had already taken up the study of the law
under his father's careful tutelage and subsequently entered the law
department of the University of Michigan, from which he graduated
in 1893 with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. Being admitted to the
Illinois bar, he commenced the practice of law in Chicago in May,
1894. In 1896 he formed a copartnership with S. W. and F. D.
Ayres, under the firm name of Ayres, Rinaker and Ayres, which
proved one of the strongest professional combinations in the city, and
until his elevation to the county bench in the fall of 1906 he continued
to do his full share in earning and maintaining its high reputation.
Prior to the assumption of his judicial duties Judge Rinaker was
master in chancery of the superior court of Cook county, and his
prompt and able discharge of his responsibilities in the chanceryship
brought him into favorable notice for the higher and broader office.
Judge Rinaker has also v<. substantial record as a legislator, al-
though he served but one term in the lower house of the General
Assembly of the state, being sent by his Republican constituents of
the Thirty-first senatorial district. He was unecjuivocally recorn-
mended by the Legislative Voters' League, and stanchly upheld the
good judgment of that organization by his effective activity in the
state house of representatives in the matters of the Chicago charter,
civil sei-vice, municipal court bill, practice commission bill and primary
election bill. In the middle of the session of the Forty-fourth Gen-
eral Assembly he was accorded the unusual honor for a new member
of being appointed by the speaker to a place on the steering committee.
At the conclusion of his legislative service the league (report of
1906) said: "He is faithful and industrious; it is seldom that one
makes so strong a mark in his first term." Later Judge Rinaker was a
valued member of the Chicago charter convention, serving therein on
the committee on law and in other important capacities.
The judge's domestic life is based upon his marriage, in 1896,
to Miss Ollie M. Vaneil, and their family consists of one son and three
daughters. The duties of his profession and his happy family life
have prevented his participation to a great extent in club life, and
his club identification is confined to his membership in the Chicago
Athletic Club, Hamilton Club aiul in Camp 100, Sons of Veterans.
As a strong and active member of the Chicago bar during the
greater portion of the past forty years, Mr. Lyman wields an intlu-
ence in Chicago that only men of unusual strength
David B. , , ^ , ■' . . ^
Lyman character and power can exercise m a community
of two millions of people.
Of real New England Puritanism by lineage, the circumstances
of birth makes Mr. Lyman a native of Hawaii. His parents were
Rev. David B. and Sarah (Joiner) Lyman, who after being married
in Vermont sailed for Hawaii in 1831 and until 11X84. over half a cen-
tury, were faithful laborers for Christianity among the natives. This
accounts for Mr. Lyman's birth on the island of Hilo in the Sand-
wich Islands, on March 27, 1840. He spent youth and young man-
hood on those islands, acquiring his education largely from his cul-
tured parents and by serving in several positions under the govern-
ment earning the money with which he was able, when twenty years
old, to continue his education in the United States. Arriving in this
country in i860, he entered Yale College, from which he graduated
in 1864, and two years later graduated from the Harvard Law School,
being admitted to the Massachusetts bar in the same year. At the
law school he was awarded owe of the two prizes for the best legal
Coming to Chicago, he was clerk in a law office two years, and
then entered into a partnership with Huntington \\'. Jackson, that,
as Lyman and Jackson, enjoyed a record of continuous existence up
to 1895, which makes it memorable in the history of the bench and
bar of the city.
For a number of years Mr. Lyman has been identified with the
financial affairs of Chicago. In 1891 he became president of the Chi-
cago Title and Trust Company, and for ten years remained at the
head of this institution. From 1895 to 1901 he devoted his entire
time to the direction of the business. In 1901 the Security Title and
Trust Company, the Title Guarantee and Trust Company and the
Chicago Title and Trust Company were combined as one company
under the name of the Chicago Title and Trust Company, of which
Mr. Lyman has since been a director.
The lengthy interruption to Mr. Lyman's law practice was the
time he gave to the direction of the trust company from 1895 to
1901, having during the first four years of liis presidency of the com-
pany carried on his practice. Since 1901 he has practiced with special
attention to real estate and corporation cases. His offices have been
in the Chicago Title and Trust Company's building since 1891. From
October, 1901, until 1906 he was senior member of the firm of Lyman,
Busby and Lyman. A reorganization was ejffected in 1906, the firm
becoming Lyman, Lyman and O'Connor. Among the important trusts
with which Mr. Lyman is connected as trustee are the Pullman Land
Association and the Grant Land Association, and he holds other im-
portant trust positions.
Mr. Lyman in 1891 became the first president of the first church
club in Chicago. Since 1889 he has been a delegate to the General
Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal church. The causes of edu-
cation and charity have also gained his constant and loyal support.
He was for thirty years a member of the board of education in his
home town of La Grange, and at one time its president, and has been
largely instrumental in developing the educational interests of La
Grange to its generally acknowledged high standard. He is a mem-
ber of the board of directors of St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. He is a
member and ex-president of the Chicago Bar Association, member of
the Union League, Chicago, University, Country and Suburban (La
Grange) and Chicago Literary clubs.
October 5, 1870, Mr. Lyman married Mary E. Cossitt, daughter
of F. D. Cossitt, of Chicago. Their children are D. B., Jr., a mem-
ber of the law firm with his father, and Mary Ellen, now Mrs. Mur-
ray M. Baker, of Peoria, Illinois.
A man of letters, as well as a lawyer of repute and high personal
character, Max Eberhardt was born in Germany, being a mere boy
when he came with his parents to the United States.
Max . , ,. . ,, . ,
T- , Alter attendmg a private colleo-e m the east, where
Eb]^rhardt. ,,.,,. ^ , . . ,^ .
he laid the loundation of a classical education, he
came west with the family and settled in Cincinnati. At an early
period of his life he had evinced a decided tendency toward literary
pursuits, and contributed articles to the various publications of the
day. At this time he had also won the intimate friendship of Judge
J. B. Stallo, United States ambassador to Rome under the Cleveland
regime, who exerted a controlling influence upon his mental develop-
ment. The uncertainities attaching to literature as a life profession,
however, induced the young- man to embrace the legal profession as
a vocation. He therefore commenced the study of the law in Cin-
cinnati, was admitted to the bar and then came to Chicago to reside
and practice. Still quite a young man, he was elected and repeatedly
appointed one of the justices of the city. While in office he gained
an excellent reputation as a fair minded, strictly honest and impartial
judicial officer, and was frequently urged for advancement to a higher
and more responsible position on the bench. Feeling the need of a
more systematic course in the science of law, he attended the law
department of the Lake Forest University, from which he graduated
with the degree of LL. B., subsequently adding LL. M. and D. C. L.
Mr. Eberhardt is a member of both the Chicago and the Illinois
State Bar associations, and the tendency of his many years of literary
labors, which have earned him a broad reputation, is indicated by his
membership in the American Historical Association, the Chicago and
State Historical societies, and the German-American Historical So-
ciety of Illinois, of which he is now president and which has won
recognition and favorable comment from various university and liter-
ary societies in Germany. Mr. Eberhardt has lectured and written
upon various topics connected with law, history and sociology. He
is an indefatigable worker and a man of sustained intellectual activ-
ity, who in his long professional life has never taken a vacation.
Among other standard publications to which he has contributed are
the Journal of Speculative Philosophy, published and edited by Hon.
William T. Harris, until recently United States commissioner of edu-
cation, and Lalor's Encyclopedia of Political Science, of which the
editor-in-chief was the late John J. Lalor. Mr. Eberhardt largely
assisted him in devising and arranging the plan for this comprehen-
sive work, and his article on the German Empire was noticed and
commented upon by the New York Nation as one of the best in the
As indicative of the scope of Mr. Eberhardt's literary work it
may be stated that he has written and lectured upon the following
topics: Art in its Relation to Civilization; German-American His-
toriography; The Legal Position of Married Women; Primitive So-
ciety and the Origin of Property ; Socialistic and Communistic Move-
ments Among the Ancients; Some Leading Ideas of Modern Social-
ism and the Ethical Element in Law. He has also frequently deliv-
ered addresses, both in English and German, upon other hterary and
pubHc topics. In 1906 Mr. Eberhardt was elected to the municipal
court bench of Chicago by one of the largest majorities given to any
candidate on the ticket and his record on the bench has been one of the
George Kersten was elected a judge of the circuit court of Cook
county in 1903. During twenty years previous to that he had been
justice of the peace and police magistrate on East
Chicago avenue. For nearly a quarter of a century
it has been his business to discern the actions and
purposes of men, and it is generally recognized by practitioners and
litigants that no one on the local bench is better informed on criminal
procedure or inspires greater confidence in the prompt and impartial
administration of justice than he. With all his years of experience
with the delinquent element of human society, while it has sharpened
his insight of the faults and guile of mankind, Judge Kersten has pre-
served and constantly manifests a kindliness and sympathy in his
dealings with litigants that make him one of the most esteemed judges
in Cook county. His unfailing common sense saves him from the
pedantr}^ of law, and having been a close and thorough student under
the impetus of his own determination, he has become fully and prac-
tically equipped to meet any eniergency within the scope of his judicial
Born in Chicago, March 21, 1853, a son of Joachim and Sophia
(Eisner) Kersten, he was educated in the public schools, in Standon
and Wiedinger's Educational Institution and Eastman's Metropolitan
Business College. He read law with the firm of Rubens, Barnum and
Ames, and was admitted to the bar by the appellate court examina-
tion in 1886. Already, in 1883, he had been appointed justice of the
peace and pelice magistrate, and held those positions uninterruptedly
until 1903. The strength of his record made him one of the logical
candidates of his party, the Democratic, for various offices at the
head of the county ticket. He was nominated for sheriff in 1886,
but declined the nomination, and in 1898 was nominated for the same
office, but was defeated. In 3893 ^^ was an unsuccessful candidate
for judge of the superior court. In 1902, after a bill had passed the
legislature providing additional judges for the Cook county circuit
court, he was nominated by his party for one of the judgeships, but
shortly afterward the bill was pronounced unconstitutional. In 1903
he became the regular candidate of his party for judge of the circuit
court, and his fitness for the position was affirmed by independents
and partisans alike at the election. In the circuit court he has pre-
sided over several important cases, notably the following : Harvey
Van Dine, Gustav Marx, Peter Niedermeyer, car barn murder case ;
Johann Hoch case ; Paul Stensland, embezzlement case ; Roberts case,
and the Inga Hansen case. All of these cases are prominent and at-
tracted much attention throughout the county.
Judge Kersten is a member of the Iroquois Club, and the County
Democracy; a thirty-second degree Mason and a member of ]\Iedinah
Temple; the Columbian Knights and Royal Arcanum; member of the
Germania Club, the Orpheus Singing Society, the Chicago Turn-
Gemeinde and Fritz Renter Lodge of Plattdeutsche Gilde. When
vacation time approaches the judge invariably plans hunting as the
primary sport. He is a member of the Chicago Sharpshooters' As-
sociation and of the Lake Poygan Gun Club; also of Pistakee Yacht
Club. Judge Kersten married, September 4, 1875, Miss Julia Baierle.
daughter of Adam Baierle. Their children are Walter, George and
Lillian, the former being deceased.
Hugh O'Neill, orator, lawyer and writer, was born in the County
Derry, Ireland, October 5, 1867, the son of Hugh and Ann (Smyth)
O'Neill. He was educated in Ireland and at the
Hugh O'Neill. University of Notre Dame, Indiana, receiving the
degrees of A. B., LL. B., B. L. and LL. M. Mr.
O'Neill has devoted much time to literature, science, political economy,
history and public speaking. A student by nature and gifted with a
large and striking physique, magnetic with nervous energy and en-
thusiasm, he is a combination of the philosopher and the executive
and is well qualified as a leader. Typical of the celebrated ancestor
whose name he bears, he is a loyal Irish patriot of the radical sort, a
Nationalist in sentiment and an eloquent defender of everything
Gaelic. There is probably no one in the United States better informed
on Irish afifairs. He made a life study of comparative history almost
for the sole purpose of arriving at an estimate of Ireland's future
political value, relatively among nations, and has earned a reputation
as an authority on it and kindred subjects. As an orator, his cash-
flow of diction, strong, clear style, fervid patriotism and fine declama-
tion make him captivating on Celtic occasions and the popular idol of
such organizations as the A. O. H., who like both the substance and
color of his arguments.
He is a litterateur of national note and is a constant contributor
to the magazines. Too much of a student to be a bibliomaniac, yet
he has one of the best private reference libraries in America, practi-
cally complete in the fields of research in which he is most interested.
It is all excellent testimony of the character of the man. When he
first entered Notre Dame, instead of using his fairly liberal allowance
from home in the usual small luxuries of college men, he resolved to
put into books every week what would otherwise go for cigars. . The
thoughts of youth are "long, long thoughts" and the years have
brought him a valuable collection of books in place of the profitless
dreams of burnt tobacco. He familiarized himself with three his-
tories of the United States before he took passage for this country.
O'Neill is the author of a comprehensive series of discourses on
the "American Courts," "Enghsh Courts," "French Courts," which
were read at the University of Louvain, Belgium ; speeches on "Amer-
ican Ideals," "What of Ireland and America?" "Ireland a Nation,"
"Three Revolutions" and "American Independence," and besides be-
ing a distinguished writer on Irish and American themes, he has pub-
lished much on socialism, labor, orators and oratory, and the growth
of law and its philosophy. Admitted to the bar in 1892, two years
later he joined with L. Bastrup in the firm of Bastrup and O'Neill,
Reaper block, and together rhey have built up a lucrative practice.
Married in 1898 to Regina O'Malley, Cresco, Iowa, he has a daughter,
Regina, and a son, Hugh. He is a member of the American Bar As-
sociation, Chicago Bar Association, the Notre Dame Alumni, and the
Hamilton, Charlevoix and Irish Fellowship clubs. Republican and
Roman Catholic in politics and religion. Residence, 2500 Lakewood
Louis Bastrup, author, historian and lawyer, was born in Kold-
ing, Denmark, on July 8, 1856. His parents were wealthy people of
refinement, who lavished on him every educational
Louis Bastrup. advantage. After taking a preparatory course in
the best school of his native town, he was sent when
only thirteen years old to the famous Johaneum College at Hamburg,
Germany, where he proved himself more than equal to his oppor-
tunities — being graduated there in 1872, after having had conferred
upon him some of the highest honors that had ever been attained by
any other student in the history of the institution. He entered law
practice, but his father's testament made it necessary for him to pur-
sue a mercantile calling for a time, though the monotony of the
routine of mercantile business was distasteful to one so naturally
studious and inclined tow^ard the professional. The law was resumed
as soon as possible. He came to Chicago in 1886. For a period he
was connected with the credit department of a large mercantile house
in an advisory capacity. In the meantime he was familiarizing him-
self with American law. John Gibbons, now and for many years
judge of the circuit court of Cook county, took him into partnership.
Mr. Bastrup soon became a legal light not because of any special elo-
quence as a pleader but rather on account of his conservative, self-
assured, well-prepared, clean-cut and successful handling of his
cases. He has the Napoleonic build, physically, and it is typical of his
mentality. And he is a general who overlooks no detail of likely im-
portance. He early won enviable eminence as a lawyer. On May i,
1895, he formed with Hugh O'Neil the law firm of Bastrup and
O'Neill, Reaper block, still existing.
Aside from his legal work, Mr. Bastrup won most distinction by
his historical investigations and his written discussions on the phi-
losophy of history, viewed analytically and comparatively. He has
not confined his researches to any particular epoch but has followed
the whole range of ancient and modern politics. He is now working
on an extensive review entitled "Gustavus Adolphus : The Reasons
and the Effects of His Interferences in the Thirty Years' War." The
fact that he is a linguist of repute, speaking and writing fluently to a
literary degree all of six languages, has made his historical inquiries
doubly valuable. He has wide practice in chancery and is a special-
ist in international and insurance law. His treatise on marine insur-
ance is also considered as an authority. The degree of LL. AL,
honoris causa, was conferred on him in 1894 by the University of
Notre Dame, Indiana.
Mr. Bastrup was married in Copenhagen, Denmark, September
4, 1884, to Nancy Gundorph, and has one daughter, Stephanie Ade-
laide. He is a member of the Federal, State and Chicago Bar asso-
ciations and of divers clubs without being a club-man. He is a Re-
publican, politically, and resides at 597 La Salle avenue.
William Busse is the first native son of Cook county to be elected
president of its board of commissioners, having for the six years pre-
ceding his assumption of its important duties been
-,3 one of the most practical and useful members of that
body. As a commissioner he has always manifested
great interest in the welfare of the insane, the sick and the worthy
poor, and the fact that the conditions surrounding these unfortunate
wards of the county has greatly improved within the past seven years
is largely attributable to his wise and ceaseless labors in their behalf.
As the successor in the presidency of the board of E. J. Brundage, in
addition to his other responsibilities, he is charged with the great
work involved in superintending the construction of the new county
building, which is one of the imposing and beautiful architectural
monuments of Chicago. It is a strong man who assumes such bur-
dens, and one element of his strength which has not been mentioned
comes from his experience as a representative of the board from an
outlying district of the city, this circumstance having enabled him to
have an especially comprehensive appreciation of the needs of the
county; he thoroughly understands the requirements of both munici-
pality and the so-called country lying within the limits of Cook
county. A man who had spent all his life in Chicago, or the larger
cities, would fail to possess this element of strength in the makeup of
a president of the board.
Mr. Busse was born at Elk Grove, Cook county, Illinois, on the
27th of January, 1864, 'the son of Louis and Christine (Kirchhoff)
Busse, both natives of Hanover, Germany. His father, whose birth
occurred November 4, 1837, came to the United States in 1848 and
settled at Elk Grove, where he was first engaged in farming and later
in general merchandising. He died December 19, 1903. The mother
was born February 25, 1847, s.nd emigrated to Illinois from Germany
in 1853, her marriage to Louis Busse occurring April 16, 1863. The
mother still resides in Elk Grove, and of the nine children born to her
all are living, William Busse being the eldest.
Mr. Busse was educated in the public and German parochial
schools of his native locality, and until he was twenty-one years of
age assisted his father in the conduct of his agricultural and mercan-
tile interests. Then for four years he was an independent and suc-
cessful farmer himself. But as an ardent Republican he early became
interested in public and political affairs, and his earnestness of pur-
pose, sympathy with the unfortunate, straightforward and moral char-
acter, practical common sense and ability, earned him the respect and
friendship of all classes and marked him for preferment from the out-
In 1890 Mr. Busse was appointed deputy sheriff, under James H.
Gilbert, holding this position both under him and Sheriffs Pease and
Magerstadt, and serving ten years. In this capacity his service was
so noticeable for its impartial fearlessness and yet courteous and open
bearing that both his popularity and reputation for reliability and
ability was greatly broadened. In 1900 he was elected to the board
of Cook county commissioners from the country districts, re-elected
in 1902, 1904 and 1906, being chosen president of that body April 15.
1907. During all this period he has been a member of the building
committee. He was also chairman of the special committee which
had charo-e of the rewriting of the abstract books of the recorder's
office — one of the most extensive and important undertakings ever
accomplished by county legislation. For four years he was a mem-
ber of the finance committee, and its cliairman frcmi December i,
1906, until April 15, 1907, and now by virtue of his position as presi-
dent of the board he is chairman of the special committee in charge
of the building of the court house. In June. 1907, Mr. Busse was
appointed by Governor Deneen a delegate to the National Confer-
ence of Charities and Corrections at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Mr. Busse's practical ambition and great capacity for accom-
plishment are shown by his varied interests outside his official re-
sponsibilities. Since 1897 he has been engaged in general merchan-
dising at Mount Prospect, his residence, the business now being con-
ducted under the firm name of \\'illiam Busse and Son. He is also
eno-ao-ed with two of his brothers in the real estate business at that
place, and is individually a director of the Arlington Heights State
Bank. In his home locality he has always been a leader in educa-
tional work, especially in its connection with the public school sys-
tem, and for twelve consecutive years has served as secretary of the
Mount Prospect board of school trustees.
Married June 11, 1885. to Miss Sophia Bartels, Mr. Busse's first
Vol. 11 — 12
wife (born in Schaiimberg, Cook county, March 28 /866) died on
the 20th of February, 1894, leaving five children. Later he was
united to Miss Dina Busse, and to this marriage one child is living.
The family are all faithful and earnest members of the Lutheran
church. Personally Mr. Busse is a member of that well known Re-
publican organization, the Hamilton Club, and is now acknowledged
to be one of the strongest representatives of the party in this section
of the state.
Ben M. Smith, who was re-elected judge of the superior court by
so handsome a majority in April, 1907, was born at Colona, Henry
county,N Illinois, June 14, 1863. He attended village
school, worked on a farm, clerked in a country store,
taught district school and had his experience as a
railroader. As his father, Rufus A. Smith, was connected with the
railroads, the ambition of the boy was to follow in the paternal foot-
steps. But the labors of his youth and early manhood seemed to be
full of variety, and not calculated to keep him in any special channel.
One day he would work on the farm, the next he would fan oats in
his father's grain elevators, the third day he might harness up the
horse and go among the farmers to buy hogs for shipment, and the
fourth day might find him selling plows or weighing grain. Al-
though such a life was active and invigorating, it was not satisfactory
to the young man, whose mind naturally ran upon intellectual and
literary subjects. At one time he designed to teach school as a per-
manent occupation, and to prepare himself attended the Northwest-
ern Normal School at Geneseo, Illinois, for about a year, but, after
a thorough examination of the possibilities and probabilities of the
profession, decided that pedagogy did not offer him sufficient induce-
ments to make it his life work.
There was only one profession to which a man of Judge Smith's
hardy, practical and broad nature could turn with confidence as offer-
ing him a field of sufficient fertility and elasticity for every purpose,
and while still an employee of the county clerk's office at Cambridge
he had spent his evenings in the study of the law. Fresh from this
employment he came to Chicago, January 2, 1889, and entered the
Union College of Law for a regular professional course. While
,thus engaged he worked for Haddock, Vallette and Rickords in the
court-house, examining records and making memoranda for their
abstract business. He was also employed as a clerk bv John T. Rich-
ards, Abbott, Oliver and Showalter, and H. S. Mecartney, the young
man carrying on these occupations until his graduation from the
Union College of Lavv^ in June, 1890.
In the preceding December Judge Smith had been admitted to the
bar, and in September, 1890, entered into practice. In May, 1891, he
formed a partnership with John P. Hand, now a judge of the Illinois
supreme court, and Thomas E. Milchrist, then United States district
attorney, under the firm name of Hand, Milchrist and Smith. This
association continued for four years, when Judge Hand returned
to Cambridge, Illinois, and Mr. Smith was in partnership with Mr.
Milchrist until May, 1897.
In January, 1897, Mr. Smith was appointed by Governor Deneen
as assistant state's attorney, and since then he has been in the public
eye as a prosecutor and a judge, in both of these diverse capacities
making such a record that l:is advancement has been a matter of
course. In January, 1901, he resigned from the office of state's at-
torney and entered the firm of Castle, Williams and Smith, from
which Charles S. Cutting had retired to serve as probate judge. In
this connection he continued in private practice, of a civil nature,
until his election as judge of the superior court in November, 1905.
Judge Smith's versatility and adaptability find striking illustration in
his success as a prosecuting criminal lawyer, as his practice both be-
fore and after his term as stiite's attorney was mainly civil in its na-
Entering with characteristic vigor and discrimination upon his
duties as superior judge, Ben M. Smith so demonstrated his judicial
and executive ability that in December, 1906, he was elected chief
justice, which position he held when re-elected to the superior bench
April 2, 1907. His plurality over both Democratic and Prohibition
candidates was 36,731. One of the most notable trials over which
he has presided was the Ivens case, which has had a world wide and
terrible notoriety. Upon his' unimpeachable record as a lawyer, a
man and a judge, the re-election of Jndge Smith was a foregone con-
On September 9, 1891, Ben Mayhew Smith was united in mar-
riage to Miss Katherine C. Walton, their two children being Frances
W. and Mabel M. Pie is identified with Masonry and the Knights of
Pythias, and is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, thus keeping
alive the memories of his younger days, and as a man of middle age
still participating in some of the forms of exercise most conducive
to physical and mental vigor.
Of the eminent corporation lawyers in Chicago, none is more
generally admired and esteemed for professional ability and personal
character than John Stocker Miller, of the widely
i ^ ' known firm of Peck, Miller and Starr. His broad
Miller. . ; ,
reputation as an attorney rests not only on the mas-
terly conduct of great cases which have been entrusted to him as a
private practitioner, but on the splendid discharge of his duties as
corporation counsel of the city of Chicago under Mayor Washburne.
Mr. Miller is a native of Louisville, St. Lawrence county, New
York, where he was born on the 24th of May, 1847, son of John and
Jane (McLeod) Miller. After receiving a preparatory education in
the common schools and academy of his native place, he became a
student at St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York, from which
he graduated in 1869 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and for
two years thereafter studiously laid the groundwork of his profession
in the law department of that institution. Li 1870, after being ad-
mitted to the New York bar at Ogdensburg, he was appointed to the
chair of mathematics by his alma mater, holding that professorship
throughout 187 1-2 and that of Latin and Greek in 1872-4. Li the
latter year he resigned his place on the faculty and came to Chicago
to enter the practice of his permanent profession.
Mr. Miller soon came into prominence, even among the many
bright young lawyers who made Chicago their home in the years
immediately following the great fire, which caused the re-adjustment,
through the law, of so many important interests. In 1876, after he
had practiced alone for two years, he formed a partnership with
George Herbert and John H. S. Quick, under the firm name of Her-
bert, Quick and Miller. These connections continued unbroken for
ten years, when (in 1882) occurred Mr. Llerbert's death and the
change of style to Quick and Miller. The subsequent changes, pre-
ceding the formation of the present firm of Peck, Miller and Starr,
include an association with Henry W. Leman in 1886, his retirement,
the admission of Merritt Starr in 1890, and later the formation
with George R. Peck and Mr. Starr of the present firm.
During the latter years Mr. Miller's practice has been chiefly in
the chancery courts, and among his more important cases prior to
his identification with the municipal law department were those
known as the Flagler litigation, the Riverside, the Phillips and South
Park suits. These cases brought him so prominently and favorably
before the bar and the public that in 1891 Mayor Washburne appoint-
ed him corporation counsel. He held the position during the mayor-
alty term, and won a notable victory for the city in its suit against
the Illinois Central Railroad over the Lake Front property. The re-
sult of the case was to firmly establish the great municipal principle
that the bed of navigable waters is the property of the people and is
held in trust by the state for their benefit.
Since retiring from office Mr. Miller has continued his prixate
and partnership practice, largely devoted to commercial and corpora-
tion law. His high standing in these specialties was greatly advanced
by his participation in the Packing House, Standard Oil and John R.
Walsh cases, in which he was the leading counsel for the defense.
They were acknowledged to be among the most important suits
which the government ever prosecuted, and to be professionally
identified with them in any capacity was a forcible verification of
leadership in the legal fraternity. Involved in the noteworthy litiga-
tion were the responsibility of g^reat corporations and leaders of broad
interests to the law, and their duties to the public from which they
drew the life of their enterprises; and the pressing need of some
radical revision of the Inter-State Commerce law defining the com-
parative regulating powers of state and national governments. When
the Supreme court of the United States shall pass upon these matters,
whatever the decision of that high tribunal, bench and bar will full\-
recognize the radical part played by John S. Miller in the adjustment
of these broad principles.
Married in Chicago, December 15, 1887, to Miss Ann Gross,
Mr. Miller is a potent factor in social and club life. Branching from
his home as a social center, his activities in this direction extend to
the Union League Club (of which he was president in 1899), and the
Chicago, Hamilton, Chicago Literary, University, Exmoor, South
Shore Country and Onwentsia Golf clubs. He is a member of the
St. Paul's Episcopal church, and altogether a typical Chicago citizen,
who believes that the surest wav to advance his own interests and
be of benefit to the public is to come into close contact with as many
people and interests as possible.
Among the strong figures of the day who are boldly standing for
political reform by leaving the choice of legislative representatives to
themselves, none of the younger leaders in the state
Walter of Illinois has a better record and a more apprecia-
Clyde Jones, tive audience than Walter Clyde Jones, the present
state senator from the fifth district of Cook county.
He is one of the most forceful advocates before the public for an ef-
fective primary election law, which he contends "should have for its
objects the placing in the hands of the people the selection of thfe
United States senators, self government in the choice of the senate,
as well as in the choice of the president. We should have a primary
law, moreover (he continues), which shall have the ultimate effect of
eliminating the party convention from our political system." His
watchword, in short, is ''self-government, for the nation, the state,
the municipality and the people."
Broad as is his political platform, Mr. Jones is far from confining
his activities • to this field, his education and his experience having
endowed him with both wide scope and great versatility. Born De-
cember 27, 1870, at Pilot Grove, Lee county, Iowa, he comes of that
Quaker stock on both sides of his family which has assured him the
unfailing earnestness of purpose which is a marked character trait.
His father was of Welsh descent, born in Harrison county, Ohio, and
was among the Iowa pioneers of the thirties ; his mother was of Eng-
lish ancestry,
Walter Clyde Jones attended the public and high schools of Keo-
kuk, Iowa, graduated from the Iowa State College in 1891, from the
Chicago College of Law in 1894, and received the degree of LL. B.
from the Lake Forest University in 1895. In 1902 he obtained an
honorary degree from the Iowa State College, of whose national
alumni association he has been president, having also held the presi-
dency of the Chicago organization. He was admitted to the bar in
1895, and is senior member of the firm of Jones, Addington and
Ames. A feature of his individual practice has been electrical litiga-
tion, and in all matters electrical, both practical and scientific, he is
an acknowledged expert. Indicative of his standing are the facts that
he was an organizer and president of the Chicago Electrical Associa-
tion (now a branch of the Western Society of Engineers).' and a
member of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia and the Engineers'
Society of New York. In this line he has also been instrumental in
establishing- and developing the Benjamin Electric Manufacturing
Company (manufacturers of electric light fixtures) and the Perry
Time Stamp Company (builders of time recording devices). His
connection with professional organization is with the State and City
Bar associations, and he has contributed liberally to current literature
on legal, electrical and other subjects. Conjointly with his partner,
Keene H. Addington, he is author and editor of "Jo^^s and Adding-
ton's Annotated Statutes of Illinois," which work contains all the
laws of the state analyzed and arranged, and a digest of all the court
decisions bearing upon the various statutes. The preparation of this
work has especially familiarized him with state legislation and judicial
precedence, and makes his own services as a legislator of remarkable
weight. With his partner, he is also editor of the "Appellate Court
Reports of Illinois." As a leader in the charter legislation of Chicago
he is among the foremost. As his thorough legal acquirements have
been reinforced by extensive travels in this country and abroad, dur-
ing which he was a thoughtful student of affairs, he has acquired a
breadth, as well as a depth of view, which is enjoyed by few of his
age before the people.
Since 1896 Walter Clyde Jones has taken an active and effective
part in local, state and national politics. He inaugurated his career,
in that year, as an enthusiastic supporter of McKinley, being one of
the organizers and vice-president of the First Voters' League. He
campaigned for Judge Carter in the gubernatorial contest of 1900,
and for Harlan as mayor in 1903. In 1904 he was a delegate to the
deadlock convention which finally nominated Governor Deneen. and
has campaigned in every state and national contest since 1896. As
stated, he began his political career as an ardent advocate for the
election of McKinley to the presidency, being a personal friend of the
martyr chief executive. During the fall festival of 1899 he was ap-
pointed chief aide to President McKinley, and as a member of the
reception committee had immediate charge of the arrangements for
the reception of the president and his cabinet. In 1900, at the time of
the Grand Army encampment, he ably and gracefully filled the same
As to the movements directly concerned with the civic reform oi
the city and state, Mr. Jones was one of the organizers and speaker,
in 1895, of the Young Men's Congress, which for a number of years
did so much to stimulate thoughtful consideration and active partici-
pation in public afifairs. He vas one of the committee of thirty that
organized the Legislative Voters' League, and has been consistently
active in the work of the Civic Federation, being appointed chairman
of the legislative committee originally organized to undertake the
work now performed by the Legislative Voters' League. Mr. Jones
is also a member of the Union League, Hamilton, Quadrangle, City,
Illinois Athletic, Midlothian Country and Calumet Golf clubs, of Chi-
cago, the Lawyers' Club, of New York City, and the Cosmos Club, of
Washington; he is a property owner, happily married, has a family
consisting of a wife, son and daughter, and is altogether a man who
touches and improves life on many sides.
■Edwin R. Thurman, of the firm of Thurman, Stafford and Hume,
lawyers, has practiced law in Chicago since 1894. He was admitted
to the bar in Tennessee in 1882, and continued to
■ live in that state and practice law until he moved to
Chicago. The first six years after coming here he
was one of the attorneys for the Fidelity and Casualty Company of
New York, but since the latter part of 1900 has devoted all his at-
tention to the general practice of law, and was for about four years
a partner of Judge A. N. Waterman of the Chicago bar.
Mr. Thurman was born at Lynchburg, Campbell county, Vir-
ginia, August 9, i860, and his branch of the Thurman family is one
of the oldest on American soil and one of the most prominent among
the F. F. V.'s. One member of it was the statesman and jurist, Allen
G. Thurman. Another was Robert Thurman, affectionately known
as Uncle Bob, who was a soldier in the Revolution and an intimate
friend of Lafayette. Samuel Brown Thurman, the father of the Chi-
cago lawyer, was born in Campbell county, the ancestral seat of the
family, x\ugust 5, 181 5, and died November 4, 1892. He was a
merchant and farmer. His father was named Richard. For two
hundred years the Thurmans have borne their part in the life and
affairs of Virginia, and for at least a century and a half have been
residents of what is now Campbell county. John Thurman, one of
the earlier members of the family, was, as is claimed, the first super-
intendent of the first Sunday school estabh'shed on American soil,
that being in what is ncnv Campbell count}'. The mother of Edwin
R. Thurman was Martha (Cox) Thurman, born in Campbell county
in 1825, and died in i(S6i. I!er father, Abraham Cox, was likewise
of an old and substantial Virginia family.
After attending the public schools of his native state, Edwin R.
Thurman in 1880 entered Vanderbilt Unixersity at Nashville. Ten-
nessee, and two years later was graduated from the law department
with the degree LL. B., being admitted to the Tennessee bar the same
year. Mr. Thurman maintains a sturdy adherence, politically, to the
Democratic party in its essential principles. ])articularly to the old-
school doctrines of states' rights and sound money. During the war
between the states three of his brothers scrxed on the Confederate
side — Powhatan, Alexander and Samuel. Alexander, who is the
only one still living, was just sixteen years old at the time he entered
the army and was a student at the Virginia Military Institute at Lex-
ington. Mr. Thurman married, July 17. 1905, Miss Grace Carswell,
a native of Chicago and a daughter of Lockdiart R. and Elmira L.
(Mann) Carswell.
No lawyer in Chicago has a better record for straightforward and
high professional conduct, for success earned with honor and without
animosity, than Jacob R. Custer, of the firm Custer,
Jacob . Griffin and Cameron. He is a man of scholarlv at-
CUSTER. . , 1 • 1 1 1 ' r
taniments, exact and comprehensive knowledge 01
the law, and, while an active Republican, has of late years concerned
himself chiefly with the pressing and constantly broadening duties of
his profession.
Jacob Rambo Custer is or German lineage on the paternal and
Swedish on the maternal side. Two families of Custer and
Rambo have been long and conspicuously identified with the history
of Pennsylvania. It is a noteworthy fact that some of the Custers
of that state today own and (>ccup)- land which was granted to their
ancestors bv William Penn, and of which no conveyance has been
made by deed to the present time. Members of both families removed
to Ohio and there established branches from which came the late
General George A. Custer and others of the name. Peter, the pater-
nal oreat-erand father of lacob R., was born in Montgomery county.
Pennsvlvania, and served as a soldier in the KcN'olntionary war.
The son of David Y. and Esther (Rambo) Custer, Jacob R. Cus-
ter was born near Valley Forge, Chester county, Pennsylvania, on
the 27th of May, 1845. Kis parents were natives of Montgomery
county in that state. The father was born on the 26th and the mother
on the 29th of January, 181 5. David Y. Custer was a farmer and a
miller, a dual occupation common in the east where the farms were
small. His death occurred at Pottstown, Pennsylvania, in March,
1895. His children consisted of two sons and one daughter, of
whom Jacob R. is the sole survivor.
As a boy Mr. Custer was an ambitious student whose outlook
was early directed to other fields than those limited by his immediate
surroundings. Fortunately, his uncle. Dr. Abel Rambo, a well known
educator of those days, was at the head of Washington Hall, an edu-
cational institution located at Trappe, Pennsylvania. Here, under
the tuition of this able educator, young Custer remained three years
preparing himself for college. The knowledge there acquired was
not only firmly fixed by unvarying application but by the teaching of
school during the winter months. The Civil war which raged during
his preparatory course was brought to his very door. For several
months covering the invasion of Pennsylvania by the Confederates
and the battle of Antietam, in 1863, he was enrolled as a member of
the state militia. In the fall of 1864 he entered Pennsylvania Col-
lege, at Gettysburg, becoming a member of the sophomore class and
completing his course in 1867, when he graduated with third honors
and the degree A. B.
Mr. Custer had already determined on a legal career, and in the
fall of 1867 began his professional studies in the office of WiUiam F.
Johnson, an able lawyer of Philadelphia. After spending a year as
an office student, he entered the Albany Law School, graduating
therefrom in May, 1869, and being forthwith admitted to practice in
the courts of New York. In the fall of the same year he became a
resident and practicing lawyer of Chicago, where he has won promi-
nence both as an attorney and a man. He had the education, the
energy, the self-reliance, the all-around ability and the adaptability
to succeed in a city where these qualities were at a premium, and he
therefore made rapid and permanent progress.
Mr. Custer's independence and self-reliance were forcibly indicated
in the fact that, coming thus to a large, strange and untried city, he
sought no professional alliance, but bravely and confidently entered
upon an individual practice. He occupied offices for four years with
Arba N. Waterman, afterward judge of the circuit and appellate
courts of Cook county. He continued to practice alone for nearly
ten years, or until June, 1879. when he became associated with the
late Hon. William J. Campbell. This mutually profitable and harmo-
nious association was dissolved only by the death of Mr. Campbell in
March, 1896. Mr. Custer subsequently formed a partnership with
Joseph A. Griffin and John M. Cameron, under the present name of
Custer, Griffin and Cameron.
In 1880 Mr. Custer was appointed master in chancery of the
superior court of Cook county, serving in that capacity with signal
efficiency until his resignation in 1892. From 1882 to 1890 he also
served as the attorney 'for the sheriff of Cook county, his incumbency
covering the terms of Sherifl:'s Hanchett and Matson. He is known
as a strong trial lawyer and an able advocate, and his individual and
partnership clientage has been drawn from the larger and representa-
tive corporations and prominent business men.
Mr. Custer has given his attention entirely to practice in the civil
courts. Among the most notable cases in which he was retained men-
tion may be made of the following : The suits of Armour, Swift and
Morris versus the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, in the cir-
cuit court, to restrain the defendant from interfering with the dehv-
ery of stock to the plaintiffs at their yards and over the tracks of the
defendant company ; also the suits of the smaller packers against
Armour, Swift and Morris and the Union Stock Yards & Transit
Company and the Chicago Junction railways and Union Stock Yards
Company of New Jersey, for the purpose of enjoining the fulfilment
of an agreement under which the New Jersey company was to pay
Armour, Swift and Morris, under certain conditions, three million
dollars of its income bonds. Some of the most eminent counsel of
Chicago, New York and Boston were engaged in the litigation,
which was finally compromised. Mr. Custer was also connected with
numerous suits brought by the attorney-general against the Chicago
gas companies for the purpose of dissolving an alleged trust ; also
with a number of the suits against the gas companies, within the same
period, brought in the state and federal courts, for the purpose of
perventing consolidation, for the appointment of receivers, etc. He
was also principal counsel in Uie suits brought by the attorney-general
to 'enjoin the public warehousemen of class A from storing their grain
in their own warehouses and mixing it with the grain of others. This
litigation was conducted in the circuit and state supreme courts, Mr.
Custer appearing for the defendants. More recently Mr. Custer was
principal counsel for the Columbus Construction Company in its liti-
gation with the Crane Company which was protracted for years in
the United States circuit court, circuit court of appeals and supreme
court of the United States. He has also been counsel for the admin-
istrator and trustee of the Estate of William T. Baker in the adminis-
tration thereof,. and in the varied complicated and important litigation
connected therewith:
Aside from his college fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi, Mr. Custer is
identified with no secret order. He is a member of the Union League
and Calumet clubs. Of the latter he was president for three years.
His wife, to whom he was married December i, 1879, was formerly
Miss Ella A. White, daughter of Charles B. White — the latter lor
many years a member of the firm of White, Swan & Co., extensive
lumber dealers. Mrs. Custer is a native of Grand Rapids, Michigan,
and has borne her husband two children — a son, who died in infancy,
and a daughter, Esther Rambo, who died October 6, 1900, at the age
of eighteen years. Mr. Custer lives at 3928 Grand Boulevard.
Henry Herbert Kennedy, a prominent corporation lawyer who
has been practicing in Chicago for more than twenty years, is a native
of the Hawkey e state, having been born in Wash-
ENRY . ingrton county on the 6th of June, 1 86 1. His promi-
Kennedy . ' . . .
nence in Congregational circles is a filial tribute to
the memory of his father, who for forty years was a leading clergy-
man of that denomination. He is the son of Rev. Joseph R. and
Deborah (Wilcox) Kennedy, the former being a native of Augusta,
Ohio, born in 1828, and a graduate of Oberlin College. The father's
death occurred at Tacoma, Washington, on the 23d of September,
1906. The mother, who was born in Connecticut, is still a resident
of that city, and all of their four children are living.
Mr. Kennedy was educated in the public schools of his native
state and at the Iowa College, Grinnell, from which he graduated in
1883, and which honored him, three years later, with the degree of
A. M. For about a year thereafter he was connected with the Grin-
ll If
LJ&^ ?<1 Cy^J^XyL^iTU.^
nell Herald, bin findini;- his p.iind o-i-avitating- strongly to the legal
held, he decided ii])on a course in the law department of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, from which he secured his professional degree of
LL. B. In the year of his graduation Mr. Kennedy became a resi-
dent of Chicago, and for the succeeding five years was in the law
office of Moses and Newman. ]n 1890 he became associated with
the law firm of Moses, Pam and Kennedy, now Moses, Rosentlial
and Kennedy, enjoying therefore the advantage of a membership in
a firm which has an extensive practice of more than fortv \ears'
standing. In. this connection he has now been known for years as
one of the most reliable and successful corporation lawyers in the
In politics Mr. Kennedy is known as a stalwart Republican. He
is a member of the Union League Club, has been president of the
Congregational Club, and is a corporate member of the American
Board of Foreign Missions. As a leader in Congregationalism his
services both as lawyer and a broad minded man are eminently useful.
On June 15, 1892, Henry H. Kennedy was married to Miss Min-
nie G. Perkins, of Grinnell, Iowa, and they have become the ]iarents
of one child — Herbert H. In his domestic and .social relations he
but rounds out his character as a typical American citizen of cosmo-
politan Chicago.
Although but a few years a resident of Chicago, Hon. William
James Calhoun is well known to the fraternity of this city, and freely
recognized as a leader of the state bar. having en-
WlLLIAM J. • \ r , ^- ^ T^ u i '1
^ -^ loyed a successful practice at Danvnie tor nearlv a
Calhoun. -^ "^ . , , . , ',.
quarter of a century before commg to the metropolis.
As his professional work took him into all the courts of Illinois lie
was as much at home in Springfield and Chicago as in Danville, and
his reputation was further extended by his prominent participation
in the McKinley campaign of 1896 and his later service as a member
of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
William J. Calhoun was born at Pittsburg. Pennsylvania. October
5, 1848, the son of Robert and Sarah (Knox) Calhoun. The parents
were both of Scotch-Irish descent, the father belonging to the Scotch
clan of Colquhon, one branch of which emigrated t<i Ireland and gave
rise to the Calhouns of America. Mrs. Calhoun's father was James
Knox, for many years an officer in the British army who emigrated
to the United States and became a resident of Pittsburg. Captain
John Knox, the great-grandfather, was also identified with the Brit-
ish mihtary service, participated in the French and English wars,
and was the author of what was known as "Knox's Diary," being-
a personal narrative of such historical value that frequent reference
to it is made by Francis Parkman and other writers upon that period.
In his early life Robert Calhoun was a merchant but because of
broken health retired to a farm near Youngstown, Ohio, where he
died in March, 1866, his wife having passed away at Mount Jackson,
Pennsylvania, in 1858.
In 1864, when sixteen years of age, William J. Calhoun ran away
from home, and, after being twice rejected on account of his youth,
finally succeeded in joining the Union forces as a member of the
Nineteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Colonel Man-
derson, lately United States senator from Nebraska. At the con-
clusion of the war and his honorable discharge he became a student
at the Union Seminary, Poland, Mahoning county, Ohio, at which
institution President McKinley received the bulk of his education.
There William J. Calhoun remained a student for about three years,
and became acquainted with the future chief executive and the mem-
bers of his family. Coming to Illinois in the spring of 1869, he first
located at Areola, Douglas county, where resided his maternal aunt,
the wife of Dr. F. B. Henry. There he taught school, worked on
the farm and finally commenced the study of the law. In March,
1874, he rem.oved to Danville, and completed his studies under the
direction of Hon. J. B. Mann. After being admitted to the bar, in
January of the following year, he immediately entered into partner-
ship with his former professional preceptor, forming the firm of
Mann and Calhoun, afterward changed to Mann, Calhoun and Fra-
zier. These formed one of the strongest combinations of legal talent
in eastern Illinois.
In the fall of 1882 Mr. Calhoun was elected to the general assem-
bly of Illinois, and in the autumn of 1884 became state's attorney of
Vermilion county. In the fall of 1889 he entered into partnership with
Judge M. W. Thompson, now circuit judge of Vermilion county,
under the firm name of Calhoun and Thompson. Mr. Calhoun was
appointed general attorney for the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Com-
pany in 1892, and while giving his entire time to the service of that
company maintained his Danville office under the firm name of Cal-
houn and Steely. Until the approach of the national campaign of
1896, in which his old schoolmate, McKinley, was the nominee of his
party for the presidency, he abandoned politics and gave his entire
time to the practice of his profession. In that fierce contest Illinois
was a crucial state, the triumph of the Republicans largely depending
upon carrying it. Mr. Calhoun headed his delegation from Vermil-
ion county, and was selected to marshal the McKinley forces on the
floor of the nominating convention, and its three days' session re-
sulted in the choice of his friend and the national prominence of his
Soon after the inaugiu-ation of President McKinley conditions in
Cuba assumed a most aggravating form, and among other incidents
which severely strained the relations between Spain and the United
States was the imprisonment of Dr. Ruiz as an alleged revolutionist,
and the injuries subsequently inflicted upon him which caused hjs
death. General Fitzhugh Lee, the consul at Havana, represented to
the United States government that Dr. Ruiz was a naturalized Ameri-
can citizen, had been foully dealt with, and requested an investigation.
A commission for that purpose was appointed, consisting of Senor
Congosta, on the part of Spain, and Consul Lee for the United
States, Mr. Calhoun being designated as special counsel to conduct
the case in behalf of this country. The latter arrived in Havana in
May, 1897, and remained for several weeks assisting in the investiga-
tion. The Spanish authorities claimed that Ruiz committed suicide
by butting his head against the iron door of his cell, causing a fatal
attack of congestion of the brain, but their contention was by no
means sustained, and the Spanish government finally made an award
in favor of the widow and children of the deceased, admitting that,
whatever the cause of his death, he had been imprisoned contrary to
the terms of the existing treaty between the two countries. But
before the award was paid, the Maine was blown up. the Spanish-
American war ensued, and the unfortunate family of Ruiz never
recovered anything.
Upon his return from Cuba Mr. Calhoun was tendered the posi-
tion of comptroller of the currency, but declined the office and re-
turned to the practice of his profession. In May, 1898, he accepted
a membership on the Interstate Commerce Commission, to succeed
William R. Morrison, whose term had expired.' He remained in this
position of national responsibility until October, 1899, when he re-
signed to establish himself in Chicago.
When Mr. Calhoun became a resident of this city he associated
himself in the firm of Pam, Calhoun and Glennon, which was later
changed to Calhoun, Lyford and Sheean. Besides his private practice
in this connection he has been appointed legal representative of a num-
ber of railroad companies and other corporations. He is now acting
as western counsel for the B.Tltimore & Ohio Railroad Company and
engaged in the general practice of his profession. Since coming to
Chicago he has joined such well known clubs as the Chicago, Union
League, Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia and Exmoor.
William J. Calhoun was united in marriage to Miss Alice D.
Harmon, of Danville, who died August 17, 1898. Two children were
born to them: Marian, who married Philip C. Stanwood, of Boston,
and Corinne, who became the wife of W. H. Gray, Jr., also of that
city, where both the daughters reside. In December, 1904, Mr. Cal-
houn married as his second wife Miss Lucy Monroe, of Chicago, n
lady well known in the literary and social circles of the city.
The family homestead of the Ashcrafts was very near the coun-
try covered by the initial operations of the Army of the Potomac and
the Civil war, and several of them fought among the
Union ranks. Echvin M. Ashcraft, the Chicago law-
Edwin M.
yer who has become so favorably known through
his two decades of practice here, was born on a farm near Clarks-
burg, Harrison county. West Virginia (then Virginia), on the 27th
of August, 1848. He is the eldest of the family of two sons and
two daughters, born to James M. and Clarissa (Swiger) Ashcraft,
and received his early education in the public schools of his native
locality and at the Wheeling University. Subsequently he studied
at the State University, at Normal, Illinois, and during 1867-9 taught
school, devoting his leisure hours to the study of law.
In January, 1873, Mr. Ashcraft passed his examination before the
supreme court of the state sitting at Springfield, was thus admitted
to practice at the Illinois bar, and at once opened an office at Van-
dalia, Fayette county, that state. His success was so prompt and
decisive that before the end of the year he had been elected prosecut-
ing attorney of the county, creditably performing the duties of that
office for three years. During that period his reputation became so
firmly fixed and materially expanded that in 1876 he was put forward
by the Republicans as their nominee for Congress from ilic sixteenth
district. Although unsuccessful in the campaign, his great popularity
was demonstrated in that he reduced the normal Democratic majority
from five thousand to fourteen hundred. His opponent in the contest
was W. A. J. Sparks, who served as land commissioner under Presi-
dent Cleveland.
Mr. Ashcraft continued in the prosecution of a growing practice
at Vandalia until 1887, in April of that year removing to Chicago and
associating himself with Thomas and Josiah Cratty, under the firm
name of Cratty Brothers and Ashcraft. On June i, 1891, he with-
drew from that partnership and formed the firm of Ashcraft and Gor-
don. In 1900 he associated himself in practice with his sons, Raymond
M. Ashcraft and Edwin M. Ashcraft, Jr., adopting the firm name of
Ashcraft and Ashcraft. Both before and after coming to Chicago
the senior Ashcraft has been recognized as one of the strongest trial
lawyers in the state, and his standing has been such that for years he
has been able to refuse those cases which do not appeal to his sense
of justice. He is a leading member of the Illinois State Bar Associa-
tion, has served as president of the Chicago Bar Association, and is
generally honored both for his worth as an attorney and a man.
On March 16, 1875, Mr. Ashcraft was married to Miss Florence
R. Moore, daughter of Risden Moore, of Belleville, Illinois, by whom
he has had the following children: Raymond M., Edwin M., Jr.,
Florence V., and Alan E. Although a member of the Hamilton and
the Union League clubs, Mr. Ashcraft is domestic in his tastes and
finds his truest happiness in the home circle. He is not a member of
any church, but contributes Jiberally to approved works of charity
and benevolence. Whether considered as lawyer or man he is straight-
forward, fair minded and forceful.
Raymond M. Ashcraft, member of the law firm of Ashcraft and
Ashcraft, is a native of Vandalia, Fayette county, Illinois, born on
the 9th of January, 1876. He is the son of Edwin
Raymond M. ^j ^^^^ Florence R. (Moore) Ashcraft. The prac-
tice of the firm is of a general nature and substantial
Raymond M. Ashcraft received his primary education in the Van-
\<il. 11—13
dalia schools, in 1884-6, and through the pubhc system of Chicago
during 1887-92. After pursuing a higher course at the Chicago
Manual Training School from 1892 to 1894, he commenced the sys-
tematic study of the law at the Northwestern University, from which
he was graduated in 1897 with the degree of LL. -B. In the follow-
ing year he took a post graduate course at Lake Forest University,
receiving a similar degree from that university; so that he has laid
a solid groundwork for his professional future.
In the employ of the firm of Ashcraft and Gordon from 1894 to
1900, being admitted to practice in June, 1897, and since 1900 has
been associated with his father as a partner. He is a Republican in
politics, a member of the Chicago Bar Association and of the Delta
Chi collegiate fraternity,, and in his religious convictions is a Presby-
terian. He was married at Chicago, August 3, 1901, to Miss Char-
leta Peck, and has one daughter, Charleta Jane, born December 8,
1906. Mrs. Ashcraft is a daughter of Charles Peck, one of the
founders of the Academy of Design and a well known artist of early
Chicago. Mr. Ashcraft's resides in Chicago.
E. M. Ashcraft," Jr., who has been a member of the above firm
since 1900, was born at Vandalia, Illinois, September 21, 1877. He
was a pupil in the Vandalia schools during 1884-86,
. ■ then in the Chicago public schools until 1892. and
Ashcraft, Jr. , , , „ . ^, ^ , ^. ,
tor the lollowmg three years was a student m the
Chicago Manual Training School. In 1900 he was graduated with
the degree of LL. B. from the law department of the University of
Michigan. He had been admitted to the bar in the preceding October,
1899, and since entering the firm with his father and brother has
met with gratifying professional advancement. Mr. Ashcraft mar-
ried in Chicago, October 9, 1903, Miss Anna L. Strawbridge, and
their son, now two years old, is E. M. Ashcraft III. Mr. Ashcraft
is a Republican and a member of the Delta Chi fraternity.
Nowhere is the value of thorough preparation in professional
life more evident than in the domain of the law ; in the legal field the
university is a vital necessity, if the young man rea-
yr ' sonably hopes to reach the plane of a broad practice,
to get beyond the small courts and the region of
pettifogging. "Be sure you're right; then go ahead," is a maxim
which need not alone be posted in business houses. Hurry, feverish
haste without for.ethought, is fatal to the lawyer as well as to the
Still a young- man, Harry Perkins Weber prepared himself
with patience and thoroughness before he ventured into the activities
of his profession, with the result that in the few years of his actual
practice he has made noticeable strides toward eminence. A native
of Kingston, Adams county, Illinois, where he was born November
9, 1869, he is a son of John and Rose (Perkins) Weber. The father
was born in St. Louis, Missouri, and now, at the age of sixty-five
years, resides at Barry, Pike county, Illinois, where he is engaged in
the banking business. The mother, a native also of Kingston, Illinois,
is sixty years of age. From tlie public schools of his home town the
son under review passed into the Illinois State Normal University,
entering- the high school department, from which he graduated in
Mr. Weber's legal education commenced in the Columbian Law
School, Washington, D. C, from which in 1893 he received the
degree of LL. B., and in the following year that of LL. ]\I. Not
yet satisfied with his professional training, he entered in the fall
of 1894 the Harvard University Law School, pursuing at the same
time supplementary courses in the academic department, and taking
the degree of LL. B. in 1897. He had already obtained a broadening
experience in the official hfe of the national capital as private secretary
to the First Comptroller of the United States Treasury, holding that
position from 1 89 1-4. In 1896 he came to Chicago, and until July,
1808, was a member of the firm of Catlin, Moulton and Weber.
It should be stated that Mr. Weber was admitted to practice
by the supreme court of the District of Columbia in 1894. and
by the state supreme court in Illinois in 1895. In the sum-
mer of 1898 Mr. Weber went to Honolulu, H. I., and for about a
year was engaged in practice there under the firm name of Monsarrat
and Weber, and in 1899 became Assistant Attorney General of the
Hawaiian Islands. Returning to Chicago he again became a resi-
dent of the city in the winter of 1899- 1900, and since 1901 has been
a member of the well known firm of Shope. Mathis. Zane and Weber,
recently reorganized under the firm name of Shope, Zane, Busby and
Mr. Weber's education and experience have admirably fitted him
for general practice, which he has followed to a large extent, although
he has perhaps obtained his strongest standing in the specialty ot
municipal and corporate securities, and in this line he ranks as one of
the leading bond attorneys in the United States. He has been identified
with some of the most important litigation of late years at the Chi-
cago bar, illustrated by such cases as The City of Chicago vs. The
State Board of Equalization, Elkins vs. The City of Chicago, the
Ninety-nine Year Traction Litigation and the $75,000,000 Street
Railway Certificates Case. By the consideration of these facts at this
point it will be realized how rapid and substantial has been his pro-
fessional progress. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association,
as weh as of the Law, University, Harvard (Chicago), Quadrangle
and Lake Zurich Golf clubs.
No lawyer at the Chicago bar is generally acknowledged to have
a more ready and sound judgment in broad and intricate matters of
civil jurisprudence than John Jacob Herrick, senior
-rr member of the firm of Herrick, Allen, Boyesen and
Martin. His knowledge of the law is remarkable
both for its comprehensiveness and accuracy, and in its application he
is earnest, concise, logical and forceful ; which accounts in large meas-
ure for the high and substantial nature of his professional standing.
Mr. Herrick is Illinois-born, being a native of Hillsboro, Mont-
gomery county, where he commenced this life on, the 25th of May,
1845. He is the son of Dr. William B. and Martha (Seward) Her-
rick, and in early youth was brought by his parents to Chicago. His
father was one of the most widely known and honored physicians irr
the city, and was especially influential in furthering the cause of
medical education in this locality. He was surgeon of a regiment of
Illinois volunteers during the Mexican war, and on his return became
one of the first professors of Rush Medical College, for many years
being an eminent occupant of its chair of anatomy and materia
medica. Dr. Herrick was also the first president of the Illinois State
Medical Society. He was prominent not only in medical and scientific
circles, but in civic affairs and social life. But the toil, hardships and
exposures of campaign life had left their effect upon his system, and,
in 1857, on account of failing health he was compelled to have recourse
to the healthful atmosphere of his native Maine forests.
The Herricks are of an old English family, whose seat for many
fT-T r
generations was in Leicestersliire, and descendants of whom are still
numbered among its residents. After the war of the Revolution
Jacob Herrick, the great-grandfather of John J., who was a lieutenant
in that struggle, settled in Durham, Maine, and there became a Con-
gregational minister. The grandfather and the father wertjjoth na-
tives of that town. The maternal family of Sewards were early
pioneers of Illinois. John B. Seward, grandfather, was a native of
Nev\f Jersey, and settled in Montgomery county at an early day.
John J. Herrick, descended from stanch pioneers of the east and
the west, began the serious work of his education when he came with
his parents to Chicago, where he attended both the public and the pri-
vate schools, but at the age of twelve years he accompanied his parents
on their removal to Maine. From 1857 until 1862 he continued his
studies in the academy at Lewiston Falls, that state, where he pre-
pared himself for college. In tlie latter year he entered Bowdoin Col-
lege, from which he was graduated in 1866 with the degree of Bach-
elor of Arts.
Having accjuired a thorough education in the quiet atmosphere of
the east, his energetic and ambitious nature turned toward the west
as the great field for advancement. Chicago was naturally his choice,
as the typical faith in her future had already been roused in him even
as a boy, and he has since closely and proudly followed her history
and progress. Returning to Chicago in the winter of 1866-7, ^"^^ s^"
cured a position as teacher in the public schools of Hyde Park, wdiich
at that time was a separate corporation. While thus engaged in edu-
cational work he commenced the study of law and at the close of his
school year was matriculated in the Law School of the Old Chicago
University, now the Union College of Law, besides entering the of-
fice of Higgins, Sweet and Quigg as a student. In the spring of 1868
he was graduated as valedictorian of his class, but continued with that
firm until 1871, when (just before the fire) he commenced an inde-
pendent practice.
From 1 87 1 until 1878 Mr. Herrick continued a practice alone,
which continually increased in lucrativeness and honorable distinc-
tion. From the very outset his thoroughness of preparation in what-
ever litigation was entrusted to him inspired that confidence in him-
self which was infectious and an assurance of success. Among the
important cases of this period which he conducted were those grow-
ing out of the failure of the firm of John B. Lyon & Co. in 1872, with
their suspension from the Board of Trade, and those based upon the
alleged fraudulent election of Michael Evans and others to the South
Town offices, and their ouster from office in 1876. By 1878 Mr. Her-
rick's standing was of such a character that he was able to form a
partnership with Wirt Dexter, one of the most eminent lawyers in
the country, and in 1880 they were joined by Charles L. Allen under
the firm name of Dexter, Herrick and Allen, an association which
continued until the death of Mr. Dexter in May, 1890. The remain-
ing partners conducted the business until May, 1893, when they re-
ceived I. K. Boyesen, forming the copartnership of Herrick, Allen
and Boyesen, which continued until 1896, when Horace H. Martin
was admitted to form the present firm of Herrick, Allen, Boyesen and
Martin. It is largely due to the wise counsel and the ceaseless pro-
fessional labors of the senior member that the firm has received such
a generous share of the important litigation of the city involving
both private and corporate interests.
Personally Mr. Herrick has been particularly prominent in the
case of Devine vs. The People, which involved the cqnstitutionality of
the law authorizing the county commissioners of Cook county to
issue bonds without authority of popular vote; Barron vs. Burnside,
argued before the supreme court of Iowa and the supreme court of
the United States, involving the validity of the Iowa statute as to
corporations of other states, known as the Domestication Law ; Stevens
vs. Pratt and Kingsbury vs. Sperry (before the supreme court of
IlHnois) and Gross vs. United States Mortgage Company and United
States Mortgage Company vs. Kingsbury (before the United States
supreme court), by which were decided important questions as to the
rights of foreign corporations in Illinois and the construction of the
Illinois statute as to guardians; the cases of the Chicago & North-
western Railroad Company vs. Dey and the State vs. Chicago, Bur-
lington & Quincy Railroad Company, argued before the United States
courts in Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois, and covering broad questions
of constitutional law in their relations to the rights of railroad cor-
porations ; Spalding vs. Preston, embracing new and important points
as to the construction of the Illinois assignment law; also the Taylor
and Storey will cases ; the great legal conflict between Eastern, English
and Chicago interests in the stock yards cases; People vs. Kirk, in-
volving- the constitutionality of the act aulh(M-izin«- the extension of
boulevards over the v^^aters of Lake Michigan, and the rights of ripa-
rian owners under the act; the elevator cases, involving vital questions
■as to the rights and powers of elevator proprietors under the Illinois
constitution and the warehouse act. Hale vs. Hale, in which far
reaching questions as to the jurisdiction of courts of chancery to
authorize sales or leases of trust property not authorized by the trust
instrument were decided ; the important litigation beween the Rock
Island Railroad Company and the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad
Company as to the relative rights of lessor and lessee companies;
Chicago Theological Seminary vs. The People, in the supreme court
of the United States, involving important questions as to the con-
struction and effect of charter exemptions from taxation; Field vs.
Barting, involving new questions as to the right of lot owners to pre-
vent obstructions of light, air, etc., above the public highways; the
protracted and extensive litigation with reference to the Lake Street
Elevated Railroad, in which the principal parties in interest were Wil-
liam Ziegler on the one side and Charles T. Yerkes on the other, and
which involved many important questions as to the rights of mortgage
bondholders and stockholders, and the jurisdiction of state and fed-
eral courts ; the contested will case of Palmer vs. Bradley, in the state
and federal courts ; the litigation as to the rights of the Chicago Tele-
phone Company under its ordinance ; the litigation between the City
of Chicago and the state, and the street railway companies' as to the
rights of the street railway companies, and the recent Fish-Harriman
litigation involving important and far-reaching questions as to the
right of corporations of other states to hold and vote the stock of
Illinois railroad companies.
Mr. Herrick's profession has absorbed the great bulk of his time
and his mental and physical strength so that, had he the inclination,
it would have been injudicious for him to enter politics. As a widely-
read and thoughtful man, however, he has always had firm convic-
tions on all questions of public polity, and has consistently refused
to be bound by family tradition or the party achievements of the
past. He judges both parties and political leaders on the basis of
their utility to the pressing and vital needs of the country. Until
1884 he was a national Republican; in 1884 and 1888 he voted for
Grover Cleveland ; later he advocated a reduction of the tariff on the
line of free trade and civil service reform, and stands now as an Inde-
pendent. Especially in local and municipal affairs he is non-partisan,
judging- both men and measures from the standpoint of public utility.
Mr. Herrick is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, the
Law Institute and the Citizens' Association, as well as of the Univer-
sity, the Chicago Literary and the Chicago clubs. He was married
to Julie T. Dulon June 28, 1883, and they have become the parents
of Clara M., Julie T. and Margaret J. In social life he is a gentle-
man of scholarly tastes and broad general information, arising from
his wide acquaintance with meii and the best literature of all ages.
A man of fine qualities, he is social, tolerant, generous and genial,
and, with his rare fund of knowledge and conversational powers, is
a most agreeable companion.
One of the most reliable and successful practitioners at the Chi-
cago bar, John Thomas Richards, is also among the most widely-
-r ^ known Masons in the state. He is a man of firm
John T. . . , , .,.,..
-p convictions, settled purpose, practical m his aims.
whether as an attorney or man, and has, therefore,
advanced steadily to a high and substantial professional position,
having been effective also in the realization of those projects which
are advanced by good citizens of modern tendencies.
Mr. Richards is a native of Ironton, Lawrence county, Ohio,
born October 13, 185 1, son of Rev. John L. and Margaret (Jones)
Richards, his father being a Congregational clergyman of culture
and faithful service, who died May 30, 1889. His mother survived
her husband until April 3, 1897. When six years of age the boy was
brought by his parents to Rock Island county, Illinois, and subse-
quently was reared on a farm at Big Rock, Kane county, where his
father was engaged in ministerial work. John T. received his edu-
cation in the district schools and at Wheaton (IlUinois) College, as
well as under the careful tutelage of his father and other private in-
structors. The family were in moderate circumstances, and, accept-
ing the situation in the spirit of a man, he sought every form of
honest work, and from the age of fifteen was virtually his own sup-
port. Until he reached the age of nineteen he divided his time be-
tween agricultural labors and efforts to obtain the greatest amount of
schooling possible, after which, for a year, he worked for the Joliet
Iron and Steel Company and in Jnly. iNjj. became a resident of
Mr. Richards introduced himself to the people of Chicago as a
clerk in the general store of Beers Brothers, and in September, 1873.
entered the law office of William Law, Jr., as a student, remaining
there for about a year. He completed his studies with Robert L.
Tatham and Edward Crane. On the 17th of September, 1875, 1^^
was admitted to the bar upon examination before the supreme court
of Illinois, and since then has been in general practice in the state
and federal courts. In 1887 he formed a partnership with Clark B.
Samson, now deceased, under the iirm name of Richards and Sam-
son, the connection continuing for about one year, after which, until
1895, he practiced alone. In that year Mr. Richards was joined by
Keene H. Addington, who had been a clerk in his office for some
five years. This partnership continued but a short time, and since
its dissolution he has conducted an independent professional business.
Mr. Richards has been for years one of the busy lawyers of Chi-
cago, and among the numerous and interesting cases which he has
conducted to a favorable conclusion it is difficult to specialize. Two,
however, of comparatively recent decision may be adduced as illus-
trative of the far-reaching litigation which, through his persistency
and ability, have established important principles of law by the adju-
dication of the higher courts. The case of Crandall versus Sorg,
reported in 198 Illinois, was argued by Mr. Richards in the supreme
court of Illinois, which reversed the decisions of the appellate and
circuit courts, and for the first time in the history of that tribunal
held that, when the owner of land leases it and, by the same instru-
ment, requires his tenant to make improvements thereon, the prop-
erty is thereby subjected to a mechanics' lien in favor of the con-
tractor and material man. whose labor and material have entered
into the construction of the improvements.
In the case of the estate of Smythe versus Evans (Illinois Reports
209. page 376) the appellant was represented by Mr. Richards and
the state supreme court again reversed the decisions of the circuit
and appellate courts, and for the first time promulgated several im-
portant legal principles which are now in force in the courts of Illi-
nois. These and other cases which might be mentionel indicate the
persistent and able way in which he follows the litigation entrusted t<>
him into the higher courts, and remains faithfully with the interests
of his clients until the rendition of a final decision.
Mr. Richards is a leading member of the Chicago Bar Associa-
tion and has served as chairman of its grievance committee, as well
as its vice president. He is also a member of the American Bar
Association. Being an active Republican, he is prominently identi-
fied with the Hamilton and Union League clubs, being at one time
vice president of the former organization. It is as a Mason, how-
ever, that he is best known outside of his professional life, his identi-
fication with the fraternity dating from Deceipber 6, 1878, when he
was made a Master Mason in Dearborn Lodge No. 310, of Chicago,
with which he still affiliates. In 1882 he received the Royal Arch
degrees in Wiley M. Egan Chapter No. 126, while his further ad-
vancement in the order is shown in his having attained membership
in Siloam Council No. 53, R. and S. M. ; Chicago Commandery No.
19, K. T., and Oriental Consistory and Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
He has been identified with the Knights Templar since July 24,
1882, while his consistory degrees were passed April 21, 1892. He
has passed all the chairs of the Dearborn lodge, was prelate of Chi-
cago Commandery in 1883, held a similar preferment two years in
Chevalier Bayard Commandery (1887-88) with which he became
affiliated in 1887, and was generalissimo of the latter in 1889. In
1890 he was honored with the office of eminent commander of Chev-
alier Bayard Commandery.
On March 21, 1888, Mr. Richards was married to Miss Lucy
Keene, daughter of the late N. B. Keene, of New Orleans. The
mother of Mrs. Richards is still living. She was born in Baltimore,
Maryland, the daughter of Captain John Martin, an extensive ship
owner of that city. The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Richards
are Keene, Lucile and Lillian.
In the selection of their counsel the great financial institutions
of the country employ the utmost caution and careful judgment, the
. requisites for such identification being substantial
TT ' leoal abilitv, absolute rectitude of character and a
broad experience of the world and men. All of
these qualities are found in the personality of James Calhoun Hutch-
ins, general attorney for the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank. He
was born in Chicago on the 15th of December, 1858, son of James
Cass and Martha C. (PhilHps) Hutchins.
After obtaining a prehminary education in the city schools, Mr.
Hutchins entered the Union College of Law (Northwestern Univer-
sity Law School), from which he graduated in 1879 with his pro-
fessional degree of LL. B. In the following year he commenced
practice in Chicago, and in 1895 was appointed to his present posi-
tion with the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank. He is also a director
of the bank.
Mr. Hutchins' wife, to whom he was married at Lake Geneva,
Wisconsin, in 1884, was formerly Miss Agnes L. Potter, and the
children born to them have been James Cadwell, Edward Potter and
John Mitchell. Mr. Hutchins is sociable and popular, and. aside
from his identification with the Chicago Bar Association, is a mem-
ber of the Union League, Chicago, University, Mid-Day and Midlo-
thian clubs.
Harrison Musgrave, a practitioner at the Chicago bar for nearly
a quarter of a century, is a native of Charlotte, Michigan, born
October 28, i860, a son of Joseph and Miranda
,^ (Pancoast) Musgrave. The father was once pres-
ident of the First National Bank of that city, a po-
sition he occupied as early as 1879. The mother, who was a native
of Ohio, died in Chicago in 1895. Harrison Musgrave was pri-
marily educated in the public schools of Charlotte, and in 1876-77
attended the Olivet (Michigan) College, completing a very thorough
literary training at the University of Michigan during 1878-80. This
was followed by two-years of business in his home city, and in 1883
he realized a long-cherished ambition, ever growing in strength, by
his entrance to the Columbian University Law School, Washington,
D. C, from which he was graduated in 1884 with the degree of
LL. D. It will be seen that Mr. Musgrave's preparation was broad
and thorough, but at the same time especially fitted to give him effi-
ciency in those qualities required of one who was to occupy the pro-
fessional field in which he has become prominent.
After his graduation from the Columbian University Law School,
Mr. Musgrave came at once to Chicago. He was admitted to the
Illinois bar in 1885, and in 1889 became a member of the firm of
Flower, Smith and Musgrave. It remained under this style until
October i, 1902, when it was changed to Musgrave, Vroman and
Lee, which now conducts a large corporation and commercial busi-
ness, and, besides the senior partner, is composed of Charles E. Vro-
man, long a prominent Wisconsin lawyer; James G. Gascoigne and
John H. S. Lee.
As might be intimated, Mr. Musgrave's popularity and high
standing are forcibly told by his prominence in several of the pro-
fessional associations with which he is connected. He was president
of the Illinois State Bar Association in 1906-7; vice president of the
Chicago Bar Association in 1904-5, and member of the board of
managers for six years ; president, also, of the Law Club of Chicago
in 1901-2. He has a substantial standing among the members of
the national organization, the American Bar Association, and stands
firmly as a highly-respected and broad-minded representative of an
honorable and liberal profession. In his fraternal affiliations he is
connected with the Psi Upsilon, and his club life centers in the Chi-
cago, University, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle and Lake Zurich
Golf organizations. He supports Republican principles, but is neither
a partisan nor a politician, both disposition and opportunity prevent-
ing him from assuming either character.
On the 7th of November, 1889, Mr. Musgrave was united in 'mar-
riage with Miss Meta D. Kimberly, the ceremony occurring at Sagi-
naw, Michigan, of which state his wife is a native. One son, Harri-
son Musgrave, Jr., has been born of their union.
Silas Hardy Strawn, junior member of the law firm of Winston,
Payne and Strawn, is a son of the state in which he has made a sub-
stantial reputation, being born on a farm near Ot-
„ ■ tawa, Illinois, on the i^th of December, 1866. He
Strawn. ' , ' , ^ , . , 1 1 ■ t
graduated from the Ottawa high school m June,
1885, and then engaged in teaching for two years, after which he
read law in the office of Bull and Strawn of that city. Mr. Strawn
passed his examination for admission to the bar on May 22, 1889,
and practiced in LaSalle county for the succeeding two years. He
became a resident of Chicago in September, 1891, and until the fol-
lowing April was in the employ of the law 'firm of Weigley, Bulkley
and Gray. He was a clerk for Winston and Meagher until Sep-
tember I, 1894, when he was admitted to partnership. This associa-
tion continued until January i, 1902, when Mr. Meagher retired from
T^c d.£>v,s FU^
(^-^^^^i:::^2^Z^t.---t--T,.^ ^^
the firm, and its style became Winston, Strawn and Shaw, which, by
the admission of Judge John Barton Payne, October i, 1903. be-
came Winston, Payne and Strawn, and later Winston, Payne, Strawn
and Shaw.
Although the business of the firm is general, it is largely corpora-
tion practice and conducted in the higher courts, Mr. Strawn has
argued many important cases in the Illinois courts of last resort and
the supreme court of the United States. He is an active member of
the American Bar Association, the Illinois Bar Association and the
two local organizations, the Chicago Bar Association and the Chi-
cago Law Club. As an additional indication of the range of his ac-
tivities it should be stated that he is a director of and counsel for
several corporations. He is a member of the Union League, Mid-
Day, Midlothian Country, Glen View, South Shore Country and Ex-
moor Country clubs. On June 22, 1897, Mr. Strawn married Miss
Margaret Stewart, at her home in Binghamton, New York, and
the two children of this union are Margaret Stewart and Katherine
Stewart Strawn.
Adams Augustus Goodrich has earned a distinguished place at
the bar and on the bench of the state of Illinois. It is forcibly illus-
trative of his legal solidity and versatility that he
^ ■ should have made a high record as a private prac-
GOODRICH. . . . * . , ,
titioner, a prosecutmg attorney for the state, and a
learned, impartial jurist. A brief analysis of his most marked traits
of character is explanatory of his unusual measure of success. While
keen and logical, earnest and eloquent, he is also careful in the devel-
opment of his legal plans and has the faculty, strongly natural and
persistently trained, of piercing to the foundation principles of any
contention. Being thus firmly grounded, the details naturally ar-
range themselves and the mind is left clear and positive to work along-
definite lines of thought. Thus it is that Mr. Goodrich, whether as
private practitioner, prosecutor or judge, always had his case firmly
in hand, and could never be diverted to side issues, which has beeai
the prime secret of his great legal strength and success.
Mr. Goodrich is a native of Illinois, born on the 8th of January,
1849, tl^^ ^^^^ o^ Henry O. and Jane A. Goodrich, and is a representa-
tive of one of the pioneer families of the state, his father having
located in Jersey county in 1839. The boy was educated in the pul)-
lie schools of Jerseyville until he was sixteen years of age, when,
through the appointment of his uncle, A. L. Knapp (then an Illinois
congressman), he entered the West Point Military Academy, and for
three years and a half received the benefits of its course. But ill
health compelled him to resign his cadetship, and for two years there-
after he traveled in the west seeking and securing a restoration of
health. Returning to his native town he commenced his legal stud-
ies in the office of his uncle, Robert M. Knapp, and continued them
with Hon. A. L. Knapp, of Springfield. Afterward he married a
cousin, Miss Jane A. Knapp, and altogether he is largely responsible
for his start in life and his subsequent happiness to his maternal
Upon examination by the supreme court at the capital Judge
Goodrich was admitted to the bar in 1873, ^^^ ^.t once opened an
office at Jerseyville. He soon became politically active and influen-
tial and in 1878, 1880 and 1884 was elected by the Democracy as
state's attorney of Jersey county, resigning that position in October,
1887, in view of his coming elevation to the bench of the county
court. From one of many facts which might be recorded it is evi-
dent that his record as county judge is extremely creditable, for dur-
mg his incumbency Judge Richard Prendergast called upon him to
assist in disposing of pressing matters which had glutted the dockets
of the Cook county court. It was by thus rendering highly appre-
ciated services and coming into such intimate and pleasant relations
with the bench and bar of the metropolis that Judge Goodrich was
strongly attracted to Chicago, finally making it his home in August,
1889. He has since practiced here with unvarying advancement in
reputation and substantial rewards. As senior member of the firm
of Goodrich, Vincent and Bradley, he is widely known as an honor-
able and successful general practitioner, and he is also recognized as
one of the most liberal and far-seeing promoters of higher education
in the state. From 1895 to 1900 he was especially identified with
the Northern Illinois Normal School. In the former year Governor
Altgeld appointed him one of the five trustees to locate, establish and
build the school. Its site was fixed at DeKalb; Judge Goodrich was
elected president of the first board of trustees in 1895, and re-elected
as a member of the board for the term ending 1900.
Judge Goodrich has a wide and influential connection with the
historic fraternities, being a Knight Templar Mason and a member
of long and good standing with the Independent Order of Odd Fel-
lows and the Knights of Pythias. He is also identified with the Chi-
cago Athletic, the Iroquois and the Washington Park clubs.
Edward Fisk Gorton is well known both as an able lawyer and as
being one of the most progressive and satisfactory mayors who ever
presided over the affairs of any of Chicago's grow-
^ * ing and cultured suburbs. He is a native of Ashta-
bula, Ohio, born May 6, 1854, the son of Anson
and Ellen (Fisk) Gorton. His father was a Canadian, of Toronto,
and died in Lake Forest, Illinois, July 4, 1897, at the age of seventy-
two years. During the active years of his business life the elder
Gorton was engaged in the express business, first with the Adams
and later with the Wells- Fargo companies. Mr. Gorton's mother
was born at Ashtabula, Ohio, and died there May 7, 1854.
This is a branch of the Gorton family that was founded in Amer-
ica by the non-conformist Samuel Gorton in 1636. Coming to the
new world to enjoy religious freedom, he was imprisoned in Boston
for heretical teaching, and finally took refuge in Rhode Island, where
he associated with Roger Williams. In 1643 ^^^ ^^"^d his followers
were led to Boston, tried as "damnable heretics" and sentenced to
hard labor in arms. His claim to land on the west side of Narra-
gansett bay was finally confirmed and he spent his remaining years
in comparative c[uiet, recognized as the founder and head of a re-
ligious sect that endured a hundred years. His descendants now
number some ten thousand, including many prominent figures both
in church and state.
The preparatory steps for the professional education of Edward
F. Gorton were taken in the schools of Rochester. In November,
1872, he became a resident of Chicago, and in 1874 entered the
Union College of Law, from which he was graduated on the 9th of
June. 1876. In his class were such men as Hempstead Washburne,
William B. Conger, Adrian Honore, David L. Zook, Judge \\'ing,-
Arnold Heap and Wallace DeWolf ; he had good company, but none
of his associates has made a more substantial reputation both as a
lawyer and man of affairs than Mr. Gorton. Admitted to the bar on
June 9, 1876, he first formed a partnership with William P. Conger,
Due of his class-mates, under the firm name of Conger and Gorton.
This harmonious and mutually advantageous connection continued
until Mr. Conger's death in February, 1887. His association v/ith
Walker Blaine, son of the great Maine statesman, also endured until
the death of the latter in 1889. Since that year Mr, Gorton has been
engaged in a constantly growing independent practice, which has
been both profitable and reputation-building. Although his profes-
sional career has been extended along general lines, he is known as
an especially thorough and astute real estate lawyer.
In politics, Mr. Gorton is a Republican, and well served his party,
as well as established an individual reputation in the independent and
business-like performance of his duties as mayor of Lake Forest
from 1895 to 1902. Under his administrations the already beautiful
little city underwent many important improvements, and had he con-
sented Mr. Gorton could undoubtedly have had a life tenure of office.
His years of residence at Lake Forest covered the period from 1892
to 1906, prior to the former year his home being in Hyde Park.
In 1906 he transferred his home to near Geneva, Kane county, Illi-
nois, where he now enjoys all the invigorating influences of country
life, and in his beautiful residence there retains all the culture of the
city. Since his admission to the bar in 1876 he has had his law
office in Chicago, although gravitating more and more beyond the
wear of the city in the fixing and development of his domestic and
social activities. It is such men who are of the wearing and expan-
sive kind. Mr. Gorton's wife was formerly Miss Fannie L. Whitney,
to whom he was married June 9, 1879:
Senior member of the widely-known firm of Cratty Brothers and
Jarvis, Thomas Cratty is one of the most forceful members of the
Chicago bar, and for years has been credited with
^ standing- in the front rank of jury lawyers. The
Cratty. , . . ^ . , . . , , . , , , . ,
elasticity ot his mmd, his keen faculties of percep-
tion and analysis, and his mastery of the principles of the common
law have made him a remarkably striking and successful advocate.
If there is a close legal point involved in any issue his examination of
authorities bearing upon it is exhaustive. With a thorough knowl-
edge of the case in all its bearings and unerring and ready application
of the principles of the law, his addresses before court and jury are
necessarily models of clearness and convincing logic. Quick to per-
ceive and guard the weak phases of his own case, he never fails to
assault his adversary at the point where his armor is defective. In
a word, Mr. Cratty has developed to quite a remarkable des^ree the
necessary talent of the modern court lawyer, to think and act both
quickly and powerfully "on his feet."
Mr. Cratty is a native of Champaign county, Ohio, and of Irisii
lineage, his great-grandfather having emigrated from the north of
Ireland to Pennsylvania in the year 1760. Representatives of the
family were prominent factors in the public life of the Keystone
state, and the grandfather, a native of Franklin county, Pennsylvania,
was a Revolutionary soldier. William Cratty, the father, was born
in Butler county, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1805, but in 18 14 removed
to Ohio, and in April, 1826, was united in marriage to Miss Candis
Bennett, a native of Rhode Island, who was herself 1)fn-n on Christ-
mas day of 1805. William Cratty was so pronounced an anti-slavery
man that it is said his enemies once fixed a price upon his body, dead
or alive, if delivered south of the Allegheny river. For many years
he was an energetic and industrious farmer, but spent his last years
in a well-earned retirement from labor, his death occurring in 1897.
His wife passed away January 27, 1875. The deceased were es-
teemed members of the Presbyterian church, of kindly and noble
character, and were the parents of four sons and eight daughters.
Thomas Cratty spent his boyhood days on the home farm, and,
although he snatched his education from the labors attendant upon
such a life, he was so strong mentally, as well as physically, that he
was qualified to teach at an early age. He was thus engaged as a
frontier teacher until the fall of 1854, when he went south with the
dual purpose of obtaining recreation and of studying the institution
of slavery. This personal observation determined his opposition to
it, and he joined the new Republican party. In 1856 he resumed
farming, but the loss of his property in i860 forced him to abandon
that occupation and led him to undertake his long-cherished plan
of becoming a lawyer.
Leaving behind him forever the old familv homestead. Mr. Cratty
came to Chicago and at once entered the Chicago Law School, from
which he was graduated with honors in 1861. During this period
he lived in a little rented room, and was his own housekeeper. He
had no money to pay his tuition, and to his professor gave his note
which was to be paid out of his first lawyer's fees. In spite of these
Vol. 11—14
drawbacks he ranked high as a student, and was always cheerful and
confident of the future.
With one volume constituting his library, Mr. Cratty opened his
first law office in Elmwood, Peoria county, Illinois, but, although the
road to success was rough and discouraging, he had been inured to
hard labor from childhood, and with intelligently directed industry
and persistency fought his way to eminence. In the fall of 1863 he
removed to Peoria, where he entered into partnership with Hon. W.
W. O'Brien, with whom he was associated for three years. In Janu-
ary, 1872, was organized the firm of Cratty Brothers, of Peoria,
its junior member being Josiah Cratty, who was admitted to the bar
in that year. They developed such a large and profitable business
that the senior member determined to seek even a broader field in
Chicago. Mr. O'Brien had preceded him thither, and on May i,
1880, they again formed a partnership under the firm name of O'Brien
and Cratty.- After five months in this connection, Mr. Cratty became
a member of the firm of Tenney, Flower and Cratty, which was dis-
solved May I, 1882, and for a time the junior was alone in business.
Subsequently he was a member of the firms of Cratty Brothers,
Jarvis and Cleveland (1884), Cratty, Jarvis and Cleveland, and
Cratty Brothers, Jarvis and Latimer. Of the last named he was the:
senior member, and it included, besides his brother Josiah, William
B. Jarvis and W. D. Latimer. The legal business of the firm was
largely devoted to corporation law.
Thomas Cratty has been connected with several important busi-
ness interests outside his profession. From 1871 to 1873 he was
associated with Leslie Robinson in the publication of the Peoria Re-
viezv, a daily, weekly and tri-weekly Republican newspaper, which
in the campaign of 1872, supported Horace Greeley for the presidency.
The plant also comprised an extensive steam job office, and blank
book manufactory and bindery, but on account of the too heavy de-
mands upon his time, Mr. Cratty was obliged to dispose of his in-
terest in the enterprise. He has also been financially interested in the
Elmwood Paper Manufacturing Company, the Chamber of Com-
merce Association of that city and the Merchants' Exchange, and
actively promoted the Peoria public library. At an earlier day he
assisted in organizing the teachers' institute of Knox county, and
while a busy and prosperous practitioner in Peoria was law lecturer
for several years in Cole's Commercial College.
Mr. Cratty has been a life-long Republican, although giving the
liberal movement within the party headed by Horace Greeley and
Charles Sumner, his hearty and influential support. He was one of
the organizers of the Washington Park Club, of Chicago, in 1883,
and is a member of the Union League, Marquette, Irish-American
and Veteran Union clubs. He is also identified with the Peoria Law
Library, the Chicago Bar Association, the State Bar Association, the
Chicago Law Institute and the Chicago Real Estate Board.
J.osiah Cratty, since 1884 one of the leading attorneys of Chicago,
member of the firm of Cratty Brothers and Jarvis, came to Chicago
from Peoria, where he had studied law with his
;; brother, Thomas, and become known for his thor-
CrATTY. , m- 1 11-
ough ability and sound business judgment before
his removal to the city. That the legal ability of America is broad-
ening from the technical limits of the profession and allying itself
more and more with business, was a recent observation of the Eng-
lish ambassador, James Bryce, and Mr. Cratty's success in corpora-
tion law and business organization is a case in verification of the
judgment of that acute student of American affairs. For more than
twenty years Mr. Cratty has given attention to the practice demanded
of the corporation attorney, and has organized many of the largest
corporations in the middle west, in many of which he is an active
director and official. The law firm of which he is a member has spa-
cious offices on the fifteenth floor of the Fort Dearborn building.
Mr., Cratty, who was born in Delaware county, Ohio, August 16,
1846, was a son of William and Candis (Bennett) Cratty, and came
of North Irish stock, the date of the emigration of his great-grand-
father from Ireland to America being 1760. In Pennsylvania the
family took part in public affairs, and the grandfather served in the
Revolutionary war. William Cratty, the father, who was born in
Butler county, Pennsylvania, June 28, 1805, became an Ohio settler
when only nine years old, and in that state married Miss Candis
Bennett in April, 1826. A pronounced anti-slavery man, he was
many years an active worker in connection with the "underground
railroad" when that institution was in its flourishing days, so suc-
cessful in aiding the cause of the abolishing of human slavery in
America. He spent his life as an energetic and industrious farmer,
and was the father of twelve children. His wife died in 1875, and
he survived until 1897. The)^ were both stanch Presbyterians.
Mr. Cratty was reared on a farm in Ohio and Illinois, receiving
a public school education, and when eighteen years old, in 1864, en-
listed in Company L, Fifth New York Cavalry, which regiment com-
posed a part of Custer's Corps. In this command he saw service
in all the battles that were fought up and down the Shenandoah val-
ley in 1864-65, and at the battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864,
was at the point where Sheridan joined his warring forces at the end
of his famous ride from Winchester town. After this fight Mr. Crat-
ty's regiment was Sheridan's body guard. He received his discharge
at Winchester, Virginia, in July, 1865. He was never wounded, bui.
had two horses shot from under him. From the close of the war un-
til he began studying law with his brother in Peoria, he was engaged
in teaching Illinois public scliools. A! successful examination before
the supreme court at Springfield January 6, 1872, allowed him to
begin practice, and his career as a lawyer has been uninterrupted
since that time.
He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, the Illinois Bar-
Association, the City Club, the Chicago Press Club and Oak Park
Club, the Phil Sheridan G. A. R. Post, Chicago Commercial Associa-
tion, the Commercial Law League of America and the Royal Ar-
canum. In politics a Republican, and a member of the Congrega-
tional church. He married in 1875, Miss Libbie M. Earing, who
died in 1887, leaving a son, Paul Jones, and a daughter, Theo Candis.
His present wife, to whom he was married in April, 1892, was Miss
Kate E. Jabine, of Springfield, Illinois._
A native of stirring, progressive Chicago, Joseph E. Bidwill, Jr.,
clerk of the circuit court of Cook county, has the distinction of being
^ the youngest man ever elected to a county office in
Joseph E
p ■ the United States. He was born July i, 1883, in
what is now a part of the Eleventh ward, compos-
ing a portion of the populous west side, which wields so potent an
influence in the civic affairs of Chicago. Joseph E. Bidwill, his
father, is also a native of Chicago, where for years he has been one
of the most substantial m^en on the Board of Trade, and a grain ex-
pert second to none. His long service on the State Grain Inspec-
^Vnyyi ::,+-,v;r,;v
tion Board and his graduation, through all the official positions, to
the rank of chief grain inspector (serving thus from 1901 to 1904)
marks him as master of his great business, and his record is in some
respects without parallel in the history of the trade. He also held
the position of railroad and warehouse commissioner, and has been
for many years a strong factor in municipal, county and state poli-
tics, never shirking his duties as a reliable and working Republican.
In 1896 he served as a delegate to the national convention, and has
long been a stanch member of the Chicago central and Cook county
Republican committees.
Joseph E. Bidwill, Jr., received a thorough education at the St.
Charles parochial school, the Joseph Medill grammar school, from
which he was graduated, St. Ignatius College and the old English
high and manual training school, being graduated from the last
named in 1900. He subsequeutl}^ took a special course at the Lewis
Institute, and, having completed his- school work, enjoyed a valuable
year of legal experience in the office of Winston and Meagher. From
1902 to January, 1906, he was in the employ of the Chicago National
Bank as general clerk and bookkeeper, and until the following fall
was connected with N. W. Harris and Company, bankers. His cour-
tesy and practical business and executive ability, coupled with his
uncompromising and inspiring Republicanism, had already brought
him so favorably to the notice of the leaders of the party that in
June, 1906, he had become its nominee for the position which he
now admirably fills, and to which he was elected on November 6th
by the decisive plurality of 40,000. Socially and fraternally. Mr.
Bidwill is identified with the Hamilton Club, the Illinois Commercial
Men's Association, the Knights of Columbus, Fort Dearborn Club
and Catholic Order of Foresters. In the administration of the af-
fairs of the office he has been most fortunate and successful and in
the chancery department, where the work was two years behind, he
has it brought down to date.
A rising young man of public affairs and at present clerk of the
criminal court, Abram J. Harris, is one of those of foreign birth, but
of Chicago training, who have so truly absorbed
-rj the best spirit of the city and the times. He was
born in Poland on the 15th of September, 1867. at-
tending the schools of his native country until he was eleven years of
age. When he came to Chicago in 1880, he continued his education
in the schools of this city, and as a young man engaged in the real
estate and insurance business. This active hne of work threw him
in contact with the people of his community, and a general recogni-
tion of his popular qualities was soon followed by an acknowledg-
ment of his ability and powers of initiative.
In politics Mr. Harris has always been an unwavering Republi-
can, the official recognition of his party dating from 1897. In that
year Governor Tanner appointed him assistant chief factory inspector,
which position he held until 1902. During that period, until 1901,
he was also a member of the International Factory Inspection Asso- •
ciation, serving that body for two years as vice president and for a
like term as secretary. In 1903 Mr. Harris was honored witli the
nomination for state senator, but failed of election. In 1904, hew-
ever, he was elected to represent his ward (the Ninth) in the city "
•council, and in 1906 was chosen to his present position by the^hand- /
some plurality of 35,000. In the conduct of the affairs of his office
he not only evinces his good business training and executive talents,
but has inaugurated a civil service era, thoroughly believing, as he
does, in the justice as well as good policy of retaining those who, by
length of service and efficiency, are in line for continuous promotion.
Outside of business, politics and the public service, Mr. Harris
is recognized as a suggestive and forcible writer, his subjects being
founded upon experience and therefore treated with the more prac-
tical value. Among other topics which he has treated in a manner
to attract most favorable comment are "The Evil of the Sweat vShop,
and Its Remedy," and the "Abolishment of Child Labor." His so-
cial, fraternal and charitable relations are with the Wiley M. Eagan
Chapter No. 126, A. M., the A. F. and A. M. (Keystone Lodge),
B. P. O. E., National Union, K. of P., B'nai B'rith, I. O. B. A., and
the Order of the Western Star, also the Illinois Athletic and Hamil-
ton clubs. He is also a member of the board of directors of the
Chicago Orphans' Home, and is actively identified with the Associat-
ed Jewish Charities and various other kindred organizations. In
1900 Mr. Harris was united in marriage with Miss Sara S. Benson,
of Indianapolis, Indiana, by whom he has had three children — Arnold
B., Ellenore M. and Lillian Florence. Thus his progressive and
t ijt vitio Lk iL.> « vt^ T
promising career has been rounded out in the way most fitting to the
true American citizen, who, whatever his many activities, is an-
chored to wife, children and home.
Until five years ago one of the most successful criminal lawyers
of Chicago and Cook county was Kickham Scanlan, and he won his
reputation by several notable cases in which he ap-
f, peared as counsel either for the defense or prosecu-
SCANLAN. ^ ^ . . , , ^^ o , ,
tion. it is said that Mr. Scanlan on several occa-
sions took cases that seemed "forlorn hopes" and brought them to ^.
successful issue. His management of evidence, his tact before a jury,
and unusual powers in pleading have often come to notice in the
courts and contributed to a deservedly high reputation in the Chicago
bar. During the last five years, however, he has been engaged al-
most exclusively in the trial of civil cases, acting as attorney for a
number of large corporations. During the time he was sought as
counsel in criminal cases, he was attorney in such famous cases as the
two Cronin trials, the McGarigle case, the Ohio tally-sheet frauds
(in which Allen G. Thurman was associate counsel), and the Milling-
ton poisoning case at Denver.
Mr. Scanlan was born in Chicago October 23, 1864, but the fam-
ily having moved shortly after to Washington, D. C, he attended the
common and high schools of that city, and completed his higher stud-
ies under private tutors and at Notre Dame University, South Bend,
Indiana. In 1882, then eighteen years of age, he came to Chicago
and for three years was in the employ of William P. Rend, the well-
known coal operator. His law studies, begun in 1886, in the office
of Mills and Ingham and at the Chicago College of Law, were com-
pleted by graduation from the latter institution, with honors, in 1889.
He thus had the advantage of thorough theoretical instruction and
the association of two of the most eloquent, versatile and successful
criminal lawyers of the western bar. Almost at once on his admis-
sion to the bar in 1889 he became identified with practice that brought
him into legal prominence.
Mr. Scanlan married, in 1890, Miss Sadie Conway, daughter of
Michael Conway, late fire inspector of Chicago. In social and pri-
vate life Mr. Scanlan is cultured and companionable, and a man of
strength, breadth and sterling character.
A successful corporation lawyer must not only be an alert and
broad member of his profession, but a keen and far-seeing busi-
ness man. His is pre-eminently the domain of prac-
George W. ^.^^j j^^ -^^ which hard fact and solid logic, fertil-
ity of resource and vigor of professional treat-
ment are usually relied upon, rather than ingenious theory and the
graces of oratory. When to these qualities are added the graces of
orator}'-, and the humor, geniality and unfailing courtesy of a gen-
tleman, the main traits have been set forth of the prominent and
popular railroad lawyer. George Washington Kretzinger, LL. D., at
the head of the law firm of Kretzinger, Gallagher, Rooney and Rog-
ers. ' -------
As a railway attorney Mr. Kretzinger is the general' counsel of
the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago' Railway Company and chief
counsel of the Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway Com-
pany; also one of the chief attorneys for the Grand Trunk Railway
System. In 1891 he incorporated the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoe-
nix Railway Company of Arizona. His professional and social life
also embraces a membership in the American and Chicago Bar As-
sociations and the Hamilton, Twentieth Century and other clubs.
He is a strong and valued Republican, but has never been an aspirant
for office or public preferment of any kind.
The salient facts of Mr. Kretzinger's life are that he was born
in Plymouth, Ohio, on the nth of August, 1846, son of Isaac and
Elizabeth (Oglesby) Kretzinger. Before he was fifteen years of
age he commenced his service in the Union army, and served with
bravery throughout the Rebellion. Educated at the Otterbein Uni-
versity, Ohio, which later conferred upon him the degree of LL. D.,
he came to Illinois, studied law, was admitted to the bar and prac-
ticed with Judge R. L. Hannaman of Knoxville, that state, thus con-
tinuing until 1873. In the year named he came to Chicago, where
he made a fine record as a corporation lawyer.
On August 28, 1878, Mr. Kretzinger was united in marriage
with Miss Clara Wilson, and their son, George Wilson Kretzinger,
was born July 9, 1880. The latter attended school at Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee; the University of Chicago, from
which he was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1901 ; after-
ward attended Harvard Colleg-e. which, in June 1904. conferred
upon him the degree of LL. I'... and in August of that year was ad-
mitted to the Massachusetts bar. In December. 1904. he was ad-
mitted to practice before the ilhnois l)ar. and is now engaged in pro-
fessional study and work under the direction of his father.
Mr. Kretzinger's daughter. Chira Josephine, is a younger child,
and a young lady of marked artistic promise. TJic Saturday Even-
ing Herald, of Chicago, in a series of articles on the twentieth annual
exhibition of American artists at the Art Institute, has this to say
of one of Miss Kretzinger's latest productions : "In room 25 there
is a cabinet-sized interior figure subject, The Print Seller, which de-
serves a somewhat detailed notice, principally from the fact that it
will afford to the students of the institute (and that from a young
lady who. too, is still a student) a valuable lesson as to the point at
which the imitation of the texture accessories, or the still-life of a
figure picture, should be arrested. This very mature and interesting
work is by Miss Clara Josephine Kretzinger — interesting because it
was produced by this gifted young artist after she had received only
two years of art instruction, a period which is about one-fourth of
the average time a student has to subject himself or herself to train-
ing. After about five months of tuition a picture of hers was hung
in the Paris Salon, and since then, two more. The Print Seller is
not only excellently painted, but it shows a mastery of composition,
and a feeling for subtleties of color and its orchestration, so to speak.
is admirable — qualities which arc rarely, if e\er. attained until some
years after emancipation from the schools." In the spring of 1908
two more paintings were accepted by the Salon, and upon this she
received honorable mention, which is one of the highest honors con-
ferred l)y the Salon.
One of the most reliable and progressive of the younger members
of the Chicago bar, who stands high in professional ability and as
a man of broad business and financial judgment, is
Leonard A. j ^^^^^^^.^1 Asburv Busbv, of the firm of Shope, Zane,
Busby and Weber, with offices in the Chicago Title
and Trust building. He was born at Jewett, Harrison county, Ohio,
on the 22nd of May, 1869. son of Sheridan and Margaret (Ouigley)
Busby. Of the parer.ts. the lather was a native of Maryland, of
straight English stock, and died at Jewett, Ohio, in 1884, at the age
of sixty-seven years. The mother was a Pennsylvanian by birth, is
of Scotch-Irish descent and is now a resident of Chicago.
Mr. Busby received his primary education in the pubhc schools-
of Jewett and at the age of sixteen commenced to teach in the com-
mon schools of Harrison county. After following this occupation
four years he was enabled to complete his education at the Ohio Wes-
leyan University, Delaware, from which, after pursuing a four-
years' course, he graduated in June, 1894, standing at the head of his
class in scholarship. Coming to Chicago in September of the same
year, Mr. Busby entered the law department of the Northwestern Uni-
versity, where, after a year of hard work, he obtained his=^dSgree of
LL. B. In June of the year of his graduation he was admitted jto
practice at the Illinois bar, and at once entered the law office of Lyman
and Jackson, then the oldest law firm in the city, having been organized
\in 1869.
By December, 1898, Mr. Busby had won his way to a partnership
in the firm, the style becoming Jackson, Busby and Lyman. David
B. Lyman retired from the old firm to become president of the Chi-
cago Title and Trust Company, and his son was taken in as a junior
member. After the death of Huntington W. Jackson, January 3,
1 90 1, the elder Lyman returned to the firm and its style became Ly-
man, Busby and Lyman, which continued until December i, 1906,
when the firm was dissolved by mutual consent. At that time Hon.
Simeon P. Shope, John M. Zane and Harry P. Weber (of the firm
of Shope, Mathis, Zane and Weber), and Mr. Busby formed the pres-
ent partnership of Shope, Zane, Busby and Weber.
Upon the death of Mr. Jackson, Mr. Busby was elected to suc-
ceed him as a life member of the board of trustees of the John Crerar
Library, taking his place on the board as a member of the Administra-
tion Committee. Mr. Jackson showed his absolute trust and confidence
in Mr. Busby by appointing him the sole executor and trustee of his
estate, amounting to half a million dollars, requesting that his executor
be not required to give bond.
Mr. Busby has personally represented a number of large interests
in important litigation during the last few years, and is now an active
and successful practitioner. He drafted the Act and secured the pas-
sage of the law relating to the establishment of free public libraries in
the public parks, and represents the John Crerar Library in the pending
litigation over the right to erect its building in Grant Park on the lake
front. . As counsel for the bondholders he won the famous Fort Wayne
(Indiana) Street Railway suit, which involved the rescue of more
than $1,000,000 of wrongfully converted funds. Mr. Busby also rep-
resented the Bank of Montreal in the suit growing out of the failure
of George H. Phillips; the suit was brought against the bank by the
trustee in bankruptcy and involved the right of the bank to retain over
$300,000 collected by the bank from Phillips immediately prior to
his insolvency. The case was tried before Judge Seaman in the
United States circuit court and decided in favor of the bank.
In 1906 Mr. Busby became counsel for the receiver of the Calu-
met Electric Street Railway Company and in 1907-08 took personal
charge of the work involved in taking the Calumet Company
out of the hands of the receiver, organizing its successor, the Calu-
met and South Chicago Railway Company, and effecting the con-
solidation and merger of the South Chicago City Railway into the
former company. He also represented the new company before the
city council of Chicago in its negotiations for a new twenty-year
franchise, which was granted March 30, 1908, and is now General
Counsel of the consolidated company.
Mr. Busby's practice has covered a wide range. He has a brilHant
record as a trial lawyer and particularly in the defense of personal
injury suits, but his constructive ability, as shown by the various or-
sranizations and reorijanizations with which he has been connected,
has won for him a still higher place in the esteem and confidence of
his clients.
Fraternally, socially and professionally Mr. Busby is widely con-
nected, being a member of the Phi Beta Kappa society, the Phi Delta
Theta fraternity, the Chicago Bar Association (of which he was
treasurer and member of the board of managers for two years), the
Law Club and the Chicago Club. Mr. Busby is a Democrat (^t the
Cleveland stamp, but he has never taken an active part in politics for
the reason that his law practice and business relations have practically
absorbed his entire time and strength to the exclusion of everything
else. He is unmarried, and lives with his mother in Woodlawn.
In the field of general law, as also in his specialty of patent law,
one of the most eminent figures of the Chicago bar during the last
thirty years of the nineteenth century was lesse
P Cox, whose death on September lo, 1902, at the age
of fifty-nine, was felt as a distinct loss to the pro-
fession. He had fairly earned his position in the law, since he had
been for many years not only an earnest student of its general prin-
ciples, but also for his persistent and well-rewarded research into
the details of his specialty. During thirty years of practice in Chi-
cago he was a faithful conserver of all the interests confided to his
care and fine judgment, and perfected a career that deserves a^st-
ing place in the history of the bar. _ >—'^-
With the exception of nine years from 1878 to 1887 his pracirce
was of a general nature, but during those nine years he made a tine
reputation in the specialty of patent law, and continued until his death
to be an authority in this branch of practice. Although he was abso-
lutely devoted to the cause of his client in whatever field he worked,
he never forgot the ethics of his profession or stooped to unworthy
means to gain an advantage. By close study and through his famil-
iarity with a wide range of legal lore, he usually fortified his posi-
tions with so many facts and precedents that only the leading prac-
titioners could successfully cope with him, and he won more than a
majority of the causes he tried.
In his extensive library he had many volumes on the subject of
political economy. Outside of the law, this was his favorite study,
and it became more than a matter of casual interest with him. He
wrote and lectured on many themes connected with the subject, and
his studies of the problems of labor caused his main interest in
politics. -
One of the most important and interesting litigations in which
Mr. Cox was engaged was that of the People ex rel. Hugh Maher
versus Erastus Williams. Judge Williams, an old and respected
member of the bench, had decided a suit against Hugh Maher, who
claimed an eighty-acre tract of valuable land near Riverside, which
he claimed Charles B. Farwell had conveyed to him in payment of a
gambling debt. Farwell claimed that the land had been made over
as part payment of an election bet made between him and Maher on
the election of Lincoln. After the trial Judge Williams refused to
sign a certificate of evidence to the supreme court so that Maher
could take an appeal. The latter then filed a petition in the supreme
court for a writ of mandamus to compel Judge Williams to sign the
certificate, and the writ was granted. Owing to the prominence of
the parties and the peculiar nature of the litigation llie suit attracted
widespread attention. 1liis was the second time in the history of the
state that a judge had been ordered by the supreme court to sign such
a document, and in the other instance the judge resigned rather than
obev the order of the higher court.
Before coming to Chicago Mr. Cox had gained experience and
success as a lawyer in Philadelphia. Born in Burlington, New Jer-
se}^, October 29, 1843, he was reared in Philadelphia, to which city
his parents removed when he was one year old. and received his edu-
cation in private schools and under private instruction. In January,
1862, he commenced his professional studies in the office of George
M. Wharton, a pioneer lawyer of that city. After practicing for
seven years in Philadelphia, he came to Chicago in January, 1873.
In October, 1869, Jesse Cox married Miss Annie Malcom, of Phila-
delphia, a daughter of Rev. Howard Malcom, who was for many
years a prominent minister of the Baptist church, and president of
the Georgetown (Kentucky) College and of the University of Lewis-
burg, Pennsylvania.
For about eight years prior to his death Jesse Cox had as his as-
sociate in practice his son, Arthur Malcom Cox, who is a prominent
lawyer and now a member of the well-known law
Arthur M. ^ r r- i ci 1 r- u 1
„ firm of Caniahan, Slusser and Cox. He was born
in Chicago June 16, 1873, the year of his father's
removal to this city. He attended the Brown and Marciuette ward
schools and in 1892 graduated from the West Division high school.
Soon afterward he commenced the study of his profession in hi'^
father's office, passed an admission examination in the appellate court
in 1894 and continued in practice with the elder Cox until his death
in 1902. He continued his i)ractice alone until May 1. \^)'0J,. when
he became a member of and added his name to the firm of Carnahan,
Slusser, Hawkes and Cox, the i)resent style being assumed on the
retirement of Benjamin C. Hawkes. .\mong the younger members
of the Chicago bar Mr. Cox has already attained a high standing
as a successful practitioner in the field of chancerw In politics Mr.
Cox is a Republican, is a Baptist in his religious affiliations, is a
Master Mason, a member of the Sons of the American Revolution,
and of the Union League, Hamilton and Chicago Yacht clubs, and
the Chicago Bar Association.
Ralph Crews, a rising attorney in the field of corporation law, is
the son of Seth Floyd and Helena Ridgway (Slocum) Crews, his
father, still an active practitioner at the local bar,
P standing for many years in the front rank of the
attorneys and citizens of Mount Vernon, Jefferson
county, Illinois.' In 1876-80 the latter served as statels^-at^omey,
during which period no indictment which he drew was ever quashed.
At the end of his four years' term he declined a re-election. In the
fall of 1882 he was elected a member of the Illinois legislature, serv-
ing the winter of 1882-83. The elder Crews has always been a stal-
wart Republican, and the family for many generations has been
steadfastly attached to the Methodist faith. The family came to
Chicago in 1883, since which time he has been engaged in many cases
which have established his position as a leading trial lawyer.'
Ralph Crews was born at Mount Vernon, Jefferson county, Illi-
nois, on the 29th of March, 1876, and was seven years of age when
the family removed to Chicago. He received his education in the
public and high schools of Hyde Park, graduating from the latter in
the class of 1893. Soon afterward he commenced to study law under
the tutelage of his father, and became a regular student at the Chi-
cago College of Law. Receiving his professional degree from that
institution as a member of the class of 1897, he was admitted to
practice in June of that year, and has since continued as a promising
and progressive member of the profession. His specialty is corpora-
tion law, in which he has already met with creditable success.
In June, 1901, Mr. Crews, was united in marriage with Miss
Elizabeth Stuart Sherman, of Riverside, Illinois, which beautiful
suburb is the family home. They have two daughters, Mary A., and
Elizabeth R. Mr. Crews is a Republican in politics, but has given
his sole and faithful attention to the furtherance of his career as a
lawyer, and has had neither time nor inclination to seek public pre-
ferment. He is an advocate of outdoor sports/ both as a means of
health and recreation, and is a member of the Riverside Golf Club,
which numbers among its supporters some of the most prominent
families in the place. Domestic, sociable, energetic and able, substan-
tial progress and an honorable standing, both as a lawyer and a citi-
zen, are clearly assured him.
Joseph B. Langworthy, who is among the progressive members
of the legal profession in Chicago, is a native of Geauga county.
^ Ohio, and was born on a farm in that section of
Joseph B. . ^ ^ .. o^ xj • r t 1
T the state January 10, 1862. He is a son of Joseph
Langworthy. . j i
and Sophronia (Merry) Langworthy, and had the
good fortune to spring from Scotch-Irish ancestry — the good for-
tune, because it brought him an inheritance of Cjuick perception bal-
anced by sturdy persistency. The father was born in Massachu-
setts in 1810, migrating in 1846 to Ohio, where he resided until 1872.
when he removed to Branch county, Michigan, dying there in 1882.
The mother, who was born in Ireland, was brought to the United
States in early childhood and her death occurred in Geauga county
in the latter part of 1864. They were the parents of thirteen chil-
dren, of whom eleven are living. Of their sons, Henry and George
B. were soldiers in the Civil war and continued their militarv serv-
ice by participation in the Indian campaigns of the west.
Mr. Langworthy received an unusually thorough education in
general and literary branches before commencing his professional
studies, his original intention being to enter the educational field.
The earlier steps of his mental training were taken in the public and
high school of Angola, Indiana, after which he became a student in
the Northern Indiana Normal College, from which he was graduated
in 1879. After teaching school for some time he entered the Univer-
sity of Michigan as a law student, and as he had already made consid-
erable progress through his private readings he obtained admission
to the bar and commenced the practice of his profession at LaPorte,
Indiana, in 1885.
Mr. Langworthy came to Chicago at the advice of United States
District Judge John H. Baker of Goshen. Indiana, who had taken a
deep interest in the young attorney. He became a resident of the
city in 1890 and during the succeeding eight years was connected
with the law firm of Moran, Mayer and Myer. Since 1898 he has
conducted an independent practice, broadly covering all civil busi-
ness, and much of his practice has been in the higher courts, such as
the ap]icllate and state supreme. He is a member of the State Bar
i\ssociation and, in politics, a Republican. In 1885 Mr. Langworthy
was united in marriage with Miss Carrie M. Caswell, who died in
1 89 1. In 1897 he married, as his second wife, Miss Emily Atwood,
who died in 1904.
Ernest Dale Owen, who has been a practicing lawyer in Chicago
for nearly twenty years, is a representative of the Owen family which
has become famous in England and the United
Ernest TO
^ ' States in the fields of social reform, science
and spiritualism. His grandfather,- Robert Owen_,
is acl<:nowledged to be the founder of English socialism^ -whiclb-how-
eyer, at that time had a different meaning from what is known as
socialism today. He was born in Wales in 1771, and in early man-
hood was manager and part owner of the New Lanark cotton mills
in England, introducing among his operatives various reforms look-
ing to the improvement of their domestic and social condition, among
which was the first instance of co-operation. The history of English
socialism is commonly dated from 181 7, when he brought before a
committee of the house of commons a report on the poor law. rec-
ommending the formation of communities, with land as the basis of
their support, each living in a large building with common kitchen
and dining room, the separate families, of course, to have private
apartments. Work, and the enjoyment of its results, was to be in
common. In 1823 he came to the United States and two years after
founded a community at New Harrhony, Indiana, in which was tried
the practicability of some of these principles. The experhnent
failed in 1827. He bought the town of New Harmony from the
Rapp Society. In the following year he severed his connection with
the New Lanark mills and thereafter, until his death in 1858, gave
his entire attention and fortune to the elevation of the working peo-
David Dale Owen, one of the sons, when he was about sixteen
vears of age, came to the United States with his father, became a
famous geologist, and was especially connected with the government
surveys of the northwest. He died at New Harmony in i860, being
an uncle of Ernest D. Owen.
The father of the latter, and another son of Robert, was Robert
Dale Owen, best known to Americans of all the members of the
noted family. He was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, born Novem-
ber 9. 1801, and during more than half a century was prominently
before the people as a social reformer, politician and spiritualist. In
1843-47 he served as a member of Congress from Indiana, and after
the war of the Rebellion broke out stood among the foremost Aboli-
tionists in the country. Among his best-known literary works de-
voted to spiritualism are "Footfalls on the Boundary of Another
World" and "The Debatable Land." He wrote "Threading My
Way," an autobiography, and a number of other books and pamphlets.
During the war he wrote "Wrong of Slavery and Right of Emancipa-
tion," circulated by the thousands of copies at the expense of tiie gov-
ernment. He died near Lake George. New York, June 17, 1877.
Richard Owen was another uncle of Ernest Dale Owen, the Chicago
lawyer, and was a geologist and linguist of note and for many years
professor at the state university at Bloomington, Indiana.
Ernest Dale Owen was born at New Harmony, Indiana, the place
of the Robert Owen experiment in community living, on the 17th of
April, 1850. He spent six years of his earlier life in Europe, and
his schooling was mostly obtained abroad and at McMullen's Acad-
emy, New York, at which Theodore Roosevelt was once a student.
In 1 87 1 he was admitted to the practice of his profession in Indiana,
and afterward pursued his professional work in Michigan and Illi-
nois, being admitted to the bar of both states-. In 1875 ^^^'- Owen
located at Marquette, Michigan, remained there for four years, and
then returned to New Harmony, wdiere he engaged in a substantial
practice until he came to Chicago in December, 1889. Since the
latter date he has been known in this city as an attorney of broad
legal information engaged in the successful handling of involved and
important litigation. He is a man of thoughtful disposition and
scholarly tastes and a forceful and logical speaker. He confines his
club connections to the Indiana Society. He has written somewhat
for magazines and other publications and is fond of literary work.
Daniel Jay Schuyler, an old and prominent lawyer of Chicago,
is descended from the Schuylers of central New York, who were
so prominent in the early development of that sec-
■'■ tion of the Empire state. The first of the name to
Schuyler. , . t^, •,• t^- . a-
come to this country was Philip rietersen \ an
Schuyler, who, more than two centuries and a half ago, left his na-
tive Holland and settled on the present site of Albany. \\'hen the
Vol. 11—15
place was incorporated as a city in 1686, a member of the family
was elected first mayor, and, after serving eight years in that posi-
tion, successively became president of the king's council in New
York, acting governor, a member of the New York assembly, and
commissioner of Indian affairs.
General Philip Schuyler -was a still more famous representative
of the name. As a general in the Revolutionary field, a member of
the Continental Congress and afterward United States senator from
New York, he was truly one of the fathers of the Republic. He is
especially identified with the history of the Empire state because of
his life-long advocacy of the development of a system of internal im-
provements, and especially of the canals in New York.
The branch of the Schuyler family from which is descended Dan-
iel J. Schuyler located in New Jersey just before the Revolutionary
war. Different members of it, however, afterward returned to New
York and made their home for several generations in Montgomery
county. At Florida, in this locality, Mr. Schuyler was born on a
farm located by his great-grandfather, his parents being John Jacob
and Sahy Ann (Davis) Schuyler. Here he commenced a vigorous,
healthful life, inherited from sturdy, forceful ancestors, on the i6th
of February, 1839. His education was begun in the common schools
near his home, and he early showed a decided literary and oratorical
bent. His academic studies at Princeton and Amsterdam were
somewhat interrupted by work upon the farm, but following a course
of study at Franklin, Delaware county, he entered Union College,
Schenectady, for a regular and continuous training. Graduating from
the latter institution in 1861, he soon after commenced the study of
law, which, with intervals of teaching, occupied the succeeding three
years. A portion of this period he spent in the office of the distin-
guished lawyer, Francis Kernan, of Utica, New York. In January,
1864, he was admitted to the New York bar.
Mr. Schuyler wisely decided upon the west as the most favorable
field for practice, and upon Chicago as its most promising center.
To a comprehensive knowledge of the law he added those personal
traits of industry and faithfulness which, together, form a guarantee
of substantial success. He practiced alone until 1872, when he en-
tered into partnership with George Gardner, the firm continuing un-
til 1879, when the latter was elected a judge of the superior court.
He afterward became senior partner in the firm of Schuyler and
Kremer, devoting himself chiefly to court work as a general practi-
tioner, while the junior partner made a specialty of admiralty law.
He is now senior partner in the firm of Schuyler, Jamieson and Et-
telson, and has devoted himself largely to commercial, corporation
and fire-insurance law. Especially in the field last named are his
opinions regarded as authority.
On September 5, 1865, Mr. Schuyler was united in marriage with
Miss Mary J. Byford, second daughter of the late William II. By-
ford, long recognized as one of the most eminent of Chicago physi-
cians. Two children have been born to their union, Daniel J., Jr.,
and Edith Nolan Schuyler. In 1897 Mr. Schuyler organized the
Holland Society of Chicago, the members of which are composed
of the descendants of old Dutch families residing in this city. As a
stanch Republican, he is also a member of the Hamilton Club, and,
as a good citizen, has always been active in elevating public move-
ments. His religious faith is that of Congregationalism.
Hon. James Herbert Wilkerson, member of the firm of Tenney,
Coffeen, Harding and Wilkerson, is not only a leading lawyer of
Chicago, but among the most prominent Republi-
,/,. - ■ cans of this section. He is a native of Savannah,
Wilkerson. ^-. . , . .1 r t^ 1 o^ u
Missouri, born on the nth of December, 1809, be-
ing a son of John W. and Lydia (Austin) Wilkerson. He is a grad-
uate of DePauw UniNcrsity, Greencastle, Indiana, in which he made
a brilliant record and in 1889 obtained the degree of A. B. It was
during the senior year that he so successfully represented Indiana in
the interstate oratorical contest. After leaving college he was ap-
pointed principal of the high school at Hastings, Nebraska, serving
in that capacity for about a year, and in 1891 becoming an instructor
at DePauw University.
In 1893, after Mr. Wilkerson had been identified with the faculty
of his alma mater for some two years, he came to Chicago to con-
tinue the study of the law and enter into its practice. In the year
named he was admitted to practice at the bar of Illinois, first asso-
ciating himself with Myron li. Beach. In 1894 he became connected
with Tenney, McConnell and Coffeen, and in 1900 was received into
partnership by the members then composing the firm, thereby mak-
ing the style Tenney, Coffeen, Harding and Wilkerson.
Mr. Wilkerson has been earnestly concerned in Republican poli-
tics and the public affairs of the state for many years, and in 1902
was elected to the Illinois legislature for the thirteenth district. He
conducted the fight for a state civil service law, and introduced and-
secured the passage of the constitutional amendment for a new Chi-
cago charter. In 1903 he was appointed county attorney for Cook
county, and in that capacity conducted much important litigation, es-
pecially that which involved the taxation of the capital stock -oj^ [Cor-
porations. At the conclusion of his term he entered private practice,
and since assuming his duties under United States District Attorney
Sims has conducted a number of cases in behalf of the government.
In the world-famous Rockefeller cases upon which the United States
department of justice concentrated its best available talent in this
district, Mr. Wilkerson abundantly proved his stability and resource-
fulness as a lawyer.
On the 2ist of August, 1891, Mr. Wilkerson was united in mar-
riage with Miss Mary Roth, and they reside at No. 6648 Minerva
avenue. As to club circles he is identified with the Law, Hamilton
and Woodlawn Park organizations.
William H. Sexton is a leading Chicago lawyer of the younger
generation, born in this city March 22, 1875, the son of Austin O.
and Mary I. (Lyons) Sexton, both of whom were
^ ' natives of Chicago. His father was a well-known
Sexton. , ... . .
lawyer engaged m active practice until his death
January 9th, 1908.
Since the fall of 1906 William H. Sexton has been a member of
the firm of Tolman, Redfield and Sexton, the senior partner of which
is Major Edgar Bronson Tolman. This firm is one of the strongest
which has been formed in recent years, its business being largely de-
voted to litigation concerning corporations and municipal matters.
William H. Sexton is a Chicagoan from first to last. His men-
tal character was molded in its public schools and the Lake View
high school, his graduation from that institution occurring in 1893.
He had already studied law to some extent under his father's guid-
ance, which he continued after he became a student at the Chicago
College of Law, of which the late Judge Thomas A. Moran was dean.
He was admitted to the bar in 1895, and thereafter, until May i,
1897, was associated with his father in the practice of his profes-
m^m yjRARY
sion. At that time Mr. Sexton was ai)p()inte(l assistant corporation
counsel by Mayor Carter H. Harrison 11., and served as such, with
invariable faithfulness, ability and professional credit, under Charles
S. Thornton, Charles M. \\'alker, now judge of the circuit court,
Edgar Bronson Tolman and James Hamilton Lewis. He was ap-
pointed first assistant corporation counsel by Mr. Walker and con-
tinued in ^liat position under Major Tolman and James Hamilton
Lewis. The official relationship between him and Major Tolman
brought them into such close contact that the elder lawyer formed
a high opinion of his associate both as an attorney and a man. In
November, 1906, therefore, Mr. Sexton resigned his position, and,
with Robert Redfield, formerly attorney for the board of local im-
provements of the city of Chicago, entered into partnership with
Major Tolman in a harmonious and mutually advantageous associa-
tion, which is rapidly spelling a noticeable success even among the
strong law firms for which Chicago is noted.
In October, 1898, William H. Sexton was united in marriage
with Miss Alice M. Lynch, daugther of Andrew M. and Mary Lynch,
and they are the parents of one child, Andrew Lynch Sexton, now six
years of age. The pleasant family home is at 2527 Kenmore avenue,
Mr. Sexton has always been an active Democrat, and consequent-
ly is a stanch member of the Iroquois Club, of which he is now vice
president. He is also a member of the Law Club, the Chicago Asso-
ciation of Commerce and of several fraternal societies. As a lawyer
he is thorough and practical, well versed in the law and, what is of
equal importance, is a good judge of human nature. In his domes-
tic and social relation, he is kind and companionable, and his attrac-
tive qualities as a rnan. added to his substantial traits as a lawyer, are
a guarantee of continued popularity and advancement.
Hon. William Ernest Mason has been a prominent practitioner
at the Chicago bar for thirty-five years, and during a large portion
of that period has been a leading figure in public
William E. ,., , . , . 1 • 1 ^
life, having served for manv vears as a legislator
Mason. • , , , , r , ', ' • ,
in both branches of the state legislature and the na-
tional Congress. His public service has been of great practical value
to his constituents, and although an enthusiastic Republican, his
fearless independence, both of speech and jiolitical action, has some-
times brought him into conflict with certain leaders of his party,
.while decidedly raising him in public estimation. Personally he is
a liberal-minded, whole-souled and popular man, his geniality of
manner adding a special charm to a clear mind and a broad legal
and statesmanlike ability.
Born in Franklinville, Cattaraugus county, New York, on the
7th of July, 1850, William E. Mason early evinced those manly, iri-
dependent and popular qualities which, coupled with his natural abil-
ity and acquired talents, earned him so substantial a reputatioti in
later years. His father, Lewis J. Mason, was a merchant of the
town, a man of high character and an active abolitionist. He early
identified himself with the Republican party, was an ardent supporter
of John C. Fremont for the presidency, and his attitude on the ques-
tions of the day had much to do with forming the general political
character of the son, although the latter, at the age of fifteen, vir-
tually became his own master.
When William E. Mason was a boy of eight the family removed
from Franklinville, New York, to Bentonsport, Iowa, where they
remained until 1865, and he received an academic education. After
the latter year he was thrown virtually upon his own resources, re-
ceiving further educational privileges from the public schools and
from the Birmingham College, where he pursued a two-years' course.
His education was so far advanced, however, that, while continuing
his studies he taught school at intervals from 1866 to 1870, during
the last two years being located at Des Moines, Iowa. His law stud-
ies also overlapped his career as a teacher, and he finally entered into
the field systematically by placing himself under the tutelage of
Thomas J. Withrow, an eminent corporation lawyer, who was soon
after made general solicitor of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
Railroad Company, with headquarters in Chicago.
Upon the removal of Mr. Withrow to Chicago, Mr. Mason ac-
companied him in order to have the benefit of his instruction and
advice in the prosecution of his law studies, and this was his intro-
duction to the city which he has since made his home. After an-
other year with Mr. Withrow, he entered the office of John No
Jewett, long in the fore rank of Chicago lawyers, with whom he
remained for several years.
Mr. Mason was admitted to the bar in 1872, practicing alone
until 1877, when he formed a partnership with M. R. M. Wallace, in
which connection he attracted such general attention by his abilities
that he obtained an assured position among the best of his- fellow
practitioners. Soon, also, he came into political prominence, com-
mencing his public career in 1879 ^Y 1^'s first service in the Illinois
General Assembly. Afterward he became senior member of the firm
of Mason, Ennis and Bates, and since 1898 has been in partnership
with his son, Lewis F. Mason, under the firm name of Mason and
As stated, Mr. Mason's public career began in 1879, when he was
elected to the Illinois general assembly, where his record was of
such a character as to earn him an elevation to the state senate in
1 88 1. He served in the upper house of the legislature for four years.
In 1887 he was chosen to Congress as a representative of the third
district, being one of the three successful Republicans returned from
Cook county. In this capacity he was noted as one of the most serv-
iceable members of Congress — ready and logical in debate and yet
alive to all the practical demands of his district and industrious in
pushing forward all needful legislation. His first term expired in
1889, and his record was indorsed by re-election. In the interim be-
tween his service as a congressman and a United States senator, Mr.
Mason was deeply interested in the affairs of the World's Colum-
bian Exposition, and had much to do with its location at Chicago
and its final inauguration. For several months prior to its opening
the public was considerably agitated over the Sunday question. Sev-
eral cases were brought in the United States court of The People
versus the World's Columbian Exposition to restrain the manage-
ment from keeping open on Sunday. A temporary injunction was
granted and the matter went to the United States court of appeals,
which sat in Chicago in June, and, with Chief Justice Fuller presid-
ing, dissolved the injunction.
In the meantime other cases were progressing in the lower courts.
In May an action had been brought by one Clingman against the
exposition to restrain the defendants from closing the gates on Sun-
day. Through Mr. Mason, his attorney, he brought the action both
in the capacity of a stockholder of the exposition company and a
tax payer of the city of Chicago. On the 29th of May the case came
before Judge Stein of the superior court, Edwin Walker representing
the defendants. Judge Stein granted the injunction on the conten-
tion advanced by Mr. Mason that Jackson Park had been dedicated
by an act of the legislature (1869) to be held, managed and
enjoyed as a public park, for the recreation and the health of the
public, and "to be open to all persons forever." He held that this
condition had not been invalidated by any of 'the legislation in refer-
ence to the exposition and, indeed, that it was beyond the power of— ^'"
the legislature to dispense with it. Afterward, finding that the Suri-
day attendance did not make the opening profitable, the expoSitioiL— --'
managers voted to close and were individually fined by Judge Stein
for contempt of court, and, on appeal to the superior court, the in-
junction was sustained. The Fair was kept open thereafter on Sun-
William E. Mason served as United States senator from 1897
to 1903; was a delegate to the national Republican convention in
1904, and was on the ticket for presidential elector. His record as
a national figure is of such recent date that a detailed review of it
would be superfluous. It is sufficient to remember that while he lost
some ground with some of his party, he made many friends by an
earnest, straightforward expression of his opinions, irrespective of
his political future. He has since been engaged in the practice of
his profession, which carries him almost entirely into the higher
On June nth, 1873, Mr. Mason married Miss Edith Julia White,
daughter of George White, of Des Moines, Iowa. He had met his
wife while he was teaching in that city and married her the year
after his admission to the bar at Chicago. Of their large family of
children Lewis F. Mason, as stated, is in partnership vvith his father.
William E. Mason is a leading and popular member of the Hamilton,
Marquette and Menoken clubs. The family residence has for many
years been on Washington boulevard, near Garfield Park, where
his cultured home and bright children have been the centers of much
social enjoyment and intellectual improvement.
When Clyde A. Morrison became chief assistant city attorney of
Chicago the substantial qualities of one of the younger members of
^ . the lee:al fraternity were fittingly recognized. It
Clyde A. ,^, ,, -r ,■ t i ,,
,, was but another verification of the statement re-
MORRISON. ,. , . ^^ . , ^, . • ii •
gardmg the important affairs 01 Chicago m all its
riLDF-; r.-;
varied life as a city — tliat there is no great municipality in the world
in which so many young men are guiding its machinery and its poli-
cies. Mr. Morrison is also master in chancery t\)r the superior court
of Cook county, having been appointed February 2, 1907, by Judge
Ben M. Smith.
A native of Illinois and resident in Chicago since he was an in-
fant, Mr. Morrison was born in Peotone, March 12, 1876, recei\-ing
his elementary and literary education in the grammar and high
schools of his adopted city. Later he pursued higher courses at the
University of Virginia (Charlottesville) and returning to Chicago
was employed in the legal departments of the Chicago & Eastern
Illinois Railroad and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail-
way Company. As a legal practitioner he was subsequently a mem-
ber of the firms of Pam, Calh(3un and Glennon ; \\'etton and Morri-
son'; Eddy, Haley and Wetton ; and associated with Calhoun, Ly-
ford and Sheean, and afterward engaged in independent profes-
sional work.
For a number of years Mr. Morrison has l)een acti\ely and in-
fluentially engaged in politics, being among the best-known Repub-
licans of the younger generation. He was secretary of the Charles
C. Dawes campaign committee, when that gentleman was a candi-
date for LJnited States senator, and subsequently served in the same
capacity during the gubernatorial campaign of Governor Deneen. In
the last national election he was associated with the Republican com-
mittee at the Auditorium, under the direct supervision of National
Committeeman David W. Mulvane. He was secretary of the Busse
campaign committee, and is vice president of the Illinois League of
Republican Clubs. He is also a leader in the local politics of Hyde
Park, being the owner and publisher of the Hyde Park Republican,
and the editor-in-chief of the Hamiltoniaii, the latter being the offi-
cial publication of the Hamilton Club, Chicago. Mr. Morrison is
a member of the Hamilton. Press, City, Colonial and \\'aupanseh
There are some men who always seem to "have time" to attend
to good works, whether of a private or public nature. Mr. Ailing is
pre-eminently one of this class, and, fortunately for
the advancement of the best interests of Chicago.
Alling, Jr. , , , , , , , , r
does not stand alone. He belongs to the group of
able citizens whose civic interest is equal to their business enterprise,
and who are devoting every energy possible to the perfection of our
municipal laws and the improvement of the public service. A man of
broad education and fine, sympathetic nature, as well as of strength
and bravery, he is admirably fitted to be identified with the progres-
sive guard of such a city as Chicago.
Charles Ailing, Jr., was born at Madison, Indiana, on the 13th of
December, 1865, and is descended in the tenth generation from
Roger Ailing, first treasurer of the New Haven Colony of-tfee-Pil-
grims, who emigrated from England in 1638. A grandson of the
emigrant removed from New Haven to Newark, New Jersey, at the
end. of that century, a;nd his descendants became officers in the Revo-
lutionary war. John Ailing, the grandfather, graduated from Prince-
ton College, and migrated from Newark to Madison, Indiana, about
the year 1826. The mother of Mr. Ailing was Harriet Ann Scovel,
a "daughter of Rev. Sylvester Scovel, D. D., who was president of
Hanover Cohege, Indiana, from 1846 to 1849; o^ this institution
Charles Ailing, his father, has been a trustee for twenty years. Com-
ing thus from a vigorous and educated line of ancestors^ in whom
earnestness, faithfulness and the highest order of intelligence were
predominating traits, Charles Ailing, Jr., has a natural inheritance
of stanch and useful qualities.
Charles Ailing, Jr., graduated from Hanover College in 1885
with the degree of A. B., the same institution, four years later, honor-
ing him with A. M. In 1888 he completed his law course at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, securing the degree of LL. B. Soon afterward
he came to Chicago and was admitted to the Illinois bar, and has since
been actively engaged in the practice of his profession here and in the
manifold duties of good citizenship. For ten years of his earlier
practice he acted as the attorney for the Protective Agency for Women
and Children, and afterwards became also attorney for the Bureau
of Justice, and his joint attorneyship led to the consolidation of these
two effective legal charities into the Legal Aid Society. His personal
law business grew so fast after his retirement from aldermanic duties
that he relinquished the attorneyship of the society in the fall of 1905,
but he still shows a warm interest in its good work by serving with-
out compensation as chairman of its legal committee.. He suggested
and was largely instrumental in securing our excellent statute, "To
define and punish crimes against children."
In politics Mr. Ailing has been a leading Republican for many
years. In 1897 he was elected to represent the Third ward, which
afterwards became the Second ward, and continued in the city council
for eight years, where he was a member of its most important commit-
tees. He served on the judiciary committee from 1897 to 1905, and
was a member of the finance committee from 1899 to 1900. He was
chairman of the committee on streets and alleys (south) from
1900-01 ; and one of the two aldermen who participated in the New
Charter Convention in 1902-3. This latter appointment was virtually
a formal declaration on the part of the city council that Mr. Ailing
was its pioneer on charter reform. He established and was first chair-
man of the committee on state legislation, which secured the munici-
pal courts and the extension of the mayor's term from two to four
years in 1905.
In 1906 Mr. Ailing made the race at the primary election for
the ofiice of county judge of Cook county, and, while he received
the popular plurality of the county at large, the dominant faction
controlled the delegates of the convention and gave the nomination
to Judge Lewis Rinaker. Mr. Ailing refused strong solicitation to
become an independent candidate and earnestly supported all the
nominees of the convention.
He has taken much interest in the military organizations of the
state, and at the present time is judge advocate of the First Division,
Illinois National Guard, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, his com-
mission being dated May 6, 1902. He is a popular and prominent
figure in Masonry, affiliated v/ith the Chevalier Bayard Commandery,
Knights Templar and the Mystic Shrine; he is also a Knight of
Pythias. He is also a member of the Union League and University
clubs and the Chicago and Illinois Bar associations.
Colonel Ailing has retained his close and leading position with
his old college fraternity, having been grand tribune of Sigma Chi
from 1888 to 1900 and editor of the Sigma Chi Quarterly from t888
to 1895. He was elected to its highest office, grand consul, at Old
Point Comfort, Virginia, on August 2, 1907. For many years he
has been deacon of the First Presbyterian church and is now a mem-
ber of the executive committee of the Cook County Sunday School
Association and the Young Men's Presbyterian Union. He is widely
known for his speeches in this and other states advocating the teach-
ing of practical duties of citizenship in churches and schools.
In 1906 Mr. Ailing became proprietor of the Chicago Business
Law School, which has had a decade of useful history. The demands
of his clients both for office consultation and court work became so
insistent that he parted with, his financial interest in the school, but
still finds time to lecture once a week in the evening. His practice is
general, which, with a love of legal study, makes him one of the most
widely read lawyers at the bar.
In August, 1907, Governor Deneen appointed him attorney fofr
the State Board of Health. _
George Peck Merrick, for several years a partner of Hon. El-
bridge Hanecy, is known as a general and corporation lawyer of high
standing, who has come most prominently before
the public because of his leading participation in
Merrick. , i , ^ ,- ■ ■ tt • t,i- •
the Lake t ront litigation. He is an illmoisan, born
October 4, 1862, the son of Dr. George C. and Mary (Peck) Mer-
rick. He received his first professional training in the office of Judge
Hanecy. having graduated from the Northwestern University in
In May, 1886, Mr. Merrick was admitted to the Illinois bar and
in the following November secured a position with the Atchison, To-
peka & Santa Fe Railroad Company as assistant attorney, with head-
quarters in Chicago. He continued to perform his duties until 1889,
when he assumed partnership relations with Mr. Hanecy, which were
severed by the election of the latter as circuit judge in 1893. Subse-
Cjuently Mr. Merrick practiced alone, then as senior of the firm of
Merrick, Evans and Whitney. Personally he has been identified
with many important cases, notably those of the Lake Front, in which
he secured the decisions of the supreme court establishing the Lake
Front as a park.
Mr. Merrick is a member of the American Bar Association, the
Illinois Bar Association, the Chicago Bar Association, the Chicago
Law Institute and the Chicago Law Qub. He is especially promi-
nent in the social and public affairs of Evanston, which is his place
of residence. Mr. Merrick has served as alderman and civil service
commissioner of that classic suburban city and as president of the
Alumni Association of Nortliwestern University, and at the present
time is a trustee of liis alma mater and president of the Evanston
board of education. He is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity and
of the University, Chicago. K\anston and dlen X'icw clul)s. In his
social and athletic habits tic brings his school days int(^ the strenuous
life of today, both for the lo\-e of former associations and the mainte-
nance of his collegiate vigor of body and mind.
Mr. Merrick's professional and public activities find repose in the
midst of a harmonious domestic circle, the center of which is a cul-
tured wife (nee Grace Thompson, of Galesburg. Illinois), whom he
married in 1885. ^^^^ children of the family are Clinton, Grace W.
and Thompson.
John Edward Owens is a popular and able lawyer and a leatling
Democrat, who, since his adniission to the bar eleven years ago, has
been almost continuously before the public either in
-' ■ municipal or judicial positions of responsibility. He
is a native of Chicago, born June 22, 1875, ^^'^^^ '^ the
son of Patrick Henry and Mary (Clarke) Owens. The father was
born in Illinois.
John E. Owens received a thorough education at St. Stephen's
Parochial School, St. Patrick's Academy, and the Christian Brothers'
School before taking up his professional studies in the law depart-
ment of the Lake Forest University. From the last named institu-
tion he was graduated in 1896 with the degree LL. B.. and in the fol-
lowing year commenced active practice. Prior to his admission to
the university he had read law in the office of his brother, Thomas
H. Owens, who died April 12, 1905.
The first tw^o years of his private practice brought Mr. Owens'
strong points as a lawyer so favorably before the city administration
that in February, 1898, he received the appointment of assistant' prose-
cuting attorney, and in 1900 he was advanced to the position of chief
assistant. He creditably filled the office of city attorney from Sep-
tember, 1901, until April, 1903:. and tlien after a'few months of private
professional work he assumed his present post of judicial responsi-
bility. On December i, 1904. Judge Edward O. Brown, of the circuit
court, appointed Mr. Owens master in chancery, and he was again
promptly honored with the position in December, 1906.
In politics Mr. Owens is a stanch Democrat, and a leading mem-
ber of the Iroquois and Jefferson clubs. He is also identified with the
Ashland Club, and fraternally with the Knights of Columbus and the
Order of Foresters. His professional membership is with the Chicago
and Illinois Bar associations, in both of which organizations he is a
leading member. In fact, in professional, public and Catholic church
circles, as well as in general social and club life, Mr. Owens wields
a wide and strong influence.
One of the most genial, cultured and forceful members^of the Chi-
cago bar, Frederick Wilmot Pringle has for a number of" years been
engaged in a large, lucrative and growing practice,
Frederick , . ^. i .. ^ j • • i
,,, „ embracmg corporation, real estate and municipal
W. Pringle. , ^.^, ^ , , , ..... .i^ ,
law. Of late years he has been especially identified
with the official life and general progress of the town of Cicero, which
includes the flourishing western suburbs of Austin, Oak Park, Berwyn,
Clyde, Hawthorne and Morton Park. Mr. Pringle's residence is in
Oak Park, where his pleasant home is the center of much social and
intellectual activity.
Frederick W. Pringle is a native of Ontario, Canada, born at
Napanee on the 17th of June. 1864, the son of Ira and Eliza J.
(Lapum) Pringle. His parents were also born in the Dominion,
where they continue to reside. The father, who is now retired from
active business, was a farmer and a manufacturer.
Mr. Pringle attended the public schools of Napanee and the
Napanee Collegiate Institute. Through his connection with the rail-
road business he became interested in the study of the law, first seri-
ously pursuing it at Topeka, Kansas, while in the employ of the Atchi-
son, Topeka & Santa Fe Company. From 1886 to 1888 he was a
student in the office of Hon. George R. Peck, then general solicitor
of that road, after which he attended the Columbia Law School, New
York, " completing a full course in that institution. For two years
after his graduation he was in the employ of the railway service, do-
ing a large amount of work for the Trans-Missouri and Western
Passenger associations. "
In 1889 M^- Pringle was admitted to the bar of Missouri, and m
the following year, upon motion, to the bars of Kansas and Illinois.
In January, 1891, he commenced his practice in Chicago by associat-
ing himself with the firm of Hanecy and Merrick and later with that
of Miller and Starr. In December, 1892, he became connected with
'WSWr»n««>IU«Mi»«<iui"""i ' - I I mil"!
Cohrs, Green and Campbell, in 1896 became a member of the firm of
Green, Pringle and Campbell, and in 1897 of Green and Pringle, the
senior member of the last named being John W. Green, formerly
corporation counsel of Chicago. Since the death of Air. Green in
1905 Mr. Pringle has successfully practiced alone.
In May, 1896, Mr. Pringle was appointed attorney for the town
of Cicero, and during the year completed the work, begun in 1895, of
compiling and revising its general ordinances. At the end of his two
years' term, owing to his familiarity with the legal business of the
town, he was retained as special counsel in nearly all its important
litigation, and in May, 1898, was reappointed town attorney. Since
May, 1902, he has acted as attorney for the village of Oak Park,
having promptly and ably conducted the affairs of his office since the
incorporation of the village. He is generally recognized as high au-
thority on town and municipal law, and is now president of the Mu-
nicipal Attorneys' Association for the counties of Cook, Lake and
DuPage. In a wider sense he is one of the successful and progressive
lawyers of the Chicago and western bar.
Among the many cases which Mr. Pringle has carried to a suc-
cessful conclusion and which are especially worthy of mention are
the following : The Cicero Lumber Company vs. the Town of Cicero
(51 N. E. Rep., 758) ; Gray vs. the Town of Cicero, decided by the
supreme court in December, 1898. The Lumber Company case is of
extreme importance not only to all cities and \illages and incorporated
towns in the state but also to the park boards in Chicago and other
large cities. The opinion holds to be constitutional the pleasure-drive-
way acts of 1898, under which cities, villages and towns may establish
boulevards by converting old streets into pleasure drives, and restrict-
ing their use to such purposes. This was the first time the constitu-
tionality of the act had been presented and decided by the supreme
court, and the principle thus established applies to the various park
boards as well as to civic corporations. Among other cases which
have enlisted Mr. Pringle's senices in the supreme court are : Town
of Cicero vs. McCarthy (172 111., 279) ; Doremus vs. the People (173
111., 63) ; Gross vs. the People (173 III., 63).
In politics Mr. Pringle is a Republican, and is active in the work
of the Hamilton club. He is also a leader in the Colonial Club of
Oak Park, of which he was president in 1903 and 1905. As a mem-
ber of the legal fraternity he is connected with the Illinois and Chi-
cago Bar associations, is a Mason in good standing, and altogether an
active factor in social, club and fraternal life.
In i8qo Frederick W: Pringle was united in marriaee to Miss
Grace D. Hale, of Topeka, Kansas, his wife being a daughter of
George D. Hale, who for many years was one of the leading men of
the state capital. Mr. Hale was especially interested in the historical „
and fraternal organization. Society of the Sons of the Americah Revo-
lution, being at one time president of the Kansas associatian. His
death occurred October 30, 1903. Mrs. Pringle's mother, FralT^es
(Cook) Hale, is a native of Mcmsfield, Ohio, and is now a resident of
Chicago. To Mr. and Mrs. Pringle have been born the following:
Everett Hale, Wilfrid Ira, Alden Frederick and Henry L. B. Pringle.
Mr. Pringle has always taken a deep interest in religious matters, be-
ing especially identified with the work of the Second Congregational
church, of Oak Park, of which he served for some years as trustee.
The family home is the center of an intellectual and cultured social
circle, and Mr. Pringle's large and choice private library is the well-
spring of much domestic and neighborhood enjoyment. Such home
surroundings and influences are largely responsible for that broad
outlook and mental vigor which Mr. Pringle evinces in his professional
labors, and which have lifted him so far above the plane of the average
metropolitan practitioner.
Commercial law is so great a legal field that the. practitioners of
the large cities of America have been obliged to divide it into several
specialties. One of the most important of these is
p patent, copyright and trademark law, which in
these days of abundant invention, authorship and
commercial piracy, has itself assumed huge proportions. To make a
success in this legal domain requires untiring patience, keen business
judgment and a broad knowledge of mechanics, commercialism and
the practical affairs of men and women. It is, in fact, doubtful
whether any branch of the law which has been specialized demands so
wide a range of practical knowledge as this. To have acquired emi-
nence in it, as has Mr. Poole, is therefore high tribute to precise and
thorough practical wisdom, coupled with good judgment in apply-
ing it.
Charles Clarence Poole, senior member of the firm Poole and
Brown, was born in Benicia, California. November 27, 1856, and is a
son of Charles H. and Mary A. (Daniels) Poole. His father was a
native of Salem, Massachusetts, who was born in 1825 and died in
Washington, District of Columbia, in the year 1880. Educated at
West Point as a civil engineer, his entire life was passed in the service
of the United States government. Charles H. Poole was a grandson
of Manasseh Cutler, a chaplain in the colonial army during the Revo-
lution, a member of the commission which founded ]\Iarietta. Ohio,
and a leading agent in the passage of the Ordinance of 1787, receiv-
ing the honor of incorporating the anti-slavery provision. In later
life he was a member of Congress from Massachusetts, and died at
Hamilton, that state, in 1823.
Ip a direct line Mr. Poole is descended from John Poole, of Read-
ing, Massachusetts, who came to the colonies from England in 1632.
Among his distinguished ancestors were also the early colonial Gov-
ernors Dudley and Bradstreet, of the Old Bay state. As the father's
profession kept the family much in Washington, Mr. Poole received
his preliminary education in the public schools of that city, and, under
private instruction, completed a course in civil engineering, so that
when he was eighteen years old he secured employment in connection
with surveys under the war department. He was thus engaged in
1874 and 1875, and relied upon the profession as a means of liveli-
hood, more or less, while engaged in the study of law, both privately
and as a student of the Columbian (now George Washington) Uni-
versity. Mr. Poole graduated from that institution in 1882, having
to his credit a prize essay on "Trade Marks." That year marks his
admission to the bar, his coming to Chicago, and the commencement
of his long active practice in the specialty in which he has become a
leader. He is now recognized as one of the most successful patent
lawyers in the country.
In 1885 Mr. Poole formed a partnership with Major Taylor E.
Brown, under the firm name of Poole and Brown, and their associa-
tion has since continued to their mutual advantage. In 1891 the
senior member was admitted to practice before the United States
supreme court, in which tribunal much of their litigation is conducted.
Mr. Poole's standing in his specialty is indicated by his recent presi-
dency of the Chicago Patent Law Association.
In 1884 C. Clarence Poole was united in marriage to Miss Anne.
Vol. 11—16
daughter of the late Dr. Wilham F. Poole, author of Poole's Index
to Periodical Literature, and librarian of the Chicago Public and
Newberry libraries, and Mrs. Frances (Gleason) Poole. Mrs. Poole
is a Massachusetts lady, born at Melrose, and is widely known and
admired in Evanston society. Their family consists of Frances,
Charles H., Clarence Frederick and Dorothy. Outside his home and
his immediate circle of friends, Mr. Poole's social connections are
chiefly with the Union League, Illinois Athletic and Chicago Literary
clubs. ^"^>.
James Edgar Brown is not only a man of high social staging
and literary attainments but a lawyer of- sound judgment and -breadth
of view. Mr. Brown was born in West Virginia in
*^„ ■ 1865, and made such rapid progress in his studies
that he was a teacher in the public schools when
only a youth of seventeen. Thus engaged from 1882 to 1885, he
commenced his collegiate education in the latter year by entering the
State University for a four years' course. During this period his lit-
erary talents were recognized by the bestowal of a number of prizes
for the superiority of his work along these lines, and in his senior
year he served as a, university tutor and captain of a company in the
cadet corps. He was, in fact, what students are pleased to admiringly
call a typical "all-around university man."
After his graduation from the University Law School in 1891,
and a year spent in travel, he located in Chicago, where he has since
practiced with much success and honor to himself and his profession.
He has also gained standing by his contributions to current literature,
and becom.e well known as a man of originality and force in political
and public affairs. In other words, he has continued his collegiate
record as a citizen of striking and versatile abilities and influential ac-
tivities. He is a most active member of the Hamilton Club, and is
an associate editor of The Hamiltonian, its official organ. He is also
identified with the Colonial Club, the new Illinois Athletic Club,
Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Sons of the American Revolution,
Society of the War of 1812, the Y. M. C. A. and regent of Garden
City Council, Royal Arcanum. His professional membership is with
the Cook County Bar Association and the Illinois State Bar Asso-
ciation, and he has a most extensive acquaintance and a well estab-
lished reputation for integrity, ability and good fellowship wherever
he is known.
In June, 1906, Mr. Brown was united in marriage with Miss Ade-
laide Coolbaugh, one of the two surviving daughters by his second
marriage of the Hon. William F. Coolbaugh, a famous banker of the
last generation. For years she had been living abroad with her mother
and sister, devoting herself to the study of languages, history, archae-
ology and kindred subjects. Her elder half-sisters, recently deceased,
had both been the wives of distinguished Illinois lawyers — Chief Jus-
tice Fuller, of the United States supreme court, and the late Benjamin
F. Marsh, member of Congress.
The marriage occurred in Rome and immediately afterward the
bridal couple made a comprehensive tour of the continent. Their
journey included fully fifty places of historic and scenic interest.
From Italy they proceeded through Switzerland to Paris, thence to
Brussels and Waterloo, and finally from Cologne down the Rhine,
and so on through Germany to their point of embarkation at Bremen.
Having a fluent command of French, German, Italian and Russian,
aside from personal reasons Mrs. Brown was able to add to the in-
trinsic interest of the tour by her facility of extracting information
from all classes in whatever locality they chanced to be. Local pub-
lications of standing were enriched with several contributions from
Mr. Brown's pen soon after his return from Europe. The Chicago
Tribune published a highly instructive article on the relative prevalence
of crime in European and American cities. As the data was collected
from official sources, the paper caused widespread discussion, the
conclusion being not at all flattering to the national pride. The follies
of our customs service were treated plainly and instructively in a paper
published in the Evening Post, while several articles of a descriptive
nature evinced close powers of observation and an unusual command
of language. His descriptions of the trip down the Rhine, 'The
Eternal City," "Italian Customs," "Switzerland," and of the great
Stadium at Rome appeared in The Hainiltonian and other publica-
tions and were in his best vein.
William F. Coolbaugh, the lather of Mrs. Brown, had one of the
many-sided careers possible in the early days of the middle west, was
one of the great bankers of Chicago and one of those heroes who
dragged the city from the ruins of its great fire ami made a stronger
and more cosmopolitan municipality. He was one of a large family
of sons born to Moses Coolbaugh, a Pennsylvania judge of Dutch
extraction. At the age of twenty William F. came to Burlington,
Iowa, then a frontier town, and became a factor in the new settle-
ment. He kept a general store, dealt in real estate, and developed into
a banker and a politician. He became president of the Burlington &
Missouri Railroad and state senator, but was beaten in his fSce for the
United States senate by James Harland, afterward justicje^ of the
United States supreme court. This defeat, even by such a worthy
opponent, seemed to cure him of all political ambition, for he never
entered another contest, although the friend and adviser of many
leading statesmen, and refused the cabinet portfolio oiTered him by
President Grant. Instead he devoted himself steadfastly to his bank-
ing interests, and in 1862 removed to Chicago, for which city he pre-
dicted a great future ; and under the sorest stress of panic and fire his
faith in it never wavered.
When the national banking act was passed Mr. Coolbaugh's pri-
vate bank became the Union National, and for years stood as perhaps
the leading institution of its kind in the west, eager to push forward
in every legitimate way the development of the city and the country.
Mr. Coolbaugh was an organizer and afterward president of the
Chicago Clearing House, whose founding was a notice to the financial
world that the city considered herself cosmopolitan as well as metro-
politan. He had always been an ardent student of finance, and his
handiwork in this regard shows in both the constitutions of Illinois
and Iowa. But his reading was not confined to this specialty, but he
collected a large general library, and the marginal notes upon his
books show how_ carefully he read them. He was also widely known
as a graceful speaker, and the older generation still remember his
eloquent addresses of welcome to distinguished visitors and at the
dedicatory exercises of public institutions.
The Chicago fire of 1871 brought Mr. Coolbaugh to the front as
a leader of the men who strove for the rebuilding of the ruined city,
and his house on the edge of the burnt district was the nightly meet-
ing place for the informal junta that took command of the homeless
and distracted people. He used his wide acquaintance to obtain sup-
plies and money and urged General Sheridan, in defiance of the state
government, to bring in the necessary troops for the protection of
life and property. When he called a meeting of bankers and urged
them to resume business one naturally advanced the objection, "But
we have nothing upon which to resume." Mr. Coolbaugh's reply
should be classic of Chicago spirit, "Then, gentlemen, we must resume
upon nothing." A block of buildings had been finished for him and
the keys turned o\'er on Saturday, and on Sunday all was burned to
the ground, with his own bank. At the end of the week he sent for
the architect and told him to redraw the plans and commence rebuild-
ing as soon as the ruins were cold. The architect thought the owner's
brain was affected by his losses, but obeyed his orders; the buildings-
were reconstructed, and the Union Bank moved into the corner one
before the roof was on, at the expense of a bad wetting of its ingrain
carpet by a passing storm.
The after years saw Mr. Coolbaugh at the height of his influence,
but a greater disaster than the great fire was at hand. The Union
National long withstood the assaults of the terrible panic of 1873,
but was finally forced to suspend by the crash of its eastern corre-
spondents. It resumed, but its prestige was fatally impaired, and its
president never recovered from the blow. For years he had over-
worked himself, and now rest and travel were in vain. He made ex-
tensive tours in the west and accompanied his lifelong friend. Gen-
eral Grant, upon a portion of his historic trip around the world. But
his health and energy were both broken, and his tragic death followed
his return.
Although still a young man, Nathan William MacChesney, senior
member of the law firm of MacChesney, Becker and Bradley, has
made a substantial professional record, and has
Nathan . g^^jj-^^ed a marked breadth and versatility in busi-
MacChESNEY. ... ^ , . 11- n: • IT
ness, m literature and n\ public affairs. He was
born in Chicago, June 2, 1878, a son of Lieutenant Colonel Alfred
Brunson MacChesney (A. M., M. D.), of Ohio, and Henrietta (Mil-
som) MacChesney, M. D., of London, England. His first American
ancestors came from Scotland in the colonial period, settling in Vir-
einia, and his s^randfather, for whom he was named, was a lieutenant
in the War of 1812 and afterward became an Illinois pioneer and one
of the founders of Knox College. The father, Alfred B. MacChesney.
received his education at that institution and at the University of
Michigan, and, after studying medicine in the east, was identified
with Bellevue Hospital Medical College and several medical schools of
Chicago. His wife (the mother of Colonel MacChesney) was the
daughter of a member of the faculty of Oxford University, England,
a regular graduate in medicine and connected with various hospitals
in both New York and Chicago, although never engaged in active
practice. ^ ^ ,
Nathan William MacChesney attended grammar 'and high schools
in Chicago and in 1898 graduated from the Univefsity=of the Pacific.
He then entered the University of Arizona, from which he graduated
in 1899 (having spent a portion of the period as an instructor), and
had also for the two previous years acted as press correspondent in
California, Arizona and New Mexico. After graduating from the
University of Arizona he pursued special studies at Leland Stanford
University, University of California, University of Denver and the
University of Chicago, and commenced his professional studies at
the Northwestern University Law School in 1899, soon afterward be-
coming a lecturer on American constitutional history for Chautauqua
circles in California, Arizona and Minnesota. In the meantime he
had become associated with his father in business, continuing to be
thus connected during the progress of his law studies at the North-
western University and the University of Michigan, where he gradu-
ated with the degree of LL. B. in 1902. He has been admitted to the
bars of Illinois, Michigan and New York, as well as the United States
supreme court, and is in partnership with Herbert E. Bradley, also a
young and talented member of the profession, and Frederick W.
Becker, continuing the firm of Carter and Becker established in 1858.
In 1903 Colonel MacChesney pursued post-graduate studies in the
Northwestern University Law School, and there are few lawyers in
Chicago whose education and experience have been more thorough,
broader or more varied than his.
The firm of which Colonel MacChesney is the senior member
stands high in business, real estate and corporation matters, and has
the legal management of many large interests. He is secretary and
director of the Building Managers' Association of Chicago; secretary
and director of the Excelsior Printing Company; secretary and di-
rector of the Hilton Lithographing Company; director of the E. C.
Frady Manufacturing Company; Owners' Realization Company;
treasurer of the Northwestern University Law Publishing Associa-
tion; attorney for the Chicago Real Estate Board, and general counsel
for the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges. In 1905-7
he was a partner in the firm of Holt, MacChesney and Cheney, dealers
in real estate and bonds, and owners and agents of the Manhattan
building, and he still has large property interests in Chicago, includ-
ing extensive holdings in MacChesney's Hyde Park Homestead Sub-
division, MacChesney's Subdivision and MacChesney's Columbian Ex-
position Subdivision. He was made an honorary member of the
Building Managers' Association in appreciation of his large services
to the property interests of the city.
Even before he became of voting age Colonel MacChesney was an.
earnest and active Republican of the progressive Roosevelt type. He
has been especially interested in the labor question, and during the
past few years has served on a score of arbitration committees, be-
ing also a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines on mat-
ters connected with the problem. He has spoken under the direction
of the national Republican campaign committee in Illinois and Michi-
gan, as well as in the southwestern states, and is an active member of
the local organizations, being at the present time a committeeman in
his ward and chairman of the Seventh District Republican Club. In
1900 he participated actively and effectively in the gubernatorial cam-
paign for Judge Carter, organizing the Law and Medical Students'
clubs, and in the mayoralty contest of 1905 he made over one hun-
dred speeches for Harlan, and has been similarly energetic and promi-
nent in behalf of other candidates for city and state offices. He holds
no public office, though he has declined numerous appointments. In
the field of professional education he is well known as a lecturer in
several of the law schools and a writer on legal and other subjects
connected with property and corporation management. He is also
the donor of the MacChesney prizes at the Northwestern University
Law School, and was one of the founders and is now an associate
editor of the Illinois Lazv Review. He was the delegate of Pacific
University to the recent ceremonies attending the opening of the
Graduate School of the University of Illinois. Colonel MacChesney
takes an active interest in church and settlement work and other
philanthropic and religious movements of the city. He is a director
of the Young Men's Presbyterian Union of Chicago, a trustee and
vice president of South End Center, a social and educational settle-
ment in South Chicago, and was chairman of the constitutional com-
mittee in the convention which recently formed the Presbyterian
Brotherhood of Chicago.
Colonel MacChesney is a member of the American Bar Associa-
tion, Illinois State Bar Association, the Chicago Bar Association, Chi-
cago Law Institute and the American Society of International Law,
and his high standing among his associates is illustrated by the fact
that he was chosen a delegate to the Universal Congress of Lawyers
and Jurists at St. Louis in 1904, and has recently been appointed by
Governor Deneen Commissioner on Uniformity of Legislation in the
United States to represent Illinois in the Annual National Conference
of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. He has long been promi-
nent in military matters, being identified with the National Guard of
both California and Arizona, as well as of Illinois. During the
Spanish-American war he did garrison duty on the Pacific coast, and
is now lieutenant colonel and judge advocate of the First Brigade, Illi-
nois National Guard. He is also commander of the State Camp of
the Sons of Veterans (U. S. A.). Colonel MacChesney has also been
greatly interested in and prominently identified with athletics as a
member and manager of various college teams during his student days
and as a member of various boards of alumni control since then.
He is identified with Chicago Association of Commerce, where he
represents the attorneys' section on the Ways and Means Committee,
Geographic Society of Chicago, Stanford Club of Chicago, Michigan
Alumni Association, California Society, Southern Club, Michigan
Union, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Men's
Club of Hyde Park, Irish Fellowship Club, Engineers' Club, Knox
County Association of Chicago, and the University, Union League,
Hamilton, Illinois, City, Colonial, Chicago Literary, Twentieth Cen-
tury, Chicago Yacht and South Shore Country clubs. In the fraternal
ranks he is a Mason and a member of the Royal Arcanum. On De-
cember I, 1904, Colonel MacChesney married Miss Lena Frost,
daughter of W. E. Frost, of Riverside, Illinois. Mrs. MacChesney is
a graduate of the University of Michigan (received her A. B. in 1901 ) ,
and was afterward a student in the University of Berlin and the
University of Chicago. She is a rnember of the Association of Col-
lege Alumnae, Chicago Association of Michigan Alumnse, and the
German, Twentieth Century, College and Chicago South Side clubs.
Ellen Gertrude Roberts has since 1900 been a practitioner of law
at the Chicago bar and her success is such as many a much older
^ ^ attorney might well envy. One of the most notable
Ellen G. • r ^1 .• • i- .• r .1 1 r
„ signs of the tunes, nuhcative ot the trend of modern
Roberts. , , . , ' . ,
thought, IS the attitude of public opinion toward
the woman in professional life, and the acknowledgment of her
worth and the value of her work. Miss Ellen G. Roberts as a
practitioner of law has won high honors and gratifying success. She
was largely reared in Kansas City, Kansas, to which place her parents,
1 homas Brooks and Nancy (Dunlop) Roberts, removed during her
infancy. They had previously been residents of Detroit, Michigan,
her native city, and their famiH numbered six sons and seven daugh-
ters. In this household Miss Roberts spent her girlhood days and.
entering the public schools, passed through successive grades until
she had completed the high school course. She was for two years a
teacher in the public schools, after which she took up the study of
bookkeeping and accounting in its most intricate form and became
an expert. Her capability, energy and fearlessness to undertake a
task, no matter how difficult or what the circumstances, combined with
her persistence, won her success and she was enabled to command
jiiost excellent positions of that character. In the meantime she con-
tinued her studies in the classics and history, kept well informed on
general interests of the day, especially in regard to business matters,
and made her extensive reading of value. One of her salient traits
is her ready assimilation of all which she reads. She has, moreover,
remarkable powers of adaptability.
Seeking a still broader held of labor in Chicago, Miss Roberts
came to this city in the nineties and was given a position as accountant
with one of the prominent business houses. While thus employed
she took up the reading of law and for three years was a student in
the Kent College of Law in the evening classes. Following her gradu-
ation on June 2, 1900, at which time she won the class prize for the
best scholarship in all studies, she took the bar examination at Spring-
field and was admitted to practice in October, 1900. She then re-
signed her position as accountant and entered upon the active prose-
cution of the profession. She possesses a mind analytical, logical and
inductive,' readily recognizes the relation of facts and co-ordinates the
points in litigation witli a force that indicates a thorough mastery
of the subject and a mind trained in the severest school of investiga-
tion, v^herein close reasoning- has become habitual and easy. In
seven years her clientage has increased to extensive and gratifying
proportions and she has been connected with much important litiga-
tion tried in the courts of the city. She possesses a fine law library
and is a member of the Chicago BaT Association and of the Illinois
State Bar Association. She is also a stockholder in the Chicago Law'
Miss Roberts, in addition to her law library, possesses a most in-
teresting private library. She holds membership in Queen Esther
chapter, No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, and owns a fine residence
at No. 81 Bowen avenue. While in her office and before the court
her dominant quality seems to be a keen, incisive intellect. In social
circles she possesses those truly womanly traits of character which
everywhere command admiration and respect. She has simply made
use of the innate talents which. are hers, directing her efforts along
those lines where rare discrimination and sound judgment have led
the way.
Albert H. Putney, a member of the Chicago bar since 1899, is
professor of constitutional and international law and equity juris-
prudence at the Illinois College of Law, and since
p ■ 1904 has been dean of the faculty. Thoroughly
qualified by training and practice in the various
departments of his profession, he has achieved considerable replita-
tion and become an authority regularly quoted on the subjects of
constitutional and international law. He is author of two works,
"Government in the United States" and "Colonial Government of
European States," which were published by the United States govern-
ment for use as text books in the Philippine Islands. He has written
considerably for various legal publications, and for one year was editor
of the Law Register.
Mr. Putney was born in Boston in 1872. After preparing for
college at the Newton (Massachusetts) high school, he entered Yale
in 1889, ^^d at graduation in 1893 received special honors in history
and political economy, also being one of the class speakers. He
studied two years at the Bosion University Law School, where he
received the degree LL. B., and was admitted to the Massachusetts bar
in 1895. Until moving to Chicago he practiced law in Boston. The
only interruption to his practice in Chicago was one year spent in the
Phihppines. Since 1900 he has been a member of the faculty of the
IlHnois College of Law, and became clean of the faculty in 1904. He
is a member of the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Press Club,
County Democracy and Jefferson Club. His offices are in the Even-
ing Post building.
Bernard L. Lee, senior member of the firm Lee and Lee, and in
special charge of the chancery business, is an acknowledged authority
_ in the field mentioned. He is a native of Mahonuig
-Bernard . r^i • 1 ^1 • . r o,- 1 r
■J- -J- county, Ohio, born on Christmas of 1803, the son of
Bernard F. and Jeannie S. (Simpson) Lee. His
father, born in the same county in 18 13, died there in 1886, being
most widely known as the founder and chief patron of the historic
educational institution, Poland Union Seminary, located in Mahon-
ing county. He died in 1886. being engaged for most of his active
life in railroad construction and coal mining. The mother of ]\lr.
Lee was born in Mahoningtown, Pennsylvania, in 1828, and died in
Mahoning county, Ohio, in 1882. She was a daughter of \\'illiam
and Sarah Simpson, who emigrated from Scotland to the United
States early in the seventeenth century, and settled in Pennsylvania.
Bernard L. Lee is a cousin of the late Hon. Alfred E. Lee, a soldier
in the Civil war, subsequently prominent in army circles, and ap-
pointed by President Hayes as consul general to Germany. He died
in California in 1905.
Mr. Lee received his early education at Poland Union Seminary,
which his father founded, and pursued higher courses at Oberlin Col-
lege, also in Ohio, and at \\'ilHams College, Massachusetts. He com-
menced his professional career as a student in the office of Hine and
Clarke, at Youngstown, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar of that
state in 1888. In 1891 Mr. Lee became a practicing lawyer of Chi-
cago, and has since been engaged chiefly in civil procedures. As stated,
since forming the firm of Lee and Lee he has devoted his time and
abilities mainly to chancery practice.
In 1896 Mr. Lee was married to Miss Maud McKeown. of
Younsfstown, Ohio, dauijhter 01 the late W. W. McKeown, who was
for many years one of the leading business men of that city. He died
in 1905. They have had one child, Eleanor. In politics Mr. Lee is
a Republican, but in no wise active. He is an earnest Presbyterian.
and has been superintendent of the Sunday school at Edgewater, as
well as a liberal supporter of the local organization. Both in the
city of his professional practice and in the place of his residence he
is always ready to give the full measure of his strength to public and
charitable movements' which his^^good judgment approves.
David Spencer Wegg has made a wide reputation throughout the
northwest both as a lawyer eminent in railway and large corporation
interests and as an active, practical manager in these
lines. Born in St. Thomas, Ontario, on the i6th of
December, 1847, the son of John W. and Jerusha
(Duncombe) Wegg, he traces his descent from English ancestors,
the founder of the American branch of the family being Sir Charles
Duncombe (Lord Faversham), who came to the United States in
1730. They were among the early and leading citizens of the Do-
minion, prominent in politics, education and finances. The immediate
ancestors of his father, who were born in Norfolk, England, were
mainly artisans and architects, but among them were an admiral in
the English navy and a representative of the crown on the Island of
Trinidad. When, during the reign of King Charles II, "Ye company
of Gentleman Adventurers, trading into Hudson's Bay" — more fa-
miliarly known as the Hudson's Bay Company — was incorporated,
George Wegg, another ancestor of the Chicago lawyer, became the
first secretary and treasurer and served as such for thirty-four year:.
In his 3^ounger years David S. Wegg himself seemed destined for
the artisan element of his family, working in the paternal carriage
shop and acquiring proficiency at that trade. But this proved but a
step to something higher, as was proven by the way in which
he devoted his hours not given to manual labor. He read much and
thought deeply, qualified himself for teaching, and entered the work-
ing ranks of the pedagogues in connection with the schools of St.
Thomas. This, even, was not the height of his ambition, for while
teaching he had also been engaged in the study of law, and when he
came to Madison, Wisconsin, a young man of twenty-five, he was
well grounded in its underlying principles. An uncle. Chief Justice
Lyon, of the state supreme court, who then resided in the capital
city, had taken so kindly to the young man that he became a member
of his family, and thus pursued his studies as a law student at the
University of Wisconsin.
/ 1
Graduating from the law department of the state university in
1873, Mr. Wegg was immediately employed by the firm of Fish and
Lee, of Racine, Wisconsin, of which he soon became a partner. In
1875 he went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and was honored with a
partnership connection with cx-Chief Justice Dixon, for years one of
the most brilliant and learned membe^rs of the bench and bar of the
Badger state. The firm of Dixon. Hooker, Wegg and Noyes will
long be remembered as one of the most eminent legal copartnerships
in the northwest, both from the extent and the quality of its business.
Mr. Wegg's duties took him into court to a large extent, and he
speedily developed into one of the best known forensic lawyers who
practices in the higher courts of the state. When this connection was
dissolved on account of the illness of Judge Dixon, Mr. Wegg en-
tered another eminent firm of long standing, that of Jenkins. Elliott
and Winkler, whose business Avas also largely confined to railway and
corporation litigation. From this agreeable and lucrative association
he was called into the official field of railway management, being ap-
pointed assistant general solicitor of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway Company. In the discharge of the duties of this posi-
tion he was called to practice in almost all the courts of the different
states throug-h which that great system of railroads passed, and gained
a high reputation throughout the northwest as a skilful and learned
railroad lawyer. In 1885 Mr. Wegg assumed charge of the law
department of the Wisconsin Central Railroad Company, and moved
to Chicago, where he has since resided. Here, without relinquishing
any of the legal duties which had devolved upon him. he assumed a
vast financial and managerial responsibility. The company undertook
the immense task of obtaining an entrance into Chicago, and, in the
face of powerful and long established competitors. Mr. Wegg was as-
signed the bulk of the responsibility for its accomplishment. In the
prosecution of this undertaking it became necessar}'^ to organize the
Chicago & Northern Pacific Railroad Company, of which he was made
president, with the broadest powers of management, both constructive
and legal. He purchased the right of way. conducted condemnation
proceedings, negotiated bonds, built a magnificent depot and attended
to the thousand details of the immense undertaking with the skill of a
trained expert and the prudence and sagacit\- of a practical lawyer.
Wlien the Northern Pacific Railroad Company ac(iuired possession
of the Wisconsin Central, Mr. AVegg was elected a director of the
great continental corporation, a position which he afterward resigned.
In the performance of all the multifarious duties assigned to him and
assumed by him, Mr. Wegg lias evinced a rare combination of execu-
tive and managerial ability, legal acumen and broad judgment, even in
comparison with western practitioners who have a national reputation
as corporation lawyers. In tlie earlier years of his practice he ex-
celled most of his competitors in his skill in the presentation of rail-
road cases to juries, while before the court his mastery of legal princi-
ples, familiarity of precedents and power of forcible argument made
him well nigh invincible. He was the trustee of large estates and
held many responsible positions of trust and confidence with corpora-
tions other than those mentioned. While engaged in strictly private
practice his services were not only in large demand in the northwest
but in important and complicated litigations he was often called to
New York and other eastern cities.
Outside of his professional and financial relations, Mr. Wegg is
remarkably well informed, and in some lines of literature and science
an adept. He is a free and interesting conversationalist, an agreeable
companion and a man of broad and charitable qualities of mind and
heart. He is a member of the Union League and Literary clubs of
Some five years after entering practice, his professional success
being then already assured, Mr. Wegg married Miss Eva Russell,
daughter of Andrew Russell, of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, his wife
being a native of the Badger state. The marriage took place in 1878
and has resulted in the birth of two children — Donald Russell and
David Spencer, Jr., the former born in 1881 and the latter in 1887.
Mrs. Wegg's family is of Scotch ancestry, and as Mr. Wegg is of
good English stock, the sons of the family are sturdy specimens of
Briton. The members of the family are connected with St. James'
Episcopal church. Although not a partisan and never actively en-
gaged in politics, Mr. Wegg is a consistent Republican.
Hon. Jam_es Hamilton Lewis, an able lawyer and Democratic
leader of national reputation, was born in Danville, Virginia, on the
1 8th of May, 1866. In the year of his birth the
-J- * family removed to Augusta, Georgia, but he received
his literary training at Houghton College and the
University of Virginia. Subsequently he studied law in Savannah.
Georgia, and was admitted to the bar in 1885, when he was nineteen
years of age. Two years thereafter, in November, 1886, he located
at Seattle, state of Washington, where he resided for sixteen years,
engaged-in practice and acquiring national prominence as a statesman
and political leader.
Mr. Lewis entered official politics as a member of the territorial
senate, and in 1890 was urged by his party as a candidate for the con-
gressional nomination, but declined the honor. In 1892 he declined
the nomination for governor because of opposition to the party plat-
form, and two years later was a nominee for the United States sena-
torship, being also the choice of his party for the vice presidential
nomination. In 1896 he served as a delegate to the national conven-
tion, and was the congressman-at-large in 1897-9. He came before
the country, in 1897, as author of the resolution passed by Congress
recognizing the independence of Cuba. In 1900 he was a candidate
for vice president, being endorsed by the states of the Pacific coast
for that high office. Although a member of Congress, Mr. Lewis
was also a colonel in the Washington State Guard at the time of the
outbreak of the Spanish-American war, and resigning his seat to
accept military service, was appointed inspector on the staff of Gen-
eral Fred D. Grant. As such he served until the conclusion of hostili-
Colonel Lewis has been a resident of Chicago since 1902, has
been engaged in a lucrative and growing practice here, and is already
recognized as one of the strongest men interested in its progress, and
abundantly able to assist large and beneficial movements. In 1905
he was elected corporation counsel of the city, and in the legislature
of 1906-7 received a minority nomination for United States senator
from Illinois. Mr. Lewis' wife was formerly Miss Rose Lawton
Douglas, of Georgia, to whom he was married in November, 1896.
Marquis Eaton is a young lawyer of pronounced character,
whether considered from the standpoint of his professional attain-
ments or from the viewpoint of progressive citizen-
Marquis ^j^.p -^^ jg ^ member of the well established firm
AXON. ^^ Cody and Eaton, and his election to the presi-
dency of the Hamilton Club in May, of this year, is a substantial
tribute to his standing as a man and a stirring citizen.
Mr. Eaton is a native of Van Buren county, Michigan, born on
the 5th of April, 1876, son of Charles L. and Nellie (Joiner) Eaton.
At the age of twelve he was appointed page in the Michigan house of
representatives, and in 1892 graduated from the high school at Paw
Paw. Soon afterward he i entered the literary department of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, but his college course was terminated by the
sudden death of his father, adjutant general of the state, in February,
1895. Returning to Lansing he was appointed chief of the tax di-
vision of the auditor general's office, which he resigned in 1897 to
become associate reporter of the supreme court of Michigan. In this
position his duties were confined to writing the official head notes for
the published decisions of the court, and he was thus employed until
his removal to Chicago in 190 1.
In the meantime Mr. Eaton had been admitted to- the Michigan'
bar, his examination in 1897 having brought him the highest honors
of all competing candidates. For nearly three years after his father's
death he not only efficiently performed his duties in the auditor gen-
eral's office but devoted five hours each evening to the study of law,
with such other time as he could find. As the privilege of examina-
tion for admission to the bar extended, under the Michigan law, only
to students in offices and university graduates, an amendment to the
statute was passed by the state legislature which covered his case.
Immediately after passing the examination he was admitted to prac-
tice in Michigan, and has since been admitted in all the courts, includ-
ing the supreme court of the United States. The first two years of
his residence in Chicago were spent in an independent practice, but
in 1903 he became a member of the firm of Cody, Eaton and Mc-
Conahe}'', which by the subsequent retirement of Mr. McConahey as-
sumed its present style. As a member of the firm of Cody and Eaton,
he is actively engaged in general practice, although his individual
tendencies are toward business and corporation law. His experience
in these lines has shown an unusual aptitude, and he is already an
officer or director in eight prosperous corporations.
Since he became of voting age Mr. Eaton has been an active Re-
publican and a participant in the civic progress of whatever commu-
nity has been his home. In the campaign of 1900 he toured the state
of Michigan for the central committee, and in Illinois he has been
identified with the Seventh Ward Republican Club for many years.
THi: N>.-:\'V VOPK
His career in the Hamilton Club, of which he is a life member, has
been one of continuous activity. After serving- as secretary and treas-
urer of the Banquet committee, in 1904 he was elected a director and
immediately appointed chairman of the Political Action committee.
Retiring from the board in 1906 he was made chairman of the Com-
mittee on Municipal Legislation, was afterward chairman of the Re-
ception committee, and on May 18, 1908, was elected to the presi-
dency. Mr, Eaton is a member of the Illinois State and Chicago
Bar associations and of the Law Club, and is one of the Board of
Managers of the Chicago Law Institute. He belongs to the Ken-
wood Lodge, A. F. and A. ]\L, and to the Alpha Omega and Zeta Psi
fraternities. His religious faith is Congregationalism, and he is a
member of the University Congregational church and the Chicago
Congregational Club. Mr. Eaton's wife, to whom he was married in
Flint, Michigan, June 8, 1904, was formerly Jacquette Hunter. They
have a son, now three years of age, and reside at 5623 Washington
That Alfred R. Urion is the general counsel for Armour & Co.
is sufficient evidence that he is a lawyer of broad and practical
ability, thorough, determined, alert, versatile and
resourceful. On the paternal side he is descended
Urion. , ^ ,.._,,.,, . ,
from Lnghsn Quakers, while his maternal ancestors
were Irish, and through these strains of blood have come to him all of
his specified traits as a lawyer and a man. A son of John and Mary
(Randolph) Urion, he was born near Salem, New Jersey, on Sep-
tember 29, 1863, and obtained his elementary and literary education
in the public schools of his native locality, at the South Jersey Acad-
emy of that state, and at the Central High School of Philadelphia.
Shortly after graduating from the lajtter he came west and became a
student in the law office of Henry Miller at Fargo, North Dakota,
the supreme court of that state admitting him to its bar in 1884. A
short time thereafter he was admitted to the Minnesota bar and com-
menced practice at St. Paul, his four years in that place giving him a
wide experience and earning him a substantial standing.
Mr. Urion's ability in the handling of important business litigation
had so recommended him to the consideration of Armour & Co. that
they offered him the position of their general attorney, and in 1888
he came to Chicago to assume his duties. Later he was promoted to
Vol. 11—17
the office of general counsel, which carries with it the active supervis-
ion of the intricate legal matters of the gigantic corporation, as well
as-the actual handling of a mass of details. His mental strength keeps
these diverse matters well in hand, but he has also the reputation of be-
ing one of the shrewdest cross-examiners at the Chicago bar, which
have no superiors in the country.
In June, 1907, Mayor Busse appointed Mr. Urion a member of
the board of education, and he is now serving with characteristic zeal
and discriminative ability in his first public office, his term in which
will expire June, 19 10. He has always been interested in Republican
politics, however, and has frecjuently been a delegate to county and
state conventions. Mr. Urion is connected with the Union League,
Mid-Day and Press clubs, and his relations with fraternalism in the
organized sense are confined to Masonry. In his private character he
is sociable and approachable, although scholarly and dignified. In
1885 he was married to Miss Mabel E. Kimball, daughter of Henry
Martyn Kimball, editor of the Carlinville (Illinois) Democrat, and
their four children are Virginia, Alfred, Jr., Henry and Frances
William Duff Haynie, of the firm Knapp, Haynie and Campbell,
a prominent practicing attorney and a leading factor in several large
. corporations, is an Illinois man, both by birth and, to
a considerable extent, by education. He was born in
Salem, IlHnois, on the i6th of August, 1850, the son
of Abner F. and Martha Duff Lee (Green) Haynie. His father was
born in Tennessee and his mother in Kentucky, the ancestors of each
being Virginians and on the maternal side descendants of the Wash-
ington and Lee families of the Old Dominion. His father died in
1 85 1, and his mother, who was for twenty years professor of modern
languages in the Illinois State Normal University, placed William D.
in the high school connected with that institution and, on his gradua-
tion in 1870, sent him to Harvard College, from which he received
the degree of A. B. in 1874.
While a close and deep student, Mr. Haynie possessed the prac-
tical traits necessary for every-day success, and his predilections grad-
ually drew him into the broad and stirring domain of the law. His
systematic professional education commenced in the office of Green
and Gilbert, Cairo, Ilhnois, and was continued with Stevenson and
Ewing, and in the law department of the Ilhnois Wesleyan Univer
sity. Blooming-ton, Illinois, in which he passed a l)usy and profitable
year, graduating therefrom in 1876. Mr. Haynie's record was such
as to draw the attention of the townspeople to his sterling qualities,
and he himself had the good judgment to begin his practice where he
was best known, although larger and more distant fields might seem
more promising. During the nine years following his graduation
he continued his professional labors with gratifying success at Bloom-
ington. In 1885 he went to Washington to assume the position of
chief clerk in the office of the First Assistant Postmaster General,
who at that time was Hon. A. E. Stevenson, afterward Vice-Presi-
dent. He acceptably performed the duties of that position until Feb-
ruary, 1889, when he decided to again enter private practice at Rapid
City, South Dakota. In the meantime he had acquired considerable
prominence with the Democracy, and the party recognized his stand-
ing and abilities as an organizer and a far-seeing politician by appoint-
ing him to a responsible position on the National Campaign Commit-
tee, with headquarters during the campaign of 1892 in New York
City. In 1893-94 he practiced at Deadwood, South Dakota, and in
June of the latter year became a resident of Chicago.
In September, 1894, Mr. Haynie became associated with the law
department of the Illinois Steel Company, of which he is a director.
For several years he was also a director of the Illinois Manufacturers'
Association, and 'is recognized as a corporation and business lawyer
. of perfect reliability and great acumen.
Mr. Haynie has always taken a practical interest in military mat-
ters, and was at one time first lieutenant of Company G, Fourth Regi-
ment, Illinois National Guard. Socially and politically, he is a mem-
ber of the University, Iroquois, Colonial, New Illinois Athletic and
South Shore Country clubs. His domestic life, which is ideal, was
inaugurated by his marriage, January 30, 1889, to Ella R. Thomas,
of Washington, D. C.
There is no profession in which the admonition to "make haste
slowly" can be more advantageously followed than in that of the law.
It will be found that the great national figures, most
Charles A. ^^ whom have had a legal training, and those who
Winston. ^^^^ acquired eminence solely in the law, have been
men of the most thorough preparation. However great their native
talents, the unformed fledglings are not reaching the high posts of
honor today, but those whose education and training have enabled
them to survey a broad field of knowledge before they fairly entered
the activities of their career. In these days a thorough and broad
education is largely taking the place of the long, and oft-times wear-
ing experience, which in the earlier periods was considered essential
to honorable elevation in any of the professions or walks of life.
Charles A. Winston, senior member of the law firm of Winston,
Lowy and McGinn, is a typical modern lawyer, who has laid a broad
foundation for continuous personal development and professional
progress. Born in Boone county, Kentucky, on the 6th of Decembeii,/
1865, he is the son of A. G. and Georgetta (Matson) Winston. ^H,is"
father, also a native of that county, was born in 1832, being in early
life engaged in the practice of the law and later in business. He is
now a retired citizen of Cincinnati, Ohio, his wife (the mother of
Charles A.) being an Ohio lady, born in 1835 and died in 1888.
William T. Winston, the paternal grandfather, was a native of
Hanover county, Virginia, and settled in Boone county, Kentucky, in
the early part of the nineteenth century, dying in that section at the
age of sixty-nine. The Winston family came originally from York-
shire, England, whence six brothers emigrated to the United States
and settled in Hanover county, Virginia.
Charles A. Winston first attended the public schools of Kentucky,
and pursued higher courses at the Woodward College, of Cincinnati,
Ohio, from which he was graduated in 1886. He then entered the
law department of the University of Cincinnati, from which in 1891
he obtained his professional degree, being admitted the same year to
both the Ohio and Kentucky bars. Not yet satisfied with his profes-
sional attainments, Mr. Winston took an advanced course in the law
department of Harvard University, graduating therefrom in 1893.
In the year named above Mr. Winston came to Chicago, and after
being engaged in active practice here until 1896, spent a most profit-
able twelve months in travel, spending most of the period in Europe,
verifying and enlarging his knowledge of peoples and institutions,
both of the past and present. This was followed by a post-graduate
course at the Harvard Law School, in which his special line of study
and investigation was directed toward constitutional, corporation and
civil law. At the close of this supplementary study he accepted a pro-
fessorship in the University of Minnesota, filling the chair of Real
Property for a year. In 1899 l^e resigned the professorship, returned
to Chicago and re-engaged in active practice.
Since that year Mr. Winston has been engaged in progressive
professional work, and has made a specialty of corporation law, of
which he has made so close and deep a study. Both in his individual
capacity and as a member of the firm of Winston, Lowy and McGinn,
he is winning a position at the bar which is a full justification of his
faithful and careful preparation for his professional career. His prac-
tice is largely in the higher courts, his admission to the United States
circuit and district courts being obtained in 1894.
In 1900 Charles A. Winston was united in marriage to ]\Iiss Nina
W. Wright, of Houghton, Michigan, and a daughter of Z. W. and
Esther (Towne) Wright. In politics Mr. Winston is a Republican,
but has never actively entered that field. He is fond of outdoor
sports, being a member of the Birchwood Country Club and the Chi-
cago Athletic Club.
Henry Milton Wolf, member of the well known law firm of Judah,
Willard, Wolf and Reichmann, is one of an association of distinctive-
ly western attorneys. Henry M. Wolf is a native of
„, ■ Rock Island, born November is, i860, the son of
\ V OIF \J^ '
Moses and Bertha (Rothschild) Wolf. He received
the bulk of his education in Chicago, graduating from the old Central
High School in 1878, and later attending the University of Chicago,
as well as being instructed by private tutors. The period from 1878
to 1880 was thus passed, after which he entered Yale College and
graduated with honors and the degree of A. B. therefrom, in 1884.
He commenced the study of law at that famous institution and con-
tinued his legal studies in the office of Dupee, Judah and Willard until
March, 1886. when he was admitted to the bar.
It was at this early date that Mr. Wolf became associated as a
partner in the firm of Dupee, Judah and Willard. Both Mr. Judah
and Mr. Willard had studied in the ofiice of the original firm of
Hitchcock and Dupee, the fonner entering into partnership arrange-
ments in 1875 ^^^ the latter in 1882. A few years later the firm name
was changed to Dupee, Judah, Willard and ^^'l1lf. Since April i,
1905, the business has been conducted under the present style of
judah. Willard, ^\'olf and Reichmann.
Henry M. Wolf is a member of the Chicago Bar and the IHinois
Bar Associations. He is a Repubhcan and identified with the Yale,
University, Standard, Chicago Athletic and Chicago Literary clubs.
He is a thoroughly qualified lawyer, and a citizen of substantial, use-
ful and progressive qualities.
John Richard Caverly, citv attorney of Chicago, has made rapid
progress in his profession, and since becoming connected with the
legal department of the city, about a decade ago, he
;!, ■ has been continually in office, either in that connec-
Caverly. . ,. -^ . , , v- ,1 1
tion or as a police magistrate, and through all the
changes of administration has rendered faithful, earnest and impar-
tial service. ~ - — '
Mr. Caverly was born in London, England, on the 6tl^'of ^Becem-
ber, 1 86 1, the son of James and Mary (Boulter) Caverly, natives re-
spectively of Ireland and England. In his person is therefore com-
bined that brightness and sturdiness which form the characteristics
of a strong and successful man — popular, clear of head and practical
of purpose, charitable and yet a keen judge of human nature.
Mr. Caverly was brought by his parents to Chicago when a boy
of six years, and received his literary training in the Annunciation Par-
ish School and St. Patrick's Academy, of that city, and his profes-
sional education in the law department of the Lake Forest University.
In 1897 he obtained his degree of LL. B. from the latter institution,
and almost immediately (in April) was appointed assistant city at-
torney, serving in that position until May i, 1903. Mr. Caverly
severed his connection with the city attorney's office upon the latter
date, as he had been appointed justice of the peace and police magis-
trate at the Harrison Street police court, which has always been con-
sidered the most trying and responsible position of the kind in Chi-
cago. He presided over the court with promptness and impartiality
for more than three years, or until December i, 1906, when the justice
courts of this nature were abolished by law. His fine record as as-
sistant city attorney, however, hati followed him, and on New Year's
day of 1907 he was appointed by Mayor Dunne to the head of the
office, in Avhich he is logically bound to increase the splendid reputa-
tion which he has already made.
In his personal politics John R. Caverly is a firm Democrat, al-
though his convictions in this line have never influenced him in the
' J r^\
discharge of his official duties. He is a well known member of the
Chicago Democratic and the Cook County Democratic clubs, and, pro-
fessionally, is identified with the Chicago Bar and the Illinois State
Bar Associations. He supports such social organizations as the Iro-
cjuois Club, the Illinois Athletic Club, and such fraternities as the
Royal Arcanum and the Kniglits of Columbus. It will therefore be
readily inferred that he is a remarkably busy man, and has little time to
review his own achievements. His domestic life, which has been notice-
ably harmonious, was inaugurated by his marriage with Miss Char-
lotte J. Cochran, on the 15th of September, 1898.
It comes as no surprise to the average citizen to be told that Chi-
cago numbers among its attorneys some of the greatest commercial
and corporation lawyers in the country; from the
,, character of the city and the tendency of the times,
one would naturally expect a gravitation of such
legal talent hither. It is also a truth, but one not admitted without
careful investigation, that the metropolis of the west has a noticeable
proportion of lawyers who are highly and broadly cultured outside of
their professional limitations. Even to the general reader, who has
not personally examined the matter, the name of the late William
Vocke naturally suggests itself as a signal illustration of this element
of the legal fraternity; and his personality also emphasizes the fact
that many of the most cultured lawyers of Chicago are of his father-
William Vocke was a naiive of Minden, W^estphalia, Germany,
born April 4, 1839, the son of W^illiam and Charlotte (Ebeling)
Vocke. He received his early education in his home schools, and, los-
ing his father at an early age, decided that his future lay in the republic
across the ocean. At seventeen he ventured forth, landing in New
York in 1856, and, after stopping there for a short time, in order to
secure work and the resulting means to place himself further west, he
passed on to Chicago — the city of ugly outward appearance, but of
mysterious fascination for the energy, enterprise and intelligence of
all nationalities and all classes. In 1857 he became a permanent
resident- of Chicago, and soon found employment with his own coun-
trymen as a carrier for the Staais Zeitung, then as now the leading
German newspaper of the west.
Mr. Vocke's newspaper territory was then a large part of the
northwest side of the city, and by working from two until eight each
morning he partially supported himself and was enabled for a time
to give what hours were not absolutely necessary to sleep to the study
of the law, to which he had already pledged himself. At this critical
juncture in his affairs Professor Henry Booth — that good friend tc
so many young men — came to his relief, and, by allowing the de
termined and ambitious 3^oung German the use of his books, with in- ■
struction thrown in gratis — -that is, permitting him to pay, if con-
venient, at some future date — the path to the realization of a legal
education was thus paved for William Vocke, who ever insisted that
the day on which he was able to pay his kind friend c^rrjedj with it
one of the happiest events of his life. ~—^^l~^
In i860, then of legal age, Mr. Vocke left the employ of the Staats
Zeitimg to accept the position of a collector for the firm of Ogden,
Fleetwood & Co., then one of the leading real estate firms in Chicago.
His service of something less than a year in that capacity gave him a
good standing among business men and so earned him the commenda-
tion of his employers that when he resigned to enter the Union army
they presented him with a handsome sum of money in gold. In April,
1 86 1, he promptly responded to the three months' call for troops, be-
ing a private in the Twenty-fourth Illinois Infantry. He afterward
re-enlisted and was present at every engagement of the Army of the
Cumberland until his regiment was mustered out of the service. His
soldierly discipline, loyalty and bravery won recognition by his promo-
tion to the captaincy of Company D.
Captain Vocke's ambition and foresight were well illustrated b'y
the fact that during the leisure periods of his army service he devoted
himself to literary pursuits, and upon his return to the north in 1864
he was fully competent to fill the position which was proffered him —
the city editorship of the Staats Zeitimg. He held that position until
April, 1865, and won a place among able western journalists. From
the latter date until November, 1869, he was clerk of the police court
of Chicago, having during this period resumed the study of law and
been admitted to the bar (1867). With the exception of the seven
years from 1873 ^^ 1880, when he was in partnership with General
Joseph Leake, Mr. Vocke practiced alone. His clientage was always
extensive and the legal interests entrusted to him of a very important
character. He had a thorough understanding of the law as a science,
and stood among- the foremost trial lawyers of the city, his power
of analysis, his penetration to the foundation principles and his logical
presentation of the facts, combined with his winning personality, being
an explanation of his unusual successes before a jury.
Mr. Vocke made frequent contributions to both the German and
English press, and gained a high reputation as a forcible and polished
writer. In 1869 he produced a volume of poems comprising excellent
translations of the lyrics of Julius Rodenberg. During the later
years of his life his writings were more in the line of law than on
general literary topics, one of his most important productions being
a volume entitled "The Administration of Justice in the United States,
and a Synopsis of the Mode ol Procedure of our Federal and State
Courts and All Federal and State Courts Relating to Subjects of In-
terest to Aliens." The work was published in the German language
at Cologne, and has not only received the praise of German journalists
but has proven of much benefit to German lawyers and business men.
In 1870, three years after his admission to the bar, Captain Vocke
was elected to the lower house of the state legislature. Shortly after
the great fire of 1871 an extra session was called and he was instru-
mental in framing what is known as the "burnt-record act" ; and among
his other noteworthy legislative achievements he formulated and in-
troduced a life-insurance bill, which was indorsed by the Chicago
Tribune as "the soundest and most judicious measure ever proposed
to a legislative body on that subject." From 1877 to 1880 Mr. Vocke
served as a member of the Ciiicago board of education, and in that
position, as in all other official capacities, he performed his duties faith-
fullv and impartially, irrespective of political considerations or indi-
vidual leanings. For many years, and at the time of his death, he was
the official attorney for the Imperial German consulate at Chicago,
which was an indication, coming from his own fatherland, of his
standing as a German-American citizen and lawyer. Among other
offices with which he had been honored was also the presidency of the
German Society of Chicago -for the Aid of Emigrants, which organi-
zation has done a fine work in facilitating the amalgamation of that
invaluable racial element with the American nationality and body
politic. In his fraternal and social relations Mr. Vocke was identified
with the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and with the University
and Germania clubs.
On January 13, 1867, Mr. Vocke married Miss Eliza Wahl, and
they became the parents of two sons and four daughters. The loved
and honored husband and father passed away in the city which so
long had appreciated his high talents and worth, on the 13th of May,
1907, leaving, besides the widow, the children mentioned above: Fred-
erick Vocke, of Chicago; William Vocke, of Oklahoma; Mrs. Franz
Bopp and Mrs. D. P. Doak, of San Francisco ; and Mrs. J. C. Mc-
Mynn and Mrs. J. A. Bird, of Chicago. The deceased was domestic
and approachable, a genial companion and a delightful^entertainer, a
man of well-rounded character, and stood for years ahiong/thfe ablest
and broadest of the German-.Americans whom Chicago^has_jdelighted
to honor. • -^-^-^
Andrew Rothwell Sheriff, member of the substantial firm of Mc-
Cordic and Sheriff, is a native of Washington, D. C, and was born
April 8, 1872, his parents being George Lewis and
Andrew R. ^^^^^ Borrows (Rothwell) Sheriff. He first attend-
ed the public and high schools of the national capital,
and subsequently pursued a professional course in the Georgetown
University Law School, from which he was graduated in 1892 with
the degree of LL. B. Not satisfied with his proficiency, he entered
the Harvard Law School and in 1894 received a similar degree from
the more famous institution, subsequently pursuing a two years' course
(1894-6) at Harvard Cohege and Graduate School. He left the
latter with a fuU A. B. degree, and in 1897 an A. M. was added to
his titles, as a reward for work done in 1895-6.
Mr. Sheriff's record from 1889 to 1896 was that of a remarkably
capable and scholarly young man and member of the bar. In 1889-92
he was employed as a document clerk in the Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D. C, having in custody the scientific publications of that
great institution, and for one of his age the position was one of unusual
responsibility. Admitted to the bar of the District of Columbia July
2, 1894, he acted as assistant instructor in constitutional law at Har-
vard College in 1895-6, and in August of the latter year came to Chi-
cago to engage in active practice. He engaged in independent pro-
fessional work until February i, 1898, when he formed a partnership
with Alfred E. McCordic, also a Harvard graduate in law. On the
1st of January, 1904, Charles Y. Freeman was admitted into the firm,
which still retains its former name of McCordic and Sheriff. The
THi. .
firm is largely engaged in the practice of corporation law, and, through
the individual connections of its members, in the conservation of im-
portant business and commercial interests; Mr. Sheriff himself is
vice-president and director of the Illinois Car and Equipment Com-
pany and secretary and director of the Chicago & Calumet River Rail-
road Company, Mr. Freeman being secretary and assistant treasurer
of the former corporation. Mr. Sheriff has professional membership
in the American Bar Association, the Illinois Bar Association and the
Chicago Bar Association, and as a university man is identified with
Beta Theta Pi.
Andrew R. Sheriff was married in Chicago, October 17, 1900, to
Marguerite, daughter of William Hamilton Mitchell, and they have
becoTne the parents of two sons. Rothwell Mitchell and William Ham-
ilton Mitchell Sheriff. He is a member of the Republican party, and
is identified with the Hamilton and Calumet clubs. As an Episcopalian
he is a vestryman in the Trinity church, of the South Side, and since
becoming a resident of Chicago has been active in the work of the
John A. Brown is the junior member of the law firm of Kern and
Brown, his associate being Jacob J. Kern, the well known ex-state's
attorney and one of the able representat'ives of the
V, ■ German-American element in Chicago. There is no
Brown. , • ^, • , • , • , 1 - ,
hrm m Chicago which is a better exemplar ot the
restless, yet substantial ability and the never failing resourcefulness of
the rising lawyer of today, than that of which Mr. Brown is an equal
partner. He is a native of Tannersville, Greene county. New York,
born June 21, 1876, the son of James and Catherine (Goggin) Brown.
John A. Brown laid the foundation of his legal education in Chi-
cago, under private tutors and at the North Division High School.
He pursued his professional studies at the Kent College of Law, from
which he graduated in 1898 with the degree of LL. B., and at the
Illinois College of Law (post-graduate course) by which in 1899 he
was honored with LL. B. and LL. M. His law studies were com-
menced while occupying the position of clerk of the circuit court under
Frank J. Gaulter, were continued in the office of Lackner and Butz,
and were under the supervision of his uncle. Judge Goggin of the
superior court. His first intimate business relations with Mr. Kern
were in 1896, when the latter retired from the office of state's attorney
and formed a partnership with Elisha S. Bottum, Mr. Brown being
employed by them in various professional capacities. Mr. Bottum
died in 1898. Charles D. Fullen became an associate of the firm, of
Kern and Fullen, and Mr. Brown was received as a silent oartner,
the partnership assuming its present name at the retirement of Mr.
Fullen in 1900. Mr. Brown was admitted to the Illinois bar January
I, 1899, and to the United States Supreme Court May 31, 1904. The
scope of the business of the firm with which he is identified embraces
both civil and criminal procedure, and the formatioii,— development
and conservation of large corporations and business interests. It has
been an opponent in all of the late board of trade litigati&H'€»ver quo-
tations and is recognized as a prominent factor in the commercial
Mr. Brown is a member of the Illinois State and Chicago Bar asso-
ciations and of the legal fraternity. Phi Alpha Delta, his professional
standing being emphasized by the fact that he is also a trustee of the
Illinois College of Law. He is a member of the directory of, and
holds legal relations with many corporations and business enterprises.
He is a Democrat, a member of the Central Young Men's Christian
Association; is a life member of the Press Club of Chicago and is
very prominent in the Royal Arcanum, being Past Regent of the
Illinois Council in. that fraternity. In politics, he is a Democrat ; in
religion a Catholic, and in everything earnest, straightforward, fertile
and forceful. His youth and vigor give promise of many years of
usefulness and satisfaction. When "life's fitful fever" shall be over,
it will be proper for the memorist fittingly to portray a character
which can be only partially developed in the days of the contempora-
neous biographer.
A corporation lawyer of high individual standing and senior mem-
ber of the firm of Gurley, Stone and Wood, William W. Gurley is an
. Ohio man, born January 27, 1851, his parents being
William W. _ , t- , . -n ^ / a % ^-^ 1
P John J. and Anseville C. (Armentrout) Gurley.
After graduating from the Ohio Wesleyan Univer-
sity in 1870, he read law in his father's office, but prior to commencing
practice held the superintendency of the Seville (Ohio) public schools.
This experience was in 187 1-2, and in June of 1873 h^ was admitted
to the Ohio bar.
Mr. Gurley has been a resident and a practitioner of Chicago
since September, 1874, and although liis professional work in the
earlier years was of a general nature, for a long time it has been
almost confined to corporation law. That it is extensive will be recog-
nized when it is stated that he is the general counsel for the Chicago
Railways Company, Chicago Union Traction Company, the Receivers
of the Chicago Consolidated Traction Company, the Metropolitan
West Side Elevated Railway Company, Featherstone Foundry and
Machine Company and other corporations. He is also a director of
Wakem & Laughlin, Incorporated; Stearns & Culver Lumber Com-
pany, Lyon Cypress Lumber Company, and the Baker I^umber
October 30, 1878, Mr. Gurley wedded the daughter of the late
Hon. Joseph Turney, of Cleveland, Ohio — Miss Mary Eva Turney,
a cultured and attractive lady. They are the parents of one daughter,
Helen Kathryn. Mr. Gurley is both domestic and popular socially,
being a member of the following clubs : Union League, Chicago, Uni-
versity, Chicago Golf, Exmoor Country and Edgewater Golf clubs, all
of Chicago, and also the Transportation and New York clubs and
the Ohio Society of New York.
Robert Willis Campbell, member of the firm Knapp, Haynie and
Campbell, who are engaged in general practice and are general counsel
for the Illinois Steel Company and other corpora-
ROBERT W. . . . r T r i t i o .-i
„ tions. 19 a natn'e 01 Indiana, born July 30, 1074. the
son of Joseph C. and Lena (Nicoll) Campbell. He
has passed most of his life in California, his father being still an active
practitioner at the San Francisco bar. Mr. Campbell was educated
primarily in the public schools of Stockton and San Francisco, grad-
uating from the Boys' High School of the latter city, now known as
the Lov/ell High School. He was thus prepared to enter th.e Leland
Stanford, Jr., University, receiving therefrom the degree of V>. A.
in 1896, and pursuing a professional course (1897-8) at the Hastings
College of Law, San Francisco.
Mr. Campbell read law and was clerk in the office of Reddy, Camp-
bell and Metson, San Francisco, until April. 1899, when he was admit-
ted to the California bar and became managing clerk for the firm
named. He acted in that capacity until 1900, when, upon the death
of Mr. Reddy, he was admitted to a partnership under the firm style
of Campbell, Metson and Campbell.
Upon coming to Chicago in May, 1904, Mr. Campbell resigned
his connection with the San Francisco firm and joined with Kemper
K. Knapp and William D. Haynie in the formation of the copartner-
ship of Knapp, Haynie and Campbell, in the building up of whose
profitable and high-class business he has done his full share.
Married at Wheaton, Illinois, September 10, 1901, to Miss Bertha
Gary, daughter of Hon. Elbert H. and Julia E. (Graves) Gary, he
has become by her the father of one child, Julia ^Elizabeth. His
father-in-law is widely known as one of the great corporation lawyers
and capitalists of the east. Mr. Campbell is a leading Mason, being
a Knight Templar and member of the Mystic Shrine. He is identified
with the Wheaton Golf Club — one of the best known organizations in
the country — and with the University, Union League, Hamilton and
IlHnois Athletic clubs. In religion he is a Methodist, and in his politi-
cal affiliations, an unwavering Republican.
Henry Crittenden Morris, lawyer and author, is one of the most
scholarly members of the Chicago bar, and has had a most varied ex-
. _, perience both at home and abroad. As lawyer, au-
Henry C
thor and a student of literature and history, he is
iViORRIS. -- -
well known.
Mr. Morris is a native of Chicago, born April 18, 1868, the son
of John and Susan (Claude) Morris. Through his father's family
he is distantly connected with William Morris of England and Robert
Morris, the financier of Revolutionary times and fame, while on his
mother's side he is descended, in direct line, from the historic Rev-
erend John Cotton, of Boston, Massachusetts, who came to America
in 1640. He pursued his preparatory studies in the academy of the
old Chicago Universit)^, during 1878-81, afterward attended Buchtel
College, Akron, Ohio, and Lombard College, Galesburg, Illinois,
graduating from the latter with the degree of A. B. in 1887; subse-
cjuently, in 1890, he was given an A. M. degree. He had already
traveled and studied in Europe in 1882-83, and ten years later, still
a young man, pursued special courses in languages, history and litera-
ture at Leipzig, Freiburg, Paris and Ghent. He is proficient in
eight modern languages and has a working knowledge of several
others. In 1893 Mr. Morris was appointed United States Consul at
Ghent, Belgium, and was thus able to bring his linguistic ability into
the service of the government. Because of this proficiency, his general
culture and unfailing tact, he was considered one of the most valuable
members of the consular service, and continued his connection with
it for five years, until 1898, when he voluntarily resigned. While
serving in this capacity he wrote about two hundred reports on com-
mercial, industrial and social conditions in Belgium and other Euro-
pean countries which appeared in "Commercial Relations of the United
States" and similar governmeni i)ublications.
When Mr. Morris returned to Chicago in 1898 he resumed the
practice of the law, in which he had already made some progress,
having graduated in 1889 — a member of the first class — from the
Chicago College of Law. and having been soon afterward admitted
to the Illinois bar ; for the pa.st ten years he has been actively engaged
in his profession.
Mr. Morris has made an especially thorough study of all matters
connected with colonization; his "History of Colonization from the
Earliest Times to the Present Day" is considered a standard publica-
tion on the subject by all those who arc competent to judge. He has
also done some work in the local field; having published in 1902 the
"History of the First National Bank of Chicago." He is a member
of the American Historical Association, American Political Science
Association, the National Geographic Society, the Illinois Historical
Society, the Chicago Historical Society, and several other similar
organizations. In December, 1906, he read a paper before the Ameri-
can Political Science Association at its annual meeting in Providence,
Rhode Island, on "Some Effects of Outlying Dejpendencies on the
People of the United States," which attracted wide ^d favorable at-
tention, and materially increased his reputation as a profound and
interesting writer on colonization. One of the most agreeable tributes
to the character of Mr. Morris as a scholar and a cosmopolite was his
selection by Chief Justice Fuller of the supreme court of the United
States to serve as his personal secretary in the Muscat Dhows Arbi-
tration before the International Permanent Court at The Hague. Mr.
Morris has always taken much interest in the subject of beautification
of cities, whether through the landscape gardener, the architect or
the sculptor, believing in municipal art as a powerful force in the eduT
cation and general progress of the people. The Hamilton Club, of
which he is a leading member, has taken up the subject with ardor,
creating at his suggestion and for this purpose a permanent committee
of which he was chairman in 1904-6 and again in 1907-8. He was
likewise in 1907-8 a member of the editorial staff of the Hamiltonian;
He is also identified with the Twentieth Century, Chicago Literary
and New Illinois Athletic clubs.
Mr. Morris' religious convictions as a Universalist are firmly root-
ed. In 1 89 1 -2 he was president of the Young People's Christian (Uni-
versalist) Union of Illinois and clerk of St. Paul's Universalist Church,
Chicago. Since 1900 he has served as trustee of his alma mater, Lom-
bard College, which is one of the most prominent denominational in-
stitutions in the country; in T906-1908 he was also president of its
Association of Graduates. He has always been eager to support the
cause of Universalism and in these days of liberality of thought and
charity of religious attitude his denominational views have had a
material influence upon the esteem and admiration which are univer-
sally accorded him as a man of broad culture and a useful member of
society. In politics Mr. Morris is a Republican ; he is always interest-
ed in maintaining the highest standards in the selection of men foi
^^■nK, _^:;.- ^T-^oNS
office and the elaboration of policies; it is only on this account that he
takes any part in local political affairs.
The name of the rich, cultured old state of Ohio is associated, in
the minds of the men of the middle west, with courtesy, sociability
and l>road mentality. The public figures who have
,,/ emeroed from the Buckeye state to achieve national
Williams. ^ . . ,. . •^, ., , , .
reputations m politics, philanthropy, business and
the professions, have a certain warmth and richness of texture which
has come to be considered characteristic. For many generations Ohio
has been to what was formerly the middle west, what Massachusetts
still is to New England, and when to the,broad and deep traits of her
sons are added the invigorating qualities which have been justly ap-
plied to those who have been subjected to the influences of a long resi-
dence and training in Illinois, the personal resultant stands a logical
chance of being a potent member of the community.
C. Arch Williams is a typical Ohio-Illinois man and lawyer and
has had good cause to congratulate himself on the state of his birth
and that of his adoption, for both have been kind to him, although
not beyond the measure of his deserts. He was born in Bryan, Ohio,
on the 31st of May, 1869, the son of John S. and Ella N. (Oldfield)
Williams, both also natives of his state. The family was planted in
Pennsylvania at an early day, whence various members migrated to
his birthplace. He obtained the foundation of his education in the
public and high schools of Bryan, and after graduating from his lit-
erary studies he engaged in mercantile lines several years, and then
made up his mind that he wished to abandon the business world alto-
gether. The practical training, however, which he thus obtained, as
well as his experience in meeting with ease and assurance all classes
of people, were to be of incalculable benefit to him in his future career
as a lawyer.
Mr. Williams came to Chicago in 1892 and immediately entered
the law department of the Lake Forest University, now the Chicago-
Kent College of Law. He was graduated from the latter in 1894, was
admitted to the Illinois bar and, after taking a post-graduate course
of one year, received his- degree of LL. B. and entered into active prac-
tice. Until July, 1903, he conducted an independent practice, but
at that time, upon the death of ex-Judge Loomis, formed a partner-
ship with his son, F. S. Loomis, and under tlic firm name of Loomis
Vol. 11— IS
and Williams continued a growing legal business until July, 1906.
Since the latter date he has been a member of the copartnership of
Steere, Williams and Steere, and, through his able qualities as a law-
yer and his stable, popular traits as a man, has continued his progress
both in the development of a professional reputation and a profitable
legal business.
Outside of the field of the law Mr. Wilhams is widel}^-fcnown for
his fraternal work, and is one of the most prominent figures in the
Royal Arcanum, whose growth has exceeded that of any order of its
age in the United States. The secret of this remarkable progress is
that it has had the good fortune to attract such enthusiastic and un-
tiring propagandists as Mr. Williams; otherwise it would have been
impossible to be able to record the facts that since the organization
of the Royal Arcanum in Boston, thirty years ago, the fraternity has
reached a membership of two hundred and fifty thousand, of which
number twenty-two thousand is accredited to Illinois, and the munifi-
cent sum of $1 14,000,000 has been paid out to the widows and orphans
of those who have been welcomed into its ranks. For several years
Mr. Williams has been among the most prominent members of the
Royal Arcanum in the state, has held all the line offices in his council,
and has made an especially fine record as orator, editor and practical
worker for the increase of membership. His editorship of the organ
of Garden City Council, as well as of the Illinois section of the Royal
Arcanum Bulletin, has evinced a facile pen and marked journalistic
.abilities in every way. To emphasize his eminently useful service for
the order, in April, 1907, he was unanimously elected Grand Regent
of Illinois, the highest office in the state, and although still on the
sunny side of forty, he is the virtual leader of more than twenty
thousand brothers who will stake their all on the absolute good faith of
C. Arch Williams in all the activities of the strenuous modern life.
He is an active worker in the Sixth ward, and a member of the Ham-
ilton Club, indicative of his reliable Republicanism, and in 1906-8 was
associate editor of the Hamiltonian. During his earlier years in Chi-
cago, while a student at law, he won considerable public commenda-
tion as a singer, but when he entered active practice was obliged to
place his talent in the background, although it has been brought for-
ward occasionally to the unbounded pleasure of his fraternal associates
during the stated social entertainments of the local council. Mr. Wil-
Hams has a fine library, embracing both legal and general literature,
and in his outward characteristics and daily life evinces every mark
of the cultured, energetic, able and progressive lawyer and gentleman.
It would be difficult to name an American who, within a compara-
tively brief span of life has made a more enduring name for personal
nobility and fine public service than the late William
^ J. Campbell. Republicanism was bred into his fam-
Campbell. r, , . , . ,. , , . .
ily and mto lus own personality, and he was its sin-
cere and unfaltering apostle, believing and preaching by word and
act that the good of society and of the country depended upon its con-
trol of public affairs. Firm and enthusiastic in that faith, he studied
politics as a science that he might do his full part in continuing to
apply those principles of public polity to the government of his coun-
try which he believed in his heart to be right and most beneficial to
all. While he was therefore recognized as one of the most skillful
politicians in the country, he was honored with the almost unique dis-
tinction of holding himself above trickery and of viewing and manipu-
lating politics on a broad and high plane. He was the statesman and
Christian gentleman in politics, and in him was closely personified the
following general law as laid down by a distinguished American
author : "The more the Christian gentleman knows, the better politi-
cian he will make, and in him, and in him only, will scholarship come
to its finest issue in politics."
William James Campbell was born December 12, 1850, in the city
of Philadelphia, and the old-time spirit of "brotherly love" seemed to
have been implanted in him. The son of John and Mary Campbell,
sturdy, reliable Scotch-Irish people, his parents came to the west
during his infancy and settled in Bloom township, Cook county. The
boy divided his time between his father's farm and the local schools,
the combined training fashioning him into an intelligent and reliable
youth. Later he mastered the higher branches in the Bloom township
high school. Lake Forest Academy and the University of Pennsyl-
vania. He left the last named institution, however, before receiving
his degree, and, returning to Chicago, became a student in the Union
College of Law, where he completed the prescribed course. He at
once entered practice, and almost from that time until his death was
a prominent figure in legal circles and an influential factor in politics.
For some months before and after his graduation he was in the law
office of William C. Goudy, then one of the leading corporation at-
torneys of the city. With this gentleman Mr. Campbell studied for
about- two years, the association materially broadening and strength-
ening his legal outlook. In 1879 ^^ formed a partnership with Jacob
R. Custer, which continued until his death. The firm of Campbell
and Custer soon acquired a large practice. Mr. Campbell confined
himself to the duties of counsel, his time being fully occupied by the
important and involved affairs of a number of the largest business
houses and corporations of Chicago. He became as well known in
New York as in Chicago, and there had business connections which
yielded the firm of Campbell and Custer a handsome income.
Mr. Campbell's connection with poHtics commenced in 1878, after
he had graduated from the Union College of Law but while he was
still studying under the inspiring tutelage of Mr. Goudy. From that
year until 1886 he represented the country district of Cook county in
the Illinois senate, of which body he was elected president at three
consecutive sessions — a distinction seldom accorded one of his years
and experience. In 1891 he became the Illinois member of the na-
tional Republican committee to succeed Colonel George R. Davis, re-
signed; in 1892 was re-elected and shortly afterward was made a
member of the executive committee. In that capacity his work was
of such a noticeable order that he was not only re-elected in 1892, but
in June of that year was unanimously chosen chairman of the com-
mittee. On account of pressing professional and business duties he
declined the honor, although urgently urged to accept it by the most
prominent statesmen and politicians throughout the country. Despite
his aggressiveness and positiveness, Mr. Campbell's methods were so
open and devoid of personal animosity that he made many warm
friends in the political world. He took a comprehensive view of the
political situation, saw where work was most needed, and brought his
forces to bear in strengthening the weakest points. As a strong, yet
diplomatic political manager he has therefore been seldom equaled.
In 1876 Mr. Campbell was united in marriage with Miss Rebecca
McEldowney, of Bloom, Cook county, and they became the parents of
five children — Mary, William James, Herbert John, Allan Walter
and Edward Custer. Mary, the eldest of the family, was married in
1898 to Louis Sherman Taylor, treasurer of the manufacturing de-
partment of the Pullman Company, being the mother of two children
— Helen Campbell and William Campbell Taylor. William James,
who is iu the employ of Armour & Co., was united in marriage, in
1904, to Miss Rena Lawrence. Herbert John is a member of the
Chicago bar.
In his domestic life the deceased showed in a touching manner the
sympathetic, warm and mellow traits of character which were neces-
sarily hidden from the professional and public eyes. For the first ten
years of his married life Mr. Campbell lived at Blue Island, and in
1887 moved to the village of Riverside, Illinois, where he established
a beautiful and cultured home, the faithful and attractive wife and
mother throwing that spirit over and around it without which home is
From his earliest connection with that picturesque and artistic
suburb, Mr. Campbell was deeply interested in its welfare, and evinced
his interest by actively participating in its government and in all move-
ments designed to add to its conveniences and attractiveness. For
seven years he was president of the board of trustees, and during that
period watched with the keenest interest and pleasure every detail of
the municipal work. He projected many \illage improvements, and
it is largely due to his watchful and tireless exertions that Riverside
is today one of the most beautiful suburban villages in the United
States. A trustee of the Riverside Presbyterian church, he gave lib-
erally to that organization, anil extended its benevolences far beyond
the pale of any religious sect. Among, the secular institutions with
which he was identified in a marked degree was the Armour Insti-
tute of Technology. After Dr. Gunsaulus, he was considered its most
valued supporter, and the words of the founder of the institute are
therefore of special force : "He supported four or five young men in
the institute, and his two sons attended there. He was a benevolent
man, and he believed in a Christian as well as a benevolent education.
He was ready with his time and money to aid young men; he believed
in the education of the hands, the brain and the heart — the democracy
that lifts instead of pulls down; and he gave himself thoroughly to his
genuine love for young men."
Mr. Campbell was a valued member of various social organiza-
tions, including the Union League Club, the Chicago Club, the Chi-
cago Athletic Association and the Lawyers' Club of New York, and
at the time of his decease was a trustee of Armour Institute and Ar-
mour Mission. He died after a brief illness, from an attack of pneu-
monia, on the 4th of March, 1896, in the forty-sixth year of his age,
bearing with him the fond memories not only of those to whom he
was knit by domestic ties, but countless friends whose affection for
him had only increased with the years of his loyalty. After his death
resolutions of sympathy and respect were passed by the Illinois Re-
publican state convention, the national Republican committee, by
numerous clubs and societies, by the directors of Armour Institute
and the Riverside board of trustees. But the real worth of tl^e de-
ceased was not revealed by such public testimonials, impressive
though they were; it was from the pages of the private letters which
flowed in a torrent to the bereft widow and family that might be
demonstrated the abiding influence for good which radiated from the
life of William J. Campbell.
Harlan Ward Cooley, a well known attorney engaged in general
practice, is a native of the national capital, where he was born on the
29th of January, 1866, the son of D. N. and Clara
„ ' (Aldrich) Cooley. His father was commissioner of
Indian Affairs under President Lincoln.
Harlan W. Cooley was educated at Phillips Academy, Andover,
Massachusetts, from which he was graduated in 1884, afterward pur-
suing a four years' course at Yale University, from which he received
the degree of B. A. in 1888. He commenced his law studies at Yale
and continued them at the Union College of Law, Chicago, being ad-
mitted to the Illinois bar in 1890. Since that year he has been in
general practice in this city, and since 1905 resident vice-president and
general counsel of the American Fidelity Company, of Montpelier,
•Vermont. He has acquired considerable property and financial inter-
ests at Dell Rapids, South Dakota, having since 1890 been vice-presi-
dent of the First National Bank of that place, as well as president of
the Dell Rapids Elevator Company.
Mr. Cooley has always retained his close identification with his
college societies, being now connected with Psi Upsilon, Skull and
Bones, and Phi Beta Kappa. He is also a member of the Law Club,
the Chicago Bar Association, the Yale Club, the Hamilton Club, the
Twentieth Century Club, the Quadrangle Club, and the Sons of the
American Revolution.
ayt.£ix<^7^ ^^^-ff^-^^^
1 h
Married at Seymour, Connecticut, September 22, 1892, to Nellie
Wooster, daughter of L. T. Wooster and Julia (Smith) Wooster,
he has become the father of two children, Julia and Harlan. In poli-
tics he is a Republican, in religion a Methodist, and in general charac-
ter a gentleman and an able lawyer.
For more than thirty years one of the masters in chancery of the
circuit court of Cook county, Horatio Loomis Wait is one of the most
familiar and thoroughly respected personalities now
^ ' identified with the practice of law in Chicago. More-
over, he is a settler of over fifty years' standing, dur-
ing a decade of that period being connected, in an active and promi-
nent capacity, with the naval service of the United States. He com-
menced the practice of his profession about a year before the great
Chicago fire, and has therefore been a continuous witness of the won-
derful expansion and developm.ent of the new metropolis into one of
the great cities of the world. He first saw it as a raw young city,
barely able to struggle from the mud of the prairies, and, although
now a venerable figure, finds himself among the strenuous activities
of a city which has shouldered its way past Boston, St. Louis and
Philadelphia, and will soon be pushing New York for first place as
the metropolis of America. He is one of the favored few who, in
the span of one life, has resided in a community of such rapid ad-
vancement that he has witnessed a municipal development which ac-
cording to the usual order of history would have been impossible of
accomplishment in a century; and better still to relate, he himself has
been an active and ever constant force in this speedy progress.
Horatio L. Wait is a native of New York City, where he was born
on the 8th of August, 1836, being the son of Joseph and Harriet
(Whitney) Wait. He received his preliminary education at the Trin-
ity School, of his native city, and was fitted for college at the Colum-
bia College Grammar School. In 1856, however, before commencing
a regular course in the higher branches he came to Chicago, and was
employed in the office of J. Young Scammon, the lawyer and public
spirited citizen. The issues of the Civil war stirred him deeply, and
the actual conflict was the means of effectually barring out his legal
studies for a number of years.
In 1 86 1 Judge Wait first enlisted in Company D, Sixtieth Regi-
ment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but shortly afterward entered the
naval service as paymaster, with the rank of master. In this capacity
he served under Admirals Dupont and Farragut, in blockading Sav-
annah, Pensacola and Mobile, and later was assigned to Admiral
Dahlgren's flagship at the bombardment of Fort Sumter and the siege
of Charleston, South Carolina, until its capitulation. Mr. Wait found
the service so much to his liking and his services were so highly ap-
preciated by his superior officers that at the conclusioiii pf the war
he joined the European squadron, on the United Statesr-^feip "Ino,"
and before the conclusion of the year 1865 was promoted to pay-
master, with the rank of lieutenant-commander. For five years longer
he continued with Uncle Sam's squadrons in various capacities and
in various parts of the world, and in 1870 resigned his commission
to become a permanent landsman in Chicago and resume his legal
studies, so long interrupted in the interest of his country.
Having prosecuted his studies in the office of Barker and Tuley
with fresh vigor, after his long absence from such confining duties,
Mr. Wait passed a creditable examination which admitted him to
practice before the Illinois bar, forming soon afterward a partnership
with Joseph N. Barker, his former preceptor, under the firm name of
Barker and Wait, which later became Barker, Buell and Wait. Mr.
Wait's private practice of six years showed him to be firmly grounded
in the principles of the law, and, noticeably, of a judicial temperament.
A lawyer also of unimpeachable integrity and possessed of popular
personal qualities, it was eminently appropriate that in 1876 he should
receive the appointment of master in chancery of the circuit court, and
that, in view of his impartiality, courtesy, promptness, and unfailing
rectitude and ability, he should have continued to discharge the duties
of the position to the present time. He has long been a valued mem-
ber of the Chicago Bar and the Illinois State Bar associations, while
his naval experience is recalled by his life membership in the Farragut
Boat Club and his activity in the organization of the Illinois Naval
Judge Wait was married May 7, i860, to Chara Conant Long,
and they have become the parents of James Joseph and Henry Heile-
man Wait. For many years he has been known as an earnest and
prominent Episcopalian. He is a vestryman of St. Paul's Episcopal
fi L
church, Hyde Park, has been eiigagetl in its Sunday school work, and
was previously superintendent of the Tyng Mission Sunday school.
He was one of the founders of the Charity Organization Society.
later merged into the Relief and Aid Society; is a Companion of the
Loyal Legion, and, during his residence of forty years in Chicago,
has been a citizen of the highest mind and acts — the firm upholder of
public charities which appealed to his sense of justice and utility, and
the dispenser of private benevolences to the full extent of his means
and strength.
Jacob Newman has been a niemljcr of the Chicago Ijar iox many
years and is now the senior member of the law firm of Newman,
Northrup, Levinson and Becker.
^T He was born in Germany, November 12, 18:;^,
Newman. . ^^
the son ot Salmon and Paulme (Lewis) New'man.
His parents came to the United States when he was four years of age
and settled on a farm in Butler county, Ohio. The subject of this
sketch was early throwai upon his own resources. From Jacksonburg,
Butler county, Ohio, he moved to Noblesville, Indiana, where he at-
tended the public schools until he came to Chicago in the summer of
1867. In the larger city he found greater opportunities, and after
working hard for two years he saved enough money to enable him to
enter and continue his studies at the old University of Chicago. Dur-
ing the whole of his four years in college he worked and paid his own
Mr. Newman graduated from the Chicago College of Law in 1875
and immediately formed a partnership with Judge Graham under the
firm name of Graham and Newman. This copartnership lasted about
three years, when Judge Graham moved west, and ]\Ir. Newman con-
tinued the practice alone until the spring of 1882. In that year he
formed a copartnership with Adolph Aloses under the name of Moses
and Newman, which firm was well known for many years at the Chi-
cago bar. In 1890 Mr. Newman retired from the firm and formed
the present firm of Newman, Northrup, Le\inson and Becker.
Mr. Newnnan is a tirm Republican and is a member of the Union
Leauue. Standard and Ravisloe Countrv clubs. He was married Mav
30, 1888, to Miss Minnie, daughter of Hugo Goodman, and is the
father of John Hugo, Elisabeth and George Ingham Newman.
Emil C. Wetten, first assistant corporation counsel of the city of
Chicago, is a native Chicagoan, his education, professional training
and entire experience being identified with the west-
ern metropolis. He is a graduate of the Chicago
College of Law (law department of the Lake Forest
University) and the University of Michigan, and has received the
degree of LL. B. He is a member of the law firm^of JEddy, Haley
and Wetten, and devoted himself exclusively to his practice until 1907,
when he accepted the position of assistant corporation counsel.
For many years Mr. Wetten has been an active Republican, in
1 906- 1 907 serving as president of the Hamilton Club, and is regarded
as among the active and progressive leaders of that organization
and the party at large. He is also a member of the Union League
and Colonial clubs, and, in his more strict professional relations, is
actively connected with the Chicago and Illinois State Bar associa-
tions. He is also a member of the Delta Chi fraternity, a thirty-second
degree Mason and a Shriner.
Edward S. Whitney is of the younger generation of lawyers en-
gaged in the substantial practice of corporation law in Chicago, be-
ing a member of the well-known firm of Sears,
Meagrher and Whitney, of which the senior is Na-
Whitney. .
thaniel C. Sears, ex-judge of the superior court of
Cook county. Mr. Whitney is a native of Bennington, New Hamp-
shire, born October 12, 1867, the son of Nathan and Charlotte M.
(Belcher) Whitney, natives respectively of Massachusetts and Ver-
mont. During his active business life the father was a paper manu-
facturer, and is now living in comfortable retirement.
Edward S. Whitney received a thorough education, passing from
the grammar schools of Bennington to the academy at Francestown,
New Hampshire, and finally graduating from the Arms Academy at
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, in the year 1885. In 1890 he re-
ceived the degree of A. B. from Amherst College, and in 1893 Har-
vard University conferred upon him the degrees of A. M. and LL. B.
In February of that year he v/as admitted to the Suffolk county bar
of Massachusetts, and in the following November, being admitted to
the bar of Illinois, he located in Chicago for the practice of his pro-
fession. Mr. Whitney's independent career was of such notable
progress that in April, 1902, he became a member of his present co-
not m'il'm I
partnership, his partners being- old and prominent practitioners and
the entire combination presenting marked features of legal strength.
Their practice is already extensive and rapidly growing.
On the 14th of September, 1898, Mr. Whitney was united in mar-
riage to Miss Grace A. Kerruish, at Clevekifd. the home of the bride,
the children of the union being Margaret and Miriam. Mr. Whitnev
retains his collegiate affiliations by his membership in Phi Beta Kappa
and Delta Kappa Epsilon. In politics he is a Republican and is iden-
tified with the stalwart Union League Club.
Charles F. Lowy, of the law firm of Winston, Lowy and McGinn,
with offices in the Stock Exchange building, has obtained a firm stand-
ing among the rising young attorneys of the city,
J * and that, although he is of foreign birth and has
been a resident of Chicago only about sixteen years.
He was born in Bohemia, June 17, 1874, and received his literary
training in the public and normal school at Humpolec, in his native
country, as well as in one ot the high schools of Vienna, Austria.
Thus mentally equipped, he came to the United States in 1891, be-
ing naturally attracted to Chicago, which contains the largest Bo-
hemian element of any city in the United States. Locating in this
city during the year of his arrival in America he busied himself at
various pursuits, but soon commenced to become interested in legal
matters and studies. At length he was enabled to pursue a regular
professional course in the law department of the Lake Forest Uni-
versity, from which he was graduated in 1900.
Charles F. Lowy was admitted to practice before the Illinois bar
in 1901, and since then has been industriously, energetically, intelli-
gently and successfully pursuing his well-chosen career. From the
time of his admission until 1906 he maintained his ofiice at No. 89
Clark street, in the latter year becoming a member of the firm of
Winston, Lowy and McGinn and removing to the Stock Exchange
offices. In 1902 Mr. Lowy had been admitted to practice before the
United States circuit court of appeals, and since that time, both in-
dividually and in connection with his partnership practice, has been
in charge of numerous cases tried before that tribunal and the Illi-
nois supreme court. His practice has been largely confined to the
law of corporations, he being the counsel for a number of brewing
companies. Mr. Lowy's continuous progress to his present substan-
tial standing has been the pure result of personal exertions and worth,
as he has never been able to apply the influences of family influence
or inherited wealth to his individual affairs. Fortunately, he located
in a city where he had many brothers in the unaided struggle for
advancement, and where those who have fought their way to an ad-
vanced position are quick to recognize merit and manliness.
In 1905 Mr. Lowy again evinced his common sense and appfeiya-
tion of complete Americanism by taking to himself a wife in the pei:-
son of Miss Belle Friend, of Chicago. They have one daughter
Lucile. Mr. Lowy is a Mason, in affiliation with Keystone LoUge
No. 639, and is also a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Sons of
Israel. With the last-named fraternity he is very closely identified,
serving, in 1907, as delegate to the United States Grand Lodge at
Atlantic City. He belongs lo the Phoenix Club, and is, all in all,
a fine type of a thoroughly Americanized citizen of foreign blood
and broad education, drawn partly from his native land and partly
from the country of his enthusiastic adoption.
Before coming to Chicago in 1896, Watson Jared Ferry, now a
corporation lawyer of standing in Chicago, had accomplished good
public service in two states. He was born in Pres-
■r- ton, Chenango countv, New York, on the 27th of
Ferry. ^^ ' o ■, ^ , 1 , ,•
March, I044, and received a thorough literary train-
ing in the Albany (N. Y. ) Academy and the St. Lawrence University
of New York. Graduating from the latter, in 1861, he took up his
law studies in various offices at Canton and New York City, and in
1867 was admitted to practice before the bar of New York state.
From 1867 until 1871 Mr. Ferry was engaged in professional
labors at St. Lawrence, New York, and during that period served
as special county judge for two years, under appointment from
Governor Hoffman. In 1871 he removed to Kansas City, Missouri,
and resumed his practice there, but during the quarter of a century
of his residence in the western city he came into considerable prom-
inence as a public functionary. From 1883 to 1884 he served as a
member qf the general assembly - from Kansas City, was police com-
missioner from 1884 to 1890, and subsequently became a member
of the military staff of Governor Marmaduke. While practicing in
B ^
Kansas City he had as a law partner the late TTon. George W.
McCrary, formerly a member of Congress from Iowa, secretary of
war under President Hayes, later United States circuit judge, and
a commanding figure of national prominence, who died in 189 1.
Mr. Ferry located in Chicago in 1896, and since that time his
practice has been mainly along lines of corporation law. In addition
to his private practice, he has been connected in a semi-official capacity
with much litigation for the Chicago City Railway Company.
In politics Mr. Ferry has always been an aggressive Democrat. He
is an Episcopalian and since coming to Chicago has been an active
member of the St. Paul's Fpiscopal church. He is also identified with
the Chicago, Washington Park and South Shore Country clubs, being
both of a social disposition and a firm believer in the efficacy of an
indulgence in outdoor recreation.
For sixteen years one of the most prominent practitioners at the
Minnesota bar and since 1898 recognized as one of the most deeply-
read lawyers in Chicago, George Henry White, is
,^. ■ now a member of the firm of White. Mabie and
Conkey. He is a native of Union Village. Wash-
ington county. New York, born on the 12th of September. 1854.
being the son of James and Caroline E. (Cunningham) White, both
natives of the Empire state. Of his parents, the father was born in
New York City and is deceased, while the mother, a native of Glens
Falls, New York, is a resident of Harvard, Illinois.
George H. White received his education in the public schools
of New York. Illinois and Wisconsin. i)ursuing a higher course in
the Badger state at the Sharon Normal Institute, in Walworth coun-
ty. Thereafter he entered the Northwestern University, Evanston,
and in 1875 graduated from that institution with the degree of I'li.
D. He then commenced his professional studies, and in 1880 was
admitted to practice before tlie Iowa bar; t(^ the California bar in
1 88 1, and to the bar of Wisconsin in 1882. During the last-named
year he removed to Minnesota and, securing aflmission to the bar of
that state, commenced his long, active and honorable practice there.
Mr. White came to Chicago in 1898. and lias since been admit-
ted to practice in all of tlie stale courts and the United States district
and circuit courts. He is a lawyer of thorough reliability and ability.
and the firm of which he is the senior member, although young in
years, has already obtained a substantial standing. Mr. White's
high standing personally is evidenced by his appointment in April,
1907, to the responsible position of city prosecuting attorney of the
city of Chicago. In politics, he has been a life-long and an uncom-
promising Republican, and has always done his full share in promot-
ing the interests of his party. A^'
In 1886 Mr. White was wedded to Miss Cora H. Anmf^'a'^native
of Sandusky, Ohio, by whom he has had two childri^n, Vernon A.
and Gladys C. His fraternal connections are high, as a Mason being
a member of the blue lodge, chapter, a Knight Templar and Shriner.
He is not a formal member of any religious sect, but is a regular at-
tendant at the services of the Methodist church, of which he is a
stanch and liberal supporter. In disposition he is earnest, straightfor-
ward and unassuming, and all his life has been a great student, his
readings and studies extending into many fields outside the province
of his profession. This latter trait has given him a breadth of view
and depth of research which are forcibly manifested in his practice
and character as a lawyer and citizen.
Clarence W. Taylor, attorney and counselor at law, and a widely
known solicitor for patents, practicing in Chicago, was for a period
„ of over twenty-five years a prominent member of
, the profession at Sioux City, Iowa, and other west-
ern points. Since the fall of 1904, when he became
a resident of this city, he has materially extended his reputation as
a thoroughly reliable solicitor of foreign and domestic patents and
trade marks, having established not only a good private practice
in these lines, but, in view of his ability, been appointed general
counsel of various interests whose industries depend largely for their
development and permanence on the stability of the patents involved.
Born near Kenton, Hardin county, Ohio, on the 25th of Septem-
ber, 1853, Mr. Taylor is a son of William J. and Katherine (Garver)
Taylor. He had the misfortune to lose his mother when he was
only twelve years of age, her death occurring at Hastings, Minne-
sota, in 1865, his father surviving her until 1886, when he died
at Minonk, Illinois. William J. Taylor was a man of considerable
prominence in central Illinois, having held a number of political and
civil positions during his residence at Minonk and otherwise been
considered a citizen of wide influence and high character.
Clarence W. Taylor was educated, as to the elementary branches,
in various public schools, and as he early evinced a preference for
some intellectual profession, he first prepared himself for that of a
teacher. Entering the Northern Indiana Normal College at Val])a-
raiso, he mastered the course which qualified him for that occupation,
and while following it as a means of livelihood was drawn more
and more closely to the study of law. His first systematic readings
in that line were pursued under the guidance of Martin L. Xewell,
of Woodford county, Illinois, of which J\Ir. Newell was then state's
Admitted to the Illinois bar January 17, 1879, in the following
April j\Ir. Taylor was elected city attorney of Minonk. where his
father was so well known and where he had himself commenced the
practice of his profession. At the expiration of his term he removed
to Sioux City, Iowa, and for twenty-five years was engaged in pro-
fessional work there and at other cities of the west. He was a leading
member of the Sioux City bar for fifteen years, and removed thence
to Chicago with a high professional and personal reputation. Such
members of the bench and bar as J. L. Kennedy, judge of the Fourth
judicial district of Iowa, and George W. Wakefield, ex-president of
the Iowa State Bar Association, had nothing for him but words of
the highest commendation. Mr. Wakefield speak^ jif^him as a "tem-
perate, capable, active and industrious man," aAd^Judge Kennedy
not only repeated such endorsement but added, imiJroad terms, that
"his standing in the profession was the best." From other points
where Mr. Taylor had become known as an attorney and a man came
the same strong testimonials, one quotation, from a non-professional
friend, well describing his general characteristics as "a man of refined
manners, correct habits, a kind heart, and a clear, well trained, vig-
orous intellect."
Since coming to Chicago, in September, 1904, Mr. Taylor has
centered his abilities in the practice of corporation, patent and copy-
right law — a professional field which requires thorough master}^ of
countless details, mechanical ability of a high order, and intense
and continuous application to the entrusted matters. These qualities
he possesses in so positive a degree that his noteworthy success in
his broader metropolitan field is assured. Mr. Taylor is a member
of the Patent Law Association of Washington, D. C, an organization
which numbers some of the most eminent authorities in that line in
the country.
In 1880 Mr. Taylor was united in marriage to Miss Agnes S.
Poage, a native of Minonk, Illinois, and a daughter of Albert B.
Poage, a patriotic martyr to the cause of the Civil war. For the full
terrible four years of the conflict he bravely served in the Union
ranks, after which, with shattered health, he returned to his home,
where his death soon after occurred. One child, Agnes Mabel, has
been born to the union of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Taylor. She
is a refined, attractive and highly educated young lady, being a grad-
uate of Oxford (Ohio) College, from which she received the degree
of A. B. The family are sincere and worthy members of the Pres-
byterian church. Personally, Mr. Taylor is a Republican, but since
coming to Chicago has devoted his energies and capabilities to the
establishment of his professional business, and to the complete exclu-
sion of public or political considerations.
B ,
Charles Calvin Carnahan, senior member of the law firm of Car-
nahan, Slusser and Cox, and, in his legal capacity prominently con-
nected with various corporations of Chicago, is
Carnahan ^'^*^ ^ leading Republican and a public man. He is
a native of Cochran's Mills, Armstrong county,
Pennsylvania, where he was bom on the 3rd of April, 1868, being
the son of William H. and Maria L. (McKee) Carnahan. Mr. Car-
nahan comes of good old patriotic American stock, not a few of his
ancestors participating in the Revolutionary war. In recognition of
the value of his services in that conflict, his maternal great-grand-
father received from the government a tract of land which is now
included in the site of Worthington, Armstrong county, western
Mr. Carnahan received his preparatory education in the public
schools of his native village, and his higher literary training at Hills-
dale College, Michigan. He first read lav^ in the office of J. W. King,
a prominent attorney of Kittanning, Pennsylvania, and, coming to
Chicago in the fall of 1891, entered the Chicago College of Law
for a regular professional course. Being admitted to practice before
the supreme court of Illinois in 1892, he at once entered into general
practice, which has since been continuous and successful. In the
spring of 1893 he received from Lake Forest University his regular
degree of LL. B. Mr. Carnahan is a member of the Chicago Bar
Association and of the Chicago Law Institute, and is recognized as
one of the younger lawyers who has already made a reputation and
has a greater future. His prominence as a Republican is attested
by the fact that he was a candidate for Coiigress from the Fifth dis-
trict in 1900, and, although defeated, made a strong run and extended
his reputation as a fertile campaigner, a good manager and a fair-
minded citizen. He is a leading member of the Union League. Illi-
nois and Chicago Athletic clubs.
On the 15th of June. 1894. Charles C. Carnahan was united in
marriage to Miss Katherine .\. Hawkes, and from their union has
been born one daughter, Madeleine R. I^lr. Carnahan is a Mason
of hioh standing, being a member of the Oriental Consistorv thirtv-
second degree, and of ]\Iedinah Temple. He is also identified with the
Knights of Pythias and the National Union.
In the field of his profession Mr. Carnahan is especially known
Vi>i. n~io
for his large corporation practice. On account of his thorough legal
knowledge in this specialty, he is identified with a number of import-
ant corporations, partly in a legal and partly in a managerial capacity.
It should be needless to add, in view of tbe_a.bove statement of facts,
that Mr. Carnahan is a busy, useful citizen,) -and among the most
rapid progressionists of his profession in Chicago. ~
Fred Holmes Atwood, senior member of the firm of Atwood,
Pease & Loucks, has earned the reputation of being one of the most
successful trial lawyers at the Chicago bar. the col-
lective business of the copartnership being largely
identified with the litigation incident to the progress
of the lumber interests of the city. For many years he was also
one of the most prominent Democrats of this section, but abandoned
that party on the financial issues of 1896 and has since been an
earnest supporter of Republican principles. His political record is
indicative of his radicalism and independence, and his determination
to abide by principles which he believes to be sound at the root,
irrespective of where such a course may lead him as to party, civic
or religious organizations of his fellows.
Fred H. Atwood was born on a farm in Leroy township, Cal-
houn county, Michigan, on the 4th of February, 1863, being a son
of Ephraim and Samantha J. (Holmes) Atwood, natives respect-
ively, of Pennsylvania and of his own native county. They still
reside in that section of Michigan, where they are accounted as
among its most substantial, respected and influential members of
the community. The father, a lifelong agriculturist, was born in
1838, his wife being his junior b)^ three years. Through the maternal
line Mr. Atwood comes of the same family of which Justice Holmes,
of the United States supreme court, is a representative.
Mr. Atwood's boyhood years were passed on the home farm in
Calhoun county, and as an attendant of the district school at West
Leroy, Michigan. Later he attended the college at Battle Creek, that
state, and in 1881 entered the University of Michigan as a law
student. After finishing a three years' course he secured his regular
professional degree, but decided to practice his profession in Chicago,
thus engaging alone until 1887. For the succeeding decade he was
a member of the firm of Cruikshank and Atwood, and since then
of the firms of Atwood and Pease, and Atwood, Pease and Loucks
B "^
(as at present). Among the leading cases with which Mr. Atwood
has been individually identified may be mentioned two of special
note — those of Annis versus The West Chicago Railway Company,
which was decided by the supreme court of Illinois in favor of the
plaintiff (165 Illinois Reports) and R. G. Dun versus The Lumber-
men's Credit Association. The latter case is now pending in the
United States supreme court. Mr. Atwood's success is largely due
not only to his effectiveness as a pleader before court and jury, but
to the persistency with which he follows up any matter entrusted
to him. and he is especially strong in corporation and commercial
As stated, Mr. Atwood was long a prominent Democrat, being
chosen as a presidential elector from Illinois by that party in 1892.
Since 1896 he has been a Republican, with independent proclivities.
He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, and a Mason of
high rank, in the fraternity mentioned being identified with Apollo
Commandery No. i, K. T. He is prominently identified with the
Methodist Episcopal church and is president of the board of trustees
of the Evanston Avenue church. In 1885 Mr. Atwood was united
in marriage with Miss Minnie P. Best, of Vicksburg, Michigan, and
they have become the parents of Ivan J. B., Ephraim H. and Lenna
Gertrude Atwood. x^n able lawyer, a faithful husband and father,
a companionable and popular man. and a citizen of broad usefulness
— what more can be said in commendation of the life record of an
Born of humble parentage on an obscure Minnesota farm, less
than thirtv years ago. William Samuel Kies, by sheer determination,
ability and force of character, has risen to a very
„ ■ high position — that of general attorney in the legal
department of one of the greatest railway systems
in the world. As a trial lawyer in the domain of corporation litiga-
tion he has few superiors at the local bar. and in view of his com-
paratively short experience as a practicing attorney his progress and
standing are somewhat phenomenal. Mr. Ivies' place of birth was
a farm near Mapleton. Minnesota, and his birthday December 2, 1877,
his parents being Christian L. and Bertha A. (Steeps) Kies. His
father, a native of Schondorf. W'urtemberg. came to the United
States alone at the age of sixteen years, and his death occurred at
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in 1894. His mother was born on a farm in
Winnebago county in 1847, and her death occurred in the same city
two years after that of her husband.
Mr. Ivies, the only child of this union, was educated at the Osh-
kosh schools. After graduating from the high~school, although only
seventeen years of age, he secured the princi^alship "^f the public
schools at Fredonia, Wisconsin, serving thus for^the school year
1894-5, and holding the same position at the head of the Grafton
(Wis.) schools in 1895-6. In the latter year he entered the University
of Wisconsin,'at Madison, finishing the regular four years' course in
the classics in three years and receiving the prescribed degree of B.
L. But finding his longing for a practical, working education unsat-
isfied, he entered with his usual vim and determination into the study
of the law, and made such rapid and satisfactory progress that he
was again able to master a regular course of three years in two,
graduating from the law school in 1901 with LL. B. This rapid
progress at the Wisconsin State University was the more remarkable
in view of the fact that Mr. Kies had been supporting himself since
he was fourteen years of age; and his case is another illustration
of where necessity has proven the best spur to energies and abilities
of a high order, and in which the pressure of circumstances far from
discouraging the brave and ardent man has served only to push him
on to greater accomplishment. But in order that what the world
calls adverse circumstances shall have this inspiring effect the char-
acter must be far above the normal in elastic strength and toughness
of fi1:)er. These qualities William Kies possessed and evinced them in
a striking manner from the time he earned his first money as an
Oshkosh newspaper delivery boy, at a dollar and a half a week, until
he had attained an assured standing in his profession — and even
then, and now, the}^ are his in a more mature and massive measure.
While at the Universit}^ of Wisconsin he earned his way by acting
as business manager of the Daily Cardinal, the official. organ of the
university, and of the Wisconsin Alumni Magazine, as well as by
the publication for two 3^ears of the Wisconsin Municipalities. He
took high honors in his course, being intercollegiate debater, and, at
the time of his graduation, was the orator of his class. Admitted
to the Wisconsin bar in 1901, in August of that year he came to
Chicago, and for a short time was in the law office of Peck, Miller
and Starr. Subsequently, until May i, 1903. he was connected with
the legal department of the Chicago City Railway Company, under
John F. Smulski, and in this connection was regarded as one of the
most efficient defenders of the city's interests ever associated with
that department. His ability as a trial lawyer especially attracted
the attention of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company, and
resulted in his resignation of his position in the city attorney's office
April I, 1905, and accepting the office of general attorney for the
Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company. In this position he is
consulting attorney for the claim department and trial attorney for
the railroad, also having charge of all the company's attorneys in the
state of Illinois. He had entire charge of the preparation of the suit,
extending over a year, in the big Northwestern Deport Condemnation
case, with N. G. Moore and F. H. Scott as special counsel. This
was perhaps the most important condemnation case ever tried in
Cook county and the longest in the United States. The trial lasted
seven months, and $5,000,000 worth of property between Clinton,
Canal, Madison and Kinzie streets was involved. In three years to
date Mr. Kies has not lost a case for the railroad company.
Mr. Kies is a member of the American Bar Association, the Chi-
cago Bar Association, the Illinois Bar Association, and the Chicago
Law Institute, and stands high personally and professionally among
his fellow attorneys. In politics he is an earnest Republican and has
taken an active part in the affairs of the party since 1900, during that
year being especially prominent in the McKinley campaign through-
out Wisconsin. Since that time he has been in urgent demand as a
campaign speaker, his style of delivery being easy and attractive, and
the subject matter of his speeches clearly, pithily and eloquently pre-
On the 1 2th of July, 1905, Mr. Kies was united in mariage to
Miss Mabel P. Best, of Chicago, daughter of George W. and Bertha
D. Best, and to their union was born Margaret Bertha Kies, November
II, 1906. Mr. Kies is a member of the Methodist church, a Master
Mason and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa and Kappa Sigma
fraternities. He is also a member of the Union League, Chicago
Athletic. Germania and Hamilton clubs. To his substantial and bril-
liant traits as a lawyer, his stanch character as a man, he is possessed of
the sociable and attractive qualities of the <niltured gentleman, which
union of characteristics has raised him to his present enviable position
as a lawyer and a citizen.
James Joseph Barbour, who has won a leading place at the Chi-
cago bar, is a native of Hartford, Connecticut, born on the 28th of
December, 1869, and is therefore one of the young-
-^ •^' est of the prominent menibers-of-the bar. His par-
ents were Rev. H. H. and Frances E. Barbour, and
the preference of the son for a professional career was something
of a family trait. In pursuance of his father's pastoral duties the fam-
ily removed to Newark, New Jersey, where, until 1886, James J.
received his education through the public and high schools. The
combination of practical with literary and oratorical talents inclined
him, at quite an early age, to the province of the law as the field of his
life work. His educational training for the practice of his profes-
sion was received at the Chicago College of Law in 1889-92.
Upon his admission to the bar in 1891 at the age of twenty-one,
and prior to the completion of his full collegiate course, Mr. Bar-
bour had become attorney for the Commercial National Bank of Chi-
cago and continued as such until the death of its president, Henry
F. Fames, in 1897. In 1894 he formed a partnership with Joseph A.
Sleeper, which was dissolved upon the retirement of the latter from
practice, since which time Mr. Barbour has been engaged alone in
private and official litigation. Mr. Barbour's talents and success as
a trial lawyer were recognized by his Republican associates when, in
1904, he was appointed assistant state's attorney by Charles S. De-
neen, and later under the administration of John J. Healy, became
first assistant.
Within the past few years Mr. Barbour has been the attorney of
a number of the most noted cases which have engaged the attention
of the public. He prosecuted Inga Hanson, who was convicted of
perjury in her suit for damages against the City Railway Company.
He was also in charge of the proceedings against George S. McRey-
nolds, for fradulent transfer and sale of grain covered by warehouse
receipts held, by Chicago banks to the amount of over $500,000, and
of the suit against William Eugene Brown, the Chicago lawyer, con-
victed of subornation of perjury and disbarred from practice, for
fraudulently obtaining three thousand dollars from the American
Trust and Savings Bank. The prosecution of Wilham J. Davis for
Nlo-4..-c.e^ 9. v^'Lyi^^.
E E.
manslanghter, in connection with the Iroquois theater fire, the suit
being finally tried at Danville, Illinois, and resulting in the discharge
of the defendant by the court on technical grounds, was in the hands
of Mr. Barbour, as were also the conspiracy cases against John M.
Collins, chief of police, and others, for levying campaign assess-
ments against police officers. In the summer of 1906 he assisted
Judge Harry Olson in the prosecution of Paul O. Stensland and
others for embezzlements from the Milwaukee Avenue State Bank.
Within the past three years he has tried over fifty murder cases. In
the case of People versus McEwen he removed the Lipsey habeas cor-
pus case from the superior court of Cook county to the supreme court
by certiorari, and there obtained a ruling that nisi prius courts were
without jurisdiction to review final judgments in criminal cases by
writs of habeus corpus.
On September i, 1891, Mr. Barbour was united in marriage to
Miss Lillian Clayton, their children being Justin P., Heman H. and
In is an especial pleasure for the editor of a work devoted to the
history of Chicago and to a delineation of the citizens who have as-
^ sisted in its progress, to be able to present the sub-
stantial record of a native son, whose parents were.
Young. . . , . , ,
moreover, ot the true pioneer stock who accom-
plished their part in starting the city on its great journey of adven-
ture and accomplishment. Hobart P. Young, assistant state's at-
torney of Cook county, is a member of the law firm of Alden, Latham
and Y^'oung. Born in this city, March 31, 1875, ^""^ ^s the son of
George W. and Mary (McDonough) Y^oung. His father was born
in Utica, New York, in 1843, '^"'^^ ^^'^ 1852 came to Chicago, where
his future wife was born four years before. For a number of years
prior to the great fire of 1871, George W. Young was engaged in
the hardware business, but is best remembered by Chicagoans for his
prominent connection with the railway postal service. From 1871
until his death, January 22, 1907, he was engaged in that service, in
charge of the cars running over the Chicago & Northwestern Rail-
way system, and the remarkable development in equipment and oper-
ation of that branch of the general service came under his direct su-
pervision and was largely due to his efforts and intelligent faithful-
ness. To this work he gave the best years of his life and was ac-
counted one of the most honorable men ever connected with the rail-
way postal service. The mother of Hobart P. Young is now one
of the earliest pioneers living in Chicago, her birth occurring in 1848.
Mr. Young received his primary education in the public schools
of Chicago, and his higher literary training at St. Ignatius College,
from v/hich, in 1904, he was graduated with the degree of -A. B.
He immediately entered the law department of the Northwe§terxi-Uni-
versity, and after a two-years' course therein obtained hi&jLL. B. in
1906, since which he has been engaged in general and official prac-
tice. He received the appomtment of assistant state's attorney in
February, 1906, and has successfully conducted a number of import-
ant cases. Among others were the People of Illinois versus the Illi-
nois Steel Company, which involves one hundred and eighty-seven
acres of land valued by experts at $1,250,000; the People versus
. John A. Cooke and the People versus Abner Smith. The latter case,
which involved malfeasance in office, was the first instance in the
history of Cook county in which a judge has been found guilty.
Mr. Young is an active member of the Chicago Bar Association
and Legal Club, serving as president of the latter in 1905-06. He
is an able and popular young lawyer, and is a welcome member of
such clubs as the Chicago Athletic, Glen View Country and Colonial.
Unmarried; his residence is still with his mother at the comfortable
family home in Chicago, which is a favorite gathering place of not
only the younger generation who live in the future, but of many of
the city's pioneers who may be pardoned for their somewhat proud
review of the past.
Charles W. Vail, clerk of the superior court, one of the old-time
residents of the Thirty-second ward and prominent for many years
in its political affairs, is a native of Fairbury, Illi-
^j- ' nois, where his early schooling was obtained. His
business course in the Metropolitan Business Col-
lege of this city, which he took immediately upon his coming to Chi-
cago, fitted him above the average capacity for the business details
of commercial life, and for such details as now devolve upon him in
the public position which he now holds. An extended experience
in the real estate business and confidence in his judgment have re-
sulted in his being sought as appraiser and arbitrator in many large
realty transactions in this city and elsewhere.
/ )
*^J*K Jfiw YORK
In the many years in which his position upon the Cook county
central committee of the Repubhcan party has kept him in touch
with and in the' leadership of political affairs of the Thirty-second
ward and the Town of Lake he has acquired and has held as close
personal friends, it can safely be said, more stanch supporters than
any other man who has ever lived in the ward. "Once a friend, al-
ways a friend," can be said not only of Mr. Vail himself, but like-
wise of nearly all who, time and again, have been satisfied to share
with him defeat, if defeat came, and whom he has never overlooked
in his hard-earned successes and his well-deserved victories.
Starting out in his political activities with an unusual capacity,
an aptitude for organization, and with the ability to use forces and
men thus organized effectively, and with innate principles and char-
acter to dictate and permit only legitimate and honorable courses of
action, he has grappled to himself the friends acquired with "hooks
of steel," and has added new ones by the score as time has progressed.
So true has this been that hardly a man lives in the Thirty-second
ward who does not claim "Charley Vail" as his personal friend,
however much they may differ politically or otherwise. A happy
optimism and an undaunted persistency, which would recognize in
defeat only another stepping stone to success, have characterized
every step of his political activity, and have enabled him to encour-
age and retain his loyal and continually increasing following through
any and all reverses. Success with him has been synonymous with
struggle at every step of the way. Nothing of victory has come easy
as it does to many less worthy, or has been thrust upon him, and ^•ic-
tory has never meant to him simply personal success. He has made
it mean, likewise, success for his friends. The struggles they have
shared with him he has rewarded, principal and interest, by making
them participants in his own well being.
When political life assumed for him a wider field, and he was
awarded the Town of Lake representation upon the Republican county
ticket, in the nomination for the responsible office of clerk of the
superior court, results showed that his service to the party had been
recognized and his popularity had established itself on a firm founda-
tion far outside the boundaries of his own representative district ;
for with unusually strong entries for public suffrage in the cam-
paign he led the whole field and topped the ticket with the largest
vote received by any candidate. He has now become thoroughly
identified with, and a potent factor in, the party councils of the city.
A long-time adherent of Governor Deneen, he is now recognized as
his personal lieutenant and representative for the entire southwest
array of wards, and his ability as a manager to the county campaigns
now puts him at the head of many of the active committees of the
county organization; never as a figure-head, always as the field officer.
If fealty to party, faithful adherence to, and energetic promotion
of, Republican principles, loyalty to political friends, untiring per-
sonal effort, unwavering fidelity to the fulfilment of every trust re-
posed in him, rigid econom^y and unimpeachable integrity, in the
handling of public funds appertaining to his office, a wise and effi-
cient administration of all the affairs of that office and a capable
application and devotion of all his abilities in the service of the
people constitute any just foundation of merit, then the political
future ought to hold much good in store for Charles W. Vail.
Mr. Vail has long been one of the most active members of the
executive committee of the Cook county central Republican com-
mittee, and represents the Third congressional district upon the Re-
publican state central committee. He is connected with the Chicago
Association of Commerce and is president of the Prairie State Coal
and Coke Company. He is a member of the Hamilton Club, is a
thirty-second degree Mason, and is identified with many fraternal
organizations, including the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the
North American Union and the "Charles W. Vail Camp" of Modern
Woodmen of America.
He was married in 1896 to Miss Clara I. Barton, and has three
children, Edna, Charles W. Jr., and Marjorie.
Harry D. Irwin, junior member of the well-known firm of Hoyne,
O'Connor and Irwin, and a rising lawyer of the Chicago bar, is a
native of Ohio, born at Scioto Furnace, on the 20th
-r ' of Februarv, i86s. The son of Nathan H. and
Irwin. , ^^ ^ .
Rachel (Keeran) Irwin, his parents were both na-
tives of the Buckeye state, and his early years were passed amid the
iron industries of his native locality, his father being connected with
various furnaces of southern Ohio. His father was born at New-
ark, Ohio, in 1 83 1, and his mother at Utica, that state, five years
later. In 1875 the family removed from Ohio to the state of Illi-
nois, where for several years the elder Irwin was engaged in farm-
ing, dying in 1883 at West York, Illinois; the mother resides with
her daughter at Terre Haute, Indiana.
The public school systems of Ohio and Illinois furnished Mr. Ir-
win with his elementary education, and in 1889 he entered the law
department of the University of Michigan, and, while pursuing his
professional studies, accomplished considerable special work in the
literary line. Prior to his entrance to the university he had studied
law for a year in the office of Cullop and Shaw, one of the leading
firms of Vincennes and southern Indiana ; the result was that he had
made such progress as to be able to complete his course in the law
school by 1891. In June of that year Mr. Irwin was admitted to
both the Michigan and Illinois bars, and in September located in
Chicago as an employee of the firm of Hoyne, Follansbee and O'Con-
nor. That co-partnership was dissolved in 1898, and, with the ad-
mission of Maclay Hoyne, son of Thomas M. Hoyne, the style ht-
came Hoyne, O'Connor and Hoyne, of which firm Mr. Irwin became
a partner in 1900. On the first of January, 1907, Maclay Hoyne sev-
ered his connection with it, and since then the firm has been known
as Hoyne, O'Connor and Irwin.
Mr. Irwin's practice, in connection with the firm mentioned, is of
a general nature, and has won him a substantial reputation. He is
a member of the Chicago Bar Association, the Law Institute and the
Legal Club, of which he was president in 1905, and the Masonic fra-
ternity, being identified with the Blue Lodge and Chapter. In poli-
tics he is a Republican, but has not been active in any field outside
that of his profession. Mr. Irwin was married, in June. 1895, to
Miss Alice E. Prevo, of West York, Illinois, and to their union have
been born four daughters, Helen, Marian, Louise and Emily.
Edward C. Higgins is a well-known educator in tlie legal field
and enjoys well merited recognition as one of the most capable and
„ _ successful practitioners at the bar of Cook countv.
Edward C. ... , .,, . , , '
TT Although still a comparativelv young man. he has
Higgins. ."?,., , . , . ' . "^ , ,
attamed nigh rank m Ins proiession and the splen-
did character of his abilities gives every assurance that the future
holds for him a distinguished career in the law.
Mr. Higgins was born July 24, 1866. at \\'oodstock, McHenry
county, Illinois, and after graduating at tlie high school in that city
in 1884, he entered the University of Michigan, from which institu-
tion he received the degree of LL. B. in 1888. After his graduation
he remained a year at Ann Arbor doing post-graduate work and col-
lecting material for a text book which was published by the dean of
the law faculty. . ' ,
While Mr. Higgins was pursuing his law studies at the Univer-
sity of Michigan he took and passed an examination held in the
spring of 1887 by the board of examiners appointed by the supreme
court of the state, and a certificate of admission to the bar was issued
to him to take effect upon his becoming of age.
Shortly after completing his studies at Ann Arbor he accepted
an invitation to deliver an address at Manistee, Michigan, which
resulted in his locating there a few months later and forming a co-
partnership for the practice of law with the Hon. Thomas Smurth-
waite, one of the leading lawyers of the Michigan bar.
Attracted by the greater opportunities of a large city, Mr. Hig-
gins came to Chicago in 1895 and has since become well known as
a successful practitioner and educator. Here, as in Michigan, his
superior qualities soon attracted attention and his mental attainments
and legal learning were quickly recognized in the profession and
by the public. Since coming to Chicago he has been associated in
practice with the Hon. William J. Hynes, one of Chicago's most
celebrated lawyers. Mr. Higgins is a member of the faculty of the
Chicago-Kent College of law, succeeding the late Chief Justice
Bailey as professor of common law pleading and practice in the year
1895, shortly after his arrival in Chicago. During the time he has
been teaching this intricate branch of the law he has established a
high reputation as an authority upon the subject, and each year his
course at the law school is attended by many students from other
schools, as well as by practicing lawyers who seek to avail them-
selves of the superior advantages that are to be derived from this
course as conducted by Mr. Higgins. He also delivers courses of
lectures from time to time at Notre Dame University, Indiana, and
upon several occasions he has been offered professorships in colleges
in different parts of the country which he has been obliged to decline
because they would take him away from his practice in Chicago. For
a number of years he has done a great deal of legal work for the
Chicago City Railway Company, and is recognized at the bar as one
of that great corporation's most effective trial lawyers. It is seldom
that a member of his profession combines in such a marked degree
the best qualities of the practitioner and the instructor as Mr. Higgins.
In 1898 Edward C. Higgins was united in marriage with Miss
Helen Kelly, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and their three children are
Clarence A., Wilhelmina Lucile and Eileen Theodora Higgins. In
his political affiliations Mr. Higgins is a Republican, but has never
been attracted beyond the limits of his profession, finding that its
studies and practical duties have always given full expression to his
ambition. He is a member of the Edgewater Country Club and also
of the Knights of Columbus, but his greatest enjoyments, aside from
his professional duties, are found by him with his family in his pleas-
ant home at 2475 Magnolia avenue.
Of the younger generation of lawyers practicing at the Chicago
bar, none have a brighter future, judging from the past, than \^in-
cent J. Walsh, junior member of the prominent
,-,, firm of Peckham, Packard, ApMadoc and Walsh.
Walsh. tt 1 • ir • • r ^1 •
He himseli is a native of Chicago, born September
12, 1875, and reared and educated amid the inspiring and energiz-
ing influences of the city's life. Of his parents, James and Mary E.
(Sheahan) Walsh, the father was born in county Mayo, Ireland, and
in 1845 — ^^''^''' about five years of age — was brought to Canada. In
1867, still a young man, he became a resident of Chicago, was for
many years identified with the construction and operation of railwav
properties, and is now living here in retirement. The mother was
born in Washincrton, D. C.
Primarily, Mr. Walsh was educated in the Jesuit schools, and for
his more advanced mental training entered St. Ignatius College. Chi-
cago, from which he was graduated in 1894 with the degree of A. B.
In the followino- vear he became a student at the law school of Har-
vard University, from which, at the completion of his course in 189S.
he received the degree of LL. B. In December of that year he was
admitted to the Illinois bar, being a clerk and assistant in the office
of Green, Honore and Peters from November, 1898, to June, 1902.
From the latter date until July i. 1903, he engaged in an independent
practice, becoming then a member of the firm of Peckham, Smith,
Packard and ApMadoc. Upon the death of i\Ir. Smith in 1906 the
firm was reorganized as PecklKun, Packard, ApiMadoc and Walsh.
Mr. Walsh is engaged in the general practice of his profession,
while the firm of which he is a member are attorneys for the First
National Bank of Chicago. His substantial standing is shown in
that he served as vice president of the Legal Club in 1906-07, being
also an active member of the Law Club, University Club, Union and
Harvard clubs. His politics is Democratic, but he has never made
them prominent in his citizenship. Personally he is social and do-
mestic, the latter trait of his character being in process of marked de-
velopment through his marriage, July 3, 1906, to Miss Julia Cudahy,
daughter of John and Margaret O. Cudahy, of Chicago. C-^"^
Clarence A. Knight, an acknowledged leader among the corpora-
tion lawyers of the west, is a native of McHenry county, Illinois,
born on the 28th of October, 18 15 3, and his prelim-
Clarence A. . , ^. • 1 • .1
„ mary education was acquired m the common
Knight. ,,,. , ,, . , ^ ,
schools, being supplemented by a course m the Cook
County Normal School. After teaching country school, Mr. Knight
was drawn into the energetic whirl of Chicago life, locating in the
city in April, 1872. He began the study of law in the office of
Spafford, McDaid and Wilson, and was admitted to the Illinois bar
in 1874, passing his examination before the supreme court of Illinois
at Ottawa. For one year thereafter he remained identified with his
former instructors and then formed a partnership with Mr. McDaid
under the firm name of McDaid and Knight, and in 1879 was ap-
pointed assistant city attorney by Julius S. Grinnell. Five years later
(1884) upon the election of Mr.' Grinnell as state's attorney, Mayor
Harrison appointed Mr. Knight attorney to fill the unexpired term of
Mr. Grinnell, and upon the election of Hempstead Washburne as city
attorney Mr. Knight was appointed assistant city attorney. In 1887
he was made assistant corporation counsel under Mayor Roche, and
July I, 1889, he resigned and formed a partnership with Paul Brown
under the firm name of Knight and Brown, thus rounding out ten
years of invaluable service with the municipal law department. Dur-
ing this period he put through a vast amount of important business,
One of the vital measures which he incorporated into the laws of
the state was that providing for the annexation of territory adjoin-
ing the city. An act looking to that end was declared unconstitu-
tional by the supreme court, and Mr. Knight was then selected to pre-
pare a new measure to cover the case; this he did, and it was passed
by the legislature in 1S89. In June of tlial year, under the provisions
of this law, Hyde Park, Lake View, Jefferson, the Town of Lake
and portions of Cieero, were annexed to Chicago.
In Inly, 1889, Mr. Knight resigned as assistant corporation coun-
sel and engaged in the pri\ate practice of his i)rofession, under the
firm name of KniglU and Hrown. In 1893 tlie senior member was
appointed general counsel for the Lake Street h^levated Railroad
Ce:)mpanv, and in Ajnil, i8(;7, to a like ])osition with the Union
Elevated Railway Company, the Northwestern Elevated Railroad and
all the surface electric lines connecting with the North and West
Chicago Street railways. Perhaps his most noteworthy service in
this capacity was the litigation which he conducted over the right
to build the Loop elevated railroad on Lake and Van Buren streets
and Wabash and iMfth avenues. Tliis he handled with the decision,
good judgment and jjrofessional force whicli ha\e marked his career
as a pri\'ate ])ractitioner, a represer.tatixe of the ci(_\- and an advocate
of transportation improvements. Mr. Knight is president of the
Chicago and Oak Park Elevated road, which office in connection with
his legal identification with other lines mentioned, makes him one
of the strongest factors in Chicago in the management and develop-
ment of the transportation systems of the municipality. In 1903
the firm of Knight and Brown was discontinued, after which the
senior practiced alone until November, 1904, when he associated
himself with the late Hon. George W. Brown, the firm thereby re-
maining Knight and Brown.
In 1877 Mr. Knight married Miss Dell Brown, daughter' oiJ^^r^
H. T. Brown, of McHenr}^ Illinois, and their children are Bessie
and James H. Knight. Mr. Knight has long been a member of the
Masonic fraternity, and is a Knight Templar of Chevalier Bayard
Commandery. He also belongs to the Royal League and is a member
of the Union League and the South Shore Country clubs.
Carl Richard Chindblom, a member of the Chicago bar since 1900,
is prominent in affairs,, widely known as a public speaker, and wields
a large influence in Swedish -American circles. Of
^ " Swedish parentage, he was born, in Chicago, De-
ChINDBLOM. , o TT- 11 f. , .
cember 21, 1870. His parents, who have lived m
Chicago nearly forty years, are Carl P. Chindblom, a tailor by trade,
and Mrs. Christina C. Chindblom, nee Engel, both of whom came
to this city from Asbo, Ostergotland, Sweden. The son studied in
the public schools of this city and also attended a private school for
the study of the Swedish language. In September, 1884, he was en-
rolled as a student in the academic department of Augustana College,
at Rock Island, Illinois, graduating from this institution with the
degree of A. B. in May, 1890. Continuing his studies, he engaged
in various employments until the fall of 1893, when he accepted
a position as teacher in the Martin Luther College, an institution then
just opening in Chicago. He severed his connection with this institu-
tion in 1896, having in the meantime received the honorary degree
of A. M. from Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas. In January,
1897, he enrolled as a student in the Kent College of Law in Chicago,
and graduated with the degree of LL. B. in June, 1898. Despite
this rapid recognition of his qualifications, the law required three
full 3''ears of study for admission to the bar, and he continued prep-
aration for the legal profession until the spring of 1900, when, upon
examination l)ef()re tlie state board, he was admitted to practice.
Since thai lime he has practiced law in Chicago, and has offices at
the present time at 160 W^ashington street (snite 807-811). For
several years he has been secretary and attorney for the First Swedish
Building and Loan Association.
Mr. Chindblom's abilil}' as a puljlic speaker and his activity in
political and public affairs has often brought him before the public
to make addresses on festival and oilier occasions, not only in Chi-
cago, but at other places in Illinois and in other states. He is a
Republican in politics and has done niuch campaign work in his
home city and state and elsewhere. In the fall of 1894 his services
were engaged by the Republican state committee of Michigan, and
in the campaigns of 1896, 1898 and 1900 he did service as political
speaker for both tlie Illinois state and National Republican com-
mittees, speaking in both the English and Swedish languages. Mr.
Chindblom was in 1903 elected president of the Swedish-American
Republican League of Illinois. He is a member of the Gethsemane
Swedish Lutheran church and of several fraternal and social or-
ganizations. He is a member of St. Bernard Commandery and of
the Mystic Shrine.
He has served on the board of directors of Augustana College
and Theological Seminary, also on that of the North Star Benefit
Association, with head office at Moline, Illinois. He was one of the
committee which reorganized the present Scandia Life Insurance
Company. Early in 1906 Mr. Chindblom was appointed attorney for
the state board of health, by Governor Deneen, and in the fall of
the same year w-as elected county commissioner on the Republican
Mr. Chindblom married, April 27, 1907, Miss Christine M.
Nilsson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmar Nilsson, of Minneapolis.
Mrs. Chindljjom is an accomplished pianist. They reside at 614 Foster
Albert N. Eastman, senior member of the law firm of Eastman.
Eastman and White, has been actively connected with the Chicago bar
for twenty-two years, during which period he has
■p ' gained a substantial reputation as a close student
of the law and a ])ainstaking, able and strictly re-
liable lawyer. Fie is also a Rejmblican of advanced position, and
vui. 11—20
is a strong factor in the work of the Hamihon Club, of which he is
a Hfe member. He was formerly president and for several years
director of the Lincoln Club, another influential political organiza-
tion of the west, similar to the Hamilton Club.
Mr. Eastman is a native of Ohio, born in Kingsville, Ashtabula
county, October 17, 1864. and is a representative of a pioneer family
of the Buckeye state. The first member of the Eastman family to
settle in America came to this country in 1632. The grandparents
of Albert N. Eastman were Porter G. and Phoebe Eastman, who
were early settlers of the Western Reserve of Ohio, the former be-
coming a wealthy citizen of that section of the state. He gave
his influential support to all educational and moral movements and
institutions, within the scope of his powers and of which his good
judgment approved. He was also a stanch Abolitionist at a time
when his opinions were by no means popular, and proved his faith
by his works in the conduct of the far-famed and widely extended
"underground railway."
The parents of Albert N. Eastman, Henry A. and Sarah F.
(Parrish) Eastman, removed to Chicago with their family in 1872,
but four years later returned to their Ohio home. This was not the
elder Eastman's first venture into the western metropolis. An old
miner of 1852 and one of the first to prospect the famous Virginia
district, he returned east in the early sixties, came to Chicago and, in
connection with his two cousins, founded a branch of Eastman's
Business College. In 1872 he was a member of the Chicago Board
of Trade, but decided to spend the last years of his life in the state
to which he was so attached by family ties and associations.
Albert N. E^astman, however, decided otherwise. He was edu-
cated in the public schools and Academy of Kingsville, Ohio, in the
high school of Ashtabula, that state, and under the direction of Rev.
Joseph N. McGiffert, a prominent minister of that place, under whose
careful instruction he completed a collegiate course. Thus possessed
of a broad general knowledge, he came to Chicago to penetrate and
master the intricacies of the law. His first experience as a law
student was obtained in the office of Smith and Helmer, and, having
passed a creditable examination before the state supreme court, sitting
at Ottawa, Illinois, he was admitted to the bar in May, 1887. In
the following September he entered the office of Weighlev, Bulkley
and Gray, becoming a partner of the firm in 1894. In May, 1895, the
association was dissolved, and with the senior member Mr. Eastman
formed the firm of Weighley and Eastman, which, in turn, was dis-
solved in June, 1896. Since that time Mr. Eastman has practiced
alone and in connection with his present associates, under the firm
name of Eastman, Eastman and White. During the last nine years,
in addition to his regular practice, he has given a large portion of his
time to corporation work. He has also organized many corporations,
cjuite a number of which constitute the controlling power in their
line. In many of these companies Mr. Eastman acts both as director
and general counsel.
Few men are more widely known among the general practitioners
of the country than Mr. Eastman, as, among many other activities, he
enjoys an influential participation in the affairs of the Commercial
Law League of America. This is an organization composed of
several thousand lawyers of the United States and Canada, and, with
the American Bar Association (of which he is also an active member)
is the leading professional organization of the country. While de-
voting his energies and abilities to the interests of the league, until
last year Mr. Eastman refused to accept office, but in 1907, by a unani-
mous vote, he was elected president.
Albert N. Eastman was married in July, 1889, to Miss Myrta
E. Hopkins, daughter of William L. Hopkins, and granddaughter
of Alden W. Walker, one of the pioneer Methodist ministers of
Ashtabula county, Ohio, where Mrs. Eastman was born. Two children
have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Eastman, namely: Walker P. and
Frances E. The family home is in Edgewater, Chicago. Mr. East-
man is a leader in the work of the Edgewater Presbyterian church,
of which for seven years he has been a member and a trustee, having
also served as president of the board of trustees for several years.
Mr. Eastman is a member of the International Law Association,
Illinois State Bar Association and Chicago Bar Association; is also
a thirty-second degree Mason, a member of the Ravenswood Lodge
No. y'jy, Columbia Chapter No. 202, Oriental Consistory and Me-
dinah Temple, all of Chicago. He is a member of the Chicago Auto-
mobile Club; is identified with the Country and Golf clubs of Edge-
water, and has been president of the former, which is one of the
largest and most prominent clubs of the city. He is also a life mem-
ber of the Chicago Press Club.
Horace Hawes Martin, of the leading and substantial law firm
of Herrick, Allen, Boyesen and Martin, is a son of the Empire state,
and was born at Olean, Cattaraugus county, on the
, ■ 24th of September, 1855. He entered Racine Col-
lege, Racine, Wisconsin, and continued there the
education begun in the public schools of New York state.._^ After his
graduation from Racine College he was offered the position of in-
structor therein, and was thus engaged for three years. ^^\.^,
In the imparting of knowledge to others, Mr. Martin secured the
double advantage of the more firmly implanting it in his own mind,
as well of securing the means to carry out his cherished ambition of
adding a legal education to his literary acquirements. In 1877 he
entered the Harvard Law School, and three years later obtained his
professional degree of LL. B. The year of his graduation from Har-
vard (1880) he located in Chicago, and, upon his admission to the
Illinois bar, entered the law office of the late Hon. William C.
Goudy. There he remained for some time, his next connection being
with Dexter, Herrick and Allen, in whose emplo}^ he remained for
five years. After practicing alone for about the same length of time
Mr. Martin became a member of the firm of Swift, Campbell, Jones
and Martin, and since 1896 has been a representative in the well-
known co-partnership of Herrick, Allen, Boyesen and Martin, gen-
eral practitioners.
Mr. Martin is one of the leading office lawyers in Chicago, and
enters into the preparation of cases with a thoroughness and a
breadth of view, which have generally proved assurances of success
in the court room, whether the campaign is one of offense or defense.
He is a man of broad literary culture, deep legal knowledge and
keen practical insight, and as such is a noticeably strong element in
the continued advancement of his firm. Professionally, he is identi-
fied with the American and Chicago Bar Associations and the Law
Club, and also belongs to the University, Caxton and Onwentsia
clubs. He is also in close touch with the musical and intellectual
advancement of Chicago, being a member of the reorganized Thomas
Orchestra, and of the Newberry Library.
On November 18, 1892, Mr. Martin married Miss Florence Eve-
lyn Durkee, of Buffalo, New York, and they reside at Lake Forest.
In politics he was formerly a Cleveland Democrat, but is now a con-
servative Republican.
Senior member of the firm of Gorham and Wales and a risinc;
and able lawyer of Chicago, Sidney Smith Gorham is a native of
Yermont, born in Rutland county, November 6.
„ ■ 1874. He is a son of b'rank E. and Mary J.
(Smith) Gorham, the father dying at Rutland, that
county, when he was about forty-five years of age, while the mother
resides at Lagrange. Illinois. Mr. Gorham obtained his education in
the country schools of his native county and at the Rutland graded
schools. In 1890. at the age of fifteen years, be became a resident
of Chicago, and in 1894 graduated from the Chicago College of Law.
He was admitted to the bar in 1895.
From July. 1890, until his admission to the bar in 1895. Mr. Gor-
ham was employed as a clerk in the office of Mills and Ingham, and
after Mr. Ingham's death he remained in the employ of Luther Laflin
Mills. For the eight years immediately following his admission to
the bar he practiced alone. On December i, 1903, he entered into
a partnership with his former employer, Luther Laflin Mills, and the
latter's son, Matthew, under the name of Mills, Gorham and Mills.
After withdrawing from the firm on July i, 1905, Mr. Gorham prac-
ticed alone until May, 1906, when he associated himself with Henry
W. Wales under the present st5de of Gorham and Wales, with offices
in the New York Life building. The firm ejigages in a general civil
Mr. Gorham is a member of the Chicago Bar Association and is
also identified with the Chicago Athletic Association, Lagrange
Country, Illini Country, Hinsdale Golf and the Chicago Automobile
clubs, as well as with the state and national organizations devoted to
the latter sport. Mr. Gorham is one of the most enthusiastic auto-
mobilists in the west. He has served as secretary of the Chicago Au-
tomobile Club for four terms, has been president of the Illinois State
Automobile Association for two terms, and has been honored with
the secretaryship of the American Automobile Association for one
term. In 1906 he was a member of the Vanderbilt cup commission.
He has always taken a deep interest in good roads movements and
in state laws tending to advance the best interests of automobiling.
As the representative of the lUinois motorists, he attended the legis-
lative session of 1905, and largely through his efforts a bill was
passed similar in its provisions to the present statute, but the measure
was vetoed by Governor Deneen. Again, at the session of ,the Forty-
fifth General Assembly, in 1907, he was delegated to look after the
interests of the motoring fraternity of the state. He prepared the
statute "defining motor vehicles and providing for the registration of
the same, and uniform rules regulating the use andrspeed thereof,"
which passed the legislature and became the present^aw without the
-governor's signature. To Mr. Gorham's car was assigned No>i~j5y
the secretary of state.
On July 15, 1896, Mr. Gorham was united in marriage with Miss
Myrtle Genevieve Willett, daughter of Consider H. and Lois A. Wil-
lett. One child of their family is living, Sidney S. Gorham, Jr.
John McRae Cameron, member of the law firm of Custer and
Cameron, was born in Ottawa, Illinois, on the i8th of September,
1867, son of Neil and Mary (McRae) Cameron.
^ ■ Early in his life the family removed to Chicago, in
whose grammar and high schools he received his
education preparatory to the study of the law.
When admitted to the Illinois bar in 1889 Mr. Cameron was a
clerk in the law ofiice of Campbell and Custer and remained with
that firm until the death of William J. Campbell in 1896, after which
he continued his connection with the new firm of Custer, Goddard
and Griffin. In 1903 he became actively identified with Jacob R.
Custer and Joseph A. Griffin in the formation of the firm of Custer,
Griffin and Cameron, and since May i, 1908, has remained in prac-
tice with Mr. Custer under the style of Custer and Cameron. Mr.
Cameron is a member of the Chicago Bar Association and the Illi-
nois State Bar Association, the Riverside Golf Club and the Church
Club. He is a thirty-second degree Mason; in politics a Republican,
and in his religious faith an Episcopalian.
On New Year's day of 1895 Mr. Cameron was united in mar-
riage with Miss Anna M. Iverson and they have had three children —
Alan C, Juliette A. and Anita C. — of whom the second named is de-
ceased. From 1869 to 1896 Mr. Cameron lived in Chicago, but since
the latter year his home has been in Riverside, of which village he
was a trustee from 1901 to 1905, and was elected president in 1905
and re-elected in 1907. Otherwise, he has never been an office
holder or candidate for any public position.
The law practice of Mr. Cameron has not been confined to any
special or narrow field, but has been of a brcjad and general charac-
ter, and his advice is sought b\ a number of the leading business in-
terests of Chicago.
Howard O. Sprogle, LL. B., J. B., was born at Franklin, Penn-
sylvania, August I, 1855. While still a little boy his parents re-
^ moved to Philadelphia, and later to Illinois, where
Howard O. , . . ^, ^ ■ u • 11 xj
^ his father was engaged ni busmess as a banker. He
was educated at St. Ignatius College and the old
Chicago University. After a year spent in Europe he took up the
study of law in the office of Hoyne, Horton and Hoyne, Chicago,
concluding his law studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia, where he was admitted to the bar in January, 1878, and
began the practice of law. In 1879 Mr. Sprogle went to Denver,
Colorado, where he became assistant district attorney. He was act-
ing district attorney at Leadville during the height of that great min-
ing camp's boom. After the several years in Colorado he returned
to Philadelphia and later practiced in Virginia for a while.
In 1890 Mr. Sprogle married Ema Katherine Hopson of Chi-
cago. In 1893 he removed with his family from Philadelphia to
Chicago. When Charles S. Deneen was elected state's attorney in
1896 Mr. Sprogle became assistant state's attorney and for seven
years was in charge of the grand juries, besides being engaged in
trial work. In 1903 he was nominated for the circuit court bench
and was defeated with the rest of the Republican ticket at the judi-
cial election that year. At the end of the same year he resigned from
the state's attorney's office and engaged in private practice. He was"
also on the independent judicial ticket, headed by ex-judge Gwynne
Garnett, for the municipal bench in 1906.
Many of the provisions of the new municipal code were drafted
by Mr. Sprogle at the request of the Civic Federation, and the com-
pilers of the code. He has been a member of the executive commit-
tee of the Civic Federation for several years and in that connection
has been identified with the proposed legislation for jury and revenue
reform. He is professor of the law of crimes at the Chicago Law
School and assistant professor of medical jurisprudence at the Amer-
ican College of Medicine and Surgery.
Mr. Sprogle is a member of the Illinois State Bar Association
and of the Chicago Bar Association. He is a thirty-second degree
Mason and a member of the Shrine. His family consists of a wife
and three children, two daughters and a son. , /
William Sidney Elliott, Jr., was one of the ablest ,~ most suc-
cessful and kindly lawyers ever engaged in the practice of criminal
law in Chicago. Quiet, determined and industfi^
„ T * ous, at the same time a brilliant and original speak-
Elliott, Jr. • • j- . u- i
er, he possessed a convmcmg directness, which
made him a remarkable advocate and a strong citizen of Chicago.
Mr. Elliott was a native of Niles, Michigan, son of William Sidney
and Caroline (Morse) Elliott, and was born at Niles, Michigan, on
the ist of May, 1849. O^^^ '^^ his famous ancestors was John Eliot,
the Indian missionary.
When he was eight years of age his parents moved from Michi-
gan to Ouincy, Illinois, where he received an education in the public
schools and at a local academy. At the age of sixteen he was obliged
to leave school and take a clerkship in a Ouincy bank, which he held
for about four years. Coming to Chicago in March, 1869, he imme-
diately secured a position with the old State Insurance Company. At
the end of a year's service with that company, the young man opened
an office of his own in the line of insurance brokerage. For ten years
thereafter he conducted one of the largest and most prosperous enter-
prises of the kind in the city. As his financial condition now enabled
him to prepare himself for a legal career, and his inclination in that
direction had been warmly encouraged by Luther Laflin Mills, his
friend, in 1879 ^^ entered the office of the late Emery A. Storrs to
take up his professional studies. He continued there for three years
as a student, in 1882 was admitted to the Illinois bar and was at
once received into partnership by his former preceptor. Quite dis-
similar in temperament, but close friends and unfeigned admirers of
each other's distinctive abilities, the two formed an ideal firm, and
continued associated until Mr. Storr's death in 1887.
Soon after the death of his friend and partner Mr. Elliott was ap-
pointed assistant state's attorney under Judge Longenecker, and dur-
ing the five years in which he held tlie oflice he conducted ne'arly
six thousand cases. This is considered the Ijcst record yet made in
the conduct nf that ofiice, and his resignation called forth the warmest
words of i)raisc and regret from the bench. l)ar and press of the city.
Despite his notable successes of later years, there was probably no
lawyer in Chicago who assumed more cases for the conduct nf which
he neither asked nor expected financial compensation.
Mr. Elliott's manner of pleading a case differed greatly from the
ordinary. Tie rarely ])rei)are 1 a brief or (|uoted authorities, but de-
pended largely upon gaining the sympathy of the judge and jury by
the intrinsic merits of his cause. He made the case of his client a
personal one with each juror, compelling him to feel that it was his
own, and when he had finished the jury was won as a body. Per-
haps his magnelic influence did not wholly lie in what he said, for,
associated with his words were a splendid physique and a glow-ing
countenance wdiich few could resist. Mr. Elliott's death occurred on
the 23rd of February, 1908, at his residence, No. 767 West Adams
The deceased was one of the early promoters of the Apollo Music
Club of Chicago, wdiose fame became wndely extended. He was a
favored leader in the fraternities, having been a Knight Templar
Mason and a Shriner; regent of Garden City Council, Royal Arcan-
um; president of Stephen A. Douglas Council, National Union; arch-
on of Alpha Council, Royal League; first chief ranger of the An-
cient Order of Foresters of America. He was an earnest and an
active Republican, and a remarkably strong campaign orator, but
ne\'er held ofiice. He was also a member of the Illinois, iMenoken,
Marfpiette, Hamilton and Lincoln clul)s.
On the 14th of October, [S71. Mr. Elliott was united in marriage
with Miss Alinda Caroline Harris, daughter of James and Salome
Harris, of Janesville, Wisconsin, and the children l)orn to them are
as follows: Lorenzo B., Daniel Morse, Emery S., Jessie Florence.
Berdie Leon and Charles Sumner (now deceased). The widow and
five children sr:r\i\e tlie deatli of their beloved and honored husband
and father, two of the sons. Lorenzo B. and Daniel IM. Elliott, being
practicing lawyers and for a number of years associated with the
elder under the firm name of W. S. Elliott and Sons.
Perhaps no name is better known in the legal profession of Cook
county than is the name of the subject of this sketch, Hon. William
J. Hynes. For over thirty years he has held a com-
-^ •^' manding position at the bar in the city of Chicago,
and his fame as a great trial lawyer has extended
generally throughout the country. His skill as a cross-examiner, and
the convincing style of his eloquence as a pleader^at the bar have
been the subjects of comment and admiration among his professional
brethren for many years. Indeed, it is a circumstance worthy of
note, that while Mr. Hynes' professional duties have brought him
constantly into the activities of trial work where controversy and
contention between opposing counsel necessarily prevail, his great-
est admirers, among his professional brethren, have been those who
at one time and another have had occasion to meet him at the bar
and feel the force of his power as opposing counsel in the case.
Mr. Hynes, like so many of our great lawyers, is a native of the
Emerald Isle — "the land of wit, wisdom and eloquence," having been
born at Kilkee, in the county Clare, on the 31st day of March, 1842,
and was the only son of Thomas and Catherine (O'Shea) Hynes.
His father, who was a well-known architect and builder, died when
he was six years old, and five years later (1853) ^^^^ mother brought
the family to the United States, settling at Springfield, Massachu-
setts. Here the boy regularly attended school until the necessity of
assisting in the support of the family compelled him to seek employ-
ment, which he found in the office of the Springfield Republican, a
well-known newspaper of that place. The fact that he was thus
obliged by a sense of duty to give up school and seek employment
did not force him to abandon his purpose of acquiring an education
or discourage him in his plan to ultimately fit himself for the legal
profession, and consequently, while he was thus engaged in the news-
paper office and advancing step by step in newspaper work, he was
likewise engaged in pursuing his school studies outside of working
hours, and by his industry and aptitude he was able to complete the
regular high school course, while continuing his employment in the
newspaper office. The advantage to one who is equal to it of thus
combining a regular course of study with newspaper work, which is
in itself both educational and practical, is apparent, and found marked
expression in the subsequent life of this young man, who thus *early
learned that the things worth having are worth striving for, and
that the efforts put forth in surmounting ohstacles give increased
strength to the forces that produce success.
The responsibiHties that rested upon his young shoulders at this
time prevented him from immediately continuing his studies for ad-
mission to the bar, so he continued for the time in newspaper work.
in which field of endeavor his splendid abilities gained him *wide
recognition as a clear thinker and forceful writer upon the current
topics of the day.
It was during this period of his career that he developed the
great powers of oratory for which he has since become noted, and
although quite young in years, acquired an extensive reputation as an
orator of great force and persuasive power. His ambition, how-
ever, was centered upon the practice of the law as his life work, and
as soon as he found his way clear to do so, he laid down his news-
paper work and entered the Columbian University Law School, at
Washington, D. C, where he pursued his legal studies with the same
diligence that marked his previous studies, until his admission to the
bar in 1870.
After his admission to the bar, Mr. Hynes, following the custom
of young lawyers of that day, turned his face to the west in search
of "an opening," and finally located at Little Rock, Arkansas, as a
likely place in which to "hang out his shingle." Here his talents
met with immediate recognition, and it was not long before he was
in the enjoyment of a good law practice, and at the same time active-
ly engaged in politics, as was the practice of lawyers in those days.
Mr. Hynes had always been a warm admirer of Horace Greeley,
, and heartily endorsed the movement headed by such men as the
great editor of the New York Tribune, Charles Sumner, and Carl
Schurz. He became very prominent in support of the reform move-
ment headed by these great men, which led to his being nominated
and elected in 1872 upon the Greeley ticket as a congressman-at-
large from the state of Arkansas. In 1874 he was re-elected to Con-
gress by popular vote of the electors of the district created by the
legislature, but a so-called constitutional convention called by the de-
posed Governor Baxter passed an ordinance restricting the state,
and his "government," supported by an armed force, refused and
failed to return the votes cast in the legislative district, thus depriv-
ing Mr. Hynes of the legal evidence of his election.
With the broadening of his experience he felt, after his term in
Congress, that he would like a wider field in which to pursue the
practice of his profession, and while he was considering whether he
should locate in New York City or Chicago, he received and accepted
an invitation to come to Chicago and deliver a Memorial Day^^dress.
The encouragement that he received on that occasion to locate in
Chicago determined his mind in favor of the latter city, and he ac-
cordingly came here in 1875, ^'^'^^ formed a partnership with the late
Chief Justice Walter B. Scates. He was subsequently for several
3^ears at the head of the firm of Hynes, English & Dunne. The great
success that has crowned his efforts as a lawyer since coming to Chi-
cago can certainly leave no room for regret on his part, although it
is fair to presume that his high talents and capabilities would have
brought him equal, if not greater, success in the great metropolis of
the east, had fortune turned him thither.
His success at the bar in Cook county was almost immediate. At
the time he came here there was a coterie of lawyers practicing at
the bar, whose great legal acumen, eloquence and brilliancy of wit
made it seem as though there was little room at the top of the pro-
fession for another, and yet, within a short time after Mr. Hynes'
advent, it was made manifest to all that a new star had been added
to the brilliant galaxy that was destined to shine with undimmed lus-
ter long after the others, one by one, had ceased to illumine the pro-
fession. To enumerate all of the interesting cases in which Mr. Hynes
took a leading part as counsel on one side or the other since coming
to Chicago would be to catalogue a majority of the celebrated cases
that have been tried in and around Cook county during the last thirty
years. Although devoting himself chiefly to civil practice he has
equally distinguished himself in both the criminal and civil courts,
and has displayed rare skill in the handling of litigation, whatever
happened to be its nature.
During the past twenty years or more he has been the leading trial
lawyer of the Chicago City Railway Company and is the attorney of
record for that corporation in all of its vast amount of litigation.
In times past some of the cases which are still well remembered by the
public, in which Mr. Hynes took a distinguished part" as counsel
are the C. B. & Q. R. R. dynamiters case, and the first trial of the
Dr. Cronin murder case, in both of which cases Mr. Hynes was
leading counsel for the state. And within the last couple of years
some of the cases which attracted wide attention are the beef trust
case and the John R. Walsh case in the federal courts, in both of
which he appeared for the defense, and the condemnation proceed-
ings involving millions of dollars instituted by the C. & N. W. R. R.
Co. for the condemnation of land for the site for its new depot, in
which litigation he appeared for the railroad company.
While Mr. Hynes has devoted himself to the practice of his pro-
fession he has always taken a keen interest in the land of his 1)irth,
and from his early youth he has been prominently identified with
movements in this country and Ireland seeking the freedom of his
native home from English misrule. In times past his oratory was
never quite so eloquent as when he was upon the rostrum pleading
Ireland's cause, and during the activity of the Irish movement in this
country some years ago, his voice was heard in behalf of Ireland
in every part of the country. He freely gave his heart and talents
to what he believed to be a just cause, and still has an abiding faith
that he will live to see the hope of his youth fulfilled and Ireland take
her place among the nations of the world.
In religious affiliation Mr. Hynes has always been and is a devout
and consistent member of the Roman Catholic church. He belongs
to a number of social organizations and clubs, among which may be
mentioned the Chicago Athletic Association, the South Shore Coun-
try Club, the Chicago Golf Club and the Chicago Historical Society,
in most of which he has served in an official capacity.
Mr. Hynes was married in